Laune Rangers – 1929

Laune Rangers’ players played with East-Kerry in the Co Senior Football Championship.

A Senior Football Parish League was inaugurated with teams from Killorglin Town, Gurrane, Cromane, Meanus and Steelroe.

Although the Killorglin Camogie team played some challenge matches, it did not enter the Co. Camogie Championship.

Liam McSweeney continued as one of the East-Kerry representatives on the Co. Board.

Michael Sheehan (Mill Road) and Dan Guerin played with Kerry in the National Hurling League.

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Paddy Foley was Chairman of Laune Rangers’ GAA Club, Liam McSweeney was Rúnaí and James O Regan was Treasurer.


Co. Senior Football Championship

Eight teams entered for the Co. Senior Football Championship, Rock St., Newtownsandes, West-Kerry, Listowel, South-Kerry, East-Kerry, Boherbue and Strand St. Laune Rangers’ players played with East-Kerry.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 2nd June at Killorglin: East-Kerry 2-5; South-Kerry 1-6.

Tom Curran was one of the most conspicuous players for East-Kerry. Michael Coffey (Legion), Dee O Connor (do.), Dicko Clifford (Crokes) and Miko Doyle (do.) also played well. At a subsequent Co. Board meeting, South-Kerry objected to the awarding of the game to East-Kerry on the ground that the latter had been late (3.50pm) taking to the field. A replay was ordered.

Tom Curran (Langford St.)

Tom Curran (Langford St.)
Won All-Ireland Junior Football medal with Kerry in 1928. Captained Laune Rangers in 1929.

Rd. 1 (replay) at Cahersiveen on Sun. 28th July: South-Kerry 1-6; East-Kerry 0-2.

East-Kerry: Dee O Connor (Legion) capt., Donie O Neill (do.), Michael Coffey (do.), S. O Donoghue (do.), Vince Clifford (do.), Dicko Clifford (Dr. Crokes), Harry Turner (do.), Jimmy Foley (do.), M. Casey (do), Pat Murphy (do.), Paddy Clifford (Milltown), James Tangney (Castleisland), W. O Sullivan (Kilcummin), Neilius O Leary (Headford), Padraig Fleming (Kilcummin). Tom Curran was selected on the team but he did not play.

At the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 31st Aug. East-Kerry objected to the awarding of the game to South-Kerry on the grounds that both teams were late taking the field. The objection was upheld and the game was refixed. However, South-Kerry counter-objected to East-Kerry and that resulted in both teams being removed from the competition.


Boherbue, captained by John Joe Sheehy, defeated Rock St. in the final on 13th Oct. by 3-4 to 0-4.


East-Kerry Senior Football League


Eight teams entered for the league, Killarney Legion, Brackhill, Castleisland, Killarney Crokes, Fossa, Headford, Kenmare and Killorglin. The competition was scheduled to be played on a double round system.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 30th June at Kenmare: Kenmare defeated Killorglin.

‘Pars from Puck’ by Laune Ranger carried the following report on the game in the Kerryman on Sat. 6th July: “The match in Kenmare on Sunday was most disappointing. The final whistle found Killorglin defeated but we had not even the satisfaction of witnessing a good contest. Plainly, our lads stuck too rigidly according to the rules of the code – rules which only they observed. Even the referee seemed a stranger to many of them and so, what would have been a really good contest, was marred by the incompetence of him in charge of the whistle. We shall only refer to one incident here where it was plainly evident a strong hand was needed. During the course of the first half-hour a Kenmare player, not satisfied with fouling one of our lads (John Joy), turned back and struck him more than once on the face, whilst our representative, a victim of the rules, kept his hands by his side! And this man was allowed play on afterwards! Many of our followers were anxious that the team should then leave the field, but rules were rules, and play went on to the finish, whilst many fouls were allowed go without any penalty. Had there been a strict referee, the contest would undoubtedly have been close and interesting.

Killorglin: Tom Curran (capt.), Tadhg O Reilly (goal), Michael Sheehan (Mill Road), Ned Healy (do.), John Kelliher (Kilgobnet), Maurice Foley (Coolbane), Murt Kelly (Lismacfinnan), Tadhg McGillycuddy (Coolbane), Denis McGillycuddy (do.), John Joy (Ballykissane), Paddy Doyle (Tubrid), Mick Teahan (Gurrane), Tim Teahan (do.), Denis Galvin (do.), George Heffernan (Dungeel).

