Laune Rangers – 1925


The District Football Leagues were inaugurated, the winners of each district participating in the Co. Senior Football Championship, which was organised after a lapse of five years.


Killorglin Football Club took part in the East-Kerry League, losing to Currow, Killarney and Firies before defeating Farranfore, Headford and Firies. Kilcummin defeated Killorglin to win the league.


In July, the Killorglin Football League (a local league) was commenced with eight teams involved.


* * * * * * * * * * *


Co. Senior Football Championship

After a lapse of five years, the Co. Senior Football Championship was organised. Five teams entered Tralee, Cahersiveen, Killarney, Dingle and Listowel. The winners of the various District Board Leagues were to contest the Co. Championship.


The final was not played until 24th April 1927 and Tralee, captained by Jerry ‘Pluggy’ Moriary, defeated Listowel by 1-5 to 0-4 after a replay.


East-Kerry Senior Football League

That was the inaugural year of the competition.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 31st May at Firies: Currow defeated Killorglin by three points.

Quite a large number of Gaels accompanied the Killorglin representatives to see their display of football. The game, from many points of view, was interesting and it taught the Killorglin scrap team a few lessons. It showed them that it was not safe to leave the selection of the team to the morning of the match and that they had better take the matter seriously or not at all. However, they were only defeated by three points and that might encourage the players to train, so that they would not be able to use the excuse that they were beaten because there were too many frees to the other side.


Rd. 2 on Sun. 14th June: Killorglin 1-0; Killarney 1-6.

That game attracted a comparatively large crowd and the fare presented was indeed of a fairly high standard, football being the order of the day. Killarney were the victors and the game was refereed by Euge Moriarty.


Rd. 3 on Sun. 21st June at Firies: Firies 3-3; Killorglin 1-1.

The greatest interest was centred in that match as the home side had been training very hard during the previous week. Though the day had commenced dull, the weather brightened as the day progressed and enthusiasts, from far and near, poured into the village as a result. The immense throng of people found it hard to control its feelings as the two teams lined out. Killorglin won the toss and played with the aid of the wind.

Firies broke away from the throw-in but were sent back. Following some give and take play at midfield, they attacked again and, through brilliant work, Pat Mannix raised the white flag. A second point, per T. Woods, within ten minutes of the throw-in, drew a great burst of cheering from the Firies followers. But Killorglin were now getting into their stride and manfully contested every inch of the ground. Play was fast and furious and D. Clifford, in the village goal, was called upon to clear his charge. Just before halftime, Killorglin came on with a rush, broke through the home defence and succeeded in raising the green flag. That gave them a lead of one point and there was no more scoring until the short whistle.

On the turn over, Firies, having the breeze in their favour, monopolised the game to a great extent. Still, Killorglin fought gamely to the end but the home backs were not to be outdone.

Ref: Pat Clifford (Ballymac).


Rd. 4 on Sun. 20th Sept. at Killorglin: Killorglin 3-0; Farranfore 2-0.

The weather was anything but favourable for football. Nevertheless, a comparatively good crowd was present when Dick Fitzgerald threw in the ball. It proved a surprisingly good contest and the result astonished many of the pessimistic followers of the local fifteen. Up to that game, Killorglin had not won a game in the league and much interest was centred on the match against Farranfore, who were considered a combination to be reckoned with.

There were some changes on the Killorglin side and that resulted in a big improvement. From the throw-in the game was interesting and, under the circumstances, fairly fast, with now and then exciting moments. The visitors played against the wind in the first half and they had also the disadvantage of playing against the hill, which was considerable. It was then a noteworthy achievement to score a goal before halftime, three goals having been scored by the locals.

At the resumption, Farranfore seemed keen on equalising, especially with the advantage of the hill and the wind, but they could not overcome the defence of their opponents. They did manage to score a goal but that was the only score of the second half and the locals brought off an unexpected but deserved victory.

There were many features in the play worthy of note, the most remarkable probably being that some of the players actually had to don their coats during the game, so heavy was the rain. As might be expected, there was a pretty large number of overs and sides and the field rendered very difficult to play on before the match was long in progress. Excitement was occasionally very high and the applause of the supporters was very definite and enthusiastic. Of the visiting combination, the two outstanding men were Thomas Kelliher and Shanahan. For the home side, the following were worthy of mention, Pat Mannix (Listry), Mick Hogan, Ted Mangan, Pat Sheehan and, needless to say, the veteran Paddy Foley, who appeared as sprightly and active as when he annexed honours with Kerry’s junior string.

