Laune Rangers – 1889

 Laune Rangers won the first Co. SFC by defeating Dr. Crokes by 0-6 to 0-3 in the final.

 JP O Sullivan was on the Kerry delegation to Annual Congress.

The one that got away:

Laune Rangers lost the 1st Round of the Munster SFC to Midleton on the score 0-2 to 0-1.


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William O Brien was Secretary of Laune Rangers Club.


Co. Senior Football Championship


Fifteen teams entered for the Co. Senior Football Championship – Killorglin (Laune Rangers), Tralee (Mitchels), Iremore/Lixnaw, Ashill, Killorglin (Harrington’s), Barraduff, Brosna, Kenmare, Killarney (Dr. Crokes), Rathmore, Listowel, Castlegregory, Castleisland, O Brennan, Kilgarvan.

It was decided to divide the county into two divisions – roughly north and south – and the winners of each division would meet in the final.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 3rd March at Killarney at 1.00pm: Laune Rangers 1-3; Barraduff 0-0.

Three matches were played on the same day in the field of the local Gaelic club about a mile from the town. There was no charge for admission into the field. There was a tremendous gathering of people, who evinced a lively interest in the prowess of the contending teams. While the playing was going on, the weather was cold. A strong south-east wind held up, favouring each team for the first ‘halftime’ during the day. The Barraduff fife and drum band was in attendance and played the people from the town to the field. On the whole, the proceedings were enthusiastic and calculated to tend towards the success of the revival of the old game in Kerry. During the game, Laune Rangers played with a great display of science. For the most part they kept the ball in Barraduff territory and scored one goal and three points to nil. It was the second time that the Barraduff team appeared on the field as competitors. They made a very good fight but lacked judgement and science and required additional training.

Ref: John Langford (Killarney)

                At 2.00pm: Kenmare (O Connell’s) 0-2; Killorglin (Harrington) 0-0.

From the start, the O Connellites had the better of the play. They played with more judgement than the Harrington’s and seemed to be better up at the rules of the game. Still the latter played very determinedly. The match was the most exciting of the day and, at times, the ball was kept close to either goalposts. There was no goal scored at either end. Ref: John Langford.

                At 3.00pm: Rathmore 1-3; Kilgarvan 0-0.

Ref: J. P. O Sullivan (Laune Rangers).


Quarter-final on Sun. 7th April at Killarney: Laune Rangers 0-12; Kenmare 0-0.

Killorglin won the toss and played with the wind. The ball was thrown up at ten minutes past two. All at once, they sent the ball to the O Connell territory. Through misplay, a free-kick from the forty yards’ line was given to the Rangers. The captain, who did the honours, sent the ball in splendid style to the goal, but, though the O Connell’s, captained by G. Rice, defended their ground admirably, the Rangers very soon won first blood by placing a point to their credit. It was then quite apparent that the Rangers meant business. A man was always in his proper place and, not withstanding the dexterity of the O Connell’s in getting the ball to neutral ground and occasionally far beyond it, the Rangers sent it back to ‘cool’ or scoring a point. In the first half the Rangers had no less than eight points to their credit.

                In the last half the O Connell’s succeeded in getting several good runs, but it was to no avail. The Rangers were masters of the field and when time was called, they had scored four additional points. On the whole the play was considered good. The O Connell’s, though they deserved every credit, lacked to a considerable degree the discipline of the Rangers.

Ref: John Langford (Dr. Crokes’ captain).

(At the Co. Board meeting of Wed. 20th March, where this fixture was made, a deputation from the Laune Rangers club attended for the purpose of getting the game played in some other centre other than Killarney, in consequence of some hostility displayed there towards the Rangers on a previous occasion. The Board did not accept the views of the deputation but expected that in Killarney, or anywhere else, the spectators would refrain from any display of temper that would be annoying to participators in the play).

The evening wound up with an exciting football match between two juvenile teams – Laune Rangers and Killarney (Shamrocks). Though the latter played admirably well, they lacked the science of the Rangers, who after forty minutes play, succeeded in winning by one point to nil. Edward O Mahony captained the Laune Rangers No. 2. This was the first time that juveniles took the field to second the elders in their purpose of reviving Gaelic sports and making them popular. It was hoped that other towns would take example and that a juvenile championship might be instituted by the Co. Board in 1890. Laune Rangers were very appreciative of the attentions with which the Shamrocks received them and hoped to return the compliment.