At a subsequent club meeting, it was decided, after much consideration, that no objection would be lodged to the award of the game to Kenmare. That was done in the interests of the game and especially when there would be an opportunity of meeting Kenmare on a future occasion.

Murt Kelly (Lismacfinnane)

Murt Kelly (Lismacfinnane)
Won 4 All-Ireland Senior Football titles with Kerry (1937, 1939, 1940 & 1941)
Won 4 Dublin Co. Senior Football Championships with The Geraldine’s

Rd. 2 on Sun. 6th Oct. at Killorglin: Killorglin 1-8; Kenmare 0-2.

From the throw-in, Killorglin seemed all out to reverse the decision of the previous meeting. Both sides were minus some of their regular players but Killorglin had been able to secure the services of Paddy Kennelly who had been unable to travel to Kenmare and, also, Denny Curran, and the two proved to be towers of strength. Tom Curran played a splendid game as did the old stalwart, Paddy Foley, while Denis Galvin deserved a passing word of praise for the great work he had done during the hour. Kenmare had secured some good new blood, also, and so nothing had been left to chance. However, as in the previous game, the home side got the better of the game from the start and the final score was a fair reflection of the play, although Kenmare should have annexed a few more scores.

Ref: Danny J. Clifford (Killorglin).


Rd. 3 on Sun. 27th Oct. at Brackhill: Brackhill Killorglin.

Rd. 4 on Sun. 10th Nov: Castleisland defeated Killorglin.


The competition, being too unwieldy, was never finished.


East-Kerry Junior Hurling League


Rd. 1 on Sun. 5th May at Killorglin: Killorglin 4-2; Kilcummin 1-0.

The local team had performed so well during the previous year, although defeated in all games, that their followers had great confidence in them. It was Kilcummin’s first time wielding a camán and the score did not truly reflect their efforts in that game.

Ref: Rev. Father D. Griffin (Milltown).


East-Kerry Junior Football League

Only three teams entered for the league, Killarney, Milltown and Killorglin.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 5th May at Killorglin: Killorglin v Milltown.

There was considerable disappointment at the non-appearance of Milltown, who gave a somewhat doubtful reason for not travelling.


Rd. 1 (replay) on Sun. 6th Oct. at Killorglin: Killorglin 3-3; Milltown 0-0.

Owing to the inclemency of the morning, the attendance was on the poor side. The field was in good order and the visitors expressed their high appreciation of the playing pitch and of the order maintained. The game commenced punctually but it proved very disappointing as the Milltown selection did not come up to expectations. They seemed weak at scoring and missed good opportunities on several occasions of raising a flag. Killorglin had the better of the play from start to finish. Jamesie ‘Clinch’ O Riordan scored a ‘hat-trick’ of goals, John Joe Falvey seemed out on his own and Pat O Sullivan (Gurrane) was, also, outstanding.

Ref: Paddy Foley (Killorglin).

At a subsequent East-Kerry League meeting, the Killorglin delegates complained that a schoolboys’ match had been played in Milltown on the same day as the above game in Killorglin and no permission had been given for the game. They asked for an inquiry into the circumstances of the game.


Parish Senior Football League

Teams from the Town, Cromane, Gurrane, Meanus and Steelroe took part.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 10th March at Killorglin: Killorglin 0-4; Gurrane 0-4.

There was a fairly good crowd present and the match proved very interesting. Killorglin, playing with the sun, did not make the most of the advantage of the first half, as the Gurrane backs were too strong for their forwards and quite a number of apparent certainties were nullified. The visitors played all out to win and, even against a very strong sun, scored a point, while the home team scored two points.

Changing over with the slender lead, Killorglin settled down to work very early but Tim Teahan, in the back-line, was not easy to penetrate. After ten minutes play, Gurrane attacked with a terrible onslaught and Tom Curran and goalkeeper Batty Dwyer were kept busy in defence. Before the ball left the area, two points were scored in quick succession, which gave the visitors a point lead. Play then travelled quickly to the other end, where a neat point was scored by Jamsie ‘Clinch’ Riordan. There was much give and take but, with ten minutes to play, Michael Sheehan raised a white flag to give the visitors the lead once more. The ball was transferred quickly to the other end, where John Joe Falvey sent over the equalising point. The home team was still attacking when the final whistle blew.