Ref: Dick Fitzgerald (Killarney).

Farranfore lodged an objection to Killorglin being awarded the match. They complained that they did not have enough space, that they were hampered by shortage of ground, that the field wasn’t large enough, as they put it, that the playing pitch was not of the required dimensions. The committee of the East-Kerry League ruled the objection out of order as the appellants had not conformed to the rules and used Irish-made paper in lodging the objection.


Rd. 5 on Sun. 18th Oct. at Farranfore: Killorglin 2-1; Headford 0-2.

For Headford, the veteran Paddy Healy lined out, while Killorglin had the famous Paddy Kennelly. From the throw-in, Killorglin were remarkable for their dash and rushed the Headford goal on many occasions but Paddy Healy did Yoeman work in the backline. Eventually, Killorglin succeeded in raising the green flag. Headford followed with a minor. Thereafter, Headford, though they were the better team, could not get the scores and Killorglin emerged victorious. Ref: Jack Cronin. At the conclusion of the game, Killorglin followers dispatched a carrier pigeon to Puck with the news. The game had been billed for 2.30pm but did not start until 3.50pm.


Rd. 6 on Sun. 1st Nov. at Firies: Firies 1-1; Killorglin 4-3.

The result was not long in doubt as Killorglin seemed to get the better of the play from the start. That was not to say that the opposition was not a strong and lively team, whose combination and dash possibly deserved more but the visitors’ goalie was the man mainly responsible for that. The match was at times very lively and had spasms of extra good play – more than the final score would lead one to believe. The state of the field told very much against the play throughout. All the Killorglin players acquitted themselves well and as the captain said afterwards, ‘they were all great’.


Rd. 7 on Sun. 20th Nov. at the Cricket Field, Killarney: Kilcummin 2-4; Killorglin 1-0.

‘Pars from Puck’ reported in the Kerryman on Sat. 19th Nov. as follows: ‘So keen is the interest taken locally in the fixture (Kilcummin v Killorglin) that every available motor car in town has been booked for the past week and many of those from neighbouring towns as well. That it will be a very interesting match is assured as, in the League contests up to the present, both teams have shown good form, and we can promise their followers that Killorglin will give a good account of themselves. Our team lines out against Kilcummin at 3pm. It is hoped that punctuality will be observed for, unless it is as at Farranfore on a recent occasion, the darkness will interfere.’

Kilcummin had to beat Killorglin to claim the title as winners of the League. From the throw-in at 4.10pm, Kilcummin immediately got going but met with a stubborn defence. Give and take play followed, no quarter being given on either side. After 15 minutes, Killorglin broke away on their wing and, through fast forward work, opened the score with a goal. Kilcummin retaliated from the kick-out and landed over the bar but the whistle had gone. Nothing daunted, they returned to the attack and registered a point, which they immediately supplemented with another off a free by Jack Cronin. At halftime, Killorglin led by 1-0 to 0-2.

On resuming, Kilcummin broke away and, working along the wing, immediately took the lead with a goal. From then onwards, they took complete control of the game, adding a further goal and two points to their credit. Occasionally, Killorglin attacked but the Kilcummin back division always had them in hand, the closing minutes of the game being marred by darkness. Ref: Jerry O Leary (Killarney)

‘Pars from Puck’ wrote in the Kerryman on the following week as follows: ‘It is usual for a beaten team to state some cause for their overthrow, but it must, on this occasion, be admitted that Kilcummin was far and away the better team and, with some notable exceptions, our representatives did not at all play up to expectations. Whether it was that they were off form or were completely outclassed, the fact remains that, with their display on Sunday, their followers were certainly disappointed. It is scarcely playing the game to remind our men now that they troubled little about practice the previous week or, indeed, before that. But here again we refer not to the full compliment but to the ‘stars’. Notwithstanding all, however, our fifteen did well during the season and, by grit and combination and practice, they are a team from whom we yet expect great things. Many of them are young both in years and in football. We only echo the sentiments of Killorglin’s representatives by congratulating Kilcummin on their well-merited victory.’


Parish/District Football League

In mid-July a local league – the Killorglin Football League – was organised. The following teams took part: Killorglin (Rangers), Killorglin (Celtic), Steelroe, Tuogh, Cromane, Coolbane, Listry and Knockavota. The medals were on view in the window of Fitzpatrick’s Drapery, Iveragh Road.


