Laune Rangers – 1976

Laune Rangers won the Mid-Kerry Minor Football championship for the twelfth time.

Laune Rangers retained the Co. U-16 Football Championship and won the Mid-Kerry Championship for the ninth time.

Laune Rangers won the Co. U-14 Football Championship for the third successive year and the Mid-Kerry Championship for the ninth time.

Killorglin Ladies Football team won the Co. Ladies Football Championship Final.

James Coffey was re-elected as Joint-Treasurer of the Co. Board for the fourth successive year.

Pat O Shea was re-elected onto the Co. Senior Football Selection Committee for the third successive year.

Pat O Shea was re-elected as Vice-Chairman of Bord na nOg Chiarraí for the sixth successive year.

Laune Rangers Club was named ‘Club of the year’ for 1975 by Bord na nOg.

Pat O Shea was elected as Secretary of Bord na nOg Chiarraí Láir.

*            *              *                *                *                  *                  *                 *                  *

The AGM of the Laune Rangers Club was held in the Carnegie on Thurs. 8th Jan. 1976 at 8.30pm. (The Pantomime was in progress in the CYMS Hall). The Chairman, James Coffey, presided. Also in attendance were Sean O Reilly, Eamonn Crowley, John Foley, Pat Lynch, Maurice Harmon, Pat O Shea, Thomas Evans, Denis Lynch, Michael O Shea, Jim Casey, Jim Galvin, Joe Crowley, Davy O Shea, John Clifford, John O Connell, Pat Joy (Caragh Lake), Mike Hassett, Ted Houlihan, Billy Dodd, John A. O Brien, Paudie O Connor, Murt Knightley, Dan Carey, Patsy Joy, Pat Clifford, John (Quart) Foley, Noel O Mahony, Pat Finnegan, Jimmy Doona, Danny O Callaghan, Tom O Connor, Tom Johnston, Noel Prendiville, Francis O Doherty, John Joy, Johnny Byrnes, John Evans, Jackie O Shea, Michael Foley, Denis O Neill, Declan Falvey, James O Riordan, Barry Harmon and Jerome Conway (Secretary). (The Secretary’s Report was given at the end of 1975).
Eamonn Crowley, speaking for the joint-treasurers, gave a very concise account of the year’s spending and earnings. He pointed out that, even though the club did very well in Ciste na bPáirc, fund-raising in general was not sufficient and that the club had lost money the previous year in running the club. He also pointed out that there were excessive withdrawals from the field funds to run the club and that would have to stop. The club would have to become self-sufficient in the running of the everyday needs of the club. Pat O Shea congratulated both treasurers on their report and proposed its adoption. Pat Lynch seconded the proposal and it was adopted.
Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st Dec. 1975
Income:                                                                            Expenditure:
Dances (net income)        £335                         Meals for teams            202
Talent Competition & Tops (net)    £539   Bus and car-hire            250
Gate receipts                88                                     Players’ travelling expenses   294
Rent of Field                40                                   Dressing-rooms maintenance  153
Membership                56                                     Field maintenance          15
Subscriptions/grazing            34                     Footballs, etc              85
Deposit interest received           148             Trophies                  73
Affiliation fees              21
ESB                  34
Stationery              14
Secretary’s expenses          48
Insurance              76
Subscriptions              20
Bank interest and charges          14
Sundry expenses                8
Loss on Social              64
Grant to Bord na nOg         180
Bord na nOg trip to Dublin       41
£1,240                                                                 £1,592
Excess of expenditure over income for 1975 – £352.
Proceeds of Coiste na bPáirc draw £1,160
Less interest paid on term loan                 77
Surplus of income over expenditure                  £731
Michael O Shea gave a detailed financial account of the Bord na nOg sub-committee. The expenses for the year had been £138.48. When it received the grant of £180 from the senior club, it would have a credit balance of £41.38.

The following officers were elected:
President – Paddy Foley.
Vice-President – Rev. Father O Leary, Rev. Father Maher, Rev. Father Moran, Rev. Canon Murphy, Mícheál Scanlon, Kevin Foley, John Foley, Christy O Riordan, John Scart Clifford, Stephen O Sullivan, John Kerry O Donnell, Jeremiah McKenna, Paudie Foley, Todd Mulvihall, Frank O Shea, Paddy Crowley, Jim Galvin.
Chairman – There were three nominations James Coffey, Pat O Shea and Sean O Reilly. The latter two withdrew their names and James Coffey declared himself re-elected. In his address, he welcomed those present. He said that it was not a healthy sign that only two people had been nominated for the position of chairman, even when he had intimated that he was not seeking re-election. He felt that the position of chairman should go around. He then gave one year’s notice that he would not accept the position the following year. He, also, expressed disappointment with the numbers in attendance as the night was very convenient for the AGM. He said that one of his main reasons for accepting the chair in 1976 was that the question of ownership of the field had again reared its head in 1975. He said that when the field was firstly  purchased, Paddy Foley, Todd Mulvihill, Paddy Crowley and many others had gone around the parish gathering 1/- per week to raise the price of the field. He said that he himself had walked many a mile collecting. Eventually, he said, the field was bought and paid for. The club had been backed by the people of the parish in so doing and it was a blatant insult when people had said recently that the club did not own the field. He said that the club would continue to print membership-cards to give free entry to all games in the field and the club would make those, who wished to use the pitch, pay for its use. In order to do those things, he wanted the backing of the Convention.
He congratulated the minors on winning the Mid-Kerry Minor Championship.There had been better teams but those minors had shown spirit and determination, as had Caragh Lake in winning the Parish League. He wanted the same spirit amongst the senior team. The players would have to train and, if they did not, the club should get rid of them. He said that the club was judged by the co-operation of players on the field with those in charge. At the time, they were a laughing stock, but that should prompt the players to come back with spirit and prove those cynics wrong. The club had players who were bordering on donning the county colours and he appealed to those to be the leaders. He said that the club would have to cut back expenses. He appealed to players to bring their cars, in turn, to away games. He also asked players and members to give a hand in running the club – 5 or 6 would not succeed.
Finally, the chairman expressed deep dissatisfaction at the coverage been giving to GAA on RTE. He said that the youth of the country was not getting what they wanted regarding GAA from RTE. He quoted the two U-21 All-Ireland Finals and the National League game in Killarney versus Cork. He said that it was time that the people at the top did something positive, such as asking the people not to pay the television license until proper coverage was forthcoming.
Vice-Chairman – There were three nominations Sean O Reilly, Maurice Harmon and Pat O Shea. Since the latter two withdrew their names, Sean O Reilly was declared re-elected.
Secretary – Jerome Conway.
Treasurers – There were three nominations Eamonn Crowley, John Foley and Pat Lynch. Since the latter withdrew his name, the former two were declared re-elected.
Registrar – Pat Lynch.
PRO (press) – James Coffey.
Delegate to Co. Board – Maurice Harmon.
Delegates to Co. Convention – Denis Lynch, Pat Finnegan and Jerome Conway.
Delegates to Mid-Kerry Board – There were four nominations Maurice Harmon, Denis O Neill, Eamonn Crowley and Pat O Shea. Since the latter two withdrew, the former two were declared re-elected.

Senior Trainer – there were two nominations and the result of the vote was Pat O Shea (20), Barry Harmon (10) – only members were allowed to vote.

Senior Selection Committee – there were 10 nominations Sean O Reilly, Pat Lynch, Patsy Joy, Billy Dodd (outgoing), all of which withdrew their names, Ted Houlihan (outgoing), Pat O Shea (outgoing), Maurice Harmon (outgoing), Jerome Conway (outgoing), Mike Hassett and Jim Casey. The result of the vote was Jerome Conway (29), Pat O Shea (28), Maurice Harmon (26), Mike Hassett (23), Ted Houlihan (22), all of whom were elected, Jim Casey (17).

Minor Selector – Noel O Mahony was re-elected.

Novice Selection Committee: Eight nominations were received Pat Lynch (outgoing), Sean O Reilly (outgoing), both of whom withdrew their names, Mike Hassett and Ted Houlihan, both of whom were ineligible as they were senior selectors, Jim Casey (outgoing), Billy Dodd, Danny O Callaghan, Tom Evans, the four of whom were elected.

Field – Pat O Shea (Chairman), Pat Joy, Tom Evans and Jim Galvin.
Social – Michael O Shea (Chairman), Pat Lynch, Davy O Shea and Barry Harmon.
Activities – Joseph Crowley (Chairman) and James Coffey.
Bord na nOg – James O Riordan (Chairman) and John O Connell.
The following motions were discussed:
1.    ‘That only one team should be entered by the club in the Co. League.’ (Pat O Shea). The proposer gave the following reasons for not entering a team in Div. 4 of the Co. League:
a)    With only one team, there would be more competition for places.
b)    It would cut down travelling expenses.
c)    The club does not have enough players at certain times of the year and heavy defeats for the ‘B’ team are bad for morale.
d)    The club might have to use very young players and run the risk of getting them injured.
2.    ‘That a junior parish League be run on Co. League Sundays.’ (Pat O Shea). He explained that the players that were picked for the senior team (the first 19) would not be eligible to play in the Parish League on that day.
Both those motions were discussed together. Joe Crowley thought that players needed outside competitive games in order to show their prowess and he was not in favour of opting out of Div. 4 of the Co. League. Pat O Shea reassured him that the competition would be far higher in the parish League than in Div. 4. In the ensuing vote, both motions were passed.
3.    ‘That if Laune Rangers win the Senior Co. Championship in 1976, the players, taking part, should be offered a free trip to the USA.’  That motion was covered by motion 7 in 1975.
4.    ‘That training for all players commence in April and last until September.’ (Ted Houlihan). After a discussion, the proposer agreed to amend the motion to read that the training should commence in February (as the Co. League commenced then). Carried.
5.    ‘That there should be an extra Parish League game during weekdays from May to September.’ (Billy Dodd), seconded by Maurice Harmon and carried. Training would be on one night per week.
6.    ‘That the principle of running a Ladies’ Parish League be adopted.’ (Jerome Conway). That would be run concurrently with Co. League home games. Other details would still have to be worked out. The proposer felt that it would lend a bit of glamour to the field and thereby attract better attendance. Seconded by Pat O Shea and carried.
7.    ‘That the Laune Rangers’ Club forward a motion to Co. Bord na nOg Convention urging that the U-12 Co. Championship be reintroduced in 1976’ (Jerome Conway). The proposer felt that the U-12 competition had been the best competition of all when it had been organised and that the Board’s view that competition was bad for youngsters of that wage was nonsense. Seconded by Maurice Harmon and carried.
8.    ‘That the club again create the position of PRO with the following duties:
a)    Advertise home games by putting posters in shop windows and at the church gate.
b)    Compile a build-up to all games and advertise same.
c)    Report on all games to the Kerryman.
Pat O Shea volunteered to put up the posters. James Coffey offered to advertise in the Kerryman. The motion was then withdrawn.
9.    ‘That a monthly statement of the club’s accounts be furnished to club meetings.’ Pat O Shea. The Treasurers readily took on that task. Carried.
10.    ‘That an official of the club or an adult player take charge of a juvenile team in the U-12 and U-14 Parish Leagues.’ (Pat O Shea). He said that it would necessitate approximately 12 people once a week for a few weeks. He wanted the principle adopted. Carried.
11.    ‘That U-16 players be prevented from playing the Senior Parish League.’ (Joe Crowley). He felt that they were not insured while playing at senior grade. However, when he was assured that all players were insured while playing at senior, intermediate, novice and minor grades, he withdrew the motion.
12.    ‘That the club retains the status quo regarding the benefits of buying a membership card – the holder of a membership card will be allowed free entry for all games into the J.P. O Sullivan Park.’ (Maurice Harmon). Seconded by Ted Houlihan and carried.
John Evans requested a meeting between the players and the trainer before training commenced with a view to getting to know each other. The meeting was set for the first Tuesday in February in the pavilion.
The AGM then concluded.

Eamonn ‘Edso Crowley, Market St.

Eamonn ‘Edso Crowley, Market St.
Won Mid-Kerry Minor Football Championships 1965 & 1967
Won Mid-Kerry Senior Football Championships 1967, ’69, ’70, ’73 & ’83
Joint-Treasurer Laune Rangers Club 1975-’85, 2005-

Co. Senior Football Championship

Seventeen teams competed in the Co. Senior Football Championship, Dingle, Castlegregory, Eoghan Ruadh, Spa, South-Kerry, Laune Rangers, West-Kerry, John Mitchels, Kerins O Rahillys, Waterville, Desmonds, East-Kerry, Shannon Rangers, Mid-Kerry, Austin Stacks, Kenmare and Feale Rangers.

Laune Rangers’ Selection Committee – Jerome Conway, Pat O Shea (trainer), Maurice Harmon, Mike Hassett and Ted Houlihan.

