Laune Rangers – 1910


Killorglin, captained by Dan Hayes, reached the Co. Final for the sixth time in its history. They defeated Listowel in a replay and Dingle to reach the final, which was played in Killorglin but the locals lost to Tralee Mitchels, captained by Con Healy, on the score of 3-4 to 1-4.


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Tadhg Mangan, Dromin (Tadhg ‘a Bhothair) was Chairman of Killorglin Football Club and John P. O Riordan, The Square, was Secretary.


Co. Senior Football Championship

11 teams took part in the Co. Senior Football Championship, Laune Rangers, Dingle Gascons, Ballybunion, Ballylongford, Dingle St. Brendan’s, Cahersiveen, Killarney Crokes, Valentia, Tralee Mitchels, Lispole and Listowel. The 1910 championship was amalgamated with the 1909 championship.


Quarter-finals on Sun. 22nd May at Tralee: Laune Rangers 1-4; Listowel 1-4.

There were three matches in Tralee on that day and all were very close and exciting. The day was splendid, if anything it was a little too warm for severe exercise, but that did not matter to the contesting teams, who were too much in earnest to pay any attention to such trifles. At 2 o’clock a fairly good crowd had assembled on the field and enthusiastically applauded any particular piece of good play.

Killorglin and Listowel were the first to face the music, and during the earlier half, the Listowel men did most of the scoring and things looked, more or less, promising for them. They showed far better combination and speed than the Killorglin representatives and, although the latter made several incursions into Listowel territory, out of which they succeeded in scoring a point, still they had to retire at the interval with the score, Listowel 1-4; Killorglin 0-1.

On resuming, Killorglin immediately rushed the ball into their adversaries’ territory, but were compelled to retire. However, they once more returned to the attack and succeeded in scoring a point, which they quickly followed with a goal. From the kick-out they were awarded a free, which missed the point post. Killorglin were then going strong and succeeded in drawing even. Excitement at that point was very high, each side trying its utmost to get the lead, but the referee’s whistle went, leaving the score at 1-4 each.

Ref: Austin Stack (Tralee).


Quarter-final replay on Sun. 24th July at Tralee: Listowel 0-6; Laune Rangers 0-4.

Owing to the inclement nature of the weather the attendance was small. The expectations that the match would prove lively were realized and, although the boys from the Laune were defeated by the small score of 2 points, their play was splendid. That match showed a big improvement in Listowel, who fielded a better combination than Killorglin. Nevertheless, the losers played a fine game. In the second half Listowel repeatedly attacked and some fine play was witnessed around their opponents’ goals, which were defended successfully by Nick Flynn.

‘Pars from Puck’ was not very complimentary of the team’s efforts in preparation for the game. In the week prior to the game he wrote: “We have been a long time looking forward to the replay of the Killorglin v Listowel football match, which is to take place next Sunday in Tralee and, from the start, we expected a good even match but, judging from the manner in which the representatives of our town by the Laune are looking at the matter and preparing for the fray, we are now getting possessed of something akin to disappointment. As is well-known, when these teams met a short time ago, the game resulted in a draw and it was at that time expected that both would train and do their utmost to take the honours to themselves. They since met at Cahersiveen and, by a very small margin, our seventeen proved victorious. Since then, however, they seem to have forgotten all about football entirely and they may turn up to have a look at the ball on next Saturday evening. A practice match was to be held on Sunday last and, at the appointed time, lo and behold three members of the team turned up and one of these the Secretary! So that there are two men with him having an interest in the play! And that from Killorglin, the home of the famous Laune Rangers! Well, well! Why doesn’t their captain see after this state of things? Seeing that, from accounts to hand, the Listowel boys are practicing for all they are worth, we can only say for Sunday that our team may win.”

In the week after the game he wrote: “As I expected, our boys met with defeat at the hands of the Listowel football team on Sunday last and, much though I should like to see them return victorious, to keep up the honour of the town and the name of the Laune Rangers, I am almost inclined to say that they scarcely deserved to win Sunday’s match. As you read here last week, they didn’t take the trouble of practicing at all, as they thought that they could walk into the football field without practice and without form and gain a victory over a team who were taking advantage of every opportunity to get themselves right for the match. But things did not turn out as they expected though, and ‘twas only right too, for if they did win that match, they surely would have their ease for the remainder of the year. It was evident to everybody looking at the game on Sunday that the Killorglin seventeen lacked combination, practice, dash and spirit – in fact, they lacked everything, which a team with insufficient practice would require. It is not surprising then that they were defeated by the narrow margin of two points.

Speaking from behind the scenes now, much may be said of the working of some of the men who were members of the team. A meeting of the club was held on Friday evening and a selection committee, consisting of three members, was appointed to select the men to meet Listowel. This went well until it came to the appointment of captain for the day, when the names of three men were mentioned. A draw of the names decided the whole thing – a captain was appointed for the day, the team was picked and, when at the station on Sunday morning, the captain found that he was minus two of his men. A little further on, another man was missing and matters did look blue. The best had to be made of a bad matter. These men had to be replaced in the field. Because a captain of their own liking had not been chosen, these could not see their way to play under the gentleman appointed and, still at the meeting, these were the men who did all the talking and made most of the noise, but talk is cheap, especially when it has anything to do with ‘balling’ and it is a great pity that football could not be played by talk. Oh, ours is a team, which would win without any doubt, granted that the gentlemen who were absent on Sunday turned up.

When the Gaelic games are in hands of men like these, what progress can be made? The first essential to progress is a thoroughly Gaelic spirit. And now, if you please, there’s talk of a second team. That, indeed, seems like a super-abundance of spirit. The town as it is can boast of a good many clubs and societies, but now we are to have a second football club. Bravo, Killorglin! Sure the spirit of dissention is not yet dead.

It is difficult at any time, especially after a lost match, to mention any of the players individually, but all who were present on Sunday were unanimous in their praise of the Killorglin goalkeeper, Nick Flynn (junior), who kept his post and defended the goal in a manner, which merited the applause of all present, even the followers of the opposing team. I doubt if a better man could be found in the county for the defence of the post, which Nick held so well and so meritoriously on the occasion, and it is due to him that the score was not very much higher for the winners. Without doubt, he proved a credit to the team.”


In the Kerryman of Sat. 6th Aug, ‘Pars from Puck’ by Laune Ranger 11 wrote, “Since I spoke about our football team last week, I was surprised to see them at a practice match on Sunday in the Sports-field. What a pity they didn’t think of this sooner, when they might have a good chance of defeating the Listowel men. However, ‘tis better late than never, and there’s no doubt but if they continue like this for the remainder of the year, they surely will be able to make a good fight in next year’s championships. I am very much afraid though that they will not continue, but – Are you there, captain?”


Laune Rangers successfully objected to the Listowel victory on the grounds of illegal constitution and were awarded the game. However, the club did not wish for a bloodless win and offered a replay to Listowel, which was accepted.


Sun. 9th Oct. 2nd replay at Tralee: Laune Rangers 1-1; Listowel 0-3.

‘Pars from Puck’ set the scene for that game in his notes to the Kerryman on Sat. 24th Sept: “Our football team is now getting itself into shape and the members are, everyone of them, to work with all their might to bring the honours back once again to the dear old town from the Listowel men. Not being satisfied with having won what they termed a verbal victory, they took on themselves to prove their superiority over their rivals in the more manly way – in the football field – and, judging from the form they are in at present, there is everything in their favour and we hope that, when the match comes off an Sunday fortnight, the Laune Rangers will bear the victory from their rivals in the ground where the members of the old team fought and won many of their great battles.”

However, in the next edition of the Kerryman, he had changed his mind: “Last week I said that they (the players) were doing their best but now I find it is otherwise. Imagine finding only five of the team present at practice on Sunday last – four men and the Secretary! Still, this is how it was. They were to have a good, hard match in the evening, but by four o’ clock the five had put in an appearance. The others were, of course, at Killarney Sports. Going to the sports may be all right at its own time, but when footballers should be otherwise engaged, I think that these could be left over, especially as so much is centred in their match on Sunday week. Then neglecting or forgetting to turn up on Sunday was not sufficient to show their indifference, but not one of them thinks of taking the field on any evening during the week. Having judged from the manner in which these men got on a few weeks ago, we were led to believe that nothing in the way practice would be left undone but now a change has come and there is no time to spare, so I hope to see them taking advantage of the little, which is still left them.”

It was many a year since there had been a match played in Tralee sports-field, which had attracted such interest and had aroused such enthusiasm as that Listowel-Killorglin game. That would not have been a matter for surprise as far as the followers of both teams were concerned but the contagion of the excitement had extended to all the spectators. Each of the teams turned up with a strong support of sympathisers, the Laune Rangers being played to the scene of action by the Killorglin Brass Band which, though composed in the main of juveniles, was a credit to Killorglin and the bandmaster. At the outset of the proceedings, it was manifest that the rival players had determined to fight the game out in a manly and proper Gaelic spirit and to wipe out any feeling of bitterness, which might have sprung into existence out of the late controversy. As an immediate preliminary to the match, the rivals marched round the field, preceded by the Killorglin Band, which played them into action. It has to be said, also, that the chief actors from both sides in the controversy at the time met as gentlemen and threw aside their differences, agreeing to let the result of the match decide the whole question at issue. That was only as it should have been and went to show that the Gaels in question were possessed of that true spirit, which was so necessary in the followers of all Gaelic pastimes.