The following letter to the editor, by Edward O Mahony, Captain of Laune Rangers No. 2 team, appeared in the Kerry Sentinel on the following week: ‘Dear Sir, I trust you will kindly permit me to correct a slight error, which crept into the Sentinel’s report of last Sunday’s matches in Killarney. In the second match between juvenile teams, it was not, as stated, the Killorglin Harrington’s – who are an adult team with a distinct affiliation – that played the Shamrocks, but the No. 2 Laune Rangers, who have the honour to belong to the premier Killorglin club of that title. I do not make the correction in order to hunt after the credit of the slight victory gained on Sunday, but rather to make known to the junior members of other leading clubs in Kerry, the particular teams who have first taken the field to second the elders in their purpose of reviving Gaelic sports and making them popular. If the example on Sunday is followed by other towns in Kerry, I believe the Rangers and the Shamrocks shall have rendered a not inconsiderable service to the GAA and one which, if the experiment is favourable, we may next year ask the County Board to acknowledge by instituting a juvenile championship. As the Sentinel is the organ of the Gaels, I may be allowed to say one word in reference to the selection of members of juvenile teams. On Sunday last, objections were made by the black men on both sides – and only by them, for the players were indifferent in the matter – that some players were admitted to the match who could not be considered juveniles. I believe these objections can be easily got over. I shall not try to name the conditions of age and size that do or do not make a juvenile but, I think, the matter may safely be left in the hands of the referee, who will best be able to secure an equality in these respects between the teams. Those who enjoyed last Sunday’s match shall, in a few days, have an opportunity of seeing it repeated, when the Shamrocks will visit Killorglin to try to recover that lucky point and give the Rangers the opportunity of returning the friendly attentions with which the Shamrocks received them in Killarney.’


Semi-Final on Sun. 12th May in Tralee: Laune Rangers 1-5; Tralee (Mitchels) 0-1.

It was not explained why and when the Co. Board deviated from its original decision of playing the winners of the south division against the winners of the north division in the final. It is to be supposed that it was for financial and promotional reasons.

At the meeting of the Co. Board on Fri. 3rd May, an objection had been handed in on the part of Laune Rangers to play Tralee Mitchels on Tralee grounds. The Board did not see any reason why the arrangements already made should be altered, especially as the funds at their disposal required to be supplemented for the purchase of medals for the championship.

                The weather was splendid and the attendance of spectators was perhaps the largest that had ever been seen together in the Athletic Grounds. Excursion trains had been run from Killorglin and Rathmore, bringing with them large numbers of Gaelic enthusiasts. Admission to the field was 3d. The entire field was roped in and there was, consequently, little difficulty in maintaining order.

                It was a very fine match and, though the Rangers had foemen worthy of their steel, they added another victory to their brilliant and unbroken record.

Laune Rangers: J. P O Sullivan (capt.), Tim Curran (Groyne), Jim Curran (do.), Tom Curran (do.), Pat O Sullivan (Brookhill), John O Sullivan (Iveragh Road), James J. O Sullivan (Brookhill) goalkeeper, Eddie O Sullivan (Annadale), Maurice O Sullivan (do.), Jeremiah Hayes, Pat Teahan (Gurrane), Paddy O Regan (Lower Bridge St.), Pat O Shea (Langford St.), Dan O Neill (Tinnahalla), Jack Murphy N.T., Dan P. Murphy (Tullig, Beaufort), Jimmy Doyle (New Line), Denis Downey N.T., Moss O Brien (postmaster), Tom Foley (Anglont), Tom Cronin N.T. Sub: Patsy Sheehan (Upper Bridge St.). Field Umpire – James Cotter.

Tralee (Mitchels): William Brick (capt.), Tom Slattery, M. Slattery, Mike Brosnan, Michael Dowling, P. Barry, E. Lenihan, P. Brick, Gene Landers, D. Sugrue, W. Sugrue, Tom Ryle, W. Sweeney, M. Myles,  M. Murphy, Robert Kelly, E. Scanlon, Michael Costello, T. O Leary, John O Brien, Jeremiah Hanafin. Field umpire – Maurice Moynihan.