Rd. 1 on Sun. 27th June at Cahersiveen: South-Kerry 1-9; Laune Rangers 2-4
That was a game that Laune Rangers could and should have won. They squandered too many scoring chances in the first half, while assisted by a light breeze. At the break, they led by 0-3 to 0-2. After halftime, Declan Falvey faded at midfield, allowing Jack O Shea to take control. Then Barry Harmon and J.J. O Connor were sent off, the former, rather harshly, for retaliating. Rangers seemed to fall apart for fifteen minutes, while South-Kerry piled on the scores. Timmy Doyle, in an effort to salvage the game, was sent to full-forward and James O Riordan was put marking John Egan. Rangers finished in great style with two goals, one each from Timmy Doyle and Declan Falvey, and when the final whistle blew, they were pressing for the winner – Timmy Doyle rose highest to punch a cross agonisingly wide.
The Kerryman reported as follows: “Killorglin Laune Rangers came close to providing the shock result of the day at Cahersiveen, when they ran South-Kerry to two points. The game, especially in the first half, lacked the ‘bite’ usually associated with championship fare, but nobody could blame the players, if they were trying to spare themselves for the last quarter, as the heat was really intense. Yet we saw some first-class individual displays throughout and a thrilling last ten minutes, during which the Rangers scored 2-1. In the last seconds, Rangers came within a few feet of snatching victory, when (Timmy) Doyle, who scored their first goal, rose high to punch a cross from a free just wide.
Laune Rangers, who led by 03 to 0-2 at the interval, were dealt two severe blows in the course of the hour. Midway through the first half, they lost star corner-back, Jack Reen, through injury and, with only six minutes gone in the second half, referee, Mike Carey, ordered star forward, Barry Harmon, to the line, together with J.J. O Connor of South-Kerry. The decision was made a little hastily, as only one blow was struck. At the time, the Killorglin boys were still leading by a point, but, from the resulting hop-ball, South-Kerry broke up-field and, after goalie (Joe) Crowley had saved well, Mike O Connor caught the defence off guard and banged home the rebound for an all-important goal.
From this to the 50th minute, it was all South-Kerry. They scored six further points with Jacko Shea and John Egan combining well to give the Rangers’ defence a real scorching. However, the Killorglin men kept plugging away and, with (Frank) Russell at midfield, they began to win more and more of the ball. In the final minutes, it was the South-Kerry defence that had its back to the wall.
Laune Rangers need not feel despondent over the result. They are basically a very young side, indeed six of them were getting their first taste of championship football. (Jack) Reen, until he retired, (Pat) Horgan and (James) O Shea were very solid in the fullback line and goalkeeper (Joe) Crowley dealt capably with what came his way, being in no way to blame for the goal. James O Riordan was best of the halfback line, while (Declan) Falvey and (Patsy) Joy, until they tired, provided a plentiful supply of the ball to their forwards who, unfortunately, with the exception of (Frank) Russell, (Barry) Harmon and (Mike) O Shea, made very poor use of it, especially in the opening quarter.”
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Jack Reen, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Jimmy O Shea, Timmy Doyle (1-0), James O Riordan, Patsy Joy, Declan Falvey (1-0), John Horgan, Frank Russell (0-2) capt, Barry Harmon (0-1), Teddy Clifford, John Clifford (0-1), Michael O Shea. Subs: Michael F. O Shea for J. Reen (sunburn), Eamonn Crowley, Gerard O Shea, Davy O Shea, Frank O Dwyer, Pat Joe O Mahony, Tom O Connor. Pat Grandfield had been chosen at right full-forward on the original team, but had withdrawn because of injury.
South-Kerry: Johnny Griffin, D. Cahillane, Pat McCrohan, G.G. O Sullivan, J.J. O Connor, J.J. O Sullivan, Jack Murphy, Jack O Shea, Michael O Connor, Jerry O Mahony, John Egan, Dan Garvey, John Egan, David Dwyer, Paudie Sheahan. Subs: Ger Driscoll for P. Sheahan, G.G. O Connor for D. Cahillane.
Ref: Mike Carey (Kenmare).

Austin Stacks, captained by John O Keeffe, won the Championship by beating Kenmare in the final on 3rd October by 1-14 to 0-7.

                                       Co. Senior Football League Div. 1
Fourteen teams were in Division 1, Dingle, Rathmore, Spa, Castlegregory, Waterville, Moyvane, Austin Stacks, Glenbeigh, Tarbert, Lispole, Laune Rangers, Emmetts, Desmonds and Kenmare.

Rd. 1 on Sun. 22nd Feb. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-6; Tarbert 0-7.
Laune Rangers kicked away the league points in that game. Playing into the strong wind and heavy rain in the first half, the Rangers managed to score three points and had a goal, following a great movement, mysteriously disallowed. Tarbert led at the break by 0-7 to 0-3.
On the resumption, it was all Laune Rangers and it was, also, all wides from all angles – in front of goal and from close-in frees. The forwards missed enough chances to win three games. The Rangers’ defence handled the half dozen or so Tarbert raids in the second half but the forwards, especially the full line, was pathetic and the Rangers selectors must have been thinking of introducing some young players to improve the scoring power of the side, which had played so well and yet had lost two valuable home points.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, James O Riordan, Timmy Doyle, James O Shea, Declan Falvey, Jack Reen, Jimmy O Shea, Patsy Joy, John Clifford, Davy O Shea (0-2), Frank Russell, Johnny Byrnes (0-1), Pat Horgan (0-1), Frank O Dwyer, Tom Curran (0-2, frees). Subs: Mossy Joy for F. O Dwyer, Francis O Doherty for T. Curran, Eamonn Crowley (cyst in his ear), Gerard O Shea, Michael F. O Shea, Michael O Sullivan, John Horgan, Patrick Murphy, Anthony Corkery, John A. O Brien, Johnny O Connor, Tom Johnston, Pat Clifford.
Ref: T.J. O Connor (Ballymac). When he was asked afterwards the reason for disallowing the goal, he said that he had made a mistake – it was a Tarbert back that was inside the square and not a Laune Rangers’ forward and he had got mixed-up in the colours of the teams’ jerseys (Tarbert wore red and black and Laune Rangers wore blue and white!).

Rd. 2 on 21st March at Listowel: Emmett’s 0-9; Laune Rangers 1-6
Laune Rangers put in a great second half display to draw that game in adverse underfoot conditions. The locals led by 0-6 to 0-2 at the interval but a great goal by 16 years old John Horgan, shortly after the resumption, gave Rangers the injection they needed and, with Frank Russell in great form at midfield, the local side was under severe pressure for most of the half and must have been delighted to get away with a share in the points.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, James O Shea, James O Riordan, Declan Crowley, Brendan Sweeney, Jack Reen, Declan Falvey, Patsy Joy (0-1), Teddy Clifford, Davy O Shea, Frank Russell (0-3, 2 frees), Johnny Byrnes (0-1), Frank O Dwyer, Pat Horgan (0-1), John Clifford. Subs: Michael F. O Shea for B. Sweeney, John Horgan (1-0) for D. O Shea, Anthony Corkery for F. O Dwyer, John A. O Brien, Patrick Murphy, Mícheál O Callaghan, Michael O Sullivan and Gerard O Shea. Jimmy O Shea and Eamonn Crowley were injured and unable to play. Jerry Coffey was in Hamburg, through his work. Tom Curran was working at his new house. Declan Falvey had gone to Kenmare with the Intermediate School Girls’ Basketball team. Francis O Doherty, Tom Johnston and Johnny O Connor had opted for soccer.
Ref: Pat Whyte (St. Senan’s) – inefficient and biased.

Rd. 3 on Sun. 4th April at Currow: Rathmore 2-11; Laune Rangers 1-6
Laune Rangers put up a great performance for three quarters of an hour. Lack of fitness and match practice on the part of some of the players was one of the main reasons for the defeat. The Rangers’ selectors’ policy of sparing the young players was justified in that case, as it was a hard-fought game, but, at the same time, very sporting. Having played against the breeze in the first half, Rangers were in arrears by 0-3 to 0-8 at the break. Mike O Shea scored a goal after the resumption and it looked likely that they would win. However, Rathmore, showing great determination and fitness, scored two rather easy goals and Rangers ran out of steam. It was great to see veterans John A. O Brien, Mike Hassett and Noel O Mahony rallying to the cause, as it was Mike O Shea, back after a long absence through injury.
Laune Rangers: John A. O Brien, James O Shea, Noel O Mahony, Tom Curran, Jack Reen, James O Riordan, Mike Hassett, Frank Russell (0-3, frees), John Clifford (0-1), Mossy Joy, Declan Falvey, Jimmy O Shea, Joe Crowley (0-1), Pat Horgan, Michael O Shea (1-1). Subs: Brendan Sweeney for D. Falvey (inj.), Frank O Dwyer, Davy O Shea, Michael F. O Shea, Gerard O Shea, Anthony Corkery, Patrick Murphy. Eamonn Crowley was sick and unable to play. Johnny Byrnes changed his mind and played with Callanfercy in the Cup semi-final. At the meeting on Mon. 5th April, Patsy Joy notified the club in writing that he was immediately retiring from football.
Ref: Ger Riordan (Scartaglin).

Rd. 4 on Sun. 18th April at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 4-10; Laune Rangers 3-6
That game was played before a very large crowd, many of whom were holidaymakers. Laune Rangers shocked Glenbeigh when Joe Crowley converted a penalty in the very first minute. However, the home side gradually took control and, with their forwards combining well, they turned over at halftime leading by 2-5 to 2-3. In the second half, Joe Crowley converted another penalty but it was not enough to stave off defeat. One of Glenbeigh’s goals should have been disallowed, as Tom Curran was pushed in the back. The backs, even though they could be faulted for some of the goals, played well enough. The forwards, particularly Declan Falvey and Joe Crowley, showed promise. Rangers were well beaten at midfield, where Frank Russell had an off-day.
Laune Rangers: John A. O Brien, Eamonn Crowley, James O Riordan, Tom Curran, Declan Crowley, Jack Reen, James O Shea (0-1, free), Frank Russell, Teddy Clifford, Mossy Joy (0-1), Declan Falvey, Jimmy O Shea (0-1), Joe Crowley (3-1, 2 penalties), John Clifford, Michael O Shea (0-2, frees). Subs: Pat Horgan for J. Reen (inj.), Jack Reen for D. Crowley, Frank O Dwyer, Patrick Murphy, Brendan Sweeney.
Ref: Mick O Neill (Tralee).

Rd. 5 on Sun. 2nd May at Dingle: Dingle 1-14; Laune Rangers 1-4
The writing was on the wall when Rangers turned round, after playing with the breeze, trailing by four points (0-7 to 0-3). Despite numerous switches, they could not stem the tide. Indeed, the fact that the appointed referee, Liam Sayers, did not turn up, did not help the cause. The backs were generally not too bad. Rangers were beaten in the middle of the field until Declan Falvey came out in the last quarter. Rangers, after that result, seemed destined for Div. 2.
Laune Rangers: Michael F. O Shea, Eamonn Crowley, Noel O Mahony, James O Shea, Jack Reen (1-0, penalty), Pat Horgan, Pat Joe O Mahony, John Clifford (0-2), James O Riordan, Declan Falvey, Frank Russell (0-2, 1 free), Teddy Clifford, Davy O Shea, Mossy Joy, Michael O Shea. Subs: Danny Callaghan for M. Joy, Mossy Joy for J. O Riordan (inj.), John A. O Brien, Gerard O Shea, Patrick Murphy, Tony Casey. Missing were Jimmy O Shea (inj.), Tom Curran (building his house), Eamonn Crowley (England).
Ref: Seamus Mac Gearailt (Gaeltacht).

Rd. 6 on Sun. 23rd May at Castlegregory: Castlegregory 1-15; Laune Rangers 1-4
Laune Rangers played with the fall-of-ground in the first half but against a gale-force wind. Many of the kicks-out went over the sideline, as the Rangers were not used to the pitch. Castlegregory, on the other hand, knew well the quirks of the pitch and picked off their points with ease, against a halfback line that was porous. The killer punch came when, from a mistake by Noel O Mahony, the full-forward scored a goal to leave the halftime score at 1-12 to 0-1 in favour of the home team. In the second half, things were not much better for the Rangers. Timmy Doyle confined himself to knocking opposition players down rather than playing football. Then, when the forwards got the ball, they were too unfit to do anything constructive with it. That was one of the worst performances by a Laune Rangers team. At the time, only three or four players were making an effort to train.
Laune Rangers: Michael F. O Shea, Jack Reen, Noel O Mahony, Tom Curran, James O Riordan, Pat Horgan, Declan Falvey, Timmy Doyle, Pat Joe O Mahony (0-1), Jimmy O Shea, Frank Russell (1-1), Michael O Shea, Davy O Shea, John Clifford (0-1), Joe Crowley (0-1). Subs: Eamonn Crowley for N. O Mahony, Gerard O Shea for D. O Shea, James O Shea for J. O Riordan (inj.).
Ref: Liam Sayers (St. Pat’s) – was very patient with Timmy Doyle.