Worthy of mention for Gurrane were Johnny Riordan, in goal, Tim Teahan, Denis Galvin, Jerry Sullivan and Jim Riordan. Best for Killorglin were Batty Dwyer, in goal, Tom Curran, Michael Sheehan, John Joe Falvey and Johnny Connor.

Ref: Tadhg O Reilly N.T.


Replay on Sun. 17th March at Killorglin: Killorglin 1-4; Gurrane 1-4.

The match was most interesting and was witnessed by a fairly large crowd. At halftime, Gurrane led by a point but, on the change-over, both teams settled better. It was well into the second half before the equaliser was scored. For the visitors, Johnny Riordan, in goals, was good, while Jerry M. Sullivan, James O Riordan and John Connell were worthy of special note. For the home team, Seamus O Reilly (Farrentoreen), Matt Reilly (Langford St.), Patie Corcoran and Johnsie O Connor, in goals, were best.

Ref: James O Regan.


Rd. 2 on Sun. 7th April at Killorglin: Killorglin 2-3; Cromane 1-3.

The play in the first half was most interesting but the visitors, led by John Sugrue, failed on more than one occasion to avail of what were apparently open opportunities. Their one-point lead at the change-over scarcely gave a fair indication of the play. With the advantage of the wind during the second half, the local team did very good work and soon had the scores level and kept Cromane on the defence for a considerable period. The visitors however, broke away midway through and added a major to their score. That was followed very soon by the raising of a green flag for the home side. Scores were then level and it looked as if the match would result in a draw, but five minutes from fulltime the Cromane custodian was again beaten at last and a goal resulted, followed shortly by a point. Furiously, the ball travelled to the other end and the Killorglin goalie was lucky in having only a point scored against him before the final whistle blew.

Ref: Tadhg O Reilly N.T.

Gurrane 2-4; Meanus 1-2.

Meanus appeared on the field with Paddy Kennelly, who was heartily greeted on his appearance. Paddy Foley led his team on and played in great form, whilst Eddie Kennelly and Tadhg O Reilly played in goal for their respective teams. The match was as interesting as the previous event and the presence of ‘Paddy’ at midfield made it an ever greater interest. The sun was a big handicap against Meanus in the first half and Gurrane, making the most of their opponents’ discomfiture, annexed a few scores whilst the losers, though they had the better of the play, could not succeed in adding a score to the point they had made after the first few minutes. The change-over did not serve them for sun was then hidden and the Gurrane fifteen were at no disadvantage. Play was very evenly contested for most of the second half but a break-through on Meanus territory found the backs unprepared and from then on the game was as good as won.

Ref: Danny Clifford.


Rd. 3 on Sun. 14th April at Killorglin: Killorglin 1-1; Steelroe 1-1.

That was by far the most interesting match of the league. The visitors were very slow to settle and it looked for a time as if the Town team would be easy victors. However, before the game was very long in progress, they settled down to work in real earnest and give and take play seemed to be the order of the day from then onwards. It was remarkable indeed then only two scores, a major and a minor, were scored by each side during the hour’s play. The game thus ended in a draw, which gave a fair indication of the play. Although the day was bitterly cold, quite a large number witnessed the game.

Ref: Danny Clifford.


Rd. 3 on Sun. 21st April at Killorglin: Gurrane 2-3; Cromane 0-2.

The crowd of onlookers at that game was larger than at any previous fixture. Nor were they disappointed, for the match was – up to the closing ten minutes – very keenly contested, the sides appearing about evenly matched in craft, cunning and skill, and the respective custodians were called on to show their worth on more than one occasion. Both teams had much improved since their previous appearances and the fielding and combination generally showed much training during the interval. It looked for a time as if a draw was to be the most likely result and nothing would have pleased the onlookers better, but Gurrane, having kept up the pressure and taking advantage of every weakness and opening by their opponents, were not so lightly put off and, in the closing stages of the game, had the play entirely in the opponents’ territory and the final whistle found them winners.