Referee: John Langford (Killarney Crokes).

Three matches were played on the same day, with Killarney having to play twice. This arose because the clash with Rathmore originally fixed for 28th April had been postponed, Killarney had claimed the match, Co. Board had refused the claim and the quarter-final v Rathmore was fixed for 12th May with winners playing the semi-final against Castlegregory after a reasonable interval. Killarney Crokes beat Rathmore in the first game by 0-5 to 0-0 and beat Castlegregory by 0-11 to 0-0 in the third game.


Final on Sun. 26th May at Tralee: Laune Rangers 0-6; Dr. Crokes 0-3.

At precisely two o’clock the teams lined up, their splendid physique evoking outbursts of admiration. Killarney won the toss and elected to play with the sun and a slight breeze in their favour. After a few minutes, the Rangers, by a splendid rush, succeeded in placing a point to their credit and people were becoming confirmed in the idea that it would, after all, be a one-sided affair. The Crokes now put on a spurt and kept the ball in Killorglin territory for a considerable time, during which they put two points to their credit. Some splendid play then occurred, the ball being rushed from one end of the field to the other. Killorglin, however, were unable to increase their score and shortly before halftime was called, Killarney added another point, leaving the score at the end of the first half-hour, Killarney 0-3, Killorglin 0-1.

Killorglin now determined to equalise matters and the Crokes were pressed very hard. Their defence, however, was splendid but they were compelled by the onslaught of the Rangers to touch in self-defence. The latter converted the 40 yards kick into a point. The play now waxed fast and furious, some hard knocks were given and received but the Rangers score was steadily increasing. At the conclusion, the result was declared Killorglin 0-6, Killarney 0-3.

Mr. Maurice Moynihan, Tralee, acted as referee. It was admitted on all sides to be the finest match ever witnessed and it was certainly a fitting close to a series, which were played in connection with the County Championship. The Kerry Co. Board had certainly good grounds for congratulation, because there was not a single hitch in their arrangements since the start. The medals were formally presented to the successful team and they well deserved them, because they had to earn them hard.

The next match was one between the juvenile teams of Laune Rangers and Dr. Crokes. The public, after the excitement of the final championship match, seemed inclined to take but little interest in the doings of the youngsters but this indifference was quickly dispelled by the vigorous commencement of the young teams. The Crokes made good use of the breeze for the first half, gaining three points to one for the Rangers. The latter made a very fine burst in the final ten minutes, from which a goal was claimed but not allowed. In the second half, the play was of a livelier kind, the Rangers attacking with all their might and meeting with cool, quick defence. While the Rangers had yet a full ten minutes before them, they equalised the score and, going for the Killarney posts with all their men, gained a goal by rushing. The Crokes defence was capital, causing excitement by the way they twice saved their posts. They need not fear another encounter with their adversaries, as, notwithstanding the goal, their placing was decidedly better. With such dashing youngster forming themselves into clubs, a prosperous future was assured in the county for the GAA.

Ref: Mr. W. Brick, Tralee.

Ballymacelligott (Alderman Hooper’s) 0-8; Killorglin (Harrington’s) 0-0

This match, though somewhat of a one-sided affair, afforded occasionally some interesting play. The Ballymacelligotts, from the first, showed their superiority in the arrangement of their men and played with a fine dash throughout. The Harrington’s backs did their duty well and if the forwards, who showed a decided lack of training, had followed up the Hooper’s in their rushes, a smaller score and a more interesting game would have been secured. The Ballymacelligotts were coming along splendidly and, with such progress, were sure to make themselves felt in the following season’s championship matches.

Ref: Mr. T. Doyle.


Munster Senior Club Football Championship


Rd. 1 on Sun. 28th July at Mallow: Midleton 0-2; Laune Rangers 0-1.