The game had not been long in progress when it became quite evident that the Listowel men were vastly superior, so far as scientific combination and a knowledge of the finer points of football went. But what Killorglin lacked in science, they made up in dash and determination. The Rangers were hampered, too, by an inexcusable ignorance of the new rules and the great number of ‘fouls’ they gave away in the first half, for touching or handling the ball on the ground, militated much against their chances. From the commanding position held by Listowel for the earlier moiety of the game, it was expected that they would compile a bigger score than two points, considering that they were practically all the time on the attack. The forwards, as a rule, finished their attempts weakly. Too much of the showy, short-passing was indulged in near the Killorglin goal and how fatal those tactics were against strenuous, rushing opponents was proved time after time by the repulse of Listowel’s attacks. A few minutes from the interval, the Laune Rangers got a look in and, penetrating Listowel’s defence in somewhat easy fashion, one of their forwards had practically an open goal as a target from short range. However, he shot wide and the Puck representatives had lost a splendid chance of getting up a bit. They finished the half-hour with a blank sheet, leaving their opponents two points to the good.

The earlier stages of the resumption were somewhat on the same lines as the first half – Listowel attacking, though somewhat ineffectively, and Killorglin seeming to have no forwards to speak of. Listowel’s addition of another point to their score completed their accomplishments in that direction. It was in the last quarter of the game that Killorglin came into the picture. Their rivals could, apparently, hold the pace no longer and the Laune men made some most determined efforts to ‘get there’. Those attacks only served to show how very poor Killorglin’s forwards were and more than one opportunity to compile, given in a nice position, came to naught. Five minutes from the finish saw no alteration in the situation – Listowel leading by three points to nothing and Killorglin still on the attack.

Then a sensational change came with startling suddenness. A well-placed kick by the Killorglin captain, Dan Hayes, did the trick. It materialised as a high, dropping shot, the ball passing some inches under the cross-bar. The Listowel goalkeeper could in no way be blamed, for, though it might have been possible to stop the shot, he did not get a chance, being unsighted by the number of players in front of him. That score seemed to have a paralysing effect on the Listowel men, for they made no show after the goal, but allowed a point to be immediately after scored against them. They appeared to go to pieces altogether and Killorglin, securing a free some thirty yards out, looked like scoring again when a row occurred, which stopped the match for some ten to fifteen minutes. How that disgraceful occurrence originated, it was not immediately obvious, but, in a twinkling, crowds of spectators invaded the playing pitch and a series of free fights followed. It has to be said that the row operated more against Killorglin than Listowel as the former at the time were playing rings round their rivals. The Co. Board had to shoulder responsibility for what occurred as there had been no attempt at an organised effort to keep the spectators outside the paling.

As to the play, the forwards on both sides left much to be desired, the Killorglin ones especially, as a combination, being very crude though vigorous. The Listowel vanguard gave a somewhat classy exhibition, but their final efforts were, as a rule, weak and they did not seem able to cope with the dogged, determined opposition they encountered. The Killorglin goalkeeper, Nick Flynn (junior), was a marvel and the way in which he managed to preserve his charge intact on a few occasions was wonderful. Midfield, both teams acquitted themselves well, and a feature of the play was the resolute blocking of kicks indulged in by Killorglin, which had the effect of spoiling many Listowel movements. The back divisions on both sides were sound and acquitted themselves well on the whole. One had to admire the Killorglin team for the bull-dog tenacity with which they stuck to their work when all seemed lost. It was questionable if there was another team in the county which could show the same spirit, or could turn defeat into victory with such dramatic suddenness. If they could have found a capable trainer, there was no knowing what they could have accomplished, as they never knew when they were beaten. Ref: Austin Stack (Tralee).

A train left Killorglin for Tralee at 11.00am and left Tralee on the return journey at 6.15pm. The fare was the usual 1s 6d.



‘Pars from Puck’ in the Kerryman of 5th Nov. wrote the following with regards to Laune Rangers’ preparations for the semi-final: “I heard that the Laune Rangers were drawn to meet Dingle on the 20th inst., and indeed if they were, they are taking matters very quietly. Not a half-dozen of them attended their practice on Sunday last. Of course, those who were in Cork are to be excused, but where in the name of football were the others? I don’t think the whole seventeen were in Cork. Now, if they have any desire at all for annexing the next match, I think they must practice more than they did for the encounter against Listowel.”

‘Pars from Puck’ gave a current account of matters in the Kerryman on 26th Nov: “We may well ask ourselves ‘what about our own team’? Well, they are going on famously and are practising very hard – six of them having done so for about two hours a few Sundays ago, and the remainder nor these six not having turned up since!! Ah, of course, that much is considered quite sufficient, and these will soon take the field against Dingle! Surely it is well nigh time for them to commence to work in real earnest and get themselves into something like form if they expect to annex this match to their credit. Be up and doing, Rangers.”

‘Pars from Puck’ wrote the following in the Kerry Sentinel on Sat. 18th March 1911: “By the way, when is this long-expected match, Laune Rangers v Dingle, to come off. This had been fixed to be played about the time of the upheaval (the failure of Kerry to participate in the All-Ireland Final) but nothing has been heard of it recently. Surely it is time that a start should be made, as the County Board have been inactive long enough and, with the Board, it may be said the GAA in general throughout the county. After all, there’s no use in looking after the past, as, I think, that the Kerrymen should be proud of the truly manly and Gaelic stand they made in this recent case and, as Louth are the nominal champions of Ireland for the present, it becomes the duty of the Kerry team to make a start in time and, when the occasion arises to wrest from them the title and with it the honour of the ‘All-Ireland Champions of 1910’. If the Kerrymen did this, I believe that all Ireland would give them the greatest credit as to fall away now would mean to the Louth Champions (?) that they would be left in possession of that almost usurped title. Let us hope then that the Kerry GAA will speedily set to work again and run up as successfully as they did last year.”

On the 15th April 1911, ‘Pars from Puck’ was scathing in his attack on the preparations: “So the long looked for match, Killorglin v Dingle, is to come off on Sunday and are our men prepared? ‘To be or not to be (prepared)’, that is the question. The team was notified of the coming contest and surely they were to muster men and courage now if at all. A practice match was to be held on (last) Sunday but judge the surprise of the men when they learned that their captain was absent and had been away for about a month previous. Then another member of the team had left for the land of the Stars and Stripes, where many of our county men have become famous in the football arena. A third has dropped out owing to unforeseen circumstances, and so goes the list until we find, as they alas did, that they only require seven men more to make a team! A very praiseworthy manner in which to expect to win the semi-final of the county! Since the winning of the famous Killorglin v Listowel match, our men have rested themselves contented with the idea that, as they overcame Listowel, matters were and would be well. Not once since has a real stiff practice match been played. There were times when the leather was just kicked up for sport, but how much better would a stiff match have been? Nevertheless, a team is to be picked – perhaps it will get its final touches at the railway station on Sunday morning – and I am sure that those we have left of the old team will put up a good fight, but how many are they? When all these things are considered, I don’t think that men of this type deserve to win, but the unexpected may happen.”


1909/1910 Semi-final on Sun. 16th April 1911 at Tralee: Laune Rangers 2-1; Dingle 0-0.

The GAA reporter in the Kerryman was most complimentary of the Killorglin effort: “Both teams showed they were in dead earnest and strove for all they were worth for victory. Killorglin won handsomely and I venture to say that they will give Tralee a rough passage in the final. Though by no means classy footballers, they are determined, hustling players and it is on account of being such that they were able to vanquish Listowel last year. By the time Tralee is finished with them, I think they will have had quite enough. I know that football experts will smile at the idea of Killorglin being able to seriously jeopardise Tralee’s championship chances, but I have seen Killorglin play and I realise that their tactics are very formidable even against the seventeen best exponents of football, as the Tralee men are, in the county.

Ref: Tom Costello (Tralee).

‘Pars from Puck’ reported on the game as follows: “So the 1910 football semi-final is over and, contrary to all expectations, our men have won. To be sure, this came as a pleasant surprise as they themselves almost expected defeat and, to be sure, their followers had very little hope of victory because, as I have already mentioned, they lacked organisation, practice and combination and, lacking these, it was surely thought that they lacked all chances of overcoming the Dingle opponents who, it was believed, were well up in all the tactics.

From the first few minutes, it looked as if the Rangers were to make a good fight and, when near the close of the first half, they scored a goal after some excellent dashes, it indeed looked promising and the followers now looked towards victory. As it is always the case with the lads from Puck, they were only waxing warm in the game in the second half and they had completely outclassed their opponents when the second major was annexed, followed shortly after by a minor.