Tim Teahan, Gurrane, promised to make good of the football field in the future. His coolness, dash and fielding in the game were a treat. Others to shine were Paddy Foley, Tadhg O Reilly, both veterans, John and James Riordan, Pat and Jerry O Sullivan, Denis Galvin, ‘Dotie’ Sheehan and John Conway-O Connor’s scoring was much appreciated. For Cromane, John Sugrue N.T., Sean Connor (goals), Sean O Mahony, Mick Moroney and John Guerin played well.

Ref: John J. O Connor.


Rd. 4 on Sun. 9th June at Killorglin: Killorglin drew with Gurrane.

Only one point separated those teams in the League (Gurrane 6 and Killorglin 5) and a draw or a win would have found Gurrane the victors, while Killorglin needed to win. The followers of both teams knew that and took a great interest in the contest. It was as keenly contested a match as was played in the county that year, with now and then passages of brilliant football. Had Gurrane played with as much dash and spirit during the first half as they did later, they surely would have led by a large score, whilst, on the other hand, Killorglin missed sure scores from frees and in favourable positions. Killorglin were leading by a point with four minutes to play when an equaliser by Gurrane from a free near the goal-mouth was disputed. The referee and umpires were in consultation when, overcome by excitement and unable to restrain themselves, the crowd came on the playing pitch and, as usual in such cases, offered various opinions freely. The referee, after consultation with the captains and the committee, ordered a replay which, under the circumstances, was the wisest course to have adopted.


Rd. 4 replay on Sun. 7th July at Killorglin: Killorglin 1-4; Gurrane 1-1.

The attendance was good and the order maintained throughout was all that could have been desired. The game itself was not considered to be up to the standard of the drawn game. However, a good match resulted.

Gurrane, having won the toss, elected to play with the advantage of the slight breeze, even though against a glaring sun and that had, undoubtedly, much to do with the result, as, in the only goal scored against them, it was the glare of the sun, which defeated the goalie, who had already made some wonderful saves. It was generally admitted that the victory was deserved by Killorglin on the play, despite the fact that the visiting team had some very good individual players on their side. Some of those playing on either side did much better work than they had done against Kenmare the previous week. That was especially noticeable in the home forward line.

From the throw-in, the game was interesting and it looked for a time as if the visitors would emerge victors, as the home combination was fully extended to stop the vigorous attacks in their territory. Halfway through the first period, the game became most interesting and Killorglin asserted themselves in keeping the leather travelling quickly from one end to the other and finally succeeded in breaking down the opposition and scored 1-4 to 0-0. That was the halftime score.

On the change-over, Gurrane again asserted themselves and quickly raised the green flag. That gave them new life and imbued them with a new spirit and their followers became very hopeful, when a minor was added shortly afterwards. But that ended the scoring and Killorglin seemed to be the masters of the situation thenceforth.

Both goalies, Tadhg O Reilly and P.S. Foley, played extremely well and both were frequently tested and proved their worth. Paddy Foley, the veteran, gave great courage and hope to Gurrane by his very presence on the field and he played, as he always had done, in splendid form. Tom Curran, on the other side, was a tower of strength.

Killorglin: Tom Curran (capt.), J.J. O Connor, P.S. Foley (goals), Jerry P.T. O Sullivan, Ted Kennedy, Ted Foley, John Joe Falvey, Morgan O Brien, Ned Healy, Michael Sheehan, M. T. O Riordan, Willie O Reilly, John T. O Riordan, M.J. O Connor, Seamus Roche.

Gurrane: John O Connor (capt.), Tadhg O Reilly (goals), Paddy Foley, M.M. O Riordan, Mick Teahan, Tim Teahan, Jim O Riordan, M. Galvin, Pat O Sullivan, J. O Connell, John Joy, Pat Joy, Jerry O Sullivan, Dotie Sheehan.

The medals for the competition had been on display in Mr. Fitzpatrick’s, Iveragh Road.


Sun. 20th Oct. at Killorglin: Killorglin 1-2; Gurrane 2-3.