Rd. 7 on Sun. 6th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-11; Moyvane 1-12
There could be no excuses for that loss. The match was there for the taking. Laune Rangers took a four points’ lead at the beginning of the game. Then the players, inexplicably, changed their tactics to short passing and allowed Moyvane back into the game to lead by one point at halftime (0-6 to 0-5). At one stage in the second half, Laune Rangers trailed by seven points, due to poor play by most of the backs. However, with the switch of John Horgan to midfield to partner Patsy Joy, the team found new life and, when Patsy Joy goaled in the last few minutes, the teams were level. However, the backs allowed their centre forward to carry the ball through for the winning point. Laune Rangers seemed to have the nucleus of a good team, but there were a few players still not training.
Laune Rangers: John O Neill, Tom Curran, Noel O Mahony, James O Shea, Jack Reen, Pat Horgan, Teddy Clifford, James O Riordan Pat Joe O Mahony, Barry Harmon, Patsy Joy (1-3), Michael O Shea (0-5, 3 frees), Frank O Dwyer, John Clifford, Joe Crowley (0-1). Subs: John Horgan (0-2) for F. O Dwyer, Davy O Shea for J. Reen (he had to leave at halftime), Brendan Sweeney for D. O Shea, Patrick Murphy. Eamonn Crowley and Jimmy O Shea were both injured and unable to play. Frank Russell and Declan Falvey were both suspended, having been sent off on the previous Sunday versus Glenbeigh.
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Rd. 8 on Sat. 12th June at Spa: Spa 1-8; Laune Rangers 0-7
That was a good spirited display. Joe Crowley was switched into goals in the second half, where he played quite well, saving one particularly good shot. Patsy Joy played very well at midfield. Pat Horgan had a great game at fullback. Barry Harmon beat Donie O Sullivan well when he moved into the corner-forward position. John Clifford played quite well at full-forward and was improving as he gained in confidence.
Laune Rangers: Noel O Mahony, Tom O Connor, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Declan Falvey, Jack Reen, Jimmy O Shea, Patsy Joy, Pat Grandfield (0-1), Barry Harmon (0-1), Frank Russell (0-2, 1 free), Michael O Shea, Frank O Dwyer (0-1), John Clifford )-2), Joe Crowley. Subs: Anthony Corkery for F. O Dwyer, Michael F. O Shea for M. O Shea, Gerard O Shea for N. O Mahony, Davy O Shea. Eamonn Crowley and Pat Joe O Mahony were injured and unable to play.

Rd. 9 on Tues. 13th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-9; Kenmare 0-10
After a lack-lustre first half, the team showed tremendous spirit in the second half with the aid of the breeze. In the first half, Rangers went two points up and should have been more. Then, some mistakes by the backs allowed Kenmare into their stride and they led by 0-7 to 0-3 at halftime. On the resumption, however, the Killorglin boys played very well. Patsy Joy and Pat Grandfield, at midfield, gave the forwards plenty of the ball. The backs played outstandingly. Then, with the introduction of Gerard O Shea, the forwards came to life and really sealed up the game. With that spirit, it was obvious that the team could still avoid relegation and be difficult to beat in Mid-Kerry.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Eamonn Crowley, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Jimmy O Shea, Jack Reen, James O Riordan, Patsy Joy (1-0), Tommy Woods, John Horgan (0-1), Frank Russell (0-4, 2 frees), Barry Harmon, Pat Grandfield, John Clifford (1-3), Michael O Shea (0-1). Subs: Michael F. O Shea for James O Shea, Gerard O Shea for Mike O Shea, Declan Crowley, Pat Joe O Mahony, Davy O Shea. Missing were Declan Falvey (Dublin on a course), Teddy Clifford (England).
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Rd. 10 on Wed. 21st July at Castleisland: Desmonds beat Laune Rangers
Frank Russell was missing from the Rangers lineout. The referee penalised the Laune Rangers’ goalkeeper for the use of an elbow inside the newly formed large parallelogram. However, instead of awarding a penalty to Desmond’s, as the rule stated, he awarded a fourteen yards’ free. When questioned afterwards, he explained that he did not want to be too hard on the goalie, as he had to protect himself! Rangers’ only two substitutes were Davy O Shea and Brendan Sweeney. In order to have any chance of surviving in Division 1, Laune Rangers had to take six points from their remaining three games.
Ref: Mick Galwey (Currow).

Rd. 11 on Sun. 1st Aug. at Waterville: Waterville 0-7; Laune Rangers 2-8
Laune Rangers led by two goals at halftime (2-3 to 0-3). Their scorers in the game were Michael O Shea (1-2), Joe Crowley (1-1), Barry Harmon (0-2), Declan Falvey (0-1), John Horgan (0-1), Patsy Joy (0-1).

Rd. 12 on Sun. 5th Sept. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-7; Lispole 1-7
The backs were at fault for conceding 1-3 rather easily. Patsy Joy was outstanding at midfield. Unfortunately, the forwards never really got on top of their game. The point did not seem of much value to Laune Rangers but technically they were not yet relegated.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Jack Reen, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, James O Riordan, Michael F. O Shea, Jimmy O Shea, Patsy Joy, Declan Falvey, John Horgan (0-3, 2 frees), Frank Russell (0-1), Gerard O Shea (0-1), Barry Harmon (0-1), John Clifford (1-1), Michael O Shea. Subs: Eamonn Crowley for M. O Shea (inj.), Tom O Connor, Patrick Murphy, Brendan Sweeney, Pat Grandfield, Davy O Shea and Frank O Dwyer.
Ref: Willie Murphy (Milltown/Castlemaine).

Rd. 13 on Sun. 19th Sept. at Connolly Park: Austin Stacks 1-9; Laune Rangers 2-7
That was a do-or-die game for Laune Rangers. It was a very good spirited performance. Admittedly, Stacks were without their inter-county Kerry players but the referee made some diabolical decisions, including awarding Stack’s a penalty, which they scored. During the game, Barry Harmon and Frank Russell missed open goals. At halftime, Laune Rangers led by 1-2 to 0-3. The backs were sound, with Mike O Shea outstanding on the wing. The midfield partnership of Patsy Joy and Declan Falvey played excellently. The youngsters in the forward line combined well and worked very hard. John Clifford caused all kinds of problems for the fullback, despite having an injured arm. It took a point from a fifty yards’ free by Declan Falvey in the last minute to give Rangers the victory. That win ensured the club’s Div. 1 status for 1977. Michael F. O Shea, Gerard O Shea, John Horgan and Anthony Corkery were under sixteen years of age and James O Shea was under seventeen. It has to be said that Stacks did not try overly hard to win that game.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Jack Reen, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Michael O Shea, Michael F. O Shea, James O Riordan, Patsy Joy, Declan Falvey (1-2, 2 frees), Barry Harmon, Frank Russell (0-2), Gerard O Shea, John Horgan (0-2), John Clifford (0-1), Anthony Corkery (1-0). Subs: Brendan Sweeney and Ted Houlihan.
Ref: Michael Reidy (Ballymac).
  Co. Novice Championship

Laune Rangers’ Selection Committee – Jim Casey, Billy Dodd, Danny Callaghan and Tom Evans.

Rd. 1 on Sun. 9th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ 2-8; Tuosist 1-7
Laune Rangers led at halftime by 2-3 to 1-5. John Horgan, James O Shea and Anthony Corkery gave powerful displays to the delight of the home supporters.
Laune Rangers: Michael F. O Shea, Jack Reen, Noel O Mahony, James O Shea, Tom O Connor, James O Riordan, Mike Hassett, Pat Joe O Mahony (0-1), John Horgan (0-3, 2 frees), Davy O Shea, Anthony Corkery, Gerard O Shea (0-1), Frank O Dwyer (1-0), Frank Russell (0-2), Joe Crowley (1-1). Subs: Mossy Joy for A. Corkery, John A. O Brien, Patrick Murphy, Brendan Sweeney, Peter Lyons, Alan Diggin. Declan Falvey and Barry Harmon were at the Spring-Show in Dublin.
Ref: Willie Murphy (Milltown).
At the Co. Board meeting on Tues. 8th June, Tuosist sought clarification on the status of Frank Russell and were informed that he had been entitled to play Novice football.

Rd. 2 in May: Currow defeated Laune Rangers ‘B’.

   Mid-Kerry Senior Championship
That competition was played with a losers’ round.

Rd. 1 on Sat. 19th June at Milltown: Laune Rangers 0-9; Keel 1-5
The determination and will-to-win had returned to Laune Rangers. The result was a shock for a fancied Keel side. It was a highly entertaining and exciting game despite the slippery pitch and the heavy rain, which fell all through.  At one stage in the game, Rangers were six points in arrears but fought back magnificently to win with a Barry Harmon point minutes from the end.
At the start, it looked as if Keel would have it easy. Moss O Connor had two quick points and then came a well-taken goal by Brendan Corcoran. Keel added a point from the kick-out, through a free by Larry McKenna. Laune Rangers were coming more into the game, however, and opened their account with a free from John Horgan. Man-of-the-match, Declan Falvey, had two more points to leave the halftime score at 1-3 to 0-3 in favour of Keel.
Declan Falvey had the proverbial ‘blinder’ at midfield, getting great support from Patsy Joy and Frank Russell in turn. (The retiral of Tom Evans through injury upset Keel) Rangers poured forward and added further points to leave them only one point in arrears with five minutes to play. John Horgan equalised a minute later from a free after Teddy Clifford had been fouled. All the backs played magnificently, especially when withstanding great Keel pressure near the end. From a clearance, Barry Harmon scored the match-wining point. The forwards played well, especially Barry Harmon, Pat Grandfield and Mike O Shea, who did not start because of an ankle injury but who made a big difference when he came on in the second half.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Michael F. O Shea, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Jimmy O Shea, Jack Reen, James O Riordan, Patsy Joy (0-1), Declan Falvey (0-2), John Horgan (0-4, frees), Frank Russell (0-1) capt., Barry Harmon (0-1), Pat Grandfield, Frank O Dwyer, Teddy Clifford. Subs: Pat Joe O Mahony for F. O Dwyer, Michael O Shea for P.J. O Mahony, Davy O Shea, Gerard O Shea. John Clifford was on his honeymoon.
Keel: John Breen, Paddy O Shea, Johnny Sheehan, Sean Foley, Cyril McKenna, Tom Prendergast, Jim Foley, Tom Evans, Pat Foley, Sean Sheehan, Brendan Corcoran (1-0), T. O Connor, Moss O Connor (0-2), Denny O Shea, Larry McKenna (0-3, frees). Sub: John Long.
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Semi-final on Sun. 18th July at Milltown: Laune Rangers 2-8; Glenbeigh 1-11.
That was a game that Laune Rangers could have won, but they could hardly complain about the result. Glenbeigh had been champions for the previous two years and they must have been wondering what they had to do to beat Laune Rangers in a championship game. In taking the two previous titles, Glenbeigh did not have to encounter the Rangers.
Laune Rangers took control early on and went into a four points’ lead before Glenbeigh raised their first flag in the 15th minute and followed with two further points. Then their goalkeeper, Michael O Sullivan, allowed a lobbing shot by Barry Harmon to slip through his hands into the net. Rangers led at halftime by 1-7 to 0-5.
On the resumption, Derry O Sullivan, who had just come on as a substitute, scored an easy goal for Glenbeigh. Team-mate, Michael Quirke, put his side within a point of the Rangers. Then, Jimmy Healy misjudged a hopping ball and allowed John Horgan an opportunity to send the ball to the net. The same player pointed a free to give his side a 2-8 to 1-6 lead entering the final quarter. Thereafter, it was nip and tuck. Rangers failed to score again, whereas Glenbeigh, assisted by the breeze, kicked five points to snatch a draw. Rangers were well-satisfied with the result, as they had to line out without some key players.
Joe Crowley could not be faulted for the goal that beat him and his quick-thinking in moving off his line saved his side on many occasions. He was fronted by a very solid fullback line in Eamonn Crowley, Pat Horgan and James O Shea. Patsy Joy was the dominant figure at midfield, receiving great support from Pat Grandfield. In attack, Mike O Shea, John Horgan Barry Harmon and Frank Russell were to the fore. Michael F. O Shea made a big difference, with about fifteen minutes left to play, when he came on for Jack Reen, who had a complete loss of form and allowed Kevin Griffin too much room. The injury to John Clifford, which forced him to retire, did not help matters.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Eamonn Crowley, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Jimmy O Shea, Jack Reen, James O Riordan, Patsy Joy (0-1), Pat Grandfield (0-1), Barry Harmon (1-1), Frank Russell (0-1), Gerard O Shea (0-1), John Horgan (1-3, 3 frees), John Clifford, Michael O Shea. Subs: Michael F. O Shea for J. Reen, Pat Joe O Mahony for J. Clifford (inj.), Frank O Dwyer, Declan Crowley, Davy O Shea. Declan Falvey was in Dublin. Also missing were Tommy Woods and Timmy Doyle.
Glenbeigh: Michael O Sullivan, Mícheál Griffin, Jimmy O Sullivan, Jimmy Healy, Pat McGillycuddy, Mike Breen, Pat O Riordan, Neilie O Sullivan, Michael Quirke, Connie O Sullivan (0-1), Kevin Griffin (0-4), Mike O Grady (0-3), Mike Moriarty (0-2), Mike O Riordan (0-1), Denis Griffin. Subs: John Griffin for P. O Riordan, Derry O Sullivan (1-0) for D. Griffin.
Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine.