Sun. 19th July at Killorglin: Killorglin (Celtics) 2-2; Steelroe 1-0.

The game was supposed to start at 2.30pm but, owing to the strong winds, etc. blowing, it was 3.20pm before the teams appeared on the field. Steelroe was captained by the veteran footballer, Dan Hayes, who appeared as young and enthusiastic as ever, while Maurice Breen (Celtics) led his young but promising fifteen.

Ref: Danny Clifford.

Killorglin (Rangers) 3-1; Coolbane 2-1.

Much interest had been centred on that match, as it was a replay, and the followers of both were confident, although Coolbane appeared to be the favourites. It was understood that they were fielding their best material.

Coolbane choose the wind for the first half and, within ten minutes, recorded a point per Dan Scully. From the kick-out, Bysie Roberts sent on to Ted Mangan, who centred into Mick Hogan but Dan Healy (Rockfield), in Coolbane’s defence, proved stalwart. However, Hogan again got possession and sent over the bar. Play was confined to midfield for some minutes when Pat Mannix (Coolbane), with a nice kick to Sonny Guerin, got the ball into the Rangers’ parallelogram but captain, Paddy Foley, with his creditable experience relieved the situation by sending the ball along the wing to Dan Houlihan, who forwarded to Dan Scannell. Here a tussle followed, which finished by his sending the ball beneath the cross-bar. Following the kick-out, Coolbane got a ‘fifty’, which was cleverly centred by Francie Butler but Dannyo Lyons saved well and sent back to Pat Sheehan, who quickly tried the opponents’ goalie, McCarthy. For a moment, the excitement was high and, then, the goalie, amidst cheers, and with a good display, saved the position. At halftime, the score stood at 1-1 to 0-1 in favour of Killorglin.

When play resumed, Coolbane got away with a goal per Thady Foley. Again they were on the offensive and recorded another per Dan Scully. Then the home side, at the command of the captain (Paddy Foley) got busy and were observed many times testing the Coolbane defence. Mick Hogan and Pat Sheehan seemed to outwit their opponents, quickly raising the green flag twice for Rangers. Again the pressure was kept on Coolbane lines and, shortly before the final whistle, Healy sent in another goal, which was disputed and disallowed.

Ref: Danny Clifford.

Maurice Breen had ably and effectively coached the two Killorglin teams.


Sun. 2nd Aug. at Killorglin: Tuogh 0-2; Listry 0-1.

The evening being delightfully fine, there was a record attendance, which testified to the amount of interest and enthusiasm taken in the matches. Unfortunately, as was usual at most GAA matches, the teams were almost an hour late taking the field. Playing with the wind, Tuogh got away quickly and after ten minutes brisk play the white flag was raised in their favour by Pete Coughlan. Thaddeus Cashman and Mike Coffey were doing good work in midfield but the Listry backs were impenetrable. Tuogh led at the break by 0-1 to 0-0. On resuming, Listry were away and play was dangerous about the Tuogh goal but a good clearance was effected. A free to Listry, per John E. Moriarty, brought the sides level. Much excitement prevailed and play was even until another point was scored by Tuogh to give them victory. Ref: Danny Clifford.

Steelroe 3-2; Cromane 0-2.

Winning the toss, Cromane played against the wind. From the start, Steelroe got away and, after a minute’s play, got in a point per Patie Mangan. For Cromane, J. Lyne was doing excellent work in the back-line and effected some stylish clearances. A major per Patie Mangan put Steelroe well ahead to lead by 1-1 to 0-0 at halftime. Resuming, and playing with the wind, Cromane secured a point per J. Lyne. For the rest of the time, play was confined to the Cromane area and Steelroe succeeded in getting two goals and a point to Cromane’s point. Ref: Paddy Foley.


Sun. 16th Aug. at Killorglin: Cromane 0-2; Listry 0-2.

Some very good individual play was witnessed and the resulting score gave an idea of the combined efforts. Certainly, for comparatively new teams, the fact that only two scores were registered for each side, gave much promise. Ref: D. Lyne.

Tuogh 1-1; Coolbane 0-2.

That game had some very interesting periods, especially when the few well-known members of the Tuogh team were closely marked by the opposing parties, bringing forth rounds of applause and appreciation. There some players on both sides that would do credit to the best senior team in the county.

Ref: Tadhg O Reilly.


Sun. 27th Sept. at Killorglin: Killorglin (Rangers) 2-3; Steelroe 0-2.

