Laune Rangers – 1935


At the Kerry Co. GAA Convention, which was held in the Courthouse, Tralee on Sun. 24th Feb. a motion from Austin Stack’s Club, ‘that we call on the Convention to endorse our action in refusing to take part in any GAA activities, football or hurling matches, until all Republican prisoners are released’ was passed by 39 votes to 28. That meant that all Co. Championships were ‘stood down’ and Kerry did not partake in any inter-county competitions.

South-Kerry and North-Kerry continued with their competitions. Tralee District Board resumed their competitions in June and West-Kerry in July. East-Kerry followed the example of the Co. Board and ‘stood down’ from competitions. As a result of this, Laune Rangers, in preparation for when the ‘stand down’ would end and when competitions would resume, were forced to seek challenge games within the county and outside.


Challenge Games.


Sun. 7th April at Killorglin: Keel 3-3; Laune Rangers 2-2.

It was the first contest for some considerable time and the crowd of followers, at short notice, showed their appreciation by their attendance. As usual, the Rangers played short a few of their regulars, as did Keel but the match was nonetheless strenuous. The result was not surprising, for the visitors certainly deserved their victory. Young Gerald Teahan played with Keel. Ref: Tadhg O Reilly N.T., had a rather easy task as, considering the inactivity of both teams for some time, there were comparatively few fouls.


Sun. 28th April at Keel: Keel 2-1; Laune Rangers 2-4.

It was a very good robust game, with many passages of brilliant football and, with a large following that were served up with good fare. That result left the teams with one victory each after two games.

On Sat. 4th May, Pars from Puck by Laune Ranger, following the game between Keel and Laune Rangers on the previous Sunday, wrote in the Kerryman, ‘The material for a good county team was very apparent and, I am of the opinion that when Kerry will resume activities in GAA affairs, if Keel and the Rangers combine to enter a team for the Co. Championship, they will make formidable opposition to any combination. The two teams, always friendly, play to an extent the same style of football and so could more easily and quickly combine than any others in the district.’


Sun. 5th May at Keel: Laune Rangers 1-6; Keel 1-3.

That return game was a game worth seeing. Laune Rangers showed much improvement from the first game. Well placed, their play on the whole showed more combination and finish than their opponents. Keel held their own by hard work and had many fine efforts to stave off defeat killed in the forward line, the weakness of many a country team.

Play was not long in progress when the Rangers opened the scoring with a point per Mick O Connor off a free. Keel, with the O Connors working well in defence, beat off the attack only for John Joe Falvey, who was always dangerous, to renew the pressure. That drive broke up play on the opposite side and ended in a free, Owen Moriarty sending wide. The kick-out marked a stubborn attack by Keel but it was broken up in an equally stubborn and more combined defence. A free by Jerry Quill saw the struggle renewed around the Rangers’ goal and Owen Moriarty was all over the forward line trying to crash through. Intercepting a free from Tom O Connor later, he struck the upright. Play was transferred to Mick O Connor, who was having a good game for the Rangers, who started another movement which C. Sheehan nullified. A 50 to Keel saw the Rangers again defending. John Joe Falvey headed another rush, in the course of which a free, conceded to his side, led to a point. Another shot by Falvey went wide. A rush by Keel was held up at midfield by Liam Foley. A free followed and a goal was secured for Killorglin per Mick O Connor. Keel attacked again and a free, nicely centred by Jerry Quill, still left Keel scoreless.

The home side resumed with greater vigour but their forwards could get nowhere. Owen Moriarty was their only effective man, but he was too well marked to be dangerous. There was too much close play, in which frees were frequent, the referee, in his desire to have a good clean game, holding up every effort at horseplay. Receiving a free from Jerry Quill, who had been making some lovely centres, P. Griffin snatched Keel’s first point. After trying hard to improve on that, a fine joint effort by John Joe Falvey and Cormac Roche put the Keel posts in danger. A good defence spoiled the movement and Mick O Connor again attacked and John Joe Falvey pointed. A sweep downfield was held up by a free and Quill’s well-directed shot was lost in cross-play at the goal-mouth. Another free and a further struggle resulted in a goal for Keel.

P. Fitzgibbon, who was playing a lovely game for Killorglin, sent his forwards on the attack but the Keel defence was equal to the occasion and the struggle was staged at midfield. When Keel was awarded a free, Quill had hard luck from 50 yards out, hitting the crossbar. The rebound was snatched off in a smart movement by Cormac Roche and T. Fitzgibbon to end in a point. Falvey again tried the defence and the O Connors, who had a difficult time, cleared to J. O Shea, who was a great worker. Falvey, intercepting his clearance, led another rush. A free materialised and Fitzgibbon secured a point. Play was again returned and Falvey was robbed of possession by Quill but the movement, in which R. Knightley and Owen Moriarty joined, raised no flag. A series of quick passages in a fast forward movement by Liam Foley, John Joe Falvey and Cormac Roche saw a goal secured by the latter. Keel, in a grand dash from the kick-out, had a point per Knightley and tried hard, with Cournane and Sheehan not sparing themselves, to beat the Killorglin defence but only a wide resulted.

Play around midfield saw Evans going strong for Keel. A free to Keel put them on the attack but the ball was returned. Cormac Roche and Mick O Sullivan, showing up well, gave Breen all he could do to clear. Play was transferred to the Killorglin goal, where Liam Foley proved his worth in a splendid save. Keel made another brave rally but no score materialised.

Laune Rangers: John Joe Falvey (capt.), Pat O Sullivan (Milltown), Tom O Connor, D. McCarthy, E. Murphy, Tim Teahan, P. Costello, Michael Fox O Sullivan, Liam Foley, Mick O Connor, T. Fitzgibbon, Cormac Roche, Barry, Johnsie O Connor, Joe O Shea.

Keel: Owen Moriarty (capt.), Bob Knightley, R. Teahan, Paddy Griffin, Paddy Cournane, D. Evans, J. Shea, John Breen, Gerald Teahan, Mikey Connor, Mikey Teahan, J. Connor, Jerry Quill,  M. Cournane, Con Sheehan.