Laune Rangers travelled to Mallow to play Midleton in the Munster Football Championship. At the time, though some might have said that the interest in the national games was somewhat on the wane, the thousands that thronged the scene of friendly combat on that day testified to an entirely different state of feeling. Outside the local element altogether, no less than four special trains, in addition to the ordinary Sunday railway service, were requisitioned – two from Cork and the others from Kerry – and as they emptied their packed contents into the town, one might have fancied that some gigantic popular demonstration was on foot. The weather, threatening in the morning, cleared up as the day wore on and the afternoon was beautifully fine, the heavy, close atmosphere of the early day giving way to a bright and invigorating evening. The Midleton Brass Band was present on the grounds and played several selections of Irish music. 

Kenmare played Iniscarra in the Munster Hurling Championship on the same day at the same venue. The venue was about two miles from Mallow, at Carrigown, Oliver’s Cross, in a field, known as ‘pond field’, given by Mr. Godfrey Lane. Though a better site might have been obtained, yet on the whole it was not altogether objectionable. The long grass, however, told severely against the players but, as against that, the ground was admirably laid out by the local men. The hurling match took place first. Kenmare got a goal virtually with the last puck of the game and won by 1-1 to 0-5. The game took two hours to complete. Then came the football encounter.

                The Kerry men, winning choice, did their utmost at the start to break down their opponents’ position but they met with a stiff resistance, resulting in a very even and excellent exhibition of play about the centre of the field. After eight minutes play, they scored a point. The play after this was simply perfect, both sides playing with remarkable skill and rapidity, the work being more or less confined to neutral territory near the sideline. Getting well on to the leather, however, the Midleton men, by some clever passing and scouting, made it fly up the field and sent it over the end-lines, failing, however, to score. Warming up to it, they still gave the Kerry men a hot time of it but they had their match and it was anyone’s game so far. This kind of thing continued for a long time. The Midleton men kept the Killorglin men on the defensive all the while until halftime was called.     Changing sides, the Cork representatives made a determined attack on the Kerry posts but were met with determined resistance. Again and again they did try, and at last their persistency was successfully rewarded and the ball was sent flying between the point posts, thus equalising the scoring. But Kerry was not to be denied and by a series of rushes averted immediate danger and had the ball at the other extremity of the field inside two minutes. This advantage their opponents did not permit them to hold long and, in equally quick time, the Kerry end of the field was once more the battleground. Fast and hard continued the fight, every inch of the ground being contested. At last Midleton ran in a second point amid a scene of great excitement. The leather being put in motion again, it was whisked off to opposite territory and had been returned to neutral ground again when time was called, leaving Midleton the winners.

Laune Rangers: J. P. O Sullivan (capt.), Pat O Sullivan, Eddie O Sullivan, Maurice O Sullivan, James O Sullivan, John O Sullivan, Tim Curran, Tom Curran, Pat Teahan, Patsy Sheehan, Paddy O Regan, Pat O Shea, P. Fleming, Jeremiah Hayes, Jack Murphy, Jimmy Doyle, Dan O Neill, Dan P. Murphy, Tom Cronin, Moss O Brien, Tom Foley. Field Umpire – Maurice Moynihan; Goal Umpires: John Langford (Dr. Crokes) and Michael O  Doherty NT (Glenbeigh).

Midleton: James Power (capt.), Jerry Leahy, P. O Brien, Dick Kelliher, John D. O Brien, Maurice Hennessy, Willie Hennessy, Michael Roche, B. Hennessy, William Colbert, Jack Ahern, M. Buckley, Denny Murphy, Mike Moore, William Kennedy, William Twomey, P. Moore, William Barry, John Kennedy, J. Hannan, William Buckley. Field Umpire – David Walsh (Cork); Goal Umpires – C. Cahill and P.N. Fitzgerald.

Ref: Mr. P.R. Cleary (Secretary Central Council).

                Shortly before the business proper of the day commenced, the Champions of Cork County were presented with the medals of the Co. Championship by the President of the Cork Co. Board, Mr. Eugene Crean, who addressed some very appropriate remarks to the teams, congratulating them on their success so far, counselling a fair and friendly game that day and the avoidance of all quarrels and disputes of any sort. He wished success in the day’s contests and reminded them that not only was the honour of the districts at stake but that of the whole county also.

                The newspaper reports stated that ten thousand sporting, orderly and well-conducted spectators witnessed a splendid exhibition of Gaelic football. It was fast, scientific, vigorous, swift fielding, sure catching, left and right foot first-time lengthy kicking on and off the ground and, when occasion suited for positional play, clenched hand-forearm passing.