The weather had prevented a large attendance and the teams did not turn out at full strength. However, although the rain was so heavy at one stage that the play had to be suspended, a good game was witnessed and Gurrane were worthy winners. The trophy was presented to the winning captain, John Conway O Connor, after the game.

Ref: Danny J. Clifford (Killorglin).


Senior Football Challenge Game


Sun. 27th Oct. at Milltown: Milltown 2-2; Killorglin 2-5.

The game was interesting in so far as both sides seemed evenly matched. The attendance was small but, what it lacked in number, it made up in enthusiasm.

Ref: Danny J. Clifford (Killorglin).


Camogie Challenge Games


Sun. 21st April at Killorglin: Upper Town 2-0; Lower Town 0-0.

That game was played before the Senior Parish Football League and much interest centred on it and the attendance and excitement during the play was indicative of the keenness with which it was followed. Without referring specifically to those who played well, suffice it to say that the names of Siobhán (Power), Sheila (O Neill), and Peggy (P.T. O Sullivan) were frequently heard from the onlookers.

Ref: Tadhg O Reilly N.T.


Sun. 14th April at Killarney: Killarney 4-0; Killorglin (Intermediate School) 5-0.

The Killorglin team was rewarded with a hard won victory, which they snatched just before the final whistle. In the first half, the home team had the advantage of a strong wind and were attacking for the greater part of that period and, but for the sterling defence of their fullback, the visitors would have found themselves hopelessly in arrears. As it was, they turned over with a two-goal deficit and two of those had been secured off frees by Miss Price.

On the resumption, the Killarney forwards broke away and, within five minutes, had put another goal to their credit. Despite that reversal, the visitors were playing better and Joan Power, at midfield, was always outstanding. Killorglin goaled three times and then followed the greatest excitement, one side fighting hard to equalise and the other desperately trying to retain its narrow margin of a lead. Camáns and pieces of camáns were flying in all directions and, in a general melee, Killorglin equalised. With two minutes to go, they renewed the onslaught and, with a great shot, Joan Power had the honour of bringing victory at the last moment.

Ref: Sergeant Burns.


Schools’/Colleges’ Football


Co. Colleges’ Junior Football Championship (Dunloe Cup)

Junior players were U-17 years on 1st Aug.

Rd. 1 on 10th Feb. at Tralee: Dingle defeated Intermediate School.


Co. Schools’ Hurling (Fitzgerald Cup)

The following schools entered for the competition: Cahersiveen, Dingle, St. Michael’s, Tralee CBS, Intermediate School and St. Brendan’s.


Rd. 1 in Killarney: St. Brendan’s defeated Intermediate School.


Schools’ Challenge Game

Sun. 6th Jan. at Killarney: Presentation Monastery, Killarney 3-1; Intermediate School 5-1.

The visitors won the toss and, in the first half, piled up a big lead. On resumption, the homesters made a wonderful rally and were attacking for the greater portion of the half. The Killorglin backs were superior and, though beaten on a few occasions, held their line well to win deservedly. Ref: Dr. Eamonn O Sullivan.




Seán Ryan (Áth Cliath) was Uachtarán CLG.


The Munster Convention was held in Ennis on Sat. 2nd March. The following officers were elected: Chairman – Sean McCarthy (Corcaigh), Secretary – Pat McGrath (Tiobrad Árainn), Treasurer – John Joe Sheehy (Ciarraí).


The Annual Convention of the Kerry Co. Board was held in the Courthouse, Tralee on Sun. 27th Jan. Killorglin Senior Football team was represented by John O Riordan and Paddy Foley, Killorglin Junior Football team was represented by Jack O Dwyer and Danny O Lyons, while Killorglin Senior Hurling team was represented by Tom Curran and W. Ahern. The following officers were elected: President – Austin Stack, Chairman – P.J. O Connell (he died suddenly in May), Joint Secretaries – Jack McCarthy and Din Joe Baily, Joint Treasurers – Con Clifford and John Moran.