The Dingle result, after all, is not to be taken as it stands as, though they unfortunately made no score, some excellent dashes were made by them in the first half and, had not the Rangers the assistance of ‘Young Nick’ as goalkeeper, they would undoubtedly have changed the ‘nil’. As somebody expressed it, ‘This young Nick of ours played Old Nick with them.’ But though they might have scored something, yet ours was undoubtedly the better team, and the surprise was that they had entertained any hopes of victory. Of course the spirit, which they have always possessed, prompted them to meet the Gascons as any rate, which they did with result above.

In the play, it would be invidious to make distinction, as every member of the team acquitted himself admirably, following the example of Captain Hayes who, on hearing that the honour of his team was at stake and that his assistance was needed, though in Dublin, lost no time in repairing hither and indeed must have taken advantage of the fast on Good Friday, as he was here in very quick time. He led the way and his men followed on Sunday.

I hope now that the victors will not become intoxicated with their own worth and not think it necessary to prepare to meet Tralee. The latter is, of course, a crack team and, if others wish to make any impression, as it would be too much to hope for victory, they have no time to lose but practice, practice, practice, as judging by the very good account, which they, unorganised and unpracticed, gave of themselves against the Dingle men, I almost believe that, if they set earnestly to work, the Tralee seventeen will get something to do to overcome them. There is the ‘if’ however.”


The following appeared in the GAA Notes of the Kerryman on Sat. 6th May 1911in reference to the pending 1910 Co. Football Final between Killorglin and Tralee: “It may be confidently anticipated that this will be a real hard match. I know that there are many who count on a run-away victory for Tralee but, I believe, they are very far out in their reckoning. Were the game to be played under the old rules, I would not have the slightest doubt as to Tralee’s ability to get there, being manifested in a most decisive manner. The revised rules suit a dashing, bustling team like Killorglin down to the ground. Even if they have not the most perfect scoring line possible, it must not be forgotten that they have a regular ‘demon’ of a goalkeeper. I may be wrong just this once again but, all the same, I predict that Tralee will have had quite enough of it when the final whistle goes.”

The writer of the GAA Notes in the Kerryman again forecast a tough game in the following edition: “The meeting of Killorglin and Tralee on next Sunday week in the final of the County Championship is certain to produce an exhibition of football, which will be well worth going to see. In saying this, I don’t mean that it will be exactly a classy display, but it will be one in which both teams will play strenuously, and in which dash and determination to win will play an important part in deciding the fortunes of the day. There is no doubt that, from past records, Tralee ought to come out on top. Killorglin are practically a new team, but it must not be forgotten that they will have the advantage of playing at home, and that the size of the field will suit their style of play to a nicety. They are a robust manly seventeen, never knowing when they are beaten and they possess indomitable pluck, which brought them out of many a tight corner – notably when they were up against Listowel last year. The more I consider the matter, the more certain I am that the Tralee boys will have to fight hard to preserve the laurels, which they have won so worthily for the last ten years. Though they have a record which any team might be proud of, I figure out that they will have to give of their best this time to win. As I said, I expect that they will win – but after a tough fight.”

The edition of the Kerryman on Sat. 20th May carried the following preview: “Granted fine weather, we are sure to witness a memorable encounter. In the first place, the Killorglin boys are dead in earnest and have been training most conscientiously for the engagement. It is now some time since the wearers of the once well-known blue jerseys of the Laune Rangers figured in a county final – and who would have thought at one period that there could be possibly be a final without the Laune Rangers? – and the boys who are deputed to do battle for Killorglin on Sunday are determined to show that they are fully conscious of the great reputation their team once had and they will do their utmost to prove that they are worthy successors of the great champions of the bye-gone days. I can only reiterate my confident belief that Killorglin will make a bold bid for victory and, while I think they will not be quite able to overthrow Tralee, I am certain that they will give a surprising display. They have much in their favour. They are determined to win. They have trained hard for victory, while the size of their field, which is rather on the small side, will suit them to perfection. Besides, it will take a very smart forward to beat the Killorglin goalkeeper who, with just a little more experience, should make a good name for himself.”

‘Pars from Puck’ previewed the match as follows: “All thoughts are now turned towards the great event on Sunday. There is nothing else spoken of save the Kerry Co. Championship, and its probable result. All, of course, seem anxious to know who will win. That is the question which everybody is asking at present and, as it is some years since Laune Rangers tied for the Co. Championship, the interest in the match runs, needless to say, high. I am quite sure that the Sports-field will be taxed to its utmost as the number of spectators promises to be unusually large. Trains have been arranged to run from Listowel, Tralee and Valentia Harbour in connection with the match and, as Sunday will be the first day out this year, a large number is sure to travel from these places. The weather promises to be delightful, so that the ladies need have no hesitation in coming, and sure, if they be there, the gentlemen are bound to come to see the match. It would be well to note that the train leaves Listowel at 11am, calling at Tralee at 11.50am and arriving in Killorglin at 12.45pm, leaving at 5.46pm. The train from Valentia leaves at 11.00 and arrives here at 12.38, leaving in the evening at 6.15, and there are bicycles leaving Killarney every five minutes, commencing at 11am. So nobody need be disappointed. All arrangements have been completed in connection with the field and nothing has been left undone to make things comfortable for everybody. The boys themselves are in fairly good form and meet for a short time every evening at a practice, but it may at once be admitted that they are not in anything like the form good enough to meet Tralee. This (Tralee) is an old team with practice and experience in the art, whilst that (Killorglin) may be called a new team without practice or experience, the only feature in the members being the dashing and truly Gaelic spirit, which they have inherited from the famous old team of their name. Tralee then will be the successful team on Sunday but, even if they do, the score will not be so very much in advance, as the seventeen under Captain Hayes is resolved to fight every inch of the ground with them, so they are not to have things all their own way. I have no doubt but these men will give a good account of themselves and will perhaps not prove such an easy team for Tralee to conquer after all. It would be well to remind the players, as well as their followers, that the match is timed for 1.30pm sharp.


1909/1910 Co. Final on Sun. 21st May 1911 at Killorglin (Foley’s Field): Laune Rangers 1-4; Tralee 3-4.

The following report appeared in the Kerryman: “The little town of Killorglin presented an animated appearance on Sunday on the arrival of the last of the excursion trains run in connection with the football final between Tralee and Killorglin. Pretty colleens and fine strapping bouchals from all parts of the Kingdom could be seen wending their way towards the playing pitch and, just before the match started, the enclosure was well filled with spectators. It is now a number of years since a team from Killorglin got so far as the final, and the people from the town, naturally sanguine of victory for the Rangers. Tralee, on the other hand, never missed a County Final for the last ten or eleven years and, of course, were quite confident as to the result. Tralee were first on to the field, in their now famous colours, green and gold, and indulged in some loose kicking. The Rangers soon after appeared and were the recipients of a right good welcome from their numerous followers. The match was very disappointing from a spectators point of view for, while Rangers put up a good fight, the Mitchels were never properly extended and towards the end of the game were taking things easy. Fouls were pretty numerous during the progress of the match and the referee was kept busy. The better team won and we now tender Tralee hearty congratulations and hope that they will be as successful in their inter-county matches this year as they were in the 1910 contests. The Killorglin Brass Band attended and discoursed a choice selection of airs during the afternoon.

At 2.10pm Mr. Batt O Connor (Dingle) got the teams in order and the ball was thrown in by the Rev. Father O Flynn C.C., Killorglin. The Rangers broke away but Paddy Mullane received and sent to PJ Cahill, who barely missed scoring. From the kick-out, Paddy Mullane was again on the ball and sent in a nice shot but Dan Hayes saved. In the ensuing play, Rice was fouled and, taking a free kick, centred well but John P. O Riordan brought relief with a long kick. Tom Costello and Pat O Shea were now prominent. Pat O Shea sent to Johnny McCarthy, who in turn sent to PJ Cahill and this play raised the white flag for the first score for Tralee. Jim Brennan, Pat Egan and Jack Rice were going great guns for Tralee at this stage and Tommy Corcoran for the Rangers was playing a grand game. J. Houlihan was fouled and Tom Costello, with a splendid kick, sent the ball in between the sticks. From the kick-out, Killorglin rushed, but Tom Costello received and Denny Doyle, fielding well, put Tralee on the defensive again. M. Tangney saved. Tom Rice was now playing a grand game. PJ Cahill was fouled and, taking the kick, sent in a point and shortly after added another to the Tralee score. At this stage, John P. O Riordan was injured but was shortly able to resume and Danny O Lyons got away but was fouled. Tommy Corcoran kicked and sent his forwards attacking but Tom Costello brought relief and Pat O Shea received but had very hard luck in not scoring. Edward Flaherty fielded the kick-out and, with a nice shot, beat the Rangers’ goalkeeper. In the ensuing play, Killorglin were attacking and John P O Riordan sent in a lovely shot but Dan Mullins fisted away. Killorglin had better luck on their next venture and sent over for a point. Play was in midfield, when the halftime whistle sounded leaving the score: Tralee 2-3; Killorglin 0-1.