Semi-final replay on Sat. 28th Aug. at Milltown: Laune Rangers 1-7; Glenbeigh 0-5
That was a great wholehearted display by the Rangers. Having learned from the first game, Kevin Griffin and Derry O Sullivan were effectively marked out of the game, despite numerous Glenbeigh switches. The Killorglin boys played copybook football, particularly in the first half, after which they led by 1-4 to 0-3.  Two of the babies of the team Michael F. O Shea and Gerard O Shea, were outstanding. Also to the fore were Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Frank Russell, Patsy Joy, Declan Falvey and Jimmy O Shea. However, it was essentially a team effort, in which every man played his part. Laune Rangers had weathered the bad patch, through which the club had laboured at the beginning of the year. The decision of the club to take a firm stand, when faced with clashes with other codes, had proven itself to have been the right one.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Jack Reen, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, James O Riordan, Michael F. O Shea, Jimmy O Shea, Patsy Joy (0-1), Declan Falvey (0-2), John Horgan, Frank Russell (0-1), Gerard O Shea (1-2), Barry Harmon, John Clifford (0-1), Michael O Shea. Subs: Pat Grandfield, Davy O Shea and Michael O Sullivan.
Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine)

Final on Sat. 11th Sept. at Milltown: Beaufort 3-6; Laune Rangers 0-9.
Laune Rangers did not start as selected because the Horgan brothers were late arriving. Timmy Doyle was put on at fullback and Pat Grandfield at right full-forward. Needless to say the changing of the team had an upsetting effect. Rangers elected to play with the aid of a gale-force wind in the first half and were first to raise a flag – a Declan Falvey free. However, that was equalled by a similar score from Paudie Lynch. The Killorglin boys were playing well but their goalkeeper, Joe Crowley, had the misfortune to let a harmless lobbing kick by Paul Cremins go in over his head to the net. It was possible that the strong sun at the time affected his judgement. To many other teams, that would have been a big set-back but Laune Rangers seemed to gain in confidence and added points from Pat Grandfield (2), Patsy Joy and Frank Russell. Yet again, misfortune struck when a forty-yards’ free by Brendan Lynch went through James O Riordan’s hands into the net. Nevertheless, Rangers recovered well with Patsy Joy and Declan Falvey lording matters at midfield. Barry Harmon, Gerard O Shea and Declan Falvey scored points. However, the forwards squandered many other scoring chances and the score at halftime was 0-9 to 2-2 in favour of Laune Rangers.
On the resumption, the Rangers forwards could not capitalise on the midfield supremacy. Gradually, the midfield faded. Brendan Lynch scored another goal. Timmy Doyle was sent off for dissent. With three minutes left to play, Rangers were five points in arrears and they were awarded a penalty. However, Joe Crowley missed and with that went their chances of success. Indeed, Rangers failed to score in that second half. Best for Laune Rangers were James O Shea, Jimmy O Shea and James O Riordan, in defence. Patsy Joy and Declan Falvey tried to the end at midfield and, in an off-form attack, only Gerard O Shea, and Barry Harmon showed anything like their true form. That was Beaufort’s first Mid-Kerry Senior Championship.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, James O Shea, Timmy Doyle, Jack Reen, Jimmy O Shea, Michael F. O Shea, James O Riordan, Patsy Joy (0-1), Declan Falvey (0-3, 1 free), Barry Harmon (0-1), Frank Russell (0-1), Gerard O Shea (0-1), Pat Grandfield (0-2, 1 free), John Clifford, Michael O Shea. Subs: Pat Horgan for M. O Shea (T. Doyle to full-forward), John Horgan for J. Clifford, Mike O Shea for P. Grandfield, Eamonn Crowley, Anthony Corkery, Davy O Shea, Frank O Dwyer and Brendan Sweeney.
Beaufort: Patie Hartnett, Dominic Coffey, Pat Breen, Tom Kelliher, Aidan Kelly, Donal Courtney, Ian Joy, Paudie Lynch (0-3, 1 free), Tadhg O Sullivan (Capt.), Brendan Lynch (2-2, 1-1 frees), Seamus Courtney, Dan Coffey (0-1), Michael O Sullivan, Jack McGrath, Paul Cremins (1-0).
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

  Mid-Kerry Senior Football League

Rd. 1 on Sun. 15th Feb. at Glenbeigh (Rossbeigh): Glenbeigh 1-6; Laune Rangers 1-8
The star of the Laune Rangers’ team was James O Shea, Caragh Lake, who played a ‘blinder’ at left fullback. Rangers, who led at halftime by 1-6 to 0-3, seemed certain to win but a Glenbeigh goal midway through the second half cut the lead to three points. John Clifford and Frank Russell were moved to midfield. The last quarter provided a real thrilling spectacle, as Glenbeigh went all out to save the day but the Rangers’ defence held out. Amongst the Rangers substitutes were two others from the U-16 side, Gerard O Shea and Michael F. O Shea. Quite a number of players were missing, as they were playing soccer – Francis O Doherty, Tom Johnston, Johnny O Connor and Pat Clifford. Patsy Joy was sick. Teddy Clifford was in UCD. The players travelled in cars. Gate £7.30.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Eamonn Crowley, James O Riordan, James O Shea, Declan Falvey, Jack Reen, Jimmy O Shea, Jerry Coffey, Johnny Byrnes (0-4), Davy O Shea, Frank Russell (0-1), John Clifford, Pat Horgan (1-2), Frank O Dwyer (0-1), Tom Curran. Subs: Gerard O Shea, Michael F. O Shea.
Ref: Pat Twiss.

Rd. 2 on Sun. 14th March at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-5; Milltown/Castlemaine 1-7.
That was a real set-back for the Rangers. It was the same old story. The home side were completely on top in the second half after trailing by 0-2 to 1-6 at the interval. However, the forwards failed to capitalise on the numerous chances that came their way.
Admittedly, conditions were very bad, the worst in fact ever witnessed in the O Sullivan Park. Nevertheless, the Rangers had a great turnout of young players and, of those, James O Shea, Michael F. O Shea, Michael O Sullivan and Brendan Sweeney showed up extremely well and gave fine support to Frank Russell, Tedy Clifford, Eamonn Crowley, Jack Reen and Jimmy O Shea. Before the game, Frank Russell was appointed captain for the year.
The selectors had qualms about playing so many young players (3 U-16 players and 3 U-17 players) due to the defection of so many players (Johnny Byrnes, Tom Johnston, Francis O Doherty and Johnny O Connor), who had elected to play soccer with Callanfercy. A decision was taken at the club meeting on Mon. 15th March not to accommodate those players for games, for training or for Parish League. Others missing for that game were Declan Falvey and James O Riordan, who were playing basketball in Mountrath, and John Clifford who was sick.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, John A. O Brien, Eamonn Crowley, James O Shea, Brendan Sweeney, Michael F. O Shea, Patrick Murphy, Teddy Clifford, Patsy Joy, Michael O Sullivan, Frank Russell (capt.), John O Neill, Frank O Dwyer (0-1), Pat Horgan (0-1), Tom Curran. Subs: Jack Reen and Jimmy O Shea (0-3) (late arrivals) were put on for P. Murphy and J. O Neill respectively, Gerard O Shea for T. Curran, Donal Naughton and Peter Lyons.
Ref: Tom Kelliher (Beaufort).

Rd. 3 on Sun. 28th March at Beaufort: Beaufort 2-9; Laune Rangers 1-8
Rangers began very well with the aid of the breeze. They seemed to be well on top coming up to halftime, until Joe Crowley, in goals, made a disastrous mistake, leaving a speculative shot between his hands into the net. The halftime score was 1-5 to 1-2 in favour of the visitors. Rangers were holding their own against the breeze in the second half until the goalkeeper again left a shot through his fingers under the crossbar. Frank Russell missed some frees against a difficult wind. Despite the result, Rangers showed good spirit. By losing that game, Laune Rangers made things very awkward for themselves in the league. They then had to beat Keel in the following round to remain in the competition.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Michael F. O Shea, James O Riordan, James O Shea, Brendan Sweeney, Jack Reen, Davy O Shea, Frank Russell (0-4, 3 frees), Teddy Clifford, Mossy Joy, Pat Horgan (1-0), Pat Grandfield, Frank O Dwyer, Patsy Joy (0-4), John Clifford. Subs: Jimmy O Shea for P. Grandfield, Tom Curran (late arrival) for D. O Shea, John Horgan for B. Sweeney, Gerard O Shea, Patrick Murphy. Laune Rangers were missing Johnny Byrnes (playing soccer for Kerry), Eamonn Crowley (boils) and Declan Falvey (flu).
Ref: Tom Prendergast (Keel) – excellent.

Rd. 4 on Sun. 11th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-5; Keel 2-10
Keel played with the aid of a strong wind and led at halftime by 2-9 to 0-2. The game looked all over at that stage, but youthful Laune Rangers, spurred on by the dominance of their captain, Frank Russell, put up a great second half show, but poor finishing and overplaying the ball cost them many scores. The Keel side, which also included several young players, was very fit and showed great appetite for the game, while the locals showed that they were far from fit and the need for training was emphasised afterwards in the dressing-room where, despite the defeat, a great spirit still prevailed. That defeat put Laune Rangers out of the league qualifying stages. If the players trained, there was the basis of a reasonably good team there but at the time the most that were training were four or five players.
Laune Rangers: John A. O Brien, Jack Reen, James O Riordan, Tom Curran, Davy O Shea, Eamonn Crowley, Mike Hassett, Frank Russell (0-4, 3 frees), John Clifford (1-0), Joe Crowley, Declan Falvey, Jimmy O Shea, Frank O Dwyer (0-1), Pat Horgan, Michael O Shea. Subs: Mossy Joy for M. Hassett, Anthony Corkery for F. O Dwyer, Brendan Sweeney for F. O Dwyer, Patrick Murphy for P. Horgan.
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh)

Beaufort won the league, after a replay, by beating Keel in the final on Sun. 3rd Oct. at Milltown on the score of 1-13 to 2-6.

  Mid-Kerry O Sullivan Cup (1975)

Semi-final on Tues. 11th May at Milltown: Laune Rangers 1-10; Beaufort 1-6.
At last Laune Rangers had beaten the midfield bogey that was Beaufort’s, as Timmy Doyle completely dominated there, getting good support from Pat Joe O Mahony. With a good supply of the ball, the forwards notched up good points, especially with the breeze in the first half. John Clifford was especially to the fore. The halftime score was Laune Rangers 0-8; Beaufort 1-1. The backs played soundly, especially Jack Reen and Pat Horgan. Laune Rangers did not play the Secondary School boys, as they were in the Dunloe Cup final on the following day. Timmy Doyle was heard saying to the referee towards the end of the game, ‘Let them hit me, ref, I don’t mind and I don’t want any frees.’ Boy, it was good to win.
Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, Jack Reen, Noel O Mahony, Eamonn Crowley, James O Riordan, Pat Horgan, Declan Falvey, Timmy Doyle, Pat Joe O Mahony (0-1), Joe Crowley (0-2), Frank Russell (1-0), Michael O Shea (0-3, 1 free), Frank O Dwyer (0-1), John Clifford (0-3), Tom Curran (capt.). Subs: Jimmy O Shea for T. Curran, Seamus Curran for P. Lyons (Joe Crowley went into goals), Mossy Joy, Davy O Shea.
Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine).