                The following account of the day’s affairs, from a Laune Rangers point of view, was given by J.D. Foley in the Kerry Sentinel on 2nd August: “Our men travelled a long distance and when they arrived in Mallow, there was not a soul present to receive them or point out the field wherein they were to play. They were simply left to find it as best they could. After a weary tramp through a miry road, it was at last discovered on top of a hill, fully three miles from the station house. The particular field had very little to recommend it to the lover of Gaelic sports save its size, as it was extremely hard and slippery and covered over with long hay and thistles – to which a touch of a scythe would be a decided improvement. Disappointment was manifest. Ignorant of the locality, the men had come out without provisions. There was nothing for it, however, but try and get through it as quickly as possible and return into town where dinner had been ordered. But you reckoned without your host. When play did at last begin, hour after hour was wasted on generally trivial matters. Mr. Cecil Roche would have given you six months under the Coercion Act in nearly half the time it took to settle some points. Play did not conclude until quarter past six. It took the players all the available time to bundle up and try and catch the train. The result was that the men, who had breakfasted that morning in Killorglin at 8 o’clock, were obliged to remain fasting till they returned home at 11 o’ clock at night. That is scarcely the way to encourage inter-county or inter-provincial contests of a friendly kind. The Laune Rangers were obliged to give a guarantee of forty pounds to the Railway Company for a special train and when it was arranged that it should be at Mallow at one o’clock and start on the return at seven, they certainly thought they were being afforded ample opportunity to see two matches of one hour’s duration each, conveniently disposed of. But, no, the time was wasted on the field and going and returning therefrom.

                My standpoint being the convenience of the players, on the graver subject of the objections lodged to some of the decisions I shall scarcely touch. That must be left to more competent authority. The referee, however, appeared painstaking, if not condescending to a fault. He harangued the men, discussed disputed points with the crowd and, as a result, generally ended up satisfying nobody. Had he displayed a little more firmness and promptness of decision and had one of those fine Mallow inches convenient to the town and by the ‘Banks of the Blackwater’ been selected as the field of action, what would it not have added to the day’s enjoyment. As it was, a beautiful day and splendid play was marred by want of tact and a little forethought.”


Pat O Shea, former Laune Rangers’ player of that time, then living in Holyoke, Massachusetts, wrote in the Kerryman on Sat. 1st June 1929 as follows: “I remember the score of the game, it was 2 points to 1 against us and it took one of our own backs to score one of the points with his hand against us. As to the field, it was awful long and wide with a great slope to it. JP O Sullivan, our famous captain, was a man of sterling manhood in the field of battle who never tried to injure anyone, no matter who he was, whether big or small, and I could say the same of John Langford, the then captain of the Killarney team, who was also a great football player.”


It was not unusual in those times for a player to take the ball with the left foot on the fly. Jeremiah Hayes used a scintillating one-hand-dribble as a speciality and that contributed to making his play fascinating. In an emergency, a player would box the ball for about forty yards and that was delightful to behold.


Football Challenge/Tournament Games


Sun. 20th January at Killorglin (Sean-Pháirc): Laune Rangers 2-4; Ashill Hooper’s 0-2.

                The Ashill team visited Killorglin and another fine football contest was kicked out on the Rangers’ grounds. For a considerable time after the arrival of the visitors, both parties were possessed of the unpleasant conviction that the match should be postponed as the weather was the most unfavourable for the purpose, which occurred for some time on the Rangers’ premises. A thick misty drizzle and a cold north-westerner had everything to themselves until about two o’clock, when they retired in favour of some intermittent lime-light gleams, which were tolerable enough, contrasted with rain but rather an imposture considered as sunshine. However, taking them as such, the players made for the ground at Annadale, accompanied by – I don’t know how many – thousands of people. That big crowd, which had always turned up in Killorglin on occasions of public amusement, was somewhat of a good-tempered, orderly and sport-loving phenomenon that did not say ‘I’m as good a man as you’, to a remonstrant goal-umpire or waited to argue or threaten when its intruding shins were encircled by the lash of Mr. P. O Sullivan’s busy whip. The latter indeed was rather proof of its discretion as that same whip had left on the persons of over-enthusiastic and ill-disciplined folk, some abiding effects of the impropriety of standing inside the touch lines of a Gaelic Football field.