Ref: Rev. M. Driscoll.


Laune Rangers 1935  Mick O Connor (Ardmoniel), John Joe Falvey (Lr. Bridge St.), Mick O Sullivan (Ballyleddar), Tom O Connor (Ardmoniel).
Laune Rangers 1935
Mick O Connor (Ardmoniel), John Joe Falvey (Lr. Bridge St.), Mick O Sullivan (Ballyleddar), Tom O Connor (Ardmoniel).

Sun. 19th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers/Keel 2-4; Dromtariffe 2-2.

This was a very interesting contest, played in favourable weather before a rather good crowd. Much local interest had been centred in the match as it was the first visit of a team from the neighbouring county to contest football honours and as Laune Rangers had affiliated with the Munster Council their followers were keenly interested in their progress.

The game was stiffly contested but it was not until the final quarter that it reached its most interesting point, for then, with only two points difference in the scores, the visitors went all out to secure a major but without success as the Rangers goalie and backs, though hard pressed, could not be overcome.

The Dromtariffe selection had the better of the play in passing and fielding and, in this, they were far ahead of the Rangers and, had their forwards been able to make use of the ball on all occasions, their score would have been high. The Rangers, on the other hand, though not spectacular, played a cool game and seemed equal to all the visitors’ nippiness and combination and the result was a good indication of the game.

The Rangers were first away and, after two minutes play, registered a goal per John Joe Falvey. That seemed to set things going, for Dromtariffe then took a hand and a very determined attack was lost, the ball going wide. On the return to play, a further effort by the visitors was frustrated by Cormac Roche in the Rangers’ goal. However, Harnedy was not to be denied and from the kick-out he secured possession and forced a point. Play was then at midfield and O Reilly sent on to Teahan, who passed neatly to Pete Coughlan for Rangers’ second score, a minor. A further minor was added soon after by O Reilly. Coleman was unfortunate in a long shot, which struck the crossbar and rebounded into play, to be sent clear through for the visitors’ first major. Kiely and Buckley were doing good work for Dromtariffe but Gerald Teahan was dominant and sent to Owen Moriarty, who raised the Rangers score by a goal.

On the resumption, the play was fast, the visitors anxious to secure the lead, were playing much better than in the first half. For the visitors, Harnedy was outstanding in the forwards, while C. O Connor, Kiely, Hickey and Murphy were also prominent. J.J. Falvey, Tim Teahan, Tom O Connor, Owen Moriarty, Pete Coughlan and Jerry Quill were outstanding for the Rangers.

Laune Rangers: Cormac Roche, Pat O Sullivan, Dinny Healy, Tom O Connor, Liam Foley, Tim Teahan, Jerry Quill (Keel), John O Reilly, Mick O Sullivan, Mikey O Connor (Keel), T. Fitzgibbon, John Joe Falvey (capt.), Pete Coughlan (Tuogh), Monnie O Reilly, Owen Moriarty (Keel).

Dromtariffe: M.J. Murphy (capt.), D. Harnedy, D. Coleman, T. Coleman, J. Lucey, J. Murphy, J. Buckley, D.J. Buckley, D. Murphy, C. O Connor, D. O Connor, P. Enright, D. Hickey, D. Kiely, D. Curtin.

Ref: Tadhg O Reilly (Laune Rangers).


Sun. 26th May at Castlemaine: Keel 3-4; Laune Rangers 3-2.

Killorglin started off favourites. However, Knightley was first in possession with a centre to Sheehan. Gerald Teahan, in a hard struggle to secure, hit a high ball that was ably saved by Dan Murphy, who, throughout the first half, had some fine saves for Rangers. Sheehan, again repeating, sent wide. In another attack, John O Reilly cleared for Rangers in faultless fashion and, from a throw-in, O Connor sent wide. A free in for Keel by O Connor again failed and, following a good centre by Gerald Teahan, the effort was lost in the sideline. A movement, in which Owen Moriarty and C. Sheehan looked dangerous, saw a clever save by John O Reilly. Another kick-out and Teahan sent wide. Again O Connor centred to Moriarty but close marking made his effort useless. O Connor, off a throw-in, sent wide. Following a scuffle at midfield, O Connor centred from the sideline and Dan Murphy saved well. Monnie O Reilly, Jerry Quill and John Joe Falvey figured next in a sideline struggle. A free, taken by Quill, who was playing as vigorous as he was useful, saw Moriarty centre well and Murphy saved equally well.

Killorglin led a rush for goal. Mick O Connor, for Rangers, proved his worth in the following play. From a throw-in, John Joe Falvey centre well for Breen, who was no idle worker in Keel’s backline, to clear. Knightley, who had secured, was bottled up in his kicks, put his side in possession and, shortly afterwards, Courtney drew first blood with a point. Mick Teahan cleared another attack on the Killorglin goals. With Bobby Ryng in the forefront, John Joe Falvey scored a fine point from a difficult angle. Another free in by Killorglin was beaten off by D. Evans. A following free by Quill was well warded off by Dan Murphy. The kick-out again saw Sheehan shoot for Murphy to save. Shea drove wide for Keel. A centre by Sheehan and a free-in to Keel per Moriarty went wide. Shea drove in for a goal and John Joe Falvey, who was the livewire of his side, came down to relieve the pressure and Killorglin went on the attack. A free-in by Mick Teahan was well centred but Breen saved for Keel. A shot by Shea at the other end was well saved by Cormac Roche and he again thwarted another fine effort almost immediately. Falvey robbed Quill for possession but his fine shot went wide. A free-in for the Rangers found the net per O Riordan. Courtney, in the return play, receiving from Quill, sent wide. Following the kick-out (and in the altered regulation of the ground, kicking from that goal, many balls were short-kicked) the Rangers goalie, Roche, was surprised in a corner-shot for a goal by Owen Moriarty. Gerald Teahan again secured the kick-out and stood up well to the punishment he was getting. Moriarty dashed in for a goal but a free-out was awarded. However, not to be denied he again he attacked again and was awarded with a free from which he scored a goal. Courtney had another try and again in cross-play Moriarty, following a free by Quill, had another point to his credit.