Final on Sun. 30th May at Milltown: Glenbeigh 3-6; Laune Rangers 0-7.
Playing with the aid of the strong breeze in the first half, Laune Rangers squandered many good scoring chances. However, they led by 0-5 to 0-1 at halftime with points from Frank Russell, Mike O Shea, John Clifford, John Horgan and Patsy Joy. On the resumption, the Rangers’ backs held out well until Mike Breen scored a goal from about sixty yards out. Thereafter, the play got rough. The referee lost control. He should have sidelined some players but did not. Then, unbelievably, he sent Declan Falvey off for kicking the ball away after a free had been awarded. He allowed fouls to go unpunished on both sides but, whereas Laune Rangers only scored one point, Glenbeigh scored two goals – one directly from a mistake by the referee. He also sent off Frank Russell and Jimmy Healy for fighting. At the subsequent Mid-Kerry Board meeting Frank Russell and Declan Falvey, who had been sent off in the game, were each suspended for two weeks. The following players, having been reported by the referee, were cautioned about their future conduct: Joe Crowley, Patsy Joy, Michael O Shea, Frank O Dwyer. Club Secretary, Jerome Conway, having been reported by the referee, was also cautioned. The Chairman said that, if the names of those players/official came before the Board again, they would be suspended.
Laune Rangers: Michael F. O Shea, Jack Reen, Eamonn Crowley, James O Shea, James O Riordan, Pat Horgan, Jimmy O Shea, Frank Russell (0-2), John Horgan (0-1, free), Declan Falvey, John Clifford (0-1), Joe Crowley, Frank O Dwyer, Patsy Joy (0-1), Michael O Shea (0-2, 1 free). Subs: Barry Harmon for J. Horgan, Tom Curran, Noel O Mahony, Tom O Connor, Davy O Shea, Brendan Sweeney, Patrick Murphy, Gerard O Shea.
Glenbeigh: Michael O Sullivan, Jimmy Healy, Mícheál Griffin, Pat McGillycuddy, John Griffin, Mike Breen (1-0), Pat O Riordan, Mike O Grady, Michael Quirke, Mike Moriarty (0-2), Neilie O Sullivan (0-1), Connie O Sullivan (0-1), Kevin Griffin (2-0), Mike O Riordan (0-2), Denis Griffin.
Ref: Tom Prendergast (Keel).

   Mid-Kerry O Sullivan Cup (1976)

Semi-final on Sat. 30th Oct. at Milltown: Laune Rangers 1-12; Keel 1-2
That was an even more comprehensive victory than the score-line would suggest. While playing with the aid of the strong wind in the first half, Laune Rangers’ forwards kicked some very good points and led at halftime by 1-10 to 1-1. On the resumption, the Rangers’ backs only conceded one point. That was due as much to the dominance of their midfield as it was to the efficiency of the backs. When Keel resorted to the ‘heavy’ tactics, the faster, younger forwards literally ran rings around them.
Laune Rangers: John O Neill, James O Shea, Pat Horgan, Eamonn Crowley, Michael O Shea (0-1), James O Riordan, Jimmy O Shea (0-1), Patsy Joy, Declan Falvey (0-4, 3 frees), John Horgan (0-1), Frank Russell (1-0), Gerard O Shea (0-2), Barry Harmon (0-1), John Clifford (0-1), Anthony Corkery (0-1). Subs: Mícheál O Callaghan, Brendan Sweeney, Teddy Clifford, Pat Joe O Mahony.
Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine).

Final on Sun. 14th Nov. at Milltown: Glenbeigh beat Laune Rangers.
Glenbeigh won by six points.
Laune Rangers: John O Neill, Jack Reen, Pat Horgan, James O Shea, Jimmy O Shea, Michael O Shea, James O Riordan, Patsy Joy, Declan Falvey, John Horgan, Frank Russell, Gerard O Shea, Joe Crowley, John Clifford, Anthony Corkery. Sub: Eamonn Crowley.

Mid-Kerry Novice Championship
Players, who had played in the Co. Senior Championship in 1975, were ineligible to play in that competition, which had a losers’ round.

Rd. 1 on Wed. 5th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ 2-6; Beaufort 1-6
That was a badly needed win for Laune Rangers. It was a very workmanlike display. The forwards played intelligent football, in the first half especially, after which they led by 2-3 to 0-1. The backs held out well near the end, when they were under severe pressure.
Laune Rangers: Michael F. O Shea, Jack Reen, Noel O Mahony, Tom O Connor, Brendan Sweeney, James O Riordan, Pat Joe O Mahony, Declan Falvey, John Horgan (1-1), Davy O Shea, Frank Russell (0-1), Gerard O Shea, Frank O Dwyer (0-1), Mossy Joy, Barry Harmon (1-3). Subs: Mike Hassett for M. Joy, James O Shea, Alan Diggin. Missing – Joe Crowley (England) and Jerry Coffey (Hamburg).
Ref: Derry O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Semi-final on Thurs. 20th May at Milltown: Beaufort 1-14; Laune Rangers 0-13.
That was a game that Laune Rangers could have won. They conceded a soft goal in the opening minutes. Frank O Dwyer missed an open goal and Declan Falvey hit the crossbar with a shot that was goal-bound. The halftime score was Beaufort 1-5, Laune Rangers 0-5. However, too many of the Killorglin players were off their game. John Horgan vied with Frank Russell for the man-of-the-match. Some of the Beaufort fellows, using heavy tackles, were inclined to take advantage of the fact that some of the Rangers’ players were very young but the referee did his job very well.
Laune Rangers: Michael F. O Shea, Mike Hassett, Noel O Mahony, James O Shea, Tom O Connor, James O Riordan, Pat Joe O Mahony, John Horgan (0-4, 3 frees), Declan Falvey (0-1), Davy O Shea (0-1), Anthony Corkery (0-1), Gerard O Shea, Frank O Dwyer (0-1), Frank Russell (0-4), Joe Crowley (0-1). Subs: Mossy Joy, John A. O Brien, Pat Grandfield, Michael O Sullivan, Brendan Sweeney. Jack Reen was working and Barry Harmon was injured.
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Beaufort won the Novice Championship by beating Glenbeigh in the final on the score of 0-14 to 2-6.

  Senior Parish League
The following rule was made: If a player did not play in the first two rounds of the competition, he was not eligible to play in the remaining games in the competition – the exception being university and technological colleges’ students. Declan Falvey and Jimmy O Shea would continue to play with Over Laune, provided that Jerry Coffey and John Evans were not available. If either one played, one of the two players mentioned, would transfer back to Lower Town/Meanus.

Rd. 1 on Wed. 17th March: Caragh Lake/Rangue 2-8; Over Laune 1-2. Ref: Ted Houlihan.
Lower Town/Meanus 1-9; Upper Town/Sunhill 2-4. Ref: Jerome Conway.
The second game provided a thrilling spectacle, with young players on both sides serving up some great football in what was one of the best games in the Park for some time. Paudie Healy’s introduction to the game in the second half proved to be the winning move by Lower Town/Meanus.

Rd. 2 on Sun. 25th April:    Over Laune 1-11; Upper Town/Sunhill 2-5. Ref: Pat O Shea.
Lower Town/Meanus 0-7; Caragh Lake/Rangue 0-7.
Having been beaten twice, Upper Town/Sunhill were out of the running for league honours. The game provided some exciting football and the last quarter was most thrilling. The game marked the welcome return to football of Barry Harmon and Gene Ferris and those two combined very well to keep a depleted town side on the defensive for the vital last quarter. The second game provided some fine open football with both sides missing what could have been the winning score in the last minute.

Replay on Sat. 8th May:    Caragh Lake/Rangue 3-11; Lower Town/Meanus 2-2.

Semi-final on Sat. 15th May: Over Laune beat Lower Town/Meanus. Ref: Noel O Mahony.

Final on Mon. 7th June: Caragh Lake/Rangue 1-8; Over Laune 0-6.
The winners were that little bit fitter and more determined in their efforts. Veteran Mike Hassett played a captain’s part and all the O Sheas, Frank O Dwyer, Anthony Corkery, Brendan Sweeney, John A. O Brien, Pat Grandfield and Noel O Mahony played their hearts out in the historic first championship win. It was no fault of Jimmy O Shea, Barry Harmon, Michael O Sullivan, Teddy Mangan, Pat Lynch, John Clifford and Pat Clifford that the once three-in-a-row winners had to accept defeat. Frank Russell and Declan Falvey, though suspended by the Mid-Kerry Board, having been sent off in the O Sullivan Cup game versus Glenbeigh, were allowed to play with Over Laune. After the game, the Chairman of the club, James Coffey, presented the Coffey Shield to a jubilant Caragh Lake captain, Mike Hassett.
Caragh Lake: John A. O Brien, Gene Ahern, Noel O Mahony, James O Shea, Brendan Sweeney, Mike Hassett (capt.), Michael F. O Shea, Gerard O Shea, Anthony Corkery, Pat Grandfield, Mike O Shea, Denis Murphy, Alphonsus Tobin, Frank O Dwyer, Donal Naughton. Sub: Kevin Griffin.

A special Parish League commenced on Tues. 1st June, with a view to getting the players fit for the forthcoming Co. Championship. The following rules were introduced:
1. The maximum number of players was eleven. Unlimited substitution was allowed but only during a stoppage in play.
2. The result was on aggregate scores over two games.
3. If a team refused to play or could not play, their opponents, if they fielded 11 players, receiveed one championship point and a five points start going into the second game between the sides.
4. Goals were not allowed, except when scored from a penalty.
5. All defensive fouls committed within the large parallelogram were penalised with a penalty being awarded to the attacking side.
6. A point scored from outside the 21 yards’ line counted for 2 points.
7. One solo was allowed.
8. Each half was of 25 minutes duration.
9. After two rounds, the top two teams played off in the final.

Rd. 1 on Tues. 8th June: Over Laune 1-13; Upper Town/Sunhill 0-12
Caragh Lake/Rangue 0-8; Lower Town/Meanus 0-6

Rd. 2 on Thurs. 10th June: Caragh Lake/Rangue 0-12; Over Laune 0-5
Upper Town/Sunhill 0-16; Lower Town/Meanus 0-2

Rd. 3 on Tues. 15th June: Over Laune beat Caragh Lake/Rangue (Ref: Noel O Mahony).
Over Laune won on aggregate score by two points.
Upper Town/Sunhill beat Lower Town/Meanus (Ref: Pat O Shea).
Upper Town/Sunhill won on aggregate by 20 points.

Rd. 4 on Wed. 16th June: Lower Town/Meanus 0-15; Over Laune 0-10
The Caragh Lake/Rangue v Upper Town/Sunhill game did not take place due to a breakdown in communications. Caragh Lake/Rangue agreed to a re-fixture. Pat O Shea protested that Caragh Lake/Rangue had only been given ten players and requested that Brendan Sweeney be returned to them. As Upper Town/Sunhill did not protest, the request was granted.

Final on Sun. 17th Oct: Caragh Lake/Rangue v Upper Town/ Sunhill

Senior Challenge/Tournament Games

Sun. 8th Feb. at Spa: Spa 2-10; Laune Rangers 0-4
Laune Rangers’ backs played well, especially in the first half, despite conceding an easy goal. The halftime score was 1-6 to 0-1 in favour of the home side. Mid-field played well, particularly when John Clifford exchanged places with Mossy Joy. The forwards made little or no progress.
Laune Rangers: James O Riordan, Eamonn Crowley, Patsy Joy, James O Shea, Davy O Shea, Jack Reen, Michael F. O Shea, Frank Russell, Mossy Joy, Gerard O Shea, Frank O Dwyer, John Clifford, Pat Horgan, Tom Curran (0-3, frees), Pat Lynch (0-1). Subs: none. The following were missing: Jimmy O Shea (working), Joe Crowley and Jerry Coffey (rugby), Teddy Clifford (in UCD), Pat Clifford, Francis O Doherty, Johnny Byrnes, Tom Johnston and Johnny O Connor (soccer).

Tues. 6th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-8; Milltown/Castlemaine 0-6.
The backs dominated that game with outstanding display by Jimmy O Shea, Declan Crowley, Eamonn Crowley, Michael F. O Shea and James O Shea. Midfield held its own, and was often on top. The forwards squandered many scoring chances. Frank Russell fielded and broke the ball cleverly. Gerard O Shea played very well, particularly in the second half. Mike O Shea showed the effects of a sore ankle. John Clifford fielded well but his finishing left much to be desired. John Horgan was off-form with his free-taking, missing three or four chances. Teddy Clifford played well at wing back and centre field. At halftime, Laune Rangers were leading by 0-4 to 0-2.
Laune Rangers: Joe Crowley, Michael F. O Shea, Eamonn Crowley, James O Shea, Teddy Clifford (0-1), Declan Crowley, Jimmy O Shea, Patsy Joy (0-1), Pat Joe O Mahony, Gerard O Shea (0-1), Frank Russell (0-2), Mike O Shea, John Horgan (0-1), John Clifford (0-2), Patrick Murphy. Subs: None. Missing were Jack Reen (working), Pat Horgan (did not know about the game), James O Riordan (working), Declan Falvey (Dublin), Barry Harmon (suspended).
Ref: Jerome Conway (Laune Rangers).

Glenbeigh Carnival Tournament on Mon. 9th Aug. at Rossbeigh: Glenbeigh beat Laune Rangers.

Fri. 20th Aug. at Killorglin: Good Shepherd, New York 2-8; Laune Rangers 1-10.

  Co. Minor Football Championship

Rd. 1 on Thurs. 24th June at Spa: Spa 2-10; Laune Rangers 1-8

  Co. Minor Football League

Rd. 1 on Fri. 2nd April at Cahersiveen: St. Mary’s 2-9; Laune Rangers 2-6
Laune Rangers put up a fine show, considering that thirteen of the starting fifteen were U-16. At the subsequent club meeting, James Coffey thanked Bart Moriarty for using his car to transport some of the minors to Cahersiveen for that game.

