International Women’s Day 2024


8th March is International Women’s Day. And in our club there are amazing women volunteering their time – some of whom you will be introduced to today. Unfortunately it is not possible to mention everyone – but whatever your role – an administrator, a coach, a senior footballer who is are role models to the younger girls, a Mothers & Others footballer, a FLO, a jersey washer, an academy helper, a supporter, a first aider, a friend – the club thanks you for helping make the club a success.

“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up.”


Sinéad Pigott
Vice-Chairperson, Laune Rangers GAA

I have been involved in Laune Rangers all my life. In my early years, I played football at every age group and once I finished playing, I went on to coach various underage teams and spent a number of years as a referee. My first experience as a GAA administrator was 15 years ago when, in 2009, aged 21, I undertook the role of Club PRO. Spending 5 years in the role, I thoroughly enjoyed my time as PRO where I made life-long friendships both within the Club and county wide. In 2012, I was elected as PRO of Kerry Coiste na nÓg. I held both roles simultaneously for two years before taking some time out following the birth of my first child. In the background, I worked with the Kerry GAA PR and Marketing committee but I did not venture too far from the Club scene and in 2017, I was elected as Vice-Chairperson, making history in the process as the first female Vice-Chairperson of our Club. Throughout the last 8 years, I have worked closely with the Club Chairperson, Secretary and PRO, acting as an assistant to Mary, Emmet and Aidan, and helping with any task asked of me; writing match reports, taking photographs, AGM preparation, minute taking, etc. In 2019, I took on the role of Kerry GAA IT Officer where my main tasks are responsibilities around team announcements and the management of same and writing and adding news articles to the Kerry website. It has been a very busy few years but a most rewarding and enjoyable time. I would urge and encourage anyone thinking about it to get involved with our Club. There are plenty roles and areas within the club where people can really make a difference.


Selina O’Connor
Chairperson, Laune Rangers LGFA

From a young age, I have been a dedicated supporter of Gaelic Football. However, in my local club, there were no opportunities for Camogie or Ladies’ Gaelic Football, so I had to settle with watching my brothers play Hurling and Football. Once I became a parent, I was eager to get involved with coaching and volunteered to help out with the U6 team at the time which are now our U12 team However, I felt that my lack of experience as a player would be a disadvantage, so I took advantage of the courses provided by the Club to develop my coaching skills.

Over the years, I have played multiple roles in Laune Rangers Ladies Club. I have served as Club Registrar and Club Secretary, and I am currently the Chairperson of the Ladies Committee. However, my favourite role is that of Female Liaison Officer with our Senior Ladies’ Team. Working with the Senior Management Coaching group has given me the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals and develop my coaching skills, which I can bring back to the younger age groups I coach.

As a committee, we have worked tirelessly to create the best possible environment for girls to play and compete in. Our focus has been on creating a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages girls to develop their skills and confidence. Within Laune Rangers Club, I have had the privilege of working with some fantastic women who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of young girls. Together, we are proud of what we have achieved so far, but we are also excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead for us.
“Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”


Loretta Patton
Secretary, Laune Rangers LGFA

My name is Loretta Patton, and I am Secretary for Laune Rangers LGFA since 2020.
This role involves the day-to-day communication and administration within the club. Managing all official correspondence to the county board in connection with club matters.
I am currently part of the ladies committee along with Selina, Diane, Daisy, and Katrina who make a great team working hard behind the scenes along with the coaches, volunteers, and parents.
“Alone we can do little; together we can do so much “Helen Keller
I grew up living across the road from the JP O’Sullivan Park, the home of Laune Rangers watching football from a young age. I was involved in athletics and football at school and my love of sports continued.
My husband Tony is from Tyrone, and we have two girls and one boy all playing for Laune Rangers I initially got involved in 2018 when asked to help out when my daughter Laura was U14’s and have worked with various age groups since. It is a joy to see the girls grow in confidence and progress throughout the years.
“Sport can play a positive role in the life of young girls, it’s an outlet, a social circle, a chance to shine, to be part of a team” The Greatest Gift
I joined Gaelic for Mothers and Others a few years ago which is great fun, allows weekly exercise and an opportunity to meet new people in the community.
Laune Rangers has recently been accepted for the Healthy Clubs initiative which aims to embed a healthy philosophy in the club and provide opportunities at the heart of the community. I have just completed the Healthy Officer training with other members of the club.
I enjoy being part of the Laune Rangers family and hope to continue my involvement in the club in some capacity for years to come.