In the second half John Joe Falvey and Liam Foley, working well, kept the Keel backs busy. Falvey was fouled by Quill but Mick Teahan sent the free wide. Again another free taken by Teahan and intercepted by P. O Sullivan went wide. In the course of further play, Liam Foley sent wide but redeemed the effort with a point from a free. The kick-out was followed by a vigorous attack by Bobby Ryng, ending in a goal. Another free to Killorglin saw Mick O Connor graze the post. Ryng, in another severe drive, tried to pierce the Keel defence but he was fouled. The free was warded off by Quill for a 50. Falvey, in a clever centre, is rewarded with a goal. Keel returned and the white flag was raised. That was followed by another point from a free by O Connor. John Joe Falvey and Bobby Ryng combined in a great rush and a foul resulted. Tim Teahan again took the free, Falvey secured and sent in to Pete Coughlan, who throughout had been a useful player, and again the Keel posts were threatened. Killorglin seemed at that stage to be getting to their feet but the revival was too late. Ryng missed a lovely centre by Falvey by fouling. Again Killorglin tried hard to equalise but Griffin showed up in defence and cleared. At the other end, Quill, from a free sent wide for the last action of the game. Father O Driscoll was a strict and very capable referee.


Sun. 2nd June at Millstreet: Dromtariffe 2-2; Laune Rangers 1-5.

The morning turned out very boisterous and wet, and the attendance was rather small. The pitch was in good condition but rain fell during the play and it had to be suspended for a time. The play was not up to championship status due, not doubt, to the condition of the weather. There was not a great deal to choose between the teams. The Kerry boys were superior at fielding and combination, they were also more accurate in shooting at the goalposts and made the most of their opportunities. The Cork boys were livelier and were better at long-kicking. It was not, however, until the last quarter of an hour that they settled down to serious work.

A feature of the Kerry turnout, which was much admired, was anew Model Ford car with a listening-in set. They, also, with commendable research, produced a model Puck Goat from one of the shops, which they carried as a mascot to the amusement of the onlookers.

Dromtariffe, who were playing with a strong wind in their favour, pressed from the start. Baynham and Curtin sent wide on several occasions. Probably the wind interfered with and hindered accurate kicking. They kept up the pressure for the next quarter of an hour but the Kerry backs were solid and no score resulted.

Kerry then burst through and, by good combination work, carried the ball to the Cork territory where they secured a point per Monnie O Reilly. On the kick-out, they again attacked and were rewarded with another point per Owen Moriarty. They were then playing a good game and showed remarkable accuracy in kicking. Within ten minutes of halftime, John Joe Falvey scored a goal. The Cork boys then stirred themselves and, by a rapid movement initiated by Kiely, the O Connor brothers transferred to the visitors’ territory, where Curtin kicked a goal, leaving the halftime score at 1-2 to 1-0 I favour of the Rangers.

On the resumption, the Kerry men attacked strongly and secured another point per Monnie O Reilly. The Cork boys then had the better part of the play for fully ten minutes but failed to score. Rangers, again getting possession, secured another point. They again showed their proficiency at accurate scoring. For the last quarter of an hour, Dromtariffe showed an improved combination and scoring ability and scored a goal and two points in quick succession, thus bringing the scores level.

Laune Rangers/Keel: Cormac Roche, Dinny Healy, John Joe Falvey, Tom O Connor, Dan Murphy, John O Reilly, Mick O Connor, Derry Griffin, Mikey O Connor (Keel), Liam Foley, Con Sheehan (Keel), Mick Murphy, Monnie O Reilly, Owen Moriarty, Pat O Sullivan.

Dromtariffe: J.P. Buckley (goal), M. Murphy (capt.), T. Coleman, M. Murphy, D. Harnedy, D. O Connor, C. O Connor, D. Kiely, A. Barrett, B. Baynam, D. Curtin, J. Murphy, P. Neville, D.J. Buckley.


Thurs. 27th June at Killorglin: Castlemaine 0-8; Laune Rangers 1-3.

After a stiff contest, Castlemaine emerged victors. The visitors had too much of their own way on the scoring line for the first half and did most of their scoring then, while many opportunities were lost by the home selection. On the change over, however, the Rangers set about and almost succeeded in drawing level in the last few minutes. It was a vigorous contest and the winners deserved their victory. The attendance was somewhat disappointing.


Sun. 7th July at Ballyferriter: An Ghaeltacht 1-4; Laune Rangers/Keel 0-5.

The game had been well advertised and there was a large crowd present, weather conditions being good. The locals were anxious to see a trial of their team against a strange team. The long journey to Ballyferriter, which was made via Slea Head, as well as they not knowing the ground, hampered the visitors. However, the game was a close, hard-fought struggle with plenty of good football and vigorous tackling for about forty minutes. The closeness of the game was evident from the fact that the teams were level on two occasions in the first half. The visitors led at the break by 0-5 to 0-4.

After the resumption, an easy ball, which was kicked from far out, found the net, the visitors’ backs depending on each other to stop it. That had a dampening effect on the Rangers hopes of success and from that stage the home side had easily the better of the exchanges. Playing with the incline and a slight breeze, Gaeltacht held their advantage to the end.

Laune Rangers/Keel: R. Teahan, Keel (goal), John Breen (Keel), Tom O Connor (Laune Rangers), Moss Connor (Keel), J. Shea (Keel), Tim Teahan (Laune Rangers), John (Gonnie) O Reilly (Laune Rangers), Jerry Quill (Keel), Bob Knightley (Keel), Mikey O Connor (Keel), Derry Griffin (Castlemaine), John Joe Falvey (Laune Rangers), Cormac Roche (Laune Rangers), Con Sheehan (Keel), Owen Moriarty (Keel).