Rd. 2 on Fri. 9th April at Killarney: Dr. Crokes beat Laune Rangers

Rd. 3 on Mon. 19th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-13; Rathmore 2-1

Rd. 4 on Fri. 23rd April at Killarney: Legion 2-9; Laune Rangers 2-5

Rd. 5 on Fri. 30th April at Kenmare: Kenmare/Templenoe 0-7; Laune Rangers 1-15

  Mid-Kerry Minor Championship
That competition was played with a losers’ round.

Rd. 1 on Thurs. 24th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Glenbeigh
Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Catlemaine).

Semi-final on Thurs. 29th July at Milltown: Laune Rangers beat
Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine).

Final on Sat. 21st Aug. at Milltown: Laune Rangers 2-15; Keel 1-1.
Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, Anthony Shannon, James O Shea, James Sheehan, Denis Murphy, Michael F. O Shea, Brendan Sweeney, Gerard O Shea, John Horgan, John O Neill, Paudie Healy, Anthony Corkery (capt.), John O Dwyer, Patrick Murphy, Michael O Sullivan. Subs: Mícheál Johnston, Alan Diggin.
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Minor Parish League
That was an 11-a-side competition.

Rd. 1 on Sun. 29th Feb: Michael O Sullivan 3-5; Anthony Corkery 4-2
Patrick Murphy 5-7; Mícheál O Callaghan 3-8

Rd. 2 on Sun. 8th March: Mícheál O Callaghan beat Michael O Sullivan
Patrick Murphy beat Anthony Corkery

Rd. 3 on Sat. 13th March: Anthony Corkery beat Mícheal O Callaghan
Sun. 14th March:     Michael O Sullivan beat Patrick Murphy

Rd. 4 on Fri. 19the March: Michael O Sullivan beat Anthony Corkery
Sat. 20th March: Patrick Murphy beat Mícheál O Callaghan

Rd. 5 on Fri. 7th May: Michael O Sullivan beat Mícheál O Callaghan
Anthony Corkery beat Patrick Murphy

Final on Tues. 1st June: Michael O Sullivan beat Anthony Corkery.
Michael O Sullivan, Joe Shannon, Michael F. O Shea, Gerard Fylnn, Gene Evans, Anthony Shannon, John Sheehan, Jim Johnston, John Horgan, Donal Naughton, John Doona.

Minor Football Challenge Game

Sat. 27th March: Laune Rangers 3-9; Desmonds 1-2

  Co. U-16 Championship
That competition was run on a league basis. There were three groups:
Urban 1 – Laune Rangers, Dr. Crokes, Kenmare and Cahersiveen.
Urban 2 – Kerins O Rahillys, Legion, John Mitchels and Desmonds.
Urban 3 – Austin Stacks, Dingle and Listowel.

Rd. 1 on Tues. 3rd Aug. at Killarney: Dr. Crokes lost to Laune Rangers.
Ref: Denny Murphy (Legion).
Rd. 2 on Wed. 11th Aug. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-12; Cahersiveen 1-2.
Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Rd. 3 on Wed. 18th Aug. at Kenmare: Kenmare 0-7; Laune Rangers 5-10.
Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, John Costello, Michael F. O Shea, Anthony Shannon, Gene Evans, Mícheál O Callaghan, Stephen Russell, John Horgan, Gerard O Shea, John O Neill, Paudie Healy, Anthony Corkery, John O Dwyer, James Sheehan, John Sheehan. Sub: Pat Pigott.
Ref: Michael Carey (Kenmare).

Semi-final on Sat. 2nd Oct. at Austin Stack Park: Laune Rangers 2-7; John Mitchels 1-2
Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, John Costello, Michael F. O Shea, Anthony Shannon, Liam Woods, Mícheál O Callaghan, Stephen Russell, John Horgan, Gerard O Shea, John O Neill, Anthony Corkery, Patrick Horgan, John O Dwyer, James Sheehan, Paudie Healy.

Final on Sat. 23rd Oct. at Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney: Laune Rangers 0-9; Austin Stacks 1-5
Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, John Costello, Michael F. O Shea, Anthony Shannon, Liam Woods, Mícheál O Callaghan, Stephen Russell, John Horgan Gerard O Shea, John O Neill (capt.), Anthony Corkery, Mícheál Johnston, John O Dwyer, James Sheehan, Paudie Healy. Subs: Patrick Horgan, Gene Evans, Mícheál Hayes, Patrick Pigott, Raymond Murphy, Seamus O Shea, John Sheehan, John Hurley.
Ref: John Nolan (Listry).

Mid-Kerry U-16 Championship

Rd. 1 on Mon. 12th July: Laune Rangers ‘A’ beat Beaufort
Laune Rangesr ‘B’ beat Keel
Rd. 2 on Mon. 19th July: Laune Rangers ‘A’ beat Milltown/Castlemaine
Laune Rangers ‘B’ beat Beaufort
Rd. 3 on Mon. 26th July at Keel: Keel v Laune Rangers ‘A’.
at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ v Glenbeigh
Rd. 4 on Mon. 2nd Aug. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘A’ v Laune Rangers ‘B’.

Final on Sat. 16th Oct. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 6-7 Glenbeigh 1-2
Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, John Costello, Michael F. O Shea, Anthony Shannon, Liam Woods, Mícheál O Callaghan, Stephen Russell, John Horgan, Gerard O Shea, John O Neill, Anthony Corkery, Mícheál Johnston, John O Dwyer (Capt.), James Sheehan, Paudie Healy. Subs: Gene Evans, Mícheál Hayes.

Co. U-14 Football Championship
There were three groups in the Urban Section:
Urban 1 – Laune Rangers, Dr. Crokes, Kenmare and Cahersiveen.
Urban 2 – Kerins O Rahillys, Legion, John Mitchels and Desmonds.
Urban 3 – Austin Stacks, Listowel and Dingle.

Rd. 1 on Wed. 28th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 4-14; Dr. Crokes 0-4.
Rd. 2 on Wed. 12th May at Cahersiveen: Cahersiveen lost to Laune Rangers.

Rd. 3 on Wed. 26th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-6; Kenmare 0-7.
Laune Rangers: Ger Hurley, Eugie Griffin, Brian O Shea, Joe Shannon, Jerry Houlihan, Paudie Sheahan, Patrick Freeman, John Sheehan, Pierce Prendiville, Frankie Mangan, Seamus O Shea, John Griffin, James Foley, Jimmy Hannon, Liam Hayes.
Ref: Johnny Tuohy (Kenmare). As the appointed referee failed to show, the two sets of mentors tossed for referee and Kenmare won.

Semi-final on Wed. 14th July at Milltown: Laune Rangers 4-9; Kerins O Rahillys 1-3.
Laune Rangers: Ger Hurley, Eugie Griffin, Brian O Shea, Joe Shannon, Jerry Houlihan, John Hurley, Patrick Freeman, John Sheehan, Paudie Sheahan, Seamus O Shea, Pierce Prendiville, John Griffin, Timothy Doyle, Jimmy Hannon, Donal Pigott. Sub: Liam Hayes.
Ref: Michael Reidy (Ballymac).

Final on Fri. 30th July at Milltown: Laune Rangers 0-6; Austin Stacks 0-4.
That game was played as a curtain-raiser to the Senior Co. Championship game, South-Kerry v West-Kerry, and outshone the senior game in terms of constructive play and excitement. That was Laune Rangers’ third U-14 Co. Championship in-a-row.
Laune Rangers: Ger Hurley, Eugie Griffin, Brian O Shea, Patrick Freeman, Jerry Houlihan, John Hurley, Joe Shannon, Paudie Sheahan, John Sheehan, Seamus O Shea (capt.), Pierce Prendiville, John Griffin, Timothy Doyle, Jimmy Hannon, Donal Pigott. Subs: Liam Hayes, John Foley.
Ref: Richie Williams (Fossa).

Mid-Kerry U-14 Championship

Rd. 1 Laune Rangers ‘A’ beat Beaufort
Rd. 2 on Fri. 18th June: Laune Rangers ‘A’ 3-9; Milltown/Castlemaine 0-1.
Laune Rangers ‘A’: Ger Hurley, Eugie Griffin, Brian O Shea, Liam Hayes, Jerry Houlihan, John Hurley, Patrick Freeman, Paudie Sheahan, John Sheehan, Donal Pigott, Pierce Prendiville, Joe Shannon, Frankie Mangan, Jimmy Hannon, John Foley. Sub: Timothy Doyle.
Beaufort beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.
Rd. 3 on Fri. 25th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘A’ v Glenbeigh
at Milltown: Milltown/Castlemaine v Laune Rangers ‘B’
Rd. 4 on Fri. 2nd July at Milltown: Laune Rangers ‘A’ v Keel
Laune Rangers ‘A’: Ger Hurley, Eugie Griffin, Brian O Shea, Liam Hayes, Jerry Houlihan, John Hurley, Patrick Freeman, Paudie Sheahan, Joe Shannon, Pierce Prendiville, John Griffin, Jimmy Hannon, Donal Pigott, John Foley, Seamus O Shea.
Sat. 3rd July at Rossbeigh: Glenbeigh 4-21; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 5-6.
Rd. 5 on Fri. 9th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘A’ v Laune Rangers ‘B’.

After the preliminary rounds, Laune Rangers ‘A’, Milltown/Castlemaine and Glenbeigh had qualified for the semi-finals. There was a play-off between Beaufort, Keel and Laune Rangers ‘B’ for the fourth place.
Mon. 16th Aug: Beaufort beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.

Final: Laune Rangers ‘A’ 4-10; Beaufort 0-1.
Laune Rangers ‘A’: Ger Hurley, Eugie Griffin, Brian O Shea, Liam Hayes, Patrick Freeman, John Hurley, Joe Shannon, Paudie Sheahan, John Sheehan, Seamus O Shea, Pierce Prendiville, John Griffin, Timothy Doyle, Jimmy Hannon, Donal Pigott. Subs: Jerry Houlihan, John Foley.

  U-14 Challenge Game

Sat. 27th March at Killarney: Legion 0-5; Laune Rangers 2-5
Thurs. 1st April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers defeated Legion.
Sun. 11th April at Kenmare: Kenmare lost to Laune Rangers.

U-14 Parish League

Rd. 1 on Tues. 16th March: Brian O Shea beat Patrick Freeman
John Hurley beat John Sheehan

Rd. 2 on Fri. 26th March: John Hurley 2-8; Patrick Freeman 4-2
Brian O Shea 4-9; John Sheehan 6-3

Rd. 3 on Sat. 3rd April: Patrick Freeman beat John Sheehan.
Brian O Shea beat John Hurley.

Rd. 4 on Fri. 9th   April: Patrick Freeman beat Brian O Shea.
John Sheehan beat John Hurley.

Rd. 5 on Sat. 15th April: Patrick Freeman v John Hurley
Brian O Shea v John Sheehan

Rd. 6 on Sat. 22nd April: John Sheehan beat Patrick Freeman
John Hurley beat Brian O Shea

Final Round on 9th May: Patrick Freeman beat Brian O Shea (Winners into the final).
John Hurley beat John Sheehan (losers were out).

Final: John Hurley beat Patrick Freeman.
John Hurley, Joe Shannon, Timothy Doyle, Liam Hayes, Ger Hurley, Patrick O Shea (Caragh Lake), Teddy Moriarty, Ciaran O Callaghan, Gerard Murphy, Patrick O Sullivan (Sunhill), Noel Doyle, Denis O Neill (School Road), Paul Moroney, Frankie Mangan.

Co. U-12 Football Championship

There had been no U-12 competition in 1975 but the competition was restored in 1976. The Laune Rangers U-12 team commenced training on Sat. 14th Feb. There were three groups:
Urban 1 – Laune Rangers, John Mitchels and Dr. Crokes.
Urban 2 – Kenmare, Cahersiveen and Legion.
Urban 3 – Kerins O Rahillys, Desmonds, Listowel and Austin Stacks.

Rd. 1 on Wed. 9th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers lost to John Mitchels.
Rd. 2 on Mon. 28th June at Killarney: Dr. Crokes 2-4; Laune Rangers 1-2.
Ref: Donal Brosnan (Legion).
Laune Rangers failed to reach the semi-finals of the Co. U-12 Championship for the first time.

Co. Final on 23rd July at Austin Stack Park: Austin Stacks 7-7; Kerins O Rahillys 1-6.

  Mid-Kerry U-12 Championship
The teams were divided into two groups:
Group A – Laune Rangers ‘A’, Glenbeigh and Beaufort.
Group B – Milltown/Castlemaine, Keel and Laune Rangers ‘B’.
The top two teams in each group met in the semi-finals.