                The play throughout the match was of a most exciting and well-contested character. From the first few minutes’ play, it was evident that the score would go against Ashill, as the Rangers’ forwards were too swift to leave the ball lodge for any time in their territory. The most of the play was therefore between the front men and the Ashill backs. The latter, especially Dan McQuinn, Thomas Irwin and C. McCarthy, played a capital game. McQuinn’s defences were brilliant. At one time he saved a goal by a hander, with his face to his own posts and the ball coming on overhead. On the leather being returned sharply, he fisted it off near the sideline where it was cared for by JD McMahon. The latter, soon after, made a point for Ashill, which was balanced by a goal and two points in succession for Killorglin. An exciting scattered scrimmage took place at the second half, which was coolly ended by one of the Rangers hopping the ball off to the line and dribbling. The full strength of both teams was on at this piece of play and so close and sharp was it that the ball struck the Rangers’ post twice before the relief came. It afterwards transpired that it had passed the point line and a point was allowed. Towards the end, the play became brisker and, on the advance of the Rangers’ forwards, the score was increased for Killorglin. The Galvin brothers did some dashing play among the Hooper forwards.

Laune Rangers: J.P. O Sullivan (capt.), Pat Teahan, Tim Curran, Moss O Sullivan, Dan P. Murphy, Tom Curran, Jeremiah Hayes, Patsy Sheehan, Pat Hurley, Pat O Shea, Patsy Begley, J.L. O Sullivan, Jimmy Doyle, Dan O Neill, Moss O Brien, Denis Downing, Tom Foley, Eddie O Sullivan, Denis Coleman, John O Sullivan, Paddy O Regan. Goal Umpires – Tom Cronin and P.P. O Sullivan; Field Umpire – James Cotter.

Ashill: J. D. McMahon (capt.), Thomas Irwin, Timothy Galvin, C. McCarthy, Denis Costello, J. O Brien, Patcheen Sugrue, John Irwin, Jeremiah Moriarty, John Kerins, J. Kerins, W. McCarthy, C. Groves, P. Galvin, Timothy Galvin, P. Daly, M. Egan, C. Daly, J. Moriarty, Dan McQuinn, M. McMahon. Goal umpires – T. Brosnahan and T. Leary; Field umpire – P. Barry.

Ref: Thomas Ryle (Tralee).


Sun. 27th Jan. at Killarney: Killarney (Dr. Croke) 0-0; Killorglin (Laune Rangers) 0-5.

Laune Rangers had the better of the play. Killarney did not play was well as on former occasions through misplay and the interference of bystanders gave their antagonists five free kicks of which four points were made. Before the full time was called, the match ended on account of a dispute between some of the Killorglin team and a bystander who was said to have kicked the ball when coming towards him. The match did not terminate as satisfactorily as expected.


Sun. 8th Sept in Tralee: Laune Rangers (Juveniles) 1-1; Castleisland (Juveniles) 0-0.

That game was played in aid of the Irish National Monuments Fund. It was a game characterised by plenty of spirit and energy and the contest was hard fought throughout.


Sun. 29th Sept. at Tralee: Laune Rangers 1-8; Limerick Commercials 0-0.

                This senior game was played in the Irish National Monuments Tournament. As the champions of Limerick, who had won the All-Ireland Championship two years previously, Commercials and Kerry were pitted against each other, the game was looked forward to with a good deal of interest as a close contest and excellent play was expected. A little play, however, sufficed to change this opinion and to make it quite apparent that the Rangers were decidedly the faster team. The Commercials won the toss and played with the wind.