Gaeltacht: J. Higgins (goal), Mícheál Ó Sé, Liam Ó Lubhaing, Sean Hoare, Diarmuid Ó Gairbhiadh, Míuiris Ó Dálaigh, T. Flaherty, J. Connor, T. Connor, Seán O Muircheartaigh, Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin, Seosamh Ó hUallacháin, Seán Ó Dubhda, Donal Ó Catháin, E. O Sullivan.

Ref: Jimmy McKenna (Dingle).


Sun. 14th July at Castlemaine: Castlemaine (Maine Rovers) 3-4; Killorglin (Laune Rangers) 2-2.

Griffin was first away for the Rovers but Tom O Connor was sound in defence. The visitors, with John Joe Falvey, Tom O Connor, Mick O Connor and P. O Sullivan playing a hard game, had several dangerous drives. The pace was fast and furious. The ball travelled quickly from goal to goal and, after a sort time playing, the Rangers put a goal to their credit. Knightley, breaking the ball well, was keeping Falvey in check. A bout of midfield play saw Guiney, who was doing effective work, pass to Dowd and in turn to Murphy, who missed the posts. Griffin quickly redeemed the situation with a point. John Joe Falvey drove in a dangerous shot that, after some further play, saw Johnsie O Connor, with Burke bearing down on him, score a goal for the Rangers. In the return, Griffin, in a neat dash, hit the crossbar but, not to be denied, he got a point to be followed quickly with a goal per T. Cronin, who showed up well as a clever forward. Killorglin forced the pace again in a furious attack, beaten off by B. Cronin. E. Mangan, fielding well, had the Castlemaine front line busy but a great defence by P. O Sullivan and Mick Teahan, with John Joe Falvey dashing out of place to save, got relief. A free by Mick O Connor was saved by Mangan and Knightley, also, saved a swift attack. A free by Knightley, cheered for its length, was secured by Cronin and Dowd tipped over for a point.

Resuming, Castlemaine were first away per B. Cronin and T. Cronin put in a lovely shot that was cleared. Bob Knightley defended well and cleared only for Mick Murphy to repeat the danger. Again from midfield the pace was forced but Knightley, for the Rovers, showed up able in defence. Mangan, Knightley and Falvey engaged in a hard struggle and Cronin, securing, started an exciting tussle around the Rangers goal-mouth. White, playing a great game, recovered the play. An able clearance was made by Tim Teahan and again Mick O Connor put Rangers attacking. Relief saw Guiney and Dowd in clever side play put Griffin in possession and Cronin, receiving, sidestepped his opponent to snap a point but a free-in had been given. Griffin ably recovered lost ground with a point from the free. Dowd drove well in again for Tim Teahan to save and again O Sullivan. White, who was fielding well, drove for a goal. A free-in by Mick O Connor for the Rangers went wide. Falvey led another attack but Burke sent back with force but O Neill, who was otherwise playing a useful game, sent wide. Falvey and Knightley, in close contact, missed a high ball but T. Mangan drove it well down the wing. Dowd, playing in great form, found Dan Murphy making a great defence, after having played a hard hour in the previous game with the Milltown selection. Guiney sent wide and D. McCarthy broke up another rush on the Killorglin goal. There followed a free-in to Killorglin but Knightley fisted the ball well out, a powerful belt. Griffin followed up the effort and dodged through to graze the post. Return play saw Liam Foley giving the Rovers backline an anxious time. Mick O Connor, off a free, repeated the danger but Guiney relieved the play. White shot a lovely free.

The struggle from goal to goal was fast and furious. Knightley’s long clearance put B. Cronin in possession for a goal. McGillycuddy was fouled and in a tussle around the goals, Falvey tried a desperate effort for a goal. At the other end, Griffin drove a lovely point. Falvey drove a final effort towards goal but the Castlemaine defence was equal to the task and the final whistle sounded. Ref: B. Cronin.

Sun. 21st July at Keel: Laune Rangers/Keel 2-4; Gaeltacht 0-2.

The day was by no means an ideal one. A prevailing mist and high wind militated against good play. Nevertheless, the match, witnessed by a fair-sized crowd, was interesting. Gaeltacht were first away but Bob Knightley held up play on the line. Mick O Connor and Jerry Quill were very active. A free and Long, for the Gaeltacht, kicking powerfully, had the effort beaten back by Breen. Mort Kelly got in another powerful shot. Shea, a strong defender, sent the ball out in fine style. Knightley being fouled, Quill had the Gaeltacht goal-mouth in danger but Moriarty saved. A free was taken by Tom O Connor, a weak shot, and Sayers sent an otherwise fine kick wide by inches. The ball seemed difficult to control and handle, as there was much high fielding. Knightley intercepted a ball from Quill. John Joe Falvey, a regular livewire of the game, had his effort spoiled. Breen was defending well. Mort Kelly drove wide from a sideline lash. Dingle got a free but Quill saved and passed to Knightley. Sayers sent in a ripping shot and the goalposts had a narrow shave from Dowd. Cormac Roche made one of his fine saves. Mick O Connor, put up a daredevil defence and sent well out. Ferriter seizing from Falvey kicked a fine ball. Gaeltacht got a 50 and the effort sailed wide. Moriarty, in the cross play, flashed wide for the West. Long again drove in a fine centre and Moriarty crowned the effort with the first score, a point.

In the course of the play, another free-in by Sayers brought the best out of the goalie, Cormac Roche. Falvey intercepted a free from Quill but a vigorous defence transferred play to midfield. Here the O Connors for the Gaeltacht, almost brothers in appearance, dominated the play for a short interval. A free out and Breen beat his man for possession and Falvey collected to drive over the line. Ferriter then shone out in cross-play and sent to Moriarty but a stern defence saw the effort go wide. Daly next featured in a great tussle for the Westerners. Breen broke away. Falvey was bottled up. Hoare was fouled and Mick O Connor had to save again and again. Owen Moriarty put the posts in danger at the other end. The home side conceded a 50, which Ferriter took. O Connor, saving, sent to Sheehan, who worked up the field. Quill, with a faulty kick, drove wide. Evans, in another effort, sent to Falvey, Kelly secured but sent wide. At the other end, Ferriter sent to Keane, who in turn also drove wide. Long sent in a splendid shot to the goal-mouth but a free-out resulted. Ferriter and Falvey were in a close struggle. The latter gained possession and flashed over a point. The halftime score was 0-1 each.