Though the weather was anything but suitable, one of the two local games was played during the evening in the presence of a pretty large crowd. From the throw-in of the ball, the rain, which at first had been light, increased until the ardour of the players as well as that of the referee and spectators was almost dampened. Killorglin, having won the toss, elected to play with the wind (and the incline) and very soon settled down to strenuous work to meet with stern opposition from the Steelroe combination. The whistle was, of necessity, called into use pretty frequently during the opening stages but there were, also, some spasms of really good play and the goalies on both sides deserved to be congratulated on the splendid defences of their citadels. Rangers led at halftime by 1-2 to 0-0.

At change of sides, however, when Steelroe had the advantage of the wind and the incline, a change took place and they seemed all over their opponents until bang went another goal. A foul by Killorglin gave the visitors an opportunity, which was availed of. As Patie Mangan was about to take the free, ‘Jur’ McKenna, the Trojan of his side, shouted, ‘Have a look at Steelroe first, Patie, and kick like ****.’ That did it, for Patie did kick and a point, their first score, resulted. That was in quick succession followed by another minor, scored by ‘Jur’ himself. Paddy Foley then got his men into renewed activity and Guard Doyle responded splendidly. The scene of activity was quickly changed and Mick Hogan registered a minor. There was much give and take from then to the final whistle, at which stage Rangers were declared the winners. All the players acquitted themselves admirably but for the visitors, Patie Mangan and John McKenna played best with ‘Jur’ McKenna a good third. For the winners, Paddy Foley, Mick Hogan, Guard Doyle, Ted Mangan and Michael Sheehan were remarkable.


Sun. 4th Oct. at Killorglin: Killorglin (Rangers) 2-6; Killorglin Celtics 3-0.

The outstanding feature of that match was the fine playing of Paddy Kennelly. He played in his old form, the one man on the field, with the exception of Paddy Foley, who showed that he knew football from A to Z and the crowd of onlookers were not slow to show their appreciation of his brilliant display. On that occasion, the Rangers led by Paddy Foley, after a very strenuous hour’s play defeated Celtics, led by Maurice Breen..

Knockavota w/o; Coolbane scr.

The Coolbane team did not put in an appearance and Knockavota, their opponents, played a friendly against Steelroe, which ended in a draw, 2-2 to Steelroe and 1-5 to Knockavota.


Sun. 8th Nov. at Killorglin: Killorglin (Celtics) 1-1; Cromane 0-3.

From the start of the first game to the finish of the second, there was not a dull moment. Eddie Clifford was first away with the ball on the throw-in and that was the initial step in some very good play, which was nullified by the Cromane men. One of the latter’s players, John Murphy, had to retire during the first few minutes and, shortly afterwards, Eddie Clifford was responsible for the raising of the white flag. There were some fine saves by the Cromane goalie. Batty O Dwyer, of the Celtic backs, did some good work but, then, Cromane registered a point. Give and take was the feature of the play for some time until a dash was made by Celtics, which resulted in a major being registered after some nice combination between Maurice Breen (captain) and Eddie Clifford, the latter putting in a very good centre. The halftime whistle gave a much needed respite, as Celtics led by 1-1 to 0-1. On resuming, Cromane seemed to have come good and, after some appreciable play by John Sugrue, an organised attack on Celtics territory was made, from which a point was scored by Sugrue himself. That was followed in a few minutes by another minor from McKenna. Try as they would, and they did try, Cromane could not get the equaliser. Ref: Paddy Foley.

Killorglin (Rangers) 1-1; Listry 0-0.

With commendable speed, the two teams were on the field and the same spasms of brilliant play marked that match as the previous one. Up to the first score of a minor, after 10 minutes play, Ted Mangan and Paddy Foley for the Rangers, and Sonny Tangney and Dan Healy for Listry were much in evidence. Touch and go play ensued, with an occasional foul. A free for Listry by John E. Moriarty put the Rangers’ goal in danger but the goalie saved well. Halftime found only one score registered, Rangers 0-1, Listry 0-0.

On resumption, darkness was setting in. Ted Mangan and Mick Hogan played well for the Rangers, but Bysie Roberts fouled and J.E. Moriarty sent the free wide. Play was then transferred to Rangers’ territory but Duffy played well, time and again effecting great saves. Pat Mannix centred well for Listry but Paddy Foley saved. Play was then at midfield, when Ted Mangan got possession and passed to Mick Hogan who sent in a neat goal. The play after that was of little interest. Ref: J.P. O Riordan.