Rd. 1 on Mon. 3rd May at Milltown: Milltown/Castlemaine beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.
Mon. 10th May at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh beat Laune Rangers ‘A’.

Rd. 2 on Mon. 17th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘A’ beat Beaufort
Laune Rangers ‘B’ lost to Keel

Semi-final at Milltown: Laune Rangers ‘A’ beat Keel.

Final at the end of June at Milltown: Glenbeigh 3-7; Laune Rangers ‘A’ 1-7.
That was the first time that a Laune Rangers U-12 team had been beaten in a Mid-Kerry Final. Glenbeigh led at halftime by 1-3 to 0-3 and, in the first twelve minutes of the second half, had increased the lead to nine points. Laune Rangers fought back spiritedly but it did not help their chances to have two goals disallowed and they could get no nearer than five points to Glenbeigh. Best for Laune Rangers were Ciarán O Callaghan, Tommy Foley, Cornelius Naughton, Tomás Hayes, John O Connell and Gerard Murphy.

  Mid-Kerry U-12 ‘B’ Championship

Rd. 1 on Mon. 28th June at Beaufort: Beaufort beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.
Quarter-final on Mon. 5th July: Milltown/Castlemaine beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.

   U-12 Parish League
There were four teams of 15-a-side with selected captains, Michael O Reilly, Tommy Foley, Ciaran O Callaghan and Patrick Diggin. The league commenced on Sat. 21st Feb. and each team had to play the other twice.

Rd. 1 on Sat. 21st Feb: Ciaran O Callaghan v Michael O Reilly
Tommy Foley v Patrick Diggin

Rd. 2 on Sat. 28th Feb: Tommy Foley v Ciaran O Callaghan
Patrick Diggin v Michael O Reilly

Rd. 3 on Sat. 13th March: Patrick Diggin beat Ciaran O Callaghan
Tommy Foley beat Michael O Reilly

Rd. 4 on Sat. 20th March: Michael O Reilly drew with Ciaran O Callaghan
Patrick Diggin beat Tommy Foley

Rd. 5 on Sat. 27th March: Patrick Diggin beat Michael O Reilly
Ciaran O Callaghan beat Tommy Foley

Rd. 6 on Wed. 31st March: Michael O Reilly v Tommy Foley
Patrick Diggin v Ciaran O Callaghan

Rd. 7 on Wed. 7th April: Ciaran O Callaghan beat Michael O Reilly
Patrick Diggin beat Tommy Foley

Semi-final: Michael O Reilly beat Tommy Foley
Challenge: Ciaran O Callaghan beat Pat Diggin.

Winners’ Final on Wed. 5th May: Michael O Reilly beat Patrick Diggin
Losers’ Semi-final on Wed. 5th May: Tommy Foley beat Ciaran O Callaghan
Michael O Reilly: Michael Dermody, Fergal O Shea, Noel Doyle, Dan Hurley, Mark Jones, Michael Moriarty, Florence Leen, Kevin O Grady, Dan Mangan, Andrew Pigott, Michael Joy, Niall O Meara, Dermot Griffin, F. Sheehan, Jerry Houlihan, Joe Kennedy.

U-12 Challenge/Tournament Games

Thurs. 1st April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers lost to Legion
Tues. 6th April at Killarney: Legion lost to Laune Rangers
Sun. 11th April at Kenmare: Kenmare lost to Laune Rangers
Wed. 14th April at Killarney:  Dr. Crokes lost to Laune Rangers
Wed. 21st April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Legion
Sun. 18th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-8; St. Mark’s, Dublin 2-2
Laune Rangers had acted as hosts to the St. Mark’s team and supporters over the weekend. The manager of St. Mark’s team was Donie Collins, formerly of Austin Stacks.
Sun. 29th Aug. in the Town Park: Tralee Festival Blitz. Eight teams took part in the Urban Section – Dr. Crokes, Austin Stacks, Legion, John Mitchels, Laune Rangers, Desmonds, Kerins O Rahillys and Kenmare.
Laune Rangers v Desmonds.

  Schools/Colleges’ Football

Primary Schools
The Laune Rangers’ Primary Schools’ league was organised in the autumn with seven teams, Cromane, Douglas, Glounaguilagh and four teams from Scoil Mhuire (Michael O Shea, Michael O Reilly, Gerard Murphy and Tommy Foley). Games were played at the weekends.
Sat. 13th Nov: Douglas beat Cromane; Michael O Reilly beat Michael O Shea; Tommy Foley drew with Gerard Murphy.
Sat. 20th Nov. Douglas beat Michael O Reilly; Tommy Foley beat Gerard Murphy; Cromane beat Glounaguillagh.
Final: Douglas v Tommy Foley.
The competition was deferred until the following year.

Colleges’ Football
Dunloe Cup
Quarter-final in March at Killorglin: Intermediate School 2-9; Castleisland 0-4
Conditions were far from good for the game, but the Intermediate School mastered them better. At the end of the first quarter, they led by 1-3 to 0-0 and, although Castleisland staged a determined fight-back, there were still four points between the sides at halftime (1-4 to 0-3).
A goal by Donie O Sullivan (Glenbeigh) five minutes into the second half left Killorglin in a very strong position indeed, and there was never any doubt about the outcome thereafter.

Final on Wed. 12th May at Tralee: Intermediate School lost to St. Michael’s, Listowel

Russell Cup
Tues. 4th May: Intermediate School 7-9; St. Brendan’s 0-1.
Tues. 11th May at Cahersiveen: Cahersiveen CBS v Intermediate School

Co. Cup Final: Intermediate School 1-7; St. Michael’s, Listowel 0-5.
Intermediate School: Alan Diggin, Anthony Shannon, Michael F. O Shea, John O Connor (Beaufort), Padraig Burke (Milltown/Castlemaine), James O Shea, Mícheál O Callaghan (capt.), John Horgan, Liam Woods, Michael O Sullivan, Paudie Healy, Mícheál Johnston, John O Dwyer, Gerard O Shea, Donie O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Vocational Schools’ Football
Kerry Vocational Schools’ League on Wed. 13th Oct. at Listowel: Listowel v Killorglin.

NFL 1976/1977

Sun. 7th Nov. at Pearse Stadium, Galway: Galway Kerry.
Kerry: Charlie Nelligan, Paudie O Sé, John O Keeffe, Jimmy Deenihan, Ogie Moran, Tim Kennelly, Ger Power, Jack O Shea, John Long, Vincent O Connor, Paudie Lynch, Pat Spillane, Mikey Sheehy, Sean Walsh, John Egan. Subs: Ger O Driscoll, Tony O Keeffe, Ger Leahy, John Galvin, Barry Walsh, Declan Falvey, Timmy Doyle.

Sun. 5th Dec. at Killarney: Kerry Kildare.
Kerry: Charlie Nelligan, Ger Leahy, John O Keeffe, Jimmy Deenihan, Ogie Moran, Tony O Keeffe, Ger Power, John Long, Ger O Driscoll, Patie O Mahony, Paudie Lynch, Pat Spillane, Vincent O Connor, Sean Walsh, John Egan. Subs: Declan Falvey, G. O Sullivan, John Galvin, Mikey Sheehy, Timmy Doyle.

Ladies Football

Coaches – Johnny Griffin and Barry Harmon.

1975 Co. Semi-final in Killarney on Sun. 4th April: Castleisland beat Killorglin.
Final on Sun. 16th May at Killorglin: Castleisland 2-3; Fossa 2-0.

Rd. 2 of 1976 Co. Championship on Sat. 22nd May at Killorglin: Killorglin 3-1; Ardfert 0-3.
That was an excellent performance by the team, coached by Barry Harmon and Johnny Griffin.
Killorglin: Nora Foley, N. Coffey, M. Lynch, B. Moriarty, I. Foley, Breda Healy, Jacqueline McGillycuddy, A. O Sullivan, Joan Healy, Mary Healy, M. O Shea, Mary Horgan, Catherine Doyle. Subs: Geraldine Healy, E. O Sullivan, S. Doyle, J. O Brien, Valerie Healy.

Final on Sun. 5th Sept: Killorglin beat Castleisland.

Killorglin ladies won the Fossa Lakeside Carnival Tournament.

On Fri. 6th Aug. Killorglin Ladies Football club held their Annual Blitz. Teams from Legion, Dr. Crokes, Austin Stacks and Killorglin took part.

Nora Foley played in goals for the Kerry Ladies Football team in the Munster U-16 Ladies’ Final against Cork at Fossa on Sun. 3rd Oct. and Mary Joe Curran came on as a substitute. Kerry won by 5-0 to 4-2.


Con Murphy (Corcaigh) was elected Uachtarán CLG.
James Coffey was on the Kerry delegation to Annual Congress, which was held in Ennis.

Munster Convention was held in Waterford on 6th march. Nioclás Mac Craith (Port Láirge) was Chairman, Seán McCarthy (Ciarraí) was Secretary and Tadhg Crowley (Ciarraí) was Treasurer. James Coffey, Laune Rangers, was on the Kerry delegation.

Co. Convention was held in the Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney on Sun. 25th Jan. The following officers were elected: President – John Joe Sheehy, Chairman – Gerald McKenna (Ballyduff), Vice-Chairman – Frank King (Austin Stacks), Secretary – Andy Molyneaux (Emmett’s), Joint Treasurers – Murt Galvin (Dr. Crokes) and James Coffey (Laune Rangers), PRO – Tim Linehan (Rathmore), Delegates to Munster Council – Michael O Connor (Dr. Crokes) and Dave Geaney (Desmonds), Delegate to Central Council – Jim Brosnan (Dingle).
Senior Selection Committee (after a vote): Mick O Dwyer (106), Pat O Shea (96), Denis McCarthy (82), Murt Kelly (81), Paud O Donoghue (81), all of whom were elected, Donie Sheehan (69) and Joe Keohane (55).
The minor football selectors, elected at the end of 1975, were Seamus Mac Gearailt (An Ghaeltacht) 79, Dan O Dwyer (Kilcummin) 58, Donie O Leary (Rathmore) 54, Sylvie Mason (John Mitchels) 47 and Mick Galwey (Currow) 47. The unsuccessful candidates were Eric Murphy (St. Mary’s) 45, Michael Langan (Tarbert) 44 and John Rice (Templenoe) 36.
Laune Rangers had a motion on the ‘clár’, ‘That the Co. Senior Football League Division 1 be divided into two groups, with the top two teams in each group qualifying for the semi-finals and last two teams in each group being relegated.’ It was referred to the Co. Board where it was defeated in favour of the status quo.

At a Co. Board meeting early in the year, Pat O Shea, Laune Rangers, was re-appointed as Vice-Chairman of Coiste na bPáirc.

A record number of delegates attended Co. Bord na nOg Convention in Tralee on Fri. 16th Jan. A presentation was made, on behalf of the Bord, by Pat O Shea, to Johnny Walsh (first Chairman), Declan Horgan (first Secretary) and Father Linnane (ex-Chairman). The trophy for ‘Club of the Year’ was presented to Laune Rangers (That was the first time that such a trophy was presented). It was accepted, on the club’s behalf, by Jerome Conway, who thanked the Bord and he said that they were delighted to be the first club to have their name on it. The following officers were elected: Chairman – Liam Sayers, Vice-Chairman – Pat O Shea, Secretary – Willie Griffin, Treasurer – Sylvie Mason, Registrar – Denis McCarthy, PRO – Jerry Gleeson, Auditors – Donie O Sullivan and Pat Healy (Emmett’s). On a motion by John Mitchels, it was decided to re-introduce the U-12 competition after a one-year absence – the solo-run was not allowed.
The Secretary, in his report, praised the work of Laune Rangers and sympathised with clubs like Dr. Crokes who had to contend with such a club. The Chairman said that it was his pleasant duty to perform, as Bord na Nog had decided the previous year to introduce a club-of-the-year award, and it would come as no surprise to delegates who had studied the Secretary’s Report where the award would go. Laune Rangers had stood out as an example both by their sportsmanship on the field and by the co-operation which they gave to the Bord. The blitz was only one incident quoted by the Secretary but there were many others which could be stated. That was the type of club the Bord would want others to emulate and it gave him great pleasure to present the perpetual plaque for Club-of-the-Year to the Laune Rangers Club.
Pat O Shea, as Vice-Chairman, attended 7 of the 11 Bord meetings during the year and, in the absence of the Chairman, acted as Chairman at two meetings.