On the resumption, Sayers was first away and the movement saw Breen playing well, Ferriter being outpaced. Falvey secured and drove to Bobby Ryng, who burst through for a goal. A free-in by Moriarty to Dowd resulted in a goal for the West. Brown and Hoare are fouled in turn. Long centred but Mick O Connor and Tim Teahan, in defence, are happy to see the struggle end wide. Dowd was fouled and Moriarty from the free shot a lovely point. Connor, for Gaeltacht, had the best of the midfield struggle, Ferriter again sent in, Hoare was fouled but the free went out over the sideline. The ball is worked to the other end, and Quill passed to Kelly. There was another interchange to Ryng, who in a vigorous drive, goaled for Rangers. Falvey, Kelly and Ryng worked hard for another opening. However, Gaeltacht were tackling in more vigorous fashion. Ferriter snatched from Owen Moriarty and transferred to S. Moriarty who crashed a shot off the crossbar and the rebound was cleared. Quill secured and drove to Falvey, who seemed to be having the game of his life, shot low and hard. The goalie fisted it out, a powerful belt. D. Evans secured and shot a point. Long centred but Tom O Connor, another lad who was doing good work, relieved the danger with a ball along the wing. The danger was repeated, however, by Moriarty and Hoare drove in a lively centre that Roche saved well. Falvey was fouled and Quill’s free to Kelly missed by inches. Falvey headed another rush. The pace was very exciting. Ferriter was badly fouled but the free by Long was well cleared by Mick O Connor. The ball went into touch. Ferriter’s throw-in went a long way. Knightley received from Quill and gave to Falvey, who worked forward but the effort failed. However, a quick follow-up saw Mort Kelly shoot a point from a free. There was another great attack that Ferriter and O Connor did their best to stop. It would have been a point with any other goalie but Higgins, a powerful man, went up like a bird and brought down, from feet overhead, the ball and crossbar. There was a lull to repair the damage, a badly needed breathing space. Resumed play saw Connor send to Sayers and Dowd sent wide. The play went up the field and Quill pointed a free. There was some exciting action but no further scores as the final whistle blew.

Laune Rangers/Keel: Cormac Roche, John O Brien, Mikey O Connor, Moss O Connor, J. Shea, D. Evans, Owen Moriarty, Bob Knightley, C. Sheehan, Tim Teahan, Jerry Quill, John Joe Falvey, Bobby Ryng, Mort Kelly, Tom O Connor.

Gaeltacht: J. Higgins, Mícheál Ó Sé, Liam Ó Lubhaing, Sean Hoare, Diarmuid Ó Gairbhiadh, Mícheál Ó Dalaigh, Donal Ó Catháin, T. Flaherty, J. Connor, Brown, Ferriter, Tom Connor, James Dowd, Sean Ó Muircheartaigh, Sayers.

Ref:  Paddy Foley (Killorglin).


Sun. 28th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-6; Macroom 1-6.

There was a large crowd present and the weather was good for two contests. For a considerable time many had looked forward to the Macroom/Laune Rangers contest, which was preceded by a Keel v Castlemaine match. The crowd was not disappointed for the players gave a fine exhibition of the code. The breeze, which during most of the hour, blew directly down the field, marred to an extent the judgement of the forwards and caused much erratic shooting and made it difficult to score for those playing against it. Otherwise, there was a good display and, though the referee, Tadhg O Reilly, was not strict, there were few infringements.

The visitors, light, young and active, settled down very early and took the measure of the home side. Their style of football was open and, in that respect, differed somewhat from that of the Rangers. They showed good combination and their passing movements were generally sound, whereas that of the locals for a time needed finish. It was to an extent, a game of different styles. Though a friendly, the game was robust and played with a determination as keen as if a provincial championship was at stake. The Rangers were short a few of their original selection but that was equalised by the visitors being forced to take on a few subs. The result, a draw, was a fitting verdict to a hard match.

At the outset, the Rangers, playing with the wind, were first away and, ere a minute, had registered a point, per Pete Coughlan. That got the visitors going and the ball quickly travelled to the other end, Lynch doing great work. However, their efforts were frustrated and when the ball returned to the opposition’s half, Pete Coughlan outwitted the Macroom custodian for a goal. There were minors registered in quick succession by Bobby Ryng, Pete Coughlan and Monnie O Reilly for Killorglin before Macroom secured its first score, a goal, from a free 20 yards out by Lynch. That enthused the visitors and there was a combined attack on the home goal, but Cormac Roche saved meritoriously. The short whistle found the scores at 1-6 to 1-0 in favour of the home team.

On the resumption, the wind seemed, if anything, to have increased and so the Rangers felt what their opponents had been forced to contend with. Their efforts at attack were in vain, while Murphy for the visitors seemed to shoot points ad lib. He had three registered before a combined attack by John Joe Falvey, Tom O Connor and Monnie O Reilly concluded unluckily with O Connor’s shot striking the crossbar and rebounding into play. For about ten minutes there was a concerted attack, the ball being sent in again and again but in vain and Callaghan, at long last, sent the leather down the field to change the scene of attack and register a further minor. The long whistle found the ball at midfield and the scores level.

Laune Rangers: John Joe Falvey (capt.), Tim Teahan, Mick O Connor, Tom O Connor, John O Reilly, Monnie O Reilly, Owen Moriarty, Pat O Sullivan, Pete Coughlan, Dan Murphy, Bobby Ryng, Liam Foley, T. J. O Connor, Sean Moriarty, Cormac Roche.