The AGM of the East-Kerry League was held in the Gaelic League Hall, Killarney on Sun. 30th Jan. 1928. The following officers were elected: Chairman – Dick Fitzgerald, Vice-Chairman – Rev. Father D. Griffin (Milltown), Secretary – Tim Lyne (Killarney), Treasurer – John Moriarty N.T. (Fossa), Representatives on the Co. Board – Liam McSweeney N.T. (Killorglin) and John Moriarty. A sub-committee was appointed to consider and audit the accounts of the League, consisting of Dr. Eamonn O Sullivan, Liam McSweeney and Father D. Griffin. The sub-committee was also instructed to take steps to establish a National Schools’ Competition for the district.

The affairs of the League were held up for a protracted period of time due to the investigation into its financial affairs. Equally so, the East-Kerry Board was remiss in not scheduling games and not insisting on games being played.


James O Regan, Jack O Dwyer, Danny O Lyons and Liam McSweeney represented Killorglin Football Club at the East-Kerry League meeting on Tues. 24th April at the U.D.C. Hall, Killarney. A motion by Kenmare that games in the senior league should be played on a home and away basis was discussed but it was left to a sub-committee to examine the matter and report to a future meeting of the League. As a result, no senior fixtures were made at the meeting.

James O Regan, Jack O Dwyer, Tadhg O Reilly, J. O Sullivan, Danny O Lyons and Michael Sheehan represented Killorglin GAA Club at the East-Kerry League meeting in the U.D.C. Hall, Killarney on Sat. 4th May. The sub-committee charged with examining the Kenmare motion reported its approval of the matter and, on the proposition of James O Regan, it was passed, with 20% of the gate going to the League. James O Regan, also, proposed that Castleisland not be granted permission to leave the League and that was passed.

James O Regan, Jack O Dwyer, Michael Sheehan, Johnsie O Connor and Danny O Lyons represented Killorglin GAA Club at the meeting of the East-Kerry League in the UDC Chambers, Killarney on Sat. 15th June. Dr. Eamonn O Sullivan proposed that the East-Kerry Selection Committee comprise the two members of the Co. Selection Committee and the Chairman. E. Moriarty proposed an amendment that there should be a member from each of the senior teams in the district and James O Regan seconded. The amendment was carried. Jack O Dwyer said that he wished to enter a protest against the remarks passed by the Cahersiveen delegates at the Co. Board meeting in reference to the reception they had got on the occasion of their visit to Killorglin to play East-Kerry in the Co. Championship Football fixture. He wished to state that they had got a most hospitable reception and that he himself had given them the schoolrooms as a dressing-room when they had complained that they had no place to dress in. James O Regan, in seconding Jack O Dwyer, said that he had been going to answer the Cahersiveen delegates at the Co. Board meeting but he had not got a chance.

James O Regan, Jack O Dwyer, John O Riordan, Danny O Lyons, Tadhg O Reilly and Johnsie O Connor represented Killorglin GAA Club at a special convention of the Kerry Co. Board on Sat. 20th July at the Tralee Court-house. The county bye-laws were amended to allow three representatives from each District Board onto the Co. Selection Committee. The draws for the second round of the Co. Championship were also made. James O Regan seconded Dick Fitzgerald’s proposal that the winners of the East-Kerry and South-Kerry game should play West-Kerry. The proposal was defeated in favour of putting the teams into a hat and drawing to see which teams would play and which team would have a bye. The winners of the East-Kerry versus South-Kerry game received a bye.

At the meeting of the East-Kerry League on Sat. 27th July, Dr. Eamonn O Sullivan proposed that Dick Fitzgerald should be East-Kerry’s third member on the Co. Selection Committee. Liam McSweeney seconded the proposal and it was adopted unanimously.

There was a rather tempestuous meeting of the East-Kerry League in Killarney on Wed. 23rd Oct.  The suspension of the two boys (Percy and Thomas O Sullivan) from Milltown, who had refused to play with Milltown Minor team versus Killorglin on Sun. 6th Oct. was for discussion. Milltown club was divided on the matter, some wanting the suspension. A Brother Francis from Milltown had written to the Secretary of the Board seeking the names of the Killorglin and Milltown delegates, by whom the boys had been impeached. He also intimated that the delegates had acted in a secret agent manner  Jack O Dwyer said that he thought that the letter from Bro. Francis was most impertinent. Liam McSweeney said that the Killorglin club had met on the matter and the club had sent its delegates to the meeting, not to spy, but to protest against the match. Jack O Dwyer opined that the playing of the match at Milltown had meant a loss to the Board, also. Liam McSweeney advised that the matter should not be dealt with leniently. There were diverse opinions on the suspension of the boys in question and eventually, James O Regan proposed that the boys should be suspended for 12 months but that the suspension should not take effect if they did not re-offend within 12 months. The proposal was carried.


