Laune Rangers – 1924

The Co. Senior Football Championship was not played, principally due to the fact that the Kerry team was involved in the concluding stages of the 1923 All-Ireland Championship and the 1924 Munster Championship.


Games for the Co. Senior Football Championship were initially scheduled but teams, including Killorglin, refused to play until the political prisoners had been released.


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Co. Senior Football Championship

Twelve teams entered for the Co. Senior Football Championship, Castleisland, Killorglin, Tralee Mitchels, Civic Guards, Keel, Castlegregory, Listowel, Valentia, Killarney Crokes, Dingle, Cahersiveen and Currow.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 20th July at Tralee: Killorglin v Castleisland.

The match did not take place as, following the Kerry team’s example, the teams refused to play until the political prisoners were released. At the time, about 2,000 Republican prisoners had been incarcerated for their activities during the Civil-War.

The game was re-fixed at the Co. Board meeting on 23rd Aug. for Tralee on Sun. 5th Oct.

At the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 29th Nov. the Co. Secretary, in reply to a question, said that he could not have run off the championship games due to the bad weather and the training of the County team. However, it was agreed, after some dissention, to re-fix the games for the New Year. Laune Rangers versus Castleisland was scheduled for Tralee on Sun. 18th January. Unfortunately, the Championship was never completed.




P.D. Breen, Loch Gorman, was elected as Uachtarán CLG at the Annual Congress in The Mansion House, Dublin. A motion to rescind the ban on foreign games was defeated by 54 votes to 32. A motion from Tipperary that players’ numbers be given on official programmes for All-Ireland semi-finals and finals was passed.


The Annual Convention of the Munster Council was held in Cork on 15th March. The following officers were re-elected: Chairman – Jerry O Brien (An Clár), Secretary – Pat McGrath (Tiobrad Árainn), Treasurer – Ailbe Quillinan (Luimneach).


The Annual Convention of the Kerry Co. Board was held in Tralee on Sat. 8th March. The following officers were re-elected: President – Austin Stack, Chairman – P.J. O Connell, Joint-Secretaries – Denis J. Baily and William J. Foley, Joint-Treasurers – John Moran and Con Clifford, Delegates to Munster Council – Dick Fitzgerald and Denis J. Baily.


At the Co. Board meeting in the Courthouse, Tralee, on Sat. 10th May, two Co. Championship matches were fixed for Killorglin on Sun. 29th June – Listowel v Valentia in senior football with Paddy Kennelly, Killorglin, as referee and Tralee Parnells v Ballyduff in senior hurling with Tom Costello, Tralee, as referee. At the Co. Board meeting on 5th July, those matches were re-fixed for the same venue on Sun. 27th July and another game, Cahersiveen v Currow, was added to the day’s programme. Unfortunately, the games were postponed at short notice because of the arrival of Austin Stack T.D., President of the Co. Board, just released from prison, in Tralee. There was great disappointment in Killorglin, notwithstanding the reason, as all the local arrangements had been completed and a large crowd had been expected to attend, as special trains were to run from Listowel and Valentia.

At the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 23rd Aug. the games were again re-fixed for Killorglin on Sun. 28th Sept.

At the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 29th Nov. the hurling game were re-fixed for Listowel, while the football games were re-fixed for Tralee. Paddy Kennelly was again nominated to referee the game between Valentia and Listowel.


As the Kerry team went into training for the 1923 All-Ireland Football Final versus Dublin, an appeal was made by the Selection Committee to the Kerry Gaels for funds to enable them to train the team in a fitting manner. Amongst the people appointed to receive subscriptions was Liam McSweeney N.T., Killorglin.


Tadhg O Reilly represented Killorglin GAA Club at the Co. Board meeting the Courthouse, Tralee on Sat. 5th July at which fixtures for Killorglin Club and Killorglin field were made.

Mick Flynn represented Killorglin Club at the Co. Board meeting in The Courthouse, Tralee, on Sat. 16th Aug. The purpose of the meeting was to appoint a delegate to the Special Congress in Dublin, which was to decide on the All-Ireland final, Kerry v Dublin, which Kerry had refused to play until the release of the Republican prisoners and for which Kerry had been subsequently suspended by Central Council. John Joe Sheehy was unanimously appointed as delegate to represent Kerry.