Macroom: C. Cronin (capt.), J. Casey, N. Casey, W. Lynch, J. Murphy, T. Browne, T. Healy, F. Healy, D. O Callaghan, J. Coghlan, J. Murphy, T. Murphy, M. McNamara, C. O Callaghan, J. Downing.


Laune Rangers – 1935  Front (l to r): Jimmy O Shea and John T. O Riordan Middle: Mike Joy, Mick O Connor, Cormac Roche, John Joe Falvey (capt.), Bobby Ryng, Tom O Conor, Pat O Sullivan. Back: Johnny O Reilly, Pat Costello, Mick O Sullivan, Tim Teahan, Liam Foley, Mick Teahan, Dan Murphy.
Laune Rangers – 1935
Front (l to r): Jimmy O Shea and John T. O Riordan
Middle: Mike Joy, Mick O Connor, Cormac Roche, John Joe Falvey (capt.), Bobby Ryng, Tom O Conor, Pat O Sullivan.
Back: Johnny O Reilly, Pat Costello, Mick O Sullivan, Tim Teahan, Liam Foley, Mick Teahan, Dan Murphy.

Sun. 8th Sept. at Keel: Ballylongford beat Laune Rangers/Keel by one point.

It was a great game all through. However, rain fell in torrents with ten minutes to go and the match had to be abandoned with Ballylongford leading by the narrow margin of one point.

Ref: Mike Joy, Laune Rangers.


Sun. 27th Sept. at Killorglin: Killorglin 7-12; Tralee 2-1.

That was the final of the Co. Volunteer contest. Though the match was timed to start after the broadcast of the All-Ireland Senior Football Final, the attendance at the field suffered much from the bigger attraction and the number present was small. Of the match itself, there is little to be written as it was most disappointing, the ease with which the representatives of the local Sluagh defeated Tralee being manifest very early in the contest.

Killorglin: Cormac Roche, Tim Teahan, Mick O Connor, Tom O Connor, Dan Murphy (Milltown), John Breen (Keel), Michael Brick, Liam Foley, Tom Mangan, Mikey O Connor, Derry Griffin, John Joe Falvey, Jack Eager, Mossy Roche, Seamus Roche.

Ref: P. O Leary (Killorglin).


Sun. 6th Oct. at Castlemaine: East-Kerry Selection 1-7; Tralee Selection 1-2.

Under uncertain weather conditions and in the presence of a large crowd, the East-Kerry Selection had a well-merited victory. It was a keen, interesting exhibition of football, interspersed with exciting passages.

East-Kerry: John Joe Falvey capt., Cormac Roche (goal) Tim Teahan, Bobby Ryng, Mick O Connor (all Laune Rangers), Owen Moriarty, Mikey O Connor, John Breen (all Keel), Eugene Mangan, William Knightley, Der Griffin, Willie Burke (all Castlemaine), Mick O Brien, Jim O Connor (all Firies), Dan Murphy (Milltown).

Tralee: P. Coffey (capt.), Moss O Connor, S. Reidy, N. Kerins, Mick Healy, D. J. Healy, Miley Healy, J. Moriarty, J. Parker, Joe Kennington, Bill Kinnerk, N. Sullivan, Michael Gorman, J. Murphy.


Sun. 27th Oct. at Firies: East-Kerry Selection 2-4; Tralee Selection 2-4.

In a day that threatened to break at any moment, so sullen was the forenoon the two teams played to a draw. A high wind operated much against the style of game. Nevertheless it was fast and full of close interchanges while the opposition put up seemed somewhat of a surprise to the Tralee men.

In the first exchange Der Griffin and Willie Burke shone out. Mangan intercepted a pass from Burke, saw Quill attack but Kinnerk dashed out to clear a powerful ball, which D. J. Healy extended but Murphy returned from dangerous ground. Tralee returned the pressure and Powell, a hard worker, drove over a point. Again Healy and Gorman tested the defence but Mick O Connor held the pass and a second later Cormac Roche made a fine save. Guiney’s drive along the line set the Tralee defence thinking. The effort was cleared and Powell stretched to the forward line. Gorman, Weir and Gorman combining well in another rush, found Tim Teahan unbeatable in defence. Guiney and Quill made the most of the return until a fine ball by Gorman saw Weir drive wide.

Falvey and Griffin next led an attack but Gorman was as quick in return. Guiney centred and Dineen conceded a 50 to save. Quill, with scoring difficult, centred well. Another 50 was conceded and a fine effort by Brosnan was lost. Guiney, Mangan and Moriarty with a nice ball, saw Dineen saving well. Kinnerk again gave to Murphy, who missed narrowly. Weir drove in again followed by Gorman and Powell kicked a point. A burst of return play saw a bout of passing by Mikey O Connor and Owen Moriarty held up by a free. Gorman and Healy were outstanding in the play that followed. Mangan and quill intercepted and placed Griffin for a well earned point. Kinnerk and his backs were well beaten when Moriarty passed to Griffin, who found the net. Connor followed with a point. Excitement grew as Tralee showed up. Two frees by Quill were beaten off by Healy. Falvey returned to the attack but Ferriter repulsed. Fast in the return, Guiney and Griffin forced a 50. Burke again put his forwards in possession but Gorman and Kinnerk saved a dashing attack. Gorman, Murphy and Weir combined in a determined drive but Roche saved in faultless style and yet again cleared his posts. Weir and O Sullivan again attacked but were ably repulsed by Mick O Connor and Tim Teahan in succession. On the return, Owen Moriarty put Mikey O Connor in possession for a goal.

Quill resumed after a slight hurt and, after an exciting interchange, O Sullivan goaled for Tralee. Kinnerk and Gorman showed renewed efforts and Falvey, Griffin and Quill were equally tireless, while Guiney shone out on his own. Roche added another point for the Easterners. Powell closed the scoring with a point for Tralee.

Ref: Dan Ryan, Tralee.


Schools’ Football


Kerry Colleges Senior Championship (O Sullivan Cup)

Final in May: St. Brendan’s College, Killarney 3-6; Dingle CBS 1-5.