Killorglin Football Club was sorry to lose the services of Garda Michael Doyle who had been transferred to Wexford. During his four years in Killorglin he had been an important member of both the hurling and football teams.


At a meeting of Killorglin GAA Club on Fri. 22nd Nov., James O Regan proposed and Liam McSweeney seconded ‘That we express our deep regret at the death of one of our fellow members, P.J. Magee (station master) and we extend to his wife and family our sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement.’ The resolution was passed unanimously, Jack O Dwyer, Danny J. Clifford, and the Chairman, Paddy Foley, associating themselves with it.


Despite the fact that teams from Aunascaul, Strand Road, Boherbue, Listowel, Crotta, Abbeydorney, Dingle, Rock St., Blennerville, Camp, Ardfert, Cahersiveen, Foilmore, Listowel and Killarney played in the Co. Camogie Championship, no team from Killorglin participated.


Michael Sheehan, Mill Road, played for Kerry against Waterford in March in the National Hurling League. Waterford won easily.

Dan Guerin, brother of Jim, played with Kerry in the NHL versus Cork and Clare.


Kerry defeated Clare in the Munster Senior Football Championship Final in Killarney on Sun. 14th July by 1-14 to 1-2. Kerry defeated Mayo by 3-8 to 1-1 in the Semi-final and Kildare by 1-8 to 1-5 to win the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship for the 8th time.

Kerry: Johnny Riordan (goals), Dee O Connor, Joe Barrett (capt.), Jack Walsh, Paul Russell, Joe O Sullivan, Tim O Donnell, Con Brosnan, Bob Stack, Jackie Ryan, Miko Doyle, John Joe Landers, Ned Sweeney, James Baily, John Joe Sheehy.

The   Kerry Selection Committee consisted of Dick Fitzgerald (Killarney), Tom Costello (Tralee), P.P. Fitzgerald (do), Tom O Connor (do.), Eugene Moriarty (East-Kerry), Dr. Eamonn O Sullivan (do.), Con Brosnan (North-Kerry), Moss McAuliffe (do.), Euge Ring (South-Kerry), Paddy Foley (West-Kerry), Din Joe Baily (joint-secretary), Jack McCarthy (do.).


Kerry defeated Clare in the Munster Junior Football Championship Final in Killarney on Sun. 14th July by 0-9 to 1-3.

Kerry: J. Fitzmaurice (goal), Harry Turner (East-Kerry), William ‘Jacques’ Guerin (North-Kerry), Bob Walsh (do.), John Connor (South-Kerry), John Connor (West-Kerry), Michael Murphy (South-Kerry), Con Geaney (John Mitchels), Dan Spring (Strand St.), John ‘Bruddy’ Costello (John Mitchels)), George Powell (do), Ted McHugh (South-Kerry), Jack Flavin (North-Kerry), Jimmy Barrett (Rock St.), Mick Moriarty (do.).


On 29th Nov. the Championship Kerry Presentation Social at Finnish Brotherhood Hall, San Francisco, eclipsed any previous GAA function on the Pacific Coast. In the presence of 1,500 invited guests, the Championship trophies and the ‘Leader’ Cup were presented to the Kerry team by Michael Riordan, of Killorglin, former San Francisco Police Captain and then one of the city’s leading attorneys.


The Killorglin Schools’ Sports were held for the first time. 12 and 15 were the age limits for the different events. The field was marked in the recognised manner. The following were the details:

Cycle Race – 1st P. Foley (Killorglin N.S.), 2nd P. O Shea (do.).

100 yards (sen.) – 1st P. Costello (Killorglin N.S.), 2nd Johnny Guinan (do.).

High Jump (sen.) – 1st W. Roche (Cromane N.S.), 2nd P. Teahan (Douglas N.S.).

Long Jump (jun.) – 1st J. O Shea (Cromane N.S.), 2nd W. Foley (do.).