                During the first halftime, the leather was kept almost exclusively in the visitors’ territory and two points were scored by the Rangers to nil by their opponents. On change of sides, the ball was carried into the visitors’ territory once more, where, after some loose play, the Rangers got a free 40 yards kick owing to one of the Commercials having kicked the ball behind his own goal line. The captain of the Rangers tried for goal. The Commercials made a capital defence but after some quick play, the Rangers scored a point. They shortly after added another and soon again obtained another free kick, arising from the same cause as the first. The kick was very cleverly given by the captain, it struck the goal post above the crossbar and rebounded. The Commercials made a splendid defence but after a short though exciting contest in front of the goal lines, the Rangers rushed en masse and scored a goal. The Commercials objected to the goal on the ground that the ball had first gone a point. The referee, however, followed the goal and was borne out by the Commercials’ own goal umpire. The Commercials then refused to play except if the goal would be disallowed. The captain of the Commercials very spiritedly offered to accept a point instead but the referee could not alter his decision and play was soon resumed and two more points were added by the Rangers. The Commercials worked the leather into their opponents’ territory but failed to score. It was worked back quickly again and another point scored. Time was called soon after. Though they lost, the Commercials played a capital game.




Peter J. Kelly, Galway, was elected as Uachtarán CLG.

Due to the ‘American Invasion’, the 1888 Annual Convention was not held until Wed. 23rd Jan. 1889 in Thurles. Thomas Slattery represented Kerry (That was the first Annual Convention at which the Kingdom was represented).

The 1889 Annual Convention was held in Thurles on Wed. 6th Nov. J.P. O Sullivan was appointed onto the executive of the Association.


The Annual Convention of the Kerry Co. Board was held in the Corn Exchange, Tralee on Wed. 23rd Oct. The following officers were elected: President – Thomas Slattery, Tralee, Secretary – Maurice Moynihan, Tralee, Treasurer – Michael Hanlon, Tralee. It was decided to divide the county according to the parliamentary divisions and to select two delegates from each division to form a Co. Committee. J. P O Sullivan and Daniel Guerin (Dr. Crokes) were selected to represent South Kerry. The following were elected to represent Kerry at the Annual Convention in Thurles – Thomas Slattery (President), Maurice Moynihan (Secretary) and J. P. O Sullivan.


Fri. 1st Feb. was the closing date for entry to the Co. Championship. The entry fee was 2s 6d.


Sun. 10th March, Co. Senior Football Championship at Killorglin: Killarney 0-3; Castleisland 0-1.

Ref: J.P. O Sullivan (Laune Rangers).


Sun. 30th March, Co. Senior Football Championship at Castleisland: Rathmore 0-3; Killarney 0-2.

Ref: J.P. O Sullivan (Laune Rangers). Despite the result, it appeared that Rathmore had some help from ‘the other side of the county bounds’ and, on an objection, the game was ordered to be replayed.


Fri. 3rd May: A meeting of the Co. Board was held in Tralee. Laune Rangers were represented by J. P. O Sullivan. It was decided to defer the fixtures of 5th May until 12th May as a mark of respect on the death of the Bishop of Kerry, Most Rev. Dr. Higgins.


Sun. 19th May at Fossa, Co. Senior Hurling Championship: Kenmare 1-0; Kilmoyley 0-3.

Kenmare won the game, as a goal at the time outweighed any number of points. Kilmoyley objected, saying that the referee had not been impartial. The Co. Board, however, later vindicated the actions of the referee, J. P. O Sullivan (Laune Rangers).


Thurs. 30th June: A meeting of the Kerry Co. Board was held at the Young Ireland Society rooms, Tralee. Mr. Tom Slattery presided. Others present were Messrs. Maurice Moynihan (Sec.), Michael Hanlon (Treas.), John Langford (Killarney), J. P. O Sullivan (Killorglin), Thomas Moore (Castlegregory), Dan O Connor (Kilmoyley) and J. D. McMahon (Ballymacelligott). After the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, Mr. J. P. O Sullivan was charged with competing at the Banteer Sports, they being held under the auspices of a club, which had seceded from the GAA. Mr. O Sullivan, in reply, explained that he was ignorant of the fact that Banteer was not affiliated to the Cork Co. Board, that he was not aware the meeting had been proclaimed by the Central Council and assured the Board that nobody was more desirous of putting down seceders and maintaining the integrity of the association than he was. He promised that no such error on his part should occur again. The members of the Board were unanimous in accepting this explanation and Mr. O Sullivan was fully reinstated. It was, at the same time, recommended that, in future, when similar meetings were proclaimed by the Central Authority, the matter should be as extensively publicised as possible and that County Secretaries should be officially communicated with in order that they may notify athletes within their districts.