On resuming, the Killorglin forwards broke away but Con Healy relieved. A Killorglin player was fouled at midfield and Tommy Corcoran took the kick, which resulted in an over. Fouls were pretty numerous at this stage, Killorglin being the chief offenders. From a free, Dan Hayes sent over the crossbar for a point. Tralee were again on the defensive soon after, but Tom Rice brought relief with a long kick. Danny O Lyons and Dan Hayes, who were now playing a good game for the Rangers, put their forwards moving, but Con Healy was not to be beaten and sent to Bill Goodwin. Pat Egan, Bill Costello, J. Houlihan and Con Clifford got away for Tralee but Clifford was fouled. PJ Cahill took the kick and put another point to Tralee’s credit. From the kick-out, Dan Hayes sent to John P. O Riordan and the latter, with a long kick, raised the white flag. Shortly after, Jack Rice sent into the net for Tralee. Killorglin got away on resuming, but some combined play between the brothers Rice, Cahill and Flaherty, saw the latter player shoot right across the goal-mouth. Some exciting passages were witnessed shortly after, Clifford scoring a point and Hayes a goal for the Rangers but the fulltime whistle went, leaving Tralee County Champions.”

The Killorglin captain had elected to play against the wind, sun and hill in the first half and Tralee had availed of those advantages to lead by a big score at halftime. In the second half, all the vigour seemed to have left both teams and the game, generally was disappointing. The Rangers’ players seemed to struggle with the new rules and committed many fouls – indeed there were fourteen fouls in the first half alone.

Laune Rangers: Dan Hayes (capt.), Danny Clifford (Market St.), John P. O Riordan (The Square), Nick Flynn (Upper Bridge St.) goals, Paddy Foley (Iveragh Road), John Foley (Reen), Denny Doyle, John O Shea (The Square), James McCarthy, John P. McCarthy (Langford St.), Mossy Counihan (do), Tommy Corcoran (Milltown), Danny O Lyons (Iveragh Road), Paddy Kennelly (Groyne), Eddie Kennelly (do), Dan Teahan, Tom O Connor. Subs: John O Brien, William Joy, J. Duffy and Mossy Breen. Mick Moroney (Cromane) had been selected but did not play and his place was taken by Danny O Lyons. The selection of the team had been left in the hands of James O Regan, John P. O Riordan, William Roche, Danny Clifford and Dan Hayes. Colours – blue.

Tralee Mitchels: Con Healy (capt.), Tom Costello, P. J. Cahill, Paddy Mullane, Pat (Aeroplane) O Shea, Tom Rice, Jack Rice, Dan Mullins (goal), Bill Goodwin, Pat Egan, M. Tangney, Johnny McCarthy, Edward O Flaherty, J. Houlihan, Jim Brennan, Con Clifford, Bill Costello. Colours – green and gold.

Ref: Batt O Connor (Dingle St. Brendan’s).


The writer of the GAA Notes in the Kerryman on the following Saturday reported as follows: “I must confess that I have proved myself a false prophet once more in connection with the Tralee v Killorglin match. I fully expected that the Puck seventeen would have given a far better account of themselves and, I may say that, the expectation was shared by more than one of the Tralee team. Not, indeed, that the Killorglin boys have any need to be ashamed of themselves or any need to feel dispirited over the result, as they put up a good, game fight against what is unquestionably the best team in the county at the present time. For that matter, it would take the best individual club in Ireland all their time to beat the Tralee men – that is if they could succeed in doing so at all.

All the same, from the form recently displayed by Killorglin, and especially their meritorious exhibitions in the memorable matches against Listowel, a team that knows all that is worth knowing about football, I confidently expected that Tralee would have to fight harder for the premier county honours. Somehow or other, I feel now that instead of it being any advantage to Killorglin to play on their own ground, it was the other way, as they seemed a shade nervous at facing the test before crowds of their own supporters.

The usual croakers greeted Killorglin’s failure, in the usual way, saying that Killorglin’s team was no good, and so forth. Of course, these croakers were Killorglin’s backers, and their croakings were the outcome of disappointment. I must say that this class of backers is a decided handicap to the team and the persons who go to make it up are responsible for breaking up many a promising combination. Many persons will remember that the first teams representing Tralee, a town that failed several times before getting there, were subjected to any amount of abuse simply because they found their superiors on the football field. In the end, however, perseverance told, and the Tralee club has now a record to be well proud of, having won the county championship time without number, besides having brought the All-Ireland laurels three times home to Kerry. I don’t see why Killorglin cannot, by hard practice of course, win back their way to the place they once held. Macroom succeeded in doing so in Cork, after having been ‘down and out’ for many years. Why not the Laune Rangers? The members of a team who would take any notice of the croakers are foolish. The match, for a final, was by no means an ideal exhibition of the Gaelic code, but then finals very often are of this class, being more strenuous than scientific.”


Tournament Football Games


Sun. 26th June at Cahersiveen: Laune Rangers 1-6; Listowel 0-4.

Play began at 2.50pm. Laune Rangers scored two points in quick succession. Then fine play ensued and at 3.12pm Listowel scored a point. From that to the end of the first half, no scoring was effected by either party, though good play was witnessed.

At the change of sides, both teams were equally alive to uphold their credit, which indeed they had deserved on different occasions. At 3.30pm, Laune Rangers scored a point, while Listowel made a point a few minutes later. Rangers quickly added 3 points to their credit. Listowel then kicked the oval into Killorglin territory and scored two points in succession. However, Laune Rangers succeeded in scoring a goal and they were the winners at the termination of time.

Killorglin: Dan Hayes (capt.), Mike Joy, Paddy Foley, Tommy Corcoran, P. Corcoran, Paddy Kennelly, Eddie Kennelly, John P. Riordan, Moss Counihan, John Foley, M. Grady, John Paul McCarthy, Denny Doyle, Nick Flynn, Flor Doherty, Danny Clifford, Dan Teahan.

Ref: P.D. Mehigan (Cahersiveen).


Sun. 28th Aug. at Valentia: Laune Rangers 1-3; Cahersiveen 0-3.

That game was played, as part of the Valentia Tournament, in excellent weather conditions before a crowd of no less that 5,000. Both teams turned out in their best form and gave one of the best exhibitions of the game ever witnessed in South-Kerry. At half-past two the teams were set in motion and the Laune Rangers, who played against the sun, immediately assumed the aggressive, but the O Connell’s were not to be denied and quickly transferred play to the opponents’ territory where a point was registered in their favour. The kick-out brought relief to the Rangers and the leather remained for some time in midfield. However, Cahersiveen gained the advantage and annexed another point. The kick-out was a good one, but the relief, which it brought, was short-lived and another minor went to the credit of the O Connell’s. The short whistle left Cahersiveen ahead by 0-3 to 0-0.

Rangers, then having the advantage of both sun and wind, got possession from the throw-in and made a grand effort to score but were repulsed, only to return to the attack with renewed vigour – this time with better results, as they secured a major score amid a storm of applause. Excitement became intense at that stage and both teams were cheered vociferously. Some good individual play was witnessed on both sides, Killorglin eventually getting the upper-hand. They kept the play for a time in their opponents’ territory and were loudly cheered by their supporters when they assumed the lead for the first time, a minor falling to their credit. They were then playing a winning game and quickly annexed two similar scores to win. Ref: J. O Driscoll (Valentia).




James Nolan, Cill Coinnigh, was Uachtarán CLG.

Annual Congress was held in the Mansion House, Dublin on 29th March. *The scoring area, as we know it today, came into use and the ‘square’ was introduced. Goal-nets were to be provided for inter-county games. Backs went back into their positions before the throw-in for the first time. On a motion from Cork, it was decided to entrust the selection of a county team to a selection committee rather than the champion club.


The Convention of the Munster Council was held in Limerick on 13th Feb. The following officers were elected: Chairman – James Harrington (Corcaigh), Secretary – Pat McGrath (Tiobrad Árainn), Treasurer – Dan Fraher (Port Láirge).


The Annual Convention of the Kerry Co. Board was held in the Hibernian Hotel, Castle Street, Tralee, on Sun. 15th May. 13 clubs were represented. Laune Rangers did not have representation. The following officers were elected: Chairman – Austin Stack (Tralee), Vice-Chairman – P.J. Houlihan (Dingle), Hon. Secretary – Michael Griffin (Listowel), Hon. Treasurer – John Moran (Listowel), Delegate to Central Council – Austin Stack, Delegates to Munster Council – James McDonnell (Tralee) and J.J. Moriarty (Dingle).


At the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 12th March it was decided that, because of the non-co-operation of the Railway Company, the 1909-1910 championships would be run into each other and count as one.

Messrs. Tadhg Mangan and John Fitzpatrick represented Killorglin at the Co. Board meeting in the GAA Rooms, Hibernian Hotel, Tralee, on Sat. 4th June. Tadhg Mangan proposed a resolution that, in future, any correspondence, etc. must be on Irish paper, otherwise it would not be considered. That was passed.

Tadhg Mangan and William Roche NT represented Killorglin at the Co. Board meeting in the Hibernian Hotel, Tralee, on Sat. 7th Aug. Killorglin objected to the decision of the referee in awarding to Listowel the match played in Tralee on 24th July on the grounds that the Listowel team was illegally constituted. Tadhg Mangan proved the illegal constitution, Michael Devereaux being an army reserve man, and the match was awarded to Killorglin.