At the end of the year, the league table looked as follows:

P W L D Pts.

Rangers 4 4 0 0 8

Celtic 3 2 1 0 4

Steelroe 3 1 2 0 2

Tuogh 2 2 0 0 4

Cromane 3 0 2 1 1

Coolbane 3 0 3 0 0

Listry 3 0 2 1 1

Knockavota 1 1 0 0 2


Senior Football Challenge Games


Sun. 3rd May at the Seminary Grounds: The Seminary 2-9; Killorglin Juniors 1-0.

It was the laudable ambition of Tadhg O Reilly N.T., Douglas, to revive the football glories of the town by the Laune and restore the faded prestige of the once famous club. To that end, he arranged the two games against the Seminary, Killarney, hereunder mentioned.

The game was started at 3.15pm and was contested throughout in a fine sporting spirit. Killorglin put up stern resistance but the Seminary boys’ experience and practice was early evident. They had the balance of the game to the finish and ran out winners. For the visitors, Ted Mangan, Condon Clifford and Dan Houlihan did best. For the Seminary, the best performers were Mick Brick, Seamus O Shea, Mick Herlihy, Donnagh Lynch and Paul Russell, who, in the same position of right halfback, had covered himself in glory the previous Sunday in the All-Ireland final. The following Killorglin boys also played with the Seminary: Denis Curran (Groyne) and Tadhg McGillycuddy (Coolbane).

Killorglin: Michael Condon Clifford, Ted Mangan (capt.), Pat Sheehan (Mill Road), Maurice McKenna (Steelroe), Mikey Griffin (Iveragh Road), Jeremiah Grady (Langford St.), Tom Curran (do.), Eddie Clifford (Upper Bridge St.), Dan Houlihan (The Square), Peter O Shea (Langford St.), Ned Healy (Mill Road), Eugene Mangan (Steelroe), Michael Sheehan (Mill Road), Pat Curran (Langford St.), Pat O Mahony (do.).


Sun. 10th May at the Seminary Grounds, Killarney: The Seminary 3-8; Laune Rangers Seniors 2-2.

That was a fierce, fast and strenuous game in which the Seminary, despite the absence of their All-Ireland star, Paul Russell, defeated a very much older and more powerful Killorglin team. Best for the Rangers were Ted Mangan, Lieutenant O Callaghan, Private Jones, Private Roberts and Guard Doyle. Killorglin players on the Seminary team included Denis Curran (Groyne) and Tadhg McGillycuddy (Coolbane).

Killorglin: Dan Jones (goal) School Road, Ted Mangan (capt.), Lieutenant (Jimmy) O Callaghan, Private (Thady) Jones (School Road), Private (Bysie) Roberts (Langford St.), Guard Doyle, Michael ‘Condon’ Clifford, Dan Houlihan (The Square), Eddie Clifford (Upper Bridge St.), Dannyo Lyons (Iveragh Road), Pat Sheehan (Mill Road), Peter O Shea (Langford St.), Patie Mangan (Steelroe), Mick Teahan (Gurrane), Jeremiah Sheehan (Upper Bridge St.).


Wed. 8th July at Killorglin: The Higos 2-2; The Hobos 2-2.

Since the club had secured the use of the sports-field for a year, it had been availed of every evening for football and scratch-matches became the order. Such was the case in that game, two combinations under the respective leadership of the veteran footballer, Paddy Foley, and the well-known enthusiast, Maurice Breen. A comparatively large crowd had collected before the ball was thrown in and it was even whispered that betting had been indulged in by the followers of either side. The Higos were distinguished by their blue jerseys whilst by their diversity of colouring were the Hobos known. The ball was thrown in by Master Kevin Foley (son of Paddy Foley) and fast and furious was the game from the start. First one goal was in danger and then the other citadel was attacked, Eddie Kennelly and Eddie Clifford being especially active for the ‘Blues’, and Pat Sheahan, Michael ‘Condon’ Clifford and James O Riordan doing best for the others. It was only when the Higos’ custodian was beaten by a smart shot by Dan Houlihan that the game started in earnest, though it was not until a few minutes before halftime that Ted Mangan got the first score – a minor – for the Higos.