Tadhg O Reilly represented Killorglin at the Co. Board meeting in the Tralee Courthouse on Sat. 23rd Aug. It was reported that the Special Congress had re-fixed the All-Ireland final, Kerry v Dublin, for Croke Park on Sun. 21st Sept.


‘Pars from Puck’ by Laune Ranger, in the Kerryman of Sat. 12th April, wrote as follows: “Now that Kerry is again taking the field in football matches, we will ask what is Killorglin doing in the matter. There is no use in saying that we could always produce some good material here – even though that material was not appreciated nor our football talent very often utilised – it is now up to us to take our share in Kerry’s re-awakening, to help make the Kingdom the home of football once more and, incidentally, to use the GAA as the common field where politics are not known and where all political feelings, grudges and ill-feelings are forgotten – to help us to forget the political chaos of the past few years by giving us something else to take our attention and on which we may place our hopes of at least temporary unity. Very little has been done surely, but we learn that a few promoters are taking it on themselves to affiliate a club and then they hope to organise with every hope of success. At present, we need say no more and hope to again refer to the matter.”

He returned to the matter on 3rd May, as follows: “One may well inquire what is being done locally by way of practicing the Gaelic code or re-organising the club and, at once, we may admit that there is very little. A few enthusiasts there are who spare no pains, but so far their efforts bear little fruit. It is hoped that Kerry’s victory on Sunday (over Cavan in the 1923 All-Ireland semi-final), with an All-Ireland Championship within view, may instil a little enthusiasm into our Killorglin sports.”

‘Pars from Puck’ on 10th May, “At the time of writing, efforts are afoot to re-organise the football club and let us hope they will meet with success. Seeing that the match against Castleisland is fixed for July, it is time that something tangible in the line of organising was done. Unfortunately, owing to the emigration rush, many of the keenest and best footballers in the district are shortly to bid us adieu and it is for that reason all the more necessary that the local organisers should be up and doing at once. To select 15 to don the blue on the field from the material at present available is no easy matter and much practice will certainly be necessary before they can line up against Castleisland’s selection.”

‘Pars from Puck’ on the 17th May: “It’s time something was done to prepare for the match against Castleisland. It will need some hard work to select fifteen footballers from the young blood at present available. Some of the veterans are expected to don the blue again. Kerry’s victory on Sunday (over Tipperary in the 1924 Munster Championship) instilled a new enthusiasm into the local Gaels. The club is being reformed at Friday night’s meeting, which is to be held at 7.30pm (immediately after devotions). All interested, including business representatives, are expected to attend.”

‘Pars from Puck’ on Sat. 12th July, “It would be well for our local Gaels to note that their match v Castleisland is fixed for Tralee on Sunday week, 20th inst. So far, no continued effort seems to have been made in the way of practice or organisation and there remains only one other Sunday in which to do anything. Is there ant use in appealing to the sports to make the most of that and of the next week in preparation for the Castleisland encounter.’

‘Pars from Puck’ on Sat. 19th July, “Killorglin is billed to meet Castleisland in Tralee on Sunday in the first round of the football County Championship, and Killorglin will be beaten. Some of our sports now, following the lead of the Kerry team, refuse to play until all prisoners are released, and a very small selection of its best is thus made smaller – in fact, there is now no selection, just a matter of getting fifteen to play from the club. It is strange, indeed, that this should happen just now on the eve of the match and when all other Kerry teams are playing but, when you have ‘inconsistency’ and ‘principle’ put forward as arguments against playing, it is difficult to know what is best to be done. However, whilst we have no doubt that the fifteen to be fielded will give of their best, we fear for the result and look forward to the match with anything but hope for the locals. Let not those, who use the ‘inconsistency’ excuse, think that all the patriotism is confined to them, for, in the teams being fielded throughout the county, one meets patriots at least as good and Irishmen just as sacrificing.”

‘Pars from Puck’ on Sat. 25th Oct: ‘Practical interest in football locally is dead. The best of the local players have left for the USA, to take part in the greater game of life.’