Tadhg Mangan represented Killorglin at the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 8th Oct. in the Hibernian Hotel, Tralee. The acting Chairman, T.P. Kennedy (Lispole), said that there was one point in which he was interested that was not contained in the minutes of the previous meeting. At the previous meeting he had made a few remarks relative to the Listowel and Killorglin objection to the effect that in his opinion the Killorglin representative had offered to replay the match at the first meeting. He had done so to avoid writing a letter to the Press. The Secretary pointed out that the minutes did not contain the references made by himself on the objection either, as the matter did not arise from the consideration of any item on the agenda. The minutes were then signed. Tadhg Mangan proposed that the Football Championship match should be played in Killorglin as originally decided but it was decided by a large majority to toss between the interested parties. A committee was appointed to make a suitable presentation to the former Secretary of the Co. Board, Frank Cronin. Tadhg Mangan was on that committee. Finally, Tadhg Mangan referred at length to the practice of betting and the number of bookmakers that had attended many of the Gaelic meetings. It was agreed that the Co. Board would stamp out that practice.

Tadhg Mangan, John Fitzpatrick and Jeremiah Hayes represented Killorglin at the Co. Board meeting in the Hibernian Hotel, Tralee, on Sat. 29th Oct. Listowel’s objection to Killorglin was considered. Tadhg Mangan suggested that the Chairman, Austin Stack, in justice to himself – he being the referee – should vacate the chair. Mr. Stack said he saw no reason why he should do so. The fact of he being the referee had nothing to do with the objection. It was decided to take the objection point by point and, after considering the various grounds on which the objection had been based, the chairman ruled it out of order. John Fitzpatrick suggested that it would be very advisable to take steps to promote an injured players’ fund.

John Fitzpatrick represented Killorglin at the Co. Board meeting in Tralee on Sat. 26th Nov. The following resolution was passed: “That we, the members of the Kerry Co. Board, strongly approve of the action of the Kerry football team in refusing to travel to meet Louth at Dublin on Nov. 19th in consequence of the treatment meted out to them by the Great Southern and Western Railway Company.” John Fitzpatrick complained of the action of the Railway Company in reference to other matches. On one occasion, they required a guarantee of 40 passengers from Killorglin. They signed that guarantee, but subsequently they sent a wire stating that there should be 10 passengers from Killorglin independent of the other stations along the line – Castlemaine and Milltown. If there were not 40 passengers, Killorglin would have to pay. The railway company then got guarantees from the other places along the line, although it was for the same train. On another occasion, Killorglin asked the Railway Company to run a special train from Tralee, Killarney and Cahersiveen. The train from Killarney and Tralee was run and no guarantee was asked for, but they had to guarantee £10 for the train from Cahersiveen. Killorglin had to pay £3-17-0 to the Railway Company for that deficit, although the Company had made £40 from the other two trains.


Once Killorglin was awarded the match against Listowel on the grounds of illegal constitution, there followed a series of letters and correspondences in the Kerryman. The GAA correspondent wrote the following in the edition of Sat. 20th August: “Speaking of Killorglin reminds me of the indignation meeting held in Listowel last week relative to the action of the Co. Board in disqualifying Listowel in connection with the football match, which they recently won from Killorglin. Now, while it is undoubtedly hard lines to be deprived of victory after having won it on the field, some of the speakers at the meeting I refer to were decidedly not justified in using the remarks they did, and I feel that this particular style of eloquence will not have the effect of raising the Listowel team anything in the estimation of the people of the county. The insinuation, rather pointedly made by one gentleman, to the effect that the Killorglin players are not ‘men’ is scarcely borne out by facts. So far as I know, and I have followed the game for years, no team that ever met Killorglin had any reason to complain of want of ‘steam’ on the part of the Puck boys. Killorglin has a great record for manliness and football on the Gaelic field and, with all respect to them, it will take the Listowel team some time to equal it. The Laune Rangers have won laurels galore and it was they first brought the name of Kerry into prominence in the football world.”


The Kerryman on Sat. 20th Aug. carried the following letter from Tadhg Mangan, Chairman of Killorglin Football Club: “Dear Sir, from a report in your issue of last week, I learn that the explosives of Listowel football team have resolved themselves into a Mutual Indignation Society for the purpose of blowing up the County Board with fire and brimstone and they have also held a meeting at the Town Hall in Listowel, which in its way is both absurd and unique as far as meetings go. Even some of the men who make up that meeting are unique, for we find that there were present two All-Ireland champions, a heavy weight champion and a veteran – whatever kind of things these are. I have often read reports of public meetings but in all my experience I have never heard nor read of so many falsehoods or un-gentlemanly statements made at a public meeting before.

Mr. James Moran, from the report sent to the Press, does not appear to have known what day his men played Killorglin, made some assertions which are absolutely unfounded – 1, That our objection was written on foreign paper, 2, That it was an anonymous correspondence, and, ere I make any reference to the other gentlemen’s remarks, I shall deal with these. You are perfectly right, Mr. Moran, in assuming that the County Board passed a resolution refusing to entertain any objection from football clubs, which were not written on Irish paper and you would also be right if you stated that I was responsible for the passing of that resolution. Our original letter, objecting to the constitution of the Listowel team and our subsequent one to Mr. Hayes of Listowel were written on Irish paper and signed J.P. O Riordan, Hon. Sec. To our two letters to the Secretary of the County Board, which were read at the meeting, the same remark applies – all being signed and closed in my presence.

If you or any member of the indignant body, who assembled in the Town Hall to throw mud at us and at the County Board, don’t know Irish from foreign paper, the fault lies not with us. Probably you will allow me to suggest that you owe it to the Killorglin team to have this foreign paper sent into the editors of those journals in which your misstatements have appeared and let them state publicly whether the paper was Irish or not and this will clear matters up. The files of the County Board will similarly prove who is right and who is wrong.

With regard to our documentary proof from the War Office, which I produced in support of our contention that Devereaux was an illegal player, I do not see what bearing the presence of that document would have on my original resolution re Irish paper for use by the County Board and its followers and clubs, etc. A document produced in evidence is not correspondence and even if the Listowel man, who did so much in his time to enforce the rule re British menials, had been in the chair, he would be compelled to accept that same document as evidence. You must bear in mind that a similar document was accepted by the Munster Council. The aim of this pernicious rule which presently seems to threaten to depopulate Listowel from the ranks of the GAA was rather intended to depopularise British Army menials than to wipe the British Government out of Ireland and as we have succeeded in depopularising one of Listowel’s little darlings who happened to sell his country at one time for the Saxon shilling, we have no compunction in using the British Government as a weapon against its hirelings. To muddle-headed men of your stamp, Mr. James Moran, we hand over the onus of wrecking the entire British Government in Ireland.

And you, my dear Mr. Landers, have described me as one under the pay of the British Government. I’m afraid, sir, from the nature of your statement, I cannot expect you to be gentleman enough to apologise if I simply tell you that thus is not the case, so therefore I give you the lie straight in the face. You have also stated that half the County Board would not be taken in the Kerry militia and I’ve only to tell you that you are more to be pitied than blamed for using such a regrettable expression, which comes with double bad taste from a ex-All-Irelander like yourself – ‘The dog that bites the hand that feeds him’ is how I liken your case, and I suppose you will admit that, were it not for the GAA, you would never have been heard of in the role of an All-Irelander? Regarding your remarks about Killorglin not being men – although they are beneath contempt – I am bound to say that the time Listowel will be able to overtake Killorglin for the honours of Kerry and Munster and of Ireland, you, Mr. Landers, shall have gone back to the dyke from which, I fear, you have sprung.

And now, sir, for your information and that of the public, the following is exactly what transpired – ‘Three days after the Killorglin and Listowel replay, we lodged an objection, accompanied with a postal order for 10s, with the Secretary of the County Board, according to the rules, on the grounds that the Listowel team was illegally constituted and we also notified the Secretary of the Listowel Football Club similarly. Two days afterwards, at the meeting of the County Board, we were informed by Mr. Griffin, the Secretary, who happened to be on holidays at the time, that he had not yet received our letter of objection and that, as the matter was not included in the agenda, it would be necessary to call a special meeting on the following Saturday for its consideration.”


In the Kerryman on Sat. 27th August, Paddy Landers, Listowel, replied to the Editor as follows: “Sir, – Your columns were adorned (?) last week by a long and somewhat incoherent communication from a Mr. Mangan of Killorglin in which ‘liar’, ‘muddle-heads’ and other choice expressions were given vent to, and, as I was specially singled out for attack, I feel I can confidently request your permission to briefly reply.

At our meeting here, a report of which appeared in your columns, I did not, as alleged, charge the Killorglin men with saying that the members of our team lacked heart. What I did say was that it was the writer of the Gaelic Notes in the Kerryman who thought fit to hurl that insult. I rather fancy that the Killorglin men, after their encounters with us this season, have no reason to harbour such an opinion.

When referring to Mr. Mangan at our meeting here, I spoke of his being in receipt of Government money – as a National School Teacher – and mark you, all you teachers of Kerry, and more particularly those of you in the County Board, his great indignation and high falutin hysterics at being placed amongst so respectable a body. But ‘mirabile dictu’, I believe, I should have prefixed Ex to teacher and so have avoided his ire. I wonder if, in the days before acquiring the Ex, he refused the few Saxon shillings of which he now speaks so slightly – as salary.