The opening of the second half showed both captains in good form and, after a few minutes, a kick from a stiff angle, in apparently ‘see how it’s done’ style, by Paddy Foley beat the Hobos’ goalie and found the net for the second score. With only a point to their opponents’ advantage, the Breenites then played the game of their lives, fouls, on a few occasions, marring splendid attacks. Another minor, kicked by Seamus Reilly, brought them some ease, however, as it made the scores level. Great applause marked the appreciation of the onlookers. The medical faculty then showed up, Dr. O Regan for the one side and Dr. J. O Sullivan on the other starring for their respective teams, and, a few minutes afterwards, the former showed the dash of the old Laune and, beating all opponents, raised the green flag for a major for the Higos. Not to be outdone, Dr. O Sullivan was responsible for a major five minutes later. Ted Mangan seemed then the outstanding man of the thirty but his efforts were in vain. It was then a game of give and take until M. Doyle raised the white flag for the Hobos and, a few minutes later, Batty O Dwyer scored another minor, leaving the teams level, as the scoring stood at the final whistle.

Ref: Paddy Kennelly – in true Croke Park style.


In August in Killorglin: Killorglin 6-3; Cahersiveen 1-1.

That victory instilled great enthusiasm in the local players and followers. Practice matches were held and much interest was manifested in the game and progress of the team.




P.D. Breen, Loch Gorman, was Uachtarán CLG.

At the Annual Congress at Croke Park on Sun. 12th April, it was decided by 69 votes to 23 to retain the rule prohibiting members of the Association from taking part in, attending or encouraging foreign games.


The Annual Convention of the Munster Council was held in Cork on 15th March. The following officers were re-elected: Chairman – Jerry O Brien (An Clár), Secretary – Pat McGrath (Tiobrad Árainn), Treasurer – Ailbe Quillinan (Luimneach)


The Annual Convention of the Kerry Co. Board was held in the Courthouse, Tralee on Sat. 28th March. Killorglin Football Club was represented by Tadhg O Reilly. The following officers were re-elected: President – Austin Stack, Chairman – PJ O Connell, Joint-Treasurers – John Moran and Con Clifford, Secretary – Denis J. Baily (It had been decided to have one secretary, rather than joint-secretaries, as had been the practice. In the ensuing vote, DJ Baily received 25 votes and Joe Harrington received 17), Delegates to Munster Council – Dick Fitzgerald and Jack McCarthy. A Listowel motion to divide the county into four divisions (North, South, East and West), each area to form a Divisional Board and be responsible for the running of championships, etc. was passed. It was decided to have sub-boards in Tralee, Killarney, Dingle, Cahersiveen and Listowel and that the selection committee for the Co. Senior Football team would be composed of a representative from each of those areas together with a chairman appointed by the Co. Board (Tom Costello).


At the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 21st March in the Courthouse, Tralee, it was decided to raise funds for the training of the Co. Senior Football team, in preparation for the 1924 All-Ireland Final versus Dublin. Collectors were appointed for the various areas. Liam McSweeney, James O Regan, P. Brosnan and Tom Costello were appointed for the Killorglin area. £11-1-6 was collected in Killorglin by the end of April.


The inaugural meeting of the East-Kerry Divisional League was held in the Central Club, Killarney on Sun. 17th May. There were delegates from Killarney, Currow, Farranfore, Firies, Kenmare, Headford, Kilcummin and Killorglin. The following officers were elected: Chairman – Dick Fitzgerald (Dr. Crokes), Vice-Chairman – Humphrey Murphy (Currow), Hon. Secretaries – Paul Russell (Dr. Crokes) and Michael O Leary (do.), Treasurers – Con Healy, Killarney and Pat O Mahony (do.). Draws were made for the League/Championship.

Tadhg O Reilly and Paddy Foley represented Killorglin Football Club at the East-Kerry Divisional Board meeting in Killarney at the end of Nov. The Chairman, Dick Fitzgerald, announced that Killarney Dr. Crokes Club had presented a valuable set of gold medals for competition between the seven teams of East-Kerry. The matches would be played on a knock-out system and the Killorglin was drawn to play against Killarney in the first round.