‘Pars from Puck’ wrote in the Kerryman on 4th Oct: “Killorglin was well represented at Croke Park on Sunday last (1923 All-Ireland Football final versus Dublin). Denied a train themselves, the sports journeyed in large numbers to Killarney, there to avail of the excursion to the Metropolis, and well pleased they were with Kerry’s acquittal. It was certainly worthy of the successors of the ‘Kingdom’s’ famous champions. Though they were only expected to give Dublin ‘a good run’ for the championship, even their most intimate supporters were amazed at the wonderful display in their first appearance in an All-Ireland final. In common with their thousands of supporters, we congratulate ‘Phil’s’ Fifteen on their magnificent display on Sunday and have no hesitation in saying they will become as famous as Dick’s. As for the captain himself, well, could he be better?”


Kerry defeated Tipperary in the first round of the Munster Senior Football Championship and Cork by 4-3 to 2-1 in the semi-final. They annexed the Munster Senior Championship by defeating Clare in Limerick on Sun. 12th Oct. on the score of 3-10 to 2-2 with the same team that had played Dublin a few weeks earlier in the 1923 All-Ireland Final. In the All-Ireland semi-final on Sun. 7th Dec. in Croke Park, Kerry defeated Mayo by 1-4 to 0-1. The All-Ireland final was not played until Sun. 26th April 1925, as the All-Ireland semi-final involving Dublin had been delayed until February. Nevertheless, Kerry defeated Dublin by 0-4 to 0-3 to capture its sixth title and its first since 1914.

Kerry: Jack Sheehy (Dingle) goal, Phil O Sullivan (Tuosist) capt., Jack Murphy (Cahersiveen), Paul Russell (Killarney), Jack Walsh (Asdee), Con Brosnan (Newtownsandes), Bob Stack (Ballybunion), Mundy Prendiville (Castleisland), Joe Barrett (Tralee), John Joe Sheehy (do.), Jackie Ryan (do.), Jerry Moriarty (do.), Bill Landers (do.), John Baily (Ballymac), James Baily (do). Subs: Mossy Galvin (Tralee), Eugene Moriarty (Killarney), John ‘Gal’ Slattery (Tralee), Eamonn Fitzgerald (Caherdaniel).


Kerry won the All-Ireland Junior Football Championship final by defeating Longford by 1-6 to 0-4 in Croke Park on 25th July 1925.

Kerry: Johnny Riordan (Tralee) goal, Jack McCarthy (do.), Denis ‘Rory’ O Connell (do.), Willie Riordan (do.), John ‘Gal’ Slattery (do.), Pat Clifford (Ballymac), Tommy Graham (Dingle), Mick Graham (do.), Tommy Mahony (Moyvane), Paud Sullivan (do.), Tom O Donnell (Tarbert), Standish Kerins (Listowel), Eamonn Fitzgerald (Caherdaniel), Denis O Connor (Killarney), Tommy O Connor (Ballylongford). Subs: Jack Cronin (Killarney), Bobby ‘Rucky’ Kelly (Tralee), Jack McMahon (Tralee), Neilus McCarthy (Killarney), Pat Farran (Ballybunion).


‘Pars from Puck’ wrote in the Kerryman on 4th October: “Once again, I may be excused for referring to the emigration which is daily taking from the surrounding districts some of the best of our young, stalwart men and brave, healthy women. Almost daily they are travelling to Cove to prepare for or leave for the States. They regret their being compelled by circumstances to do so, but then the country many of them fought for and certainly all suffered for offers not any prospects of employment and they must seek their livelihood elsewhere, preferring to go to the land of the mighty dollar than to any other.”


Under the scheme for cottages and small holdings, run by the Kerry Co. Committee of Agriculture, several awards in the Killarney district were made to holdings in the Killorglin area. Those awards were most keenly contested, which enhanced the achievements of the winners in the various categories, who were as follows: P. Foley, Annadale, Michael O Brien, Ardmoniel, Mrs. Michael T. O Sullivan, Gurrane West, William O Neill, Cromane West, Jack Sheehy, Dunmaniheen and J. O Connor, Ardmoniel.