When this majestic gentleman, whose beard, if not fashioned exactly after the style of King Puck, and, perhaps, with a sneaking loyalty, resembles that of his late Majesty, King Edward, when he first saw the light, we are driven to suppose that some lordly mansion, and not a lonely mud-wall shelling, housed him and so he presumed to relegate me to the dyke from which (he says) I sprang. Well, Mr. Mangan, I certainly did not spring from a dyke. If I did, I wouldn’t be ashamed to own it, nor an old mud-wall cabin either. Now, would you?

As regards my football abilities, I prefer to let others speak. I will even readily admit that you are a better player (although I never heard of your figuring in a match) but you have to your credit the awarding of that much disputed match to Killorglin. The victory, the defeat turned into victory, is certainly yours. What your local seventeen failed to achieve on the field, and they tried to do so fairly and strenuously, you, with your War Office communication, addressed to nobody (whose name was cut out, Mr. Mangan?), certainly accomplished, scoring more in a few short minutes at the County Board meeting than your whole team could accomplish in a full hour’s play. The shades of the great J.P., may the heavens be his bed! How he, in his day, would have scorned calling in the might of Britain’s War Office to back up the Laune Rangers of old, and how must his poor bones turn in his grave at the puerile tactics of his successor, the present-day champion of the Killorglin boys.

Just a few words more and I am done, Mr. Editor. I leave Mr. Mangan and turn for a moment to the writer of your Gaelic column. His ill-advised remarks about our lack of heart were, to put it mildly, unjustifiable, and his contrasting our action with that of the Cork team, when the match of last year was awarded to Kerry on an objection, lacks the really important point in the matter. He should have added that the representatives of Kerry firmly refused to accept the bloodless victory and insisted on a replay and on their opponents’ own ground. Did Mr. Mangan, as Killorglin’s representative, copy that manly example, even in part, there would have been no necessity for this discussion, I believe. If Mr. Mangan, as he claims to be, was the originator of the resolution as to the use of Irish paper, etc. in communications, objections, etc., in County Board business, he is not the first that picked a rod to beat himself if the County Board do their business as they should by insisting on a strict adherence to the rule thus made and not stultify themselves by accepting such ridiculous communications as Mr. Mangan now seeks to foist on the Gaels of Kerry.”


‘One of the Boys’ (from Listowel) wrote in the same edition of the Kerryman: “With reference to that portion of Mr. Mangan’s letter, which appeared in your issue of the 20th inst., in which that gentleman takes exception to my remarks relative to the resolution passed by the County Board, prohibiting the use of foreign paper in connection with the business of the Association, I beg to state that if the term ‘muddle-head’, ignorance and stupidity can be applied to misinterpretation of the discussion in question, I will place the cap on my friend’s head on this occasion. Not only are the opening statements of his interesting, but ridiculous, letter false and unfounded, but, if he will again refer to the report of the meeting, which he describes as unique and absurd, he will find that at no time did I make any reference to Killorglin’s objection. I am glad to note he acknowledges the existence of the resolution and prides himself as the originator of same, though he now comes forward with the plea that the document written on paper manufactured in England, with English ink, probably by an Englishman and coming from the very stronghold of England’s power – the War Office – and the very same document addressed apparently to nobody, as the addressee’s name was not to the letter, does not come under the ban of such a resolution. If so, will my friend explain the object of the resolution and his definition of an anonymous letter. If the letter referred to was not correspondence, then how did it come into his possession? Surely, it was a reply to a communication addressed to the War Office. It was not picked up out of the mud or a wireless message flashed across to King Puck, congratulating him on his exhausted position. If the latter, I join in the congratulations. The facsimile is splendid, though the colour differs.

I have searched in vain through Mr. Mangan’s letter but cannot find a single attempt to refute the argument that the Co. Board acted contrary to the resolution in awarding the match to Killorglin without a recision of the resolution, though Mr. Mangan blindly gropes to find some excuse by referring me to the action of the Munster Council and cites the case of Duggan. This has no bearing whatever on the matter. If Mr. Mangan wishes to pursue these tactics, he is merely playing the game into our hands, and certainly he is not enhancing the reputation of the County Board.

I am afraid that at the period he mentions, he must be engaged in drilling King Puck and his followers in the hills of Kerry to defend the British Government, since he openly challenges Listowel to wreck it, otherwise, we would have heard of his nationality sooner. I hope when the Government is in power, they will mark their appreciation by giving him a commission in the militia; he would not be taken in the rank and file.

I hope in all future correspondence that my friend will try and confine himself to the matter in dispute and not be giving us touches of scripture or pulpit oratory, which would do credit to the Salvation Army Preacher, in which body, I am sure, he would rise to a high standard and, for which, he appears more fitted than spouting Gaelic principles after his action in this case.

I shall anxiously await his explanation.”


‘Pars from Puck’, in the Kerryman of Sat. 3rd Sept, made the following observation: “I was glad to see that ‘Mr. Landers, the All-Irelander, admitted – by his silence – that he had lied when he charged me at that Listowel meeting with having said that his ‘boys’ lacked heart and, indeed, judging from his last production, I was really surprised that he did so, but I expect that by now he has known enough of the Killorglin spirit to see how low and mean his line of argument (?) is.”


Tadg A’ Bhothair (Tadhg Mangan) replied to the above in the form of ‘an open letter to Mr. Landers and Listowel’s Anonymous Boy’  in the Kerryman on Sat. 3rd Sept: “Dear Mr. Landers and Boy, in writing you an open letter I believe that I am addressing one and the same person. I also believe that I am addressing a brother Irishman and, although I view your irrelevances from an Irish standpoint, I have every reason to be ashamed of my Listowel brother. I always pride in my countrymen but, in this instance, I am influenced only by that feeling called shame, when I see you descend to low personalities in conducting a discussion where the gentlemanly spirit of the Gael should be shown out in its true sense, whilst the main facts at issue between us could be minutely entered into without levelling your viperous wrath at me. Those main facts have not been entered into. You have not contradicted a single statement of mine. You have not even attempted to argue except you are suffering from a certain disease peculiar to boys, who generally mistake abuse for argument. At the meeting in Listowel, you have described me as a British Government official. I was right in not expecting you to apologise as, I have already said, your character, as reflected by your statements and letters, impresses one as being ungentlemanly. I therefore gave you the lie in the face, and you should not blame me for making a remark, which your excited falsehood called forth. This week, you persist in describing me as an ex-teacher. I will not give you the lie in the face now, although I don’t expect nor require an apology. Will you be satisfied if I tell you once again that I am neither one nor the other?

At that meeting, you and your boys stated that our letter of objection was written on foreign paper with foreign ink. You now forego that statement and cling to the War Office correspondence about which I have already explained. You say the case of Duggan is irrelevant to ours, as Kerry offered a replay in Cork’s own grounds and that I did not do likewise on behalf of Killorglin at the Co. Board meeting. Wrong again, Mr. Landers and Boy. This statement, to put it mildly, is incorrect like all your other ‘high falutin’. Not only did we offer you a replay but we offered to place £5 in the hands of the Co. Board for a set of medals, when the Chairman disallowed our request for that replay. As proof of the truth of this, I refer you to your own representatives, Messrs. Hayes and Moran. When you have seen these gentlemen and discussed the matter with them, I feel that ‘Mangan’s Idiocy’ will have dissolved itself into thin air and that the ‘supposed Gaels’ of Killorglin will not have been altogether as cowardly as you would wish to describe them. If we won at the County Board meeting, that decision was influenced not as you and your followers insinuate. The men, who weighed up the matter in their own minds, although you do not consider them ‘fit for the militia’ (as you similarly do not consider me ‘fit for the rank and file’), had no other course within reason open to them than to disqualify your men. I have shown that pretty clearly before but the dullness of some people exceeds their ‘absurdities’ and this is why you give me the credit of accomplishing more in a few minutes at the County Board than our team could in an hour’s play. I now take this opportunity of warning you and your Boy that, should we in Killorglin hear anymore of your ‘high falutin’ references to ‘touches of scripture and pulpit oratory’ or further vulgar abuse instead of discussing, we will absolutely refuse to adhere to our original intentions of replaying you on your own grounds.

One word to you personally, Mr. Landers. You have called the dead to witness our supposed inconsistency. Did you do so specially to hurt our feelings? Are not our dead our own? Were they not always with us? Why dare you assume they would not be with us now? Why do you recall from the grave that name, which is so sacred to us? Personally, I am sorry, as a Killorglin man, that you, as the mouthpiece of Listowel, have done so, but I feel the matter too deeply to allow you to speak so lightly of Gaelic Ireland’s greatest hero. One would imagine from the general tone of your letter that our J.P. was the son of a bodagh farmer from North Kerry. Enough, enough, Mr. Landers! Hands off! Have done! So have I with you.

When Listowel will have done with Killorglin, no matter who be the victors or the vanquished, we will be satisfied, but the laws of the Association, by which we are as men honourably bound, must be carried out. Rescind the resolution of the Central Council re soldiers in the Kerry County Board and there, and there alone, I am prepared to meet you.