Commenting on the 1924 All-Ireland Final defeat of Dublin by Kerry, ‘Pars from Puck’ wrote as follows in the Kerryman of Sat. 2nd May: “Throughout Killorglin and district, Sunday’s news was hailed with delight. That Kerry should again be All-Ireland Champions and defeat Dublin was surely a welcome item of news and the tidings were greeted with ‘Up Kerry’ by the large crowd, which awaited tidings at the post-office. Over a hundred travelled from Killorglin on Sunday morning, as well as a large number who motored to Killarney and entrained there. The train accommodation afforded us by the Railway Company calls for a word in passing. Cahersiveen to Dublin is a distance of 250 miles and it surely is against all ideas or practice of present day comfort to expect people to travel that distance in ordinary single compartment railway carriages. Still, this was done on Sunday. Corridor carriages must have been supplied to those who had only short distances to travel, whilst those who had furthest to travel were given greatest inconveniences and least comfort. There will be much to say of the treatment of those on the Farranfore-Cahersiveen branch on Sunday night, some of whom left Kingsbridge at 7pm (the latest 8pm) and were held up at Farranfore for hours. Killorglin excursionists arrived at 5.10am – a 10 hours’ journey!


‘Pars from Puck’ by Laune Ranger reported in the Kerryman of 30th May as follows: “It is pleasing to note that the Football Club seems to have set to work in earnest at last. A field has now been secured and, evening after evening, football is the chief game indulged in by the local youths. That they require much and constant practice ere they can be expected to play a League match goes without saying but, then, ‘Bíonn gach tosnú lag.”


Kerry defeated Tipperary in the 1st round of the Munster Senior Football Championship at Cork on Sun. 28th June by 3-1 to 0-4, Cork in the semi-final in Tralee by 3-8 to 1-0 and Clare in the final by 5-5 to 0-0. In the All-Ireland semi-final in Tralee on Sun. 23rd Aug. Kerry defeated Cavan by 1-7 to 2-3. Cavan objected to Kerry on the grounds that Phil O Sullivan had played football with UCD and Faughs in the Dublin Championship, without having been transferred from the former to the latter. Kerry counter-objected to Cavan on similar grounds and both counties were disqualified from the competition. The Kerry team that had defeated Cavan was as follows: Jack Sheehy (Dingle), Joe Barrett (Tralee), Phil O Sullivan (Dublin), John Murphy (Cahersiveen), Paul Russell (Killarney), Jack Walsh (Asdee), Jeremiah Moriarty ((Tralee), Con Brosnan (Newtownsandes) capt, Bob Stack (Ballybunion), Jack Ryan (Tralee), Denis O Connell (Tralee), Tommy Mahony (Newtownsandes), John Baily (Ballymac), James Baily (do.), John Joe Sheehy (Tralee). Subs: Jerry Begley (Dingle), John O Connor (Killarney), J. McCarthy (Tralee), Standish Kerins (Listowel).


At the St. Brendan’s Seminary Athletic Sports on Whit weekend, Denis Curran and Tadhg McGillycuddy won the Siamese Junior Race.


At the Co. Board meeting in Tralee Courthouse on Sat. 24th Oct. the Co. Championship game, Tralee versus Cahersiveen, was fixed for Killorglin. The date for the fixture, 14th March 1926, was confirmed at the Co. Board meeting on Sat. 13th Feb. 1926 and Tralee won by 3-5 to 0-2. It was a delightful day and hundreds of enthusiasts, from all directions, poured into the coronation seat of King Puck.


Killorglin GAA Club approved of the Co. Board’s refusal to play Cavan in the competition organised in aid of the Central Council, in protest at that body’s decision to disqualify Kerry from the All-Ireland Championship.


In Nov. the Sheriff’s representatives were pretty active in Killorglin and a number of evictions occurred. Those were from labourers’ cottages and numbered among those affected was Jeremiah Hayes, the once great Laune Ranger. A victim of the times, he had been unable to pay his rent for cottage and plot of ground and arrears accumulated. Court proceedings followed, culminating in his being evicted from his cottage, together with his family and belongings. How times had changed!


At the market in Killorglin on Tues. 7th July, the following items were for sale: Butter – 1/5 per lb, Eggs – 11/6 per 120, Potatoes – (old) 1/- per stone, (new) 2/- per stone, Turf – 2/- and 4/- per donkey and mule rail respectively, Bonhams – £2 -10 to £3.


The Killorglin Races were run over two days, Thurs. and Fri. 1st/2nd Oct. The sun shone brightly and that encouraged a large crowd to attend. The course was well laid out and the owners of the horses were well pleased with the manner in which their horses had been looked after. The fields were generally small, as there was another meeting in West-Kerry on the same days. The only reason for complaint was the lack of punctuality, to the extent of in some instances an hour, in running the races was adversely commented upon.