Johnny Moriarty played at right fullback for Dingle.


Kerry Colleges Dunloe Cup

Final on Thurs. 5th June: Dingle CBS 5-4; Tralee CBS 3-2.

Johnny Moriarty played at centre half-forward for Dingle.


Munster Colleges Senior Championship

2nd Rd. on Sun. 13th Nov. at Tralee: St. Brendan’s 1-2; Tralee CBS 0-4.

Gerald Teahan played at right fullback for St. Brendan’s and Derry Burke was a sub.




Robert O Keeffe, Laois, was elected as Uachtarán CLG. At the Congress it was decided that,

1. The term of office of Provincial Chairmen was fixed at three years.

2. Playing rules could only be reviewed in years divisible by five.


William P. Clifford, Luimneach, was Chairman of the Munster Council and Sean McCarthy, Ciarraí, was Secretary. John Joe Sheehy, Ciarraí, had been Treasurer, but was unable to take up his position due to the ‘stand down.’


Kerry Co. Convention was held on Sun. 24th Feb. at the Courthouse, Tralee. Laune Rangers Club was not represented. The Chairman, Din Joe Baily, at the outset, proposed that the meeting should discuss Motion 9, tabled by Austin Stack’s Club, “That we call on this Convention to endorse our action in refusing to take part in the games of the GAA until the lot of some of our club members, who are at present detained in the ‘Glass House’, Curragh, is bettered or they are released.” Dan Ryan, Austin Stack’s Club, firstly asked to amend the motion to read, “that we call on this Convention to endorse our actions in refusing to take part in any GAA activities, football or hurling matches, until all Republican prisoners are released.” The representatives of the West Kerry Board, the South Kerry Board and Dr. Croke’s Club asked the Chairman to rule the motion out of order. The Chairman of the Tralee Board proposed that the Convention should protest against the treatment of the prisoners. Most of the people that spoke against the motion were heckled by the crowd gathered on the gallery, who cheered those that spoke in favour. When the motion was put to the delegates, it was passed by 39 votes to 28. That concluded the business of the Convention.

  • As a result of the above decision, the East-Kerry Board followed the Co. Board into inaction for the year.
  • The South-Kerry and North-Kerry Boards proceeded with their competitions.
  • On 14th May J.J. Landers, Secretary of the Kerry Co. Board, received the following letter from the Arbour Hill Prisoners: ‘I wish to inform you that it is the unanimous wish of the Kerry prisoners here that the Kerry Co. Board of the GAA should again resume its activities in the national athletic arena. Realising, as we do, that your patriotic action has been the living embodiment of that ideal of P.H. Pearse that Ireland must not only be Gaelic but free as well, we can only show our appreciation of your most generous and unselfish action by releasing you from your rigid stand on our behalf. This is the second time in eighteen months that the Kerry Co. Board has lived up to its reputation as a militant national body and fully demonstrated  by its gesture that it knows where politics cease and nationality begins. Should you acceded to our request, it is our sincerest wish that Kerry’s Green and Gold will again prove itself as invincible as ever. Signed on behalf of the Kerry prisoners, Sean Ryan O/C.’
  • The Tralee District Board met on Fri. 7th June and a decision to resume activities was taken.
  • In July, the West-Kerry Board resumed their competitions.
  • When asked if he would re-convene Co. Convention, Din Joe Baily said that he wanted to be sure that if the competitions were resumed that a ‘stand-down’ would not re-occur. He asked the Secretary to circulate the clubs with the following questionnaire: 1. Have you considered the prisoners’ letter and, if so, what was the decision and was such decision unanimous? 2. What attitude is the club prepared to adopt in a similar matter in the future?
  • Amazingly, neither Kerry nor East-Kerry activities were resumed in 1935.
  • A Conference of the GAA met on Sat. 30th Nov. and decided to resume activities in 1936.


In the Kerryman in January, before the decision to stand down was taken, P.F. wrote, ‘The East-Kerry League includes Killarney, Killorglin and Castleisland, as well as widely scattered villages. This area is too unwieldy for one Board. A Killorglin Board should be established, apart from the Killarney Board.’


An Maidrín Ruadh, in the Kerry Champion of 23rd March, wrote, “The suspension of Gaelic games in the county is being keenly felt in Killorglin, where youths athirst for exercise are ‘condemned to ignoble repose.’ Some, I notice, have changed over to other games of skill, such as pitch-and-toss and top-playing. The Sportsfield, too, has a very forlorn appearance. The goal-posts, gaunt and weather-beaten, seem to crave for attention but get very little and are likely to remain so while this period of forced inactivity lasts.”


At a meeting of the Munster Council on Sat. 27th April at Limerick, the Chairman mentioned that on his way in to the meeting he had seen a poster announcing a rugby match between Killorglin and Nenagh. Challenge games between Cork teams and Kerry teams were encouraged at the meeting with a view to getting the Kerry Co. Board to function sooner rather than later.


On Sat. 29th June, Pars from Puck by Laune Ranger wrote in the Kerryman, “As anticipated, the Laune Rangers Club unanimously decided that football and politics should be matters distinct and separate and trust that in future they will be treated as such for political issues should never have entered into the GAA arena (though in Kerry recently some held that it was a national rather than political issue). The club hopes that activities will very shortly be resumed by the Co. Board and that the players, now satisfied with their protest, will soon set the ball rolling again. Many believe that the standard of football in the country will benefit to a great extent from the fact that Kerry men, who have dominated the field for so many years, are cut out of the programme for a season. Hitherto, with Kerry to contend with, many otherwise good football counties became hopeless of reaching championship status and football suffered in those counties accordingly. But, with all that, Kerry is sorely missed by those who were anxious to see an exhibition of the Gaelic code as such it invariably was when Kerry took the field in earnest.” That club meeting was held to discuss the questionnaire sent by the Co. Board Secretary pertaining to the prisoners’ letter.