440 yards (sen.), – 1st M. O Shea (Dungeel N.S.), 2nd Johnny Guinan (Killorglin N.S.).

Relay Race (sen.) – 1st Killorglin N.S., 2nd Douglas N.S.

7lbs Shot (sen.) – 1st P. Teahan (Douglas N.S.), 2nd T. O Sullivan (Killorglin N.S.).

High Jump (jun) – 1st Peadar Moroney (Killorglin N.S.), 2nd J.D. Healy (Cromane N.S.).

Long Jump (sen.) – 1st P. Costello (Killorglin N.S.), 2ndP. Teahan (Douglas N.S.).

100 Yards (jun.) – 1st Peadar Moroney (Killorglin N.S.), 2nd J. Houlihan (do.).

220 Yards (jun.) – 1st Peadar Moroney (Killorglin N.S.), 2nd J. Murphy (Dungeel N.S.).

Junior Relay – 1st Killorglin N.S., 2nd Dungeel N.S.

100 Yards (girls) – 1st Kitty Doyle (Douglas N.S.), 2nd Kitty O Shea (Killorglin).

220 yards (girls) – 1st Nelly Foley (Killorglin), 2nd Eily O Regan and Eily O Neill tied.

120 yards Hurdles (sen) – 1st P. Costello (Killorglin N.S.), 2nd P. Teahan (Douglas N S.).

Place Kick (sen.) – 1st M. Griffin (Cromane N.S.), 2nd P. Tobin.

Place Kick (jun.) – 1st J. O Sullivan (Cromane N.S.), 2nd J. Roche (Dungeel N.S.).


The Kerry Schoolboys’ Sports were held on Sat. 29th June in Milltown. The Killorglin Parish athletes fared as follows:

Junior Relay – 1st Cromane N.S., 2nd Killorglin N.S.

Jun. 75 yards and 100 yards – 1st Peadar Moroney (Killorglin N.S.).

Sen. Relay – 2nd Killorglin N.S.

440 yards – 3rd J. Houlihan (Killorglin N.S.)

Long Jump (jun.) – 1st J. O Shea (Cromane (N.S.)

High Jump – 2nd W. Roche (Cromane N.S.).

Weight Throwing (jun.) – 2nd M. Diggin (Cromane N.S.).


Rugby had made great progress in Killorglin and the club entered the McGillycuddy Cup, the McElligott Cup and the Lenihan Cup competitions. It was, also, noticeable that rugby games had been given greater exposure in the local newspapers, almost on a par with Gaelic games. Tralee defeated Killorglin in Tralee by 3 points to nil in the McGillycuddy Cup final. Best for the losers were Tim Sheehan (Upper Bridge St.), Joe O Shea (Langford St.) and Pat Teahan in the backs and Dan Brennnan, D. Forde and M. Kelliher in the pack.

Killorglin: Pat Teahan, Joe O Shea, D. Mangan, Tim Sheehan, M. Riordan, Johnny Mangan, A. Kavanagh, Dan Brennan, D. Forde, Eddie Clifford, C. Foley, W. O Sullivan, M. Kelliher, P. Flynn, William O Shea.

Young Munster came to Tralee on Sun. 10th Nov. to play a Kerry selection and won by 2 tries (6 points) to nil. Killorglin’s Ted Mangan played in the centre and J. Connell in the back row for the Kerry selection.


Liam McSweeney served on the Central Executive Committee of the INTO and he was, also, Secretary of the Kerry Co. Committee of that organisation.


‘The Kerryman’, which had at least two editions and included notes, items and news from all of Kerry together with large tracts of Limerick and North-Cork, had a circulation of 14,983 in 1929.


The Killorglin Drag-hunt took place on Sun. 1st Sept. over a 10.5 mile course. The large attendance had a good view for most for the course. Victor (Cork National) was the winner and, as he had won it the previous year as well, he secured the McGillycuddy for good. In second place, five lengths behind, was Rattler (Northern United Club), third was Mariner (Upton Club), fourth was Ploughman (Cobh Club) and fifth was Sniper (Upton Club). The hard-working Secretary of the local Beagle Club was M.J. Fitzpatrick.