There was an extraordinary sequel to the Kenmare victory over Iniscarra in the Munster Senior Hurling Championship. Kenmare were drawn against Moycarkey (Tipperary) at Limerick Junction on Fri. 18th Oct. but their opponents failed to turn up and the match was awarded to Kerry. Central Council, however, upset the decision. Moycarkey beat Tulla Emmets (Clare), who had previously defeated Liberties (Limerick) but the match was ordered to be replayed. Moycarkey refused to replay the game and Tulla were declared Champions of Munster though Kenmare were never defeated.


D. F. O Brien of Detroit A. C. who tied with Stone of Ulverstone, the record holder, in the pole vault at the American Championships was from Killorglin. He had been a member of the Laune Rangers football team. So Laune Rangers, of Kerry, could boast more than one dashing athlete.


Wed. 27th Nov. The first meeting of the new Co. Board took place. Thomas Slattery presided. Others in attendance were J. P O Sullivan, Martin O Sullivan, James McDonnell, Michael Hanlon (Treasurer) and Maurice Moynihan (Secretary). The Secretary announced that, since the Annual Convention, three new clubs had affiliated – Waterville, Callanfercy and Keel. The principal business of the meeting was the consideration of the Hurling and Football Rules with a view to sending suggestions to the Central Council, who had intended at their following meeting to make a thorough revision. The Board went carefully through the rules and adopted several amendments, amongst them being that five points should be equivalent to a goal and that dodging the ball in the hand should be discontinued. The following was the list of the clubs that had affiliated for 1890: Aghadoe, Ballyduff, Ballymacelligott, Cahersiveen, Callanfercy, Camp, Castlegregory, Castleisland, Cordal, Currans, Dingle, Irremore, Keel, Kenmare, Killarney, Killorglin (Rangers), Kilmoily, Knockanure, Knocknagoshel, Lispole, Listowel, Listry, Lixnaw, Milltown, Muckross, O Brennan, O Dorney, Rathmore, Tralee (Mitchel’s), Tralee (Red Hugh’s), Tralee (Amateur), Tuogh, Waterville.


Sports Meetings


May 2nd: The Kerry Evening Post (Newspaper) carried the following challenge from Alexander Bennett Jnr., Ballyseedy: “Having heard that J. P. O Sullivan, Killorglin, asserts that he is a better bicyclist than I am, I hereby challenge him to meet me at any time, after a month, on the grounds of the Co. Kerry Athletic and Cricket Club to race any distance up to and including five miles for a gold medal, leaving him the choice whether we are to ride on racer or roadster machine.” This challenge was accepted for the June sports.


Wed. 22nd May: J.P. O Sullivan competed in the Banteer Sports meeting and won the all round athlete award, having achieved six firsts. He came first in the football place kick, raising the hurling ball and striking, throwing the hammer, putting the 16lb. Shot, hop-step and jump, long jump. He came second in the high-jump, slinging the 56lb weight, throwing the 14lb winding weight.


Sat. 14th Aug: The Killorglin Athletic Sports meeting, promised in 1888, was held about a mile outside the town in James Joy’s field, Annadale (Sean-Pháirc). Competitors came from all over Kerry and parts of Cork. J.P. O Sullivan was in magnificent form and finished the day with eight firsts. He came first in the following competitions: Throwing the hammer (3ft.5ins. long from a 7ft circle) – 104ft 1inch; Hop, step and jump – 48ft. 6ins; 100 yards (confined to club) – 11 seconds; Putting 15lb shot – 27ft 2.5 ins; Long jump – 20ft 6.75 ins; 220 yards, 120 yards hurdles; football place kick. Jer Hayes took part in the 100 yards and football place kick, while D. P. Murphy ran in the 100 yards.


The Athletic Championship meeting of the Association was held in Kilkenny on 27th Aug. The meeting was a success from the athletic and financial standpoint. “It is generally conceded,” said ‘Sport’, referring to the fixture, “that J.P. O Sullivan, Killorglin, Kerry, is the best all-round man in Ireland to-day.” J.P was first in the 16lb hammer (109 ft.), the hop, step and jump, and in raising and striking the hurling ball (128 ft.). He was second in the 120 yards and in the football place kick.



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