Your regrettable abuse is neither creditable to yourself, to those whom you represent nor elevating to the Gaels who are supposed to waste their time by reading it.”


At the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 27th Aug. at the Hibernian Hotel, Tralee, the Chairman, Austin Stack, disallowed a resolution by Listowel Football Club. He said that the Co. Board had already given its decision and they could not enter into a discussion of a matter that had been dealt with. However, he said that, if Killorglin agreed to a replay, he was sure that the following meeting of the Co. Board would sanction it. Killorglin was not represented at that meeting.


‘One of the Boys’ (Alias James Moran) wrote the following in the Kerryman on Sat. 10th Sept: “I am glad to note that Mr. Mangan thought silence the best course open to him, since my last letter, signed ‘One of the Boys’, contained sufficient material for discussion on a point which he knew quite well the County Board was at fault and any further discussion would only send home more forcibly the fact that the GAA is degenerating, due largely to the corrupt practices and influence of the members themselves, of which the Killorglin v Listowel objection is an instance. In evading a reply, he tries to make Landers and myself one and the same person but, for his information, I append my name this week and am glad to say that, since my last letter, I have grown to manhood or would not do so. I again reiterate what I stated in my last letter and, if Mr. Mangan wishes to discuss the matter fully, he has an opportunity to do so without this sort of quibbling, at which he seems to be an expert. Otherwise, I will take no further notice of him. In fact, he should never have dragged my name into this matter when he is not in a position to fight the matter to an end besides quitting in two single rounds.”


Paddy Landers, Listowel, replied to Tadhg Mangan’s letter in the Kerryman on Sat. 10th Sept: “In your last issue, there appeared still another of Mr. Mangan’s very long-winded productions in which, in his own masterly (I will not say school-masterly, as, I believe, he missed that vocation somehow. Tigin tú, Mr. M?) way, he seeks to confuse the issue. Did he or did he not, as Killorglin’s representative, bring in the evidence of Britain’s War Office, the addressee’s name being carefully excised, and on such putrid stuff secure a verdict in favour of Killorglin? I wonder did he read the account of the last meeting of the County Board, which appeared in your columns, and the remarks of the Chairman re a re-play? If he did, how does he reconcile it with his statement as to offering to re-play the match? He refers me to Messrs. Hayes and Moran to substantiate him, but I have the assurance of both that no such offer was made and, notwithstanding his aspersions, he makes it a cowardly condition that, if we are to reply, there will be no replay. Is this a mere subterfuge or are his senses all awry since he lost his kingly hirsute appendage? If the gentleman (?) who writes ‘Pars from Puck’ had more carefully read my last letter, he would have seen my explanation that it was the writer of the GAA Notes in the Kerryman I accused of having attributed lack of heart to the Listowel team and not any of the Killorglin men. Is it a fact that Mr. Mangan and the writer of ‘Pars from Puck’ are one and the same? If so, the inconsistencies of his letter of last week and his ‘Pars from Puck’, in the same issue, are worthy of his – whiskers. Am I responsible for the unaccountable disappearance of that regal adornment and the consequent upsetting of his mental equilibrium? Never mind, Mr, M., we hope to see them fully re-grown on the date of the replay. Note, please, that ‘One of the Boys’ is quite another person, a nice intelligent chap, in fact, when you come to know him, and anything but a ‘muddle-head’.”


Tadhg Mangan replied to the above letter in the Kerryman on Sat. 17th Sept: “Although I understood that the controversial side of the Killorglin v Listowel match was finished, I find that your issue of last week contains two statements which compel contradiction on my part, viz., that I, as Killorglin’s representative, did not ask the County Board for a replay, on the date of the hearing of our objection, and that being described, in the first instance, as a kind of Government spy, a national teacher and an ex-national teacher, I woke up on Saturday morning to find that I was a journalist, by your leave. Although I fail to see what bearing my position in life or my personal appearance has upon the controversy, I must tell Mr. Landers that he is wrong once again. I am not in the pay of the British Government either as a school-teacher, an ex-school-teacher or in any other capacity. I am sorry that Mr. Landers considers teachers under the pay of the British Government, for I don’t, and indeed the one amongst that respected body for whom I have sympathy is the poor man who wasted his time with Mr. Landers when he was a boy.

He now tells me that he has the assurance of Listowel’s representatives that we did not ask the County Board to have the match replayed. If Messrs. Hayes and Moran have denied that fact, which I doubt, surely there are other – and disinterested – members who will not. If Mr. Landers has got the assurance from the gentlemen referred to, I simply write to say that there is not a word of truth in it.

The matter at issue between Killorglin and Listowel is now beyond controversy, the next fight will be on the football field, as arranged between Mr. John Moran and myself and, as he hopes that the match will be replayed in a decent Gaelic spirit, so do I.

As for the boy, James Moran, who has grown to be a man in a single week and who is so very anxious to see his ideas in print by discussing the whole situation with me, I have only to say that if he has any ideas on the subject, he ought to understand that I have already dealt with the matter of using the evidence of Britain’s War Office in order to depopulate its menials. If Mr. Moran thinks, from a GAA point of view, that we have not a perfect right to do so, how is it that the Munster Council has already dealt with similar documents? Mr. T. F. O Sullivan, of Listowel, was largely responsible for the introduction of that rule and how does Mr. Moran propose to prove that Mr. Devereaux was a soldier or not? Will he admit that the law Listowel makes, it should not break.”


Paddy Landers included the following in a letter that he wrote to the Kerryman on Sat. 24th Sept: “One word to his ex-Majesty, Mr. Mangan. I am sorry that his personal appearance has undergone any change, but I must reiterate the statement that I had the assurances of Messrs. Hayes and Moran that he, as Killorglin’s representative, did not offer to replay. It is now for them to either confirm or deny having made it. With the members of Killorglin team I have had no cause to quarrel and I have not done so. We hope to meet them in true friendly rivalry on the date of the replay and I will conclude by saying ‘Let the best side win’, and hang all sideline scribblers.

I frankly own to having erred in my belief that the writer of ‘Pars from Puck’ and Mr. Mangan were one and the same person – the similarity of style, particularly their ready proneness to lie-calling, induced the idea. The Puck paragraphist wonders if I intended paying Mr. Mangan a compliment in thinking he was the writer of ‘Pars’ from Puck – but I leave it to their Killorglin acquaintances to settle the matter as to what side the compliment lies. This lie-calling seems to be a Killorglin attribute.”


Tadhg ‘a Bhothair responded in the Kerryman of Sat. 1st October as follows: “In the recent Listowel v Killorglin controversy, Mr. Landers has made so many misstatements that one finds it difficult in believing that he had the assurance of either Mr. Moran or Mr. Hayes that I did not offer a replay on behalf of Killorglin at the meeting of the County Board at which our objection was considered. It is well, however, that the controversy was a public one and is very simply remedied. I am now constrained to ask Messrs. Kennedy and Moriarty, who acted respectively as Chairman and Secretary of meeting, to state publicly whether or not I did offer a replay. This, I hope, will silence Mr. Landers and conclude his lying statements.”


In the same edition of the Kerryman, Tadhg Ó Cinnéide, who acted as Chairman of the meeting in question, responded as follows: “I notice in a letter appearing in last week’s issue of the Kerryman that Mr. Landers of Listowel states that Mr. Mangan, the Killorglin representative, did not offer a replay. As Chairman of the meeting at which the Killorglin v Listowel objection was decided, I wish to state that, before the decision was given, Mr. Mangan said that he was instructed by Killorglin Football Club to request a replay and, provided this was not allowed by the County Board, that Killorglin were willing to play Listowel for a set of medals. I do not wish to enter into the merits or demerits of the question of the objection itself. I think this is a matter which would be better discussed at a County Board meeting.”


J.J. Hayes, Listowel, wrote the following in the Kerryman edition of Sat. 8th October: “Mr. Kennedy’s letter in last week’s issue compels a reply from me. He states that Mr. Mangan did offer a replay of the above match on the day the objection was heard but both Mr. John Moran and myself are quite sure that no such offer was made. If the offer was made, was it accepted or refused on behalf of Listowel Football Club? I doubt if either Mr. Kennedy or Mr. Mangan will have the temerity to put words into my mouth. If these gentlemen are correct in their statements, why is there no mention of it in the minutes of the meeting and why should the writer of the GAA Notes repeatedly urge Killorglin not to be satisfied with a bloodless victory? The reason is obvious. An offer was made to play for a set of medals, which I accepted and this, I am sure, is the cause of Mr. Kennedy’s mistake.

Mr. Mangan also states in one of his letters that they (Killorglin) were agreeable to a replay in Listowel. We all know how far this is borne out by actual facts. I can quite appreciate Mr. Kennedy’s reluctance to enter any discussion on the matter in dispute, for he knows now, and so must Mr. Mangan, that if the rules of the Association had been rigidly carried out, the proper place for the Killorglin objection would have been the waste-paper basket. I think that Mr. Mangan, if he has spent any of his spare time in studying Gaelic matters, will have learned by now that my points re the objection not being specific enough was something more than a quibble, as he preferred to style it. But, perhaps, he finds corresponding with the War Office a more congenial occupation.”