Diane Hassett
Vice-Chairperson, Laune Rangers LGFA

My name Diane Hassett and I’m currently Vice Chairperson of Laune Rangers ladies. I’m a mom of 5 children, 4 are still playing football with Laune Rangers. My two boys Gearoid and Eoghan play with Laune Rangers Seniors and my daughter Niamh is playing with U14’s and Aine is playing with seniors ladies. On match days it’s a very busy house. Generally I fall in where ever I’m needed – helping out at academy sessions, any of the fundraisers, attend meetings, assist at registration evenings, FLO role or first aider.


Daisy Naughton
Childrens Officer, Laune Rangers LGFA / Joint Co-ordinator Mothers & Others

My name is Daisy Naughton and I am the Children’s Officer for Laune Rangers LGFA.
This role involves Promoting child safeguarding and wellbeing at the club and ensuring the implementation of the Code of Behaviour (underage) in the club.
I also ensure that all persons working with children and young people are Garda vetted and have completed Child Safeguarding training.

I grew up in a family where everyone was encouraged to play and watch football. When I was younger there wasn’t a girls academy so I played football with the boys up to the age of U-12’s. Then I continued playing football in secondary school and my claim to fame- I was selected and played with Kerry U-16’s!

I became involved in Laune Rangers football club initially through my children. My two sons began playing from a young age and continue to play with the club. Four years ago, my daughter joined U-6’s, I was watching the training from the sideline and was asked one evening to help out as they were short coaches. That became the start of my coaching career! I continued coaching another year in U-6’s before moving up to U-8’s where I’m now in my 2nd year. I get immense pleasure in coaching the young girls and seeing how they make new friends, master new skills and grow in confidence in their abilities.

I joined the Gaelic for Mothers and Others a few years ago and personally for me this has been the highlight of my involvement with Laune Rangers. This group has provided me with the opportunity to get out every week to play fun, non-competitive football while also meeting other mothers in the area. I also think it has been very positive for my three children to see their mum going out each week training and they then get to stand on the sideline watching their mum playing football!!

I accepted the role of joint coordinator of the Laune Rangers Mothers & Others group and it is so positive to see how much our numbers have risen every year and the how the group has played a significant role in various fundraising ideas within the club.
Here’s hoping I’ll be able to continue to play for a few more years!!


Bridie Sheehan
Joint Co-ordinator Mothers & Others

My name is Bridie Sheehan. I’m a member of Laune Rangers Gaa since 2019. I’m involved with the Girls Academy where I help out with training the U6’s. I’m also a joint co-ordinator of the Mothers and Others group with Daisy Naughton. This role entails – organising training sessions, promoting the club while canvassing for more players. We also organise games, blitzes and some charity events.


Katrina Stack
Club PRO – Registrar, Laune Rangers LGFA

I first got involved with Laune Rangers in summer of 2021, my oldest girl Liadh had started playing with U6’s that year and a few parents were needed to help out. I have always loved Gaelic Football, I was the eldest of 6 at home with 3 younger brothers, there was always a ball being kicked. But the opportunities and encouragement that is available today for our younger girls was not there 20-30 years ago. I met my husband at Kerry v Longford in 2009 Kerry were playing in the Qualifiers that year. I have always had a grá láidir for football. Our house is a football mad house! Liadh plays with U8’s and Abbie is playing with U6’s.

In 2022 season, I took on U6 coordinator role. The highlight of being involved is the being involved with U6 girls and the fun in the sessions. They love it when you act silly with them, chasing them with bubbles, or scoring goals when the coaches are in goals. Their preservance is amazing and they are at the beginning of their football career.
Mens sans in corpore sano (A Healthy Mind, A Healthy Body).

In 2022, I also became involved in the Ladies Committee as Registrar & Injury Fund Coordinator. This involves linking in with trainers and parents to ensure all our players are registered and fully paid up. I play with the Mothers & Others also which has created a network of friends who meet in the school yard. I love the friendships that football has helped create for me. It is busy but I love being involved. I have met so many people being involved with Laune Rangers.

I have been involved in few charity & fundraising initiatives and in my new role as Club PRO I was involved in the planning of our recent social – which was a fantastic night celebrating our senior team men and women’s successes of last year.

When all is said and done, we are all volunteers, with one common goal, to keep our girls enjoying and playing football.
“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action. These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud.” – Helen Dyer.


Mary O’Connor
Children’s Officer, Laune Rangers GAA

My two sons played all the way up from U-6 and are now Senior players with Laune Rangers. Seeing how much they have benefited from playing GAA prompted me to get involved. My role as children’s officer is to ensure that Laune Rangers provides underage players with a safe, enjoyable environment in which to develop their footballing skills. I liaise with team managers about code of conduct and with players about code of behaviour. Part of my role is to ensure that all coaches involved with teams are Garda vetted and have completed a safe guarding course.