On Fri. 12th July representatives from Keel, Castlemaine, Milltown and Killorglin met to discuss ways and means for improving football in the area. It was, after discussion, decided to form a District League, known as the Killorglin and District League, composed of the four areas represented and officers were then appointed: Chairman – Pat Clifford, Milltown; Vice-Chairman – Derry Griffin, Castlemaine; Secretary – Jerry Quill N. T., Keel; Treasurer – Tadhg O Reilly N. T., Laune Rangers. Areas were defined and definite rules laid down for the matches, the underlying idea being to prepare material for the affiliation of a senior team in the Co. Championship, when activities would resume in the county. Due to forthcoming engagements, no fixtures were made.


In early May the Central Council discussed the position of the Kerry clubs. It was stated that counties would need to ensure that permits were not granted to clubs to play against clubs that were not affiliated. Where a county board did not exist, a club in that county could affiliate with the Provincial Council. Laune Rangers took this advice and affiliated with the Munster Council and thereafter, Cork clubs were given permission to play against the Rangers.


On Sat. 30th Nov. a Conference of the Gaels of Kerry was held in Tralee. Laune Rangers Club was represented by Liam McSweeney and Jack O Dwyer. It was unanimously agreed that affiliations should be invited from clubs for the 1936 Championships. Convention would consist of delegates from such affiliated clubs.


On Sat. 29th June, a very interesting match took place in Milltown between the Presentation Primary Schools of Milltown and Killarney, which the former won by 1-5 to 1-4. Paddy Burke captained the local team from centre halfback. Brendan Kelliher scored two points from right half-forward.


Johnny O Sullivan, Iveragh Road, a member of the original Laune Rangers, died at the end of Sept., as a result of injuries incurred when the lorry, in which he was a passenger, overturned at Ballineen on the homeward journey from a drag-hunt at Bandon. Some of the survivors of the old Laune Rangers and members of the club marched in procession to Dromavalla, accompanying the remains to its last resting place.


Murt Kelly played with Dublin in the Leinster Senior Football Championship, along with six other Kerry players, but they failed to progress.


Cavan won the All-Ireland Senior Football Final by beating Kildare by 3-5 to 2-5 on Sun. 22nd September. Mayo beat Tipperary in the final of the All-Ireland Minor Football Championship by 1-6 to 1-1.


On Sun. 27th Oct. the Kerry Senior Football team won the New York Championship by defeating Cork on the score of 2-2 to 0-4. Pat Sheehan, Killorglin, played at full-forward.


The death took place on Sat. 16th Nov. of Paddy O Regan, Lower Bridge St., former Laune Rangers player. He played on the team in Clonturk Park in 1893 and captained the team in 1894. He won five Co. Senior Championship medals – 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893 and 1900. At the funeral to Dromavalla, the members of the Laune Rangers Club, wearing armlets of blue, marched in procession, headed by the surviving members of his old team, Dr. Billy O Sullivan (Killarney), Moss O Brien, John Phil Murphy, Pat McGillycuddy (Cahersiveen), Florence O Doherty, Dan P. Murphy, Jimmy Doyle, Eddie O Sullivan, Patsy Begley and William O Brien. There were representatives of every team that did honours for the Rangers since, Tim Joy, M. Curtin, Michael Walsh, Paddy Foley, Paddy Joy, John Foley, William Roche, D.J. Clifford and John O Riordan. Mike Joy, John Joe Falvey and Tim Teahan acted as marshals.


On Sun. 28th April, Killorglin were beaten in the Munster Junior Cup Rugby Final at Limerick by Nenagh on the score of 4 pts. (1 dropped goal) to nil. The Killorglin team was Frank Paul McCarthy (fullback), Jeremiah Grady, Ted Mangan, G. Lynch, C. Connor, Joe Shea, Johnny Mangan, C. McCarthy, Dan Brennan, Bill Shea, J. Taylor, J. Loughlin, Tom Mangan, P. O Connell, Patrick O Mahony. At the end of Sept., the AGM of the club was held, at which the Secretary, P. O Connell, reported that both the McElligott and Galway-Foley Cups were won. The following officers were elected: President – The McGillycuddy; Hon. Sec. – P. O Connell; Hon. Treasurer – F. McCarthy; Captain – T. Mangan; Vice-Captain – Jeremiah Grady.


Liam McSweeney was Hon. Secretary of Kerry Co. Board N.A.C.A.


Mick O Connor, Killorglin, won the Co. Kerry Cross Country Championship on Sun. 24th March.


A parade commemorating the 1916 Rising and the people who died for Ireland at that time was held on Sun. 21st April. It commenced at the Sportsfield (Mick Foley’s Field) at 2.30pm and marched to Ballykissane and thence to the graveyard. The following was the order of the parade: (1) Advance Guard. (2) Pipe Band (Killarney Battalion), (3) Colour Party. (4) Óglaigh na hÉireann (IRA). (5) Cumann na mBan. (6) Fianna Éireann. (7) School Children. (8) Band. (9) General Public.


In May, Ms. Maureen O Sullivan, Killorglin, captured the coveted J.P. McCall Cup for solo singing at Feis-Áth-Cliath.


At the UCD Sports in Terenure, Dublin, in May, Dermot Sheehan, Killorglin, repeated his many successes in the long and high jump events. He won the long jump comfortably and tied for second place in the high jump.


Jeremiah McSweeney was re-elected Chairman of Kerry Co. Council.


In February, Liam McSweeney was elected unopposed as President of the INTO. He received 170 nominations.


At the hiring market in Killorglin on Tues. 12th March farmers, some from North-Kerry, were in search of labour for house and farm. The wages being asked were £2-15-0 per month for maids and £3-0-0 to £3-2-6 for men. Those figures were not secured by all but are an indication of what generally obtained. However, many boys and girls answered to call to England for suitable employment. Quite a number of men and women, tired of being idle or on the dole, went to earn whatever they could and give a return in labour for the wage they received.


At the Killorglin market in May the following were the prices charged: eggs – 5/- for 120; butter – 9d per lb; potatoes – 6d or 7d per stone; bonhams – 25/- to 27/6 each.