In the same edition of the Kerryman, J.J. Moriarty, Secretary of the meeting in question, wrote the following: “As Secretary of the meeting through which the above arose, and also at Mr. Mangan’s request, I beg to bear out the statements made by Mr. T. Kennedy in last week’s Kerryman, to the effect that Mr. Mangan not only offered to replay the match but, also, in the event of the Co. Board refusing to sanction that course, he challenged to play Listowel for a set of medals.”


*A special committee had been appointed at Annual Congress to affirm the rules for Gaelic Football, notes on the application of those rules and the specific penalties for breaching thereof. The rules were published as follows:

1. Size of ground – the ground shall not be less than 140 yards nor more than 170 yards long, and not less than 84 yards or more than 100 yards wide.

2. Marking of grounds – side-lines and end-lines (goal-lines) shall either be marked with a limed line or one cut out of the turf. Lines indicating 14 yards, 21 yards, 50 yards and halfway shall also be marked, and the ends of those lines and each corner of the ground shall be marked with flags.

3. Scoring space – in the centre of the goal-line shall stand the goal-posts, 16 feet high and 21 feet apart. There shall be a crossbar 8 feet from the ground.

4. Lines, 5 yards long and at right angles to the goal-line, shall be marked 4 yards from each goal-post. The ends of these lines shall be joined so as to form a parallelogram, 15 yards by 5 yards, in from of each scoring space.

5. Number of players – the players shall be seventeen-a-side in inter-county matches, but a team may start a match with 13 players (Inter-county matches cannot be resumed after the first half-hour unless there are seventeen players on each side). County Committees have the power to make a bye-law that in their championship and league competitions, a match may be commenced and finished even though one team has only thirteen players.

6. Commencing play – the captains of teams shall toss for choice of sides before commencing play and the players with the exception of the goalkeeper and the six others, who must be behind centre-field, shall stand in two lines at the centre of the field and each player shall catch an opponent’s hand. The referee shall throw the ball high up over the heads of the players who shall then separate.

7. Duration of play – the time for actual play is one hour, sides to be changed only at halftime. The referee shall be empowered to allow time for delays. He shall also have power to terminate the game whenever, by reason of darkness setting in, interference by spectators or other causes, he may think fit.

8. Scores – a goal is scored when the ball is driven or played by either team between the goal-posts and under the crossbar, except when thrown or carried by any of the attacking side. In All-Ireland and, as far as possible, in Inter-county and County Championship matches, nets shall be placed behind the goal area so as to receive the ball as it passes through. A point is scored when the ball is driven or played by either side over the crossbar and between the goal-posts, except when thrown by any of the attacking side.

9. The kick-out – when the ball is driven over the goal-line by the opposing team, the ball shall be kicked out from off the ground within the parallelogram.


11. The play – the ball, when off the ground, may be struck with the hand. It may be caught when off the ground. It may be kicked in any direction but not carried. Carrying shall be taking more than four steps while holding the ball, which must not be held longer than is necessary to kick it or fist it away. The ball must not be thrown. When caught, the ball may be kicked by letting it drop from the hands and kicking it, either before it touches the ground (punting) or immediately after it touches the ground (drop-kicking). The ball, on being caught, must be either kicked or struck with the hand or hopped once with either one or both hands against the ground, but not more than once. The ball, while on the ground, must not be touched with the hand. The goalkeeper, within the parallelogram, may touch the ball while on the ground with his hands. A player from the opposing team cannot enter the parallelogram until the ball enters it in play.

12. Throw-in – when the ball is driven across the sideline, it should be thrown in from the point where it crossed the sideline (as indicated by the linesman) by a player of the opposing team to that which touched it last before crossing.

13. Fifty yards free-kick – if the ball is played across the goal-line outside the posts, by a player, whose goal-line it is, the opposing team shall have a free-kick from a point on the 50 yards’ line directly opposite where the ball crossed the goal-line.

14. Foul and rough play – pushing, tripping, kicking, catching, holding, or jumping at a player, or butting with the head, shall be deemed foul.


Two important games in the Co. Senior Hurling Championship were played in Killorglin (Foley’s Field, Castleconway) on Sun. 4th Sept.

At 1.30pm: Kenmare 1-2; Ballyduff 1-0. At 2.45pm: Killarney 7-1; Tralee 6-2.

The Senior Football game between Killarney and Tralee, scheduled for the same venue, did not take place. Trains serviced the game. The large attendance witnessed two excellent hurling matches. As those were the first to be played under the new rules (one goal-post) they were of more than usual interest. The day was gloriously fine, too. A special train left Kenmare at 9.40am and another train left Tralee at 12 noon. The trains left Killorglin on the return journey at 6.30pm.


Munster Senior Football Final on Sun. 30th Oct. at Cork: Cork 0-2; Kerry 0-4.

Kerry: Paddy Dillon (Killarney) goal, Maurice McCarthy (Tralee), Denny Breen (do.), Tom Costello (do.), John McCarthy (Cahersiveen), Con Healy (Tralee) capt., Tom Carroll (Listowel), Tom Rice (Tralee), Batt O Connor (Dingle), Con Murphy (Killarney), Edward Spillane (do.), Paddy Mullane (Tralee), Dick Fitzgerald (Killarney), Pat ‘Aeroplane’ O Shea (Tralee), Johnny Skinner (Killarney), Jack Lawlor (Tralee), P.J. Cahill (do.).

Kerry was then pitted against Louth in the All-Ireland Final. However, the Great Southern and Western Railway Company refused to grant Kerry some travelling facilities, such as a corridor carriage for the players and county officials to make the trip to Dublin in and to allow a very limited number of others to travel on Saturday evening at excursion rates. Apparently, there had been ongoing non-co-operation from the Railway Company even for the ordinary Co. Championship games in the county and it was decided to take a stand on the matter on that occasion. Subsequently, Louth claimed the match and the Central Council granted the All-Ireland final to the ‘Wee’ County. The following Kerry team had been selected to play in the All-Ireland Final: Con Healy (capt.), Maurice McCarthy, Tom Costello, Tom Rice, Jack Lawlor, P.J. Cahill, Pat O Shea, Paddy Mullane, Denny Breen (all Tralee), Dick Fitzgerald, Paddy Dillon, Johnny Skinner, Con Murphy, Edward Spillane (all Killarney), Tom Carroll (Listowel), John McCarthy (Cahersiveen), Batt O Connor (Dingle).


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Emigration was rife in Killorglin in 1910. In March, 14 young men departed the station by train on the first leg of the journey to the USA. In April, that number had increased to 26 and 16 had left midway through May – a total of 56 in the first five months of the year.


Her Excellency Lady Aberdeen paid a visit to Killorglin on Thurs. 30th June in connection with the Women’s National Health Association. She arrived by motor from Cahersiveen and was received at the Carnegie Hall by Dr. Dodd J.P., Mr. Power, J.P. and D. Mangan J.P. Amongst those present were Mr. and Mrs. Kilgannon, Miss Power, Mr. M. Coffey, Mrs. O Donovan, Mrs. McCrohan, Mrs. O Brien, Miss Jeffers, Mr. T. Stephens, Mr. T. McGillycuddy, etc. Her Excellency thanked those assembled for attending on such short notice and said she was gratified on learning of the kindness shown to Miss Fitzgerald and Miss Manderson during their recent stay in Killorglin whilst lecturing and giving instructions with a view of trying to combat that dreadful scourge of consumption. She (speaker) was happy to say that the efforts of the Women’s National Health Association was being felt in the right direction, for there had been a considerable reduction in the number of deaths per annum from that disease since the Association had set to work. It was, she said, encouraging to see the people taking such a lively interest in the movement, which had been observable in the removal of manure heaps from before the doors of country houses, the admission of fresh air by keeping open the windows in the dwelling houses, especially the poorer classes, and general improvement in the matter of cleanliness observable amongst the people. Afterwards, her Excellency departed for Killarney.


Killorglin Sports (athletic and cycling), under GAA Rules, were held on Sun. 10th July under the auspices of the Killorglin Total Abstinence Society. The organising committee consisted of President – Rev. Tom Lawlor P.P., Chairman – Rev. M. O Flynn C.C., Committee – Messrs. W. Joy, T. O Reilly, John P. O Riordan, T. Foley, Danny J. Clifford, Nicholas Flynn, Mossie Counihan, T. O Riordan (Ass. Sec.), E. O Sullivan, J. Houlihan, Liam McSweeney, M.J. O Callaghan, Tom O Connor, J.J. O Sullivan, P. Golden, M. O Connor, W. Healy and John Fitzpatrick (Secretary). Athletes attended from Tralee, Ballinorig, Scartaglin, Callinfercy, Gap of Dunloe, Castleisland, The Kerries, Lixnaw, Rathanny, Kilcummin, Cahersiveen, Milltown, Duagh, Glencar and Killorglin. The local athletes fared as follows:

Marathon – J. Doyle competed; 880 yards – 2nd T. McGillycuddy, F. Griffin also competed.