The AGM of the Mid-Kerry Board was held in the old schoolhouse, Castledrum, Keel on Mon. 21st Jan. 1976 (The Secretary’s Report was given at the end of 1975). The Treasurers’ Report was adopted, showing a credit balance of £423.39. The Chairman, Kevin Griffin, said in his address, ‘I would like to welcome all the delegates to the Convention and thank you for attending and, indeed, for your co-operation and interest in the Board’s affairs during the past year. You have helped to make the Board one of the most successful and active in the county. The past year was a successful one for the Board, despite Mid-Kerry losing the Co. Final and the Kerryman Shield. We can feel proud of our teams’ displays in both competitions and be consoled with the thought that, in the Co. Final, it took a replay to decide the winners and that, since, our victors have distinguished and proven themselves one of the stronger club teams in the country. We can make little excuse for our defeat in the Kerryman Shield final. We were well beaten on the day but, at the same time, one must question the wisdom of playing the final so late ion the year. Last year, for the first time, the Board made a special effort for the County Championship. Training was arranged prior to each game and the players, selected, responded magnificently. My thanks to the trainer, George McAuliffe, and all the players concerned for the great work and, I am sure, if the same interest and enthusiasm is maintained again this year, the players, trainer and all concerned will be rewarded with the county title. In thanking the selectors, I feel obliged to ask the incoming ones to forget their club affiliations when picking Mid-Kerry teams and put out the best team possible. In the last year, too much argument took place, which was not a help to our team and possibly contributed indirectly to our failure in the Co. Final. If the present system is a success in the coming year, I would recommend that one man be given charge of the team while on the field.
All our games, I am glad to state, were played in a sporting manner and of a high standard and, as a result, our gates showed an increase from last year. As our Secretary reported, all our clubs were actively involved in all grades and all our major competitions were run off, with the exception of the O Sullivan Cup, which was delayed as a result of Mid-Kerry’s involvement in the Co. Championship. I congratulate the winners of all our competitions. As each year passes, it is becoming more and more difficult for District Boards to run their usual competitions due to too many games within the county for our clubs. To date, we, in Mid-Kerry, have not cut down on our local competitions and, as a result, our players have games almost every Sunday of the year, as well as some week-evenings, while players involved with Mid-Kerry have even more games still, not to mention training one or two evenings each week. It all adds up that the demand on our players is far too great, and they are left with little time to do much more. As both an administrator and a player, I find this is the case and I find that some clubs within the Board are of the same opinion. I feel that the Co. Board should reduce the number of games for each club by making smaller groups in the Co. Leagues and leave the District Boards with their normal competitions, where the great rivalry and interest amongst the clubs, provide better games and better football.
In view of the Board’s work for the Co. Championship team, as mentioned earlier, it is very disappointing and disheartening at the year’s end to be offered only £340 from the Co. Board, after being involved in replays in both the semi-final and final and a gate of almost £3,000 taken at the final replay. This figure does not come near covering our expenses for the Co. Championship campaign. We have not accepted this offer and we feel that the Co. Board must come up with something better.
It is with some regret that I have to report that the Laune Rangers Club is still creating problems for the Board with regard to the O Sullivan Park. No sooner had agreement been reached at the end of last year that the Board would give a grant to the club, than the club introduced membership cards giving the holders free admission to all games. As the Board is almost solely dependent on gates for survival, that was a serious blow. The club has been approached and it has been stressed that they have set a precedent, which could be detrimental to the Board. I am asking the Convention to discuss and hopefully resolve the matter.
I would like to compliment and thank Bord na nOg for their great work for our juveniles, all our club officers and referees, all who subscribed to our training fund collection, Co. Board treasurer Murt Galvin for providing lights for training, the Kerryman for giving our games such good coverage, Killorglin CYMS for our meetings, our county teams for their great successes and all Mid-Kerry players involved. Finally, my thanks to our secretary, Pat Clifford, for his untiring work for the Board. I am not seeking re-election, as I feel a change would be good for the Board. I would like to express my gratitude to all present and past officers of the Board for their help and advice during my years involved with the Board. I wish the Board every success in the future.’ The following officers were elected: President – Paddy Foley (Laune Rangers), Chairman – Kevin Griffin (Glenbeigh), Vice-Chairman – Jim Foley (Keel), Secretary – Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine), Treasurer – Mossy Harmon (Milltown/Castlemaine), PRO – Michael O Sullivan (Keel), Delegate to Co. Board – Mort Kelly (Beaufort).
A motion from Keel was passed, ‘a) That each club must provide two referees. b) That referees be paid £2 for each senior and minor game that they referee.’ It was decided to invite the officers of the Laune Rangers Club to come to a meeting with the officers of the Mid-Kerry Board about the membership-cards’ issue.

The minutes of twelve Mid-Kerry Board meetings are available, principally for the making of fixtures. The following matters were also discussed:
1.    27th Jan. – Arising out of a letter received from Laune Rangers Club, which stated that it would not withdraw the sale of membership cards, which it had sold, giving the holder free admission to all Mid-Kerry games in the O Sullivan Park, it was decided that the Board would play all its major games in Milltown and that the grant that Laune Rangers Club received the previous year, would not be paid in the current year. It was also decided that the Board officials would collect the gates at any Laune Rangers home-games in Mid-Kerry competitions.
It was also decided that the Board would organise Scór and the finals would be run in Glenbeigh on Sun. 15th Feb. at 8.30pm sharp.
2.    2nd March – It was decided to call a meeting of all Mid-Kerry referees and to invite Mick O Neill (Co. Board referee) to explain the new rules to them. It was decided to pay petrol money to the clubs that took part in the Co. finals of Scór 1976. Laune Rangers received £3.

At the Mid-Kerry Bord na nOg AGM, the following officers were elected: Chairman – Brother Fergal (Milltown/Castlemaine), Vice-Chairman – Pat Ladden (Keel), Secretary – Pat O Shea (Laune Rangers), PRO – Michael Shanahan (Milltown). In addition to the championships proper, it was decided to run special U-12 and U-14 Championships.

The minutes of 35 Laune Rangers Club meetings are available. The sub-committee system continued to operate and reports were given at the weekly meetings.
Activities Sub-Committee (Joe Crowley).
Tops of the Parish: It proved very difficult to get clubs/teams to participate due, apparently, to lack of interest. Eventually, three clubs/teams took part, Glenbeigh ICA, Intermediate School and Macra na Feirme on Sun. 14th March in the CYMS Hall. The group, ‘Little Rascals’, had not produced a script when requested and were not allowed to take part. Intermediate School was declared the Tops of the Parish champions before a packed audience, which went wild with delight. Fresh from its record breaking concert, the school put everything into that show, which was produced by Patrick O Shea. Second was Macra na Feirme, with its show ‘Bon Voyage’ and third was Glenbeigh ICA with its comic version of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.’ Maurice Curtin, Tralee, was the adjudicator. Curtain was at 8.30pm and the tariff was 60p. John Foley was in the office, Billy Dodd was on curtain, Jim Casey was on the competitors’ door, Pat O Shea and Jim Galvin were on the main-door, Jerome Conway was in charge of the floor, James Coffey was M.C, and Joe Crowley was in charge of backstage. The takings at the door were £203.20. The prize money was – 1st £40, 2nd £30 and 3rd £20.

Primary Schools’ Talent Competition:
Due to lack of interest by the schools, it was decided to run that competition off on one night, Fri. 5th March, with competitors from Cromane, Douglas, Glounaguillagh, Kilgobnet and Scoil Mhuire partaking. The results were as follows: Question-time – Cromane, U-7 Solo Dancing – Jennifer O Leary (Scoil Mhuire ‘A’), U-9 Solo Dancing – Austin Stack (Cromane), U-11 Solo Dancing – Muireann Joy (Scoil Mhuire (‘A’), U-13 Solo Dancing – Ann O Shea (Scoil Mhuire ‘A’), Solo Singing – Ann Melia (Scoil Mhuire ‘A’, Group Singing – Scoil Mhuire ‘A’. Scoil Mhuire won the Laune Rangers Shield. The singing adjudicator was Patrick ‘Duffy’ O Shea (junior) and the dancing adjudicator was Mrs. Irwin, Killarney. Michael Shanahan set the questions. The gross takings for the Talent Competition were £121.28.
The expenses for both above nights included Liam Woods (amplification) £20, Pat Finnegan (trophies) £17, CYMS (hire of hall) £40, Johnny McCarthy (caretaker) £7.50, Hannah McCarthy (teas for adjudicators) £7.50, Prize money £90, Maurice Curtin (adjudicator) £10, Declan Trant (musician) £3, Mrs. Irwin (dancing adjudicator) £10, Liam Foley (musician for dancing) £5. Total – £210.
The income from the above nights was Tops of the Parish – £203.20, Talent Competition – £121.78. Total £324.98. Net profit – £114.98. The following gave their services free of charge: Michael Shanahan (questions), Patrick O Shea (singing adjudicator) and Eamonn Looney (lights). Joseph Crowley conducted both nights expertly.

Social Sub-Committee (Michael O Shea).
The club ran the following dances:
Fri. 6th Feb. – Biddy Ball with ‘Green Valley’ (£55). The gross takings were £201.37 – net £100. Advertisement in Kerryman £9.45.
20th Feb. – Tramps’ Ball with ‘The Rivermen’. Gross takings £113.05. Prizes – group £6, individuals £5, £3, £1, £1, £1. Advertisement in Kerryman £9.45.
17th March – ‘New Currency’ (£50). Gross takings were £77.83.
In March/April, negotiations commenced with the CYMS Committee, initially re the leasing of the CYMS Hall by Laune Rangers Club. Eventually, the CYMS Committee agreed to lease the dancehall on 24 consecutive Friday nights, and any other night, at £10 per night. James Coffey, Joe Crowley and Jerome Conway accepted that offer on behalf of the club (12 nights initially, with an option of 12 more nights). The club decided to gamble on getting good bands. Joe Crowley took over the booking of bands. Admission to the dances was 80p.
Fri. 18th June – D.J. and the Kerry Blues. The gross takings £453.89 (576 people). Net profit £110 (approx).
Fri. 25th June – Gina, Dale Haze and the Champions (£300).
Fri. 2nd July – Skid Row (£250)
Fri. 9th July – Ian Corrigan and Country Style (£200).
Fri. 16th July – Glen Curtin.
Fri. 23rd July – Magic (£300).
Fri. 30th July – Top Ten (£200)
Fri. 6th Aug. – The Freshmen (£250).
Fri. 20th Aug. – Tarzan and the Monkeys.
Fri. 27th Aug. – Teddy Palmer and the Rumble Band.
Fri. 3rd Sept. – Dan and the Farmers (£125). Gross takings £310 (approx.).
Fri. 10th Sept. – The Chips (£350). Gross takings £250. The reasons for the loss were the bad weather, a carnival in Beaufort and the post-primary pupils were back at school.
Fri. 17th Sept. – Magic Mania. Gross takings £325.42.
Fri. 24th Sept. – Gina, Dale Haze and the Champions (£300). There was a loss of £30/£40.
Fri. 1st Oct. – The Times. Gross takings £350.12.
Fri. 8th Oct. – Glenn Curtin (£250) Gross takings £364. Net profit £10 (approx.).
The Secretary attended a CYMS Committee meeting on Sat. 9th Oct. at which a further 26 Fri. nights were leased for dancing, commencing on 17th Dec. at £15 per night.
Fri. 15th Oct. – The Swarbriggs. Gross takings £409.07. Net profit £75 (approx.).
Fri. 22nd Oct. – Brotherly Love. Gross takings (328.30). Net profit £95 (approx.).
Fri. 29th Oct. – D.J. and the Kerry Blues. Gross takings £468. Net profit £130 (approx.).
Fri. 5th Nov. – Tallmen. Gross takings £294. Net profit £56 (approx.).
Fri. 12th Nov. – The Champions. Gross takings £367.90. Net profit £30 (approx.).
Fri. 19th Nov. – Brotherly Love (£225). Gross takings £250.
Wed. 24th Nov. – Brendan Bowyer and the Big 8 (£400 + 60/40). Admission – £1. Gross takings £672. Net profit £210 (approx.).
Admission to all dances escalated to £1.
Thurs 25th Nov. (Concert) – Danny Doyle. Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann provided a half an hour’s entertainment at 8.30pm, prior to Danny Doyle. Admission – 80p. Gross takings £199.50. Net profit £10 (approx.). There was a raffle during the concert and the proceeds went to St. Joseph’s Old Folks Home.
Fri. 3rd Dec. – Brendan Shine (£350). Gross takings £551.75. Net profit £160 (approx.).
Fri. 10th Dec. – D.J. and the Kerry Blues. Gross takings £368.50. Net profit £20 (approx.).
Fri. 17th Dec. – Magic (£325).
Sat. 18th Dec. (Concert) – Wolfe Tones. Admission £1. Supporting cast – Declan Mangan, Seanie O Mahony and Gerard Boyle. There was a loss of £200 (approx.) in the weekend.
Fri. 31st Dec. – Tarzan and the Monkeys (£200).

Field Sub-Committee (Pat O Shea).
1.    The question of ownership of the ground between the boundary wall and the main road arose at the club meeting on 12th Jan. The Co. Council intended putting tarmac on that land. The club feared that the traffic, so close to the wall, would undermine the foundation of the wall. It also feared that patrons/members would not be able to park their cars on that ground henceforth, when it would be tarred. At the following meeting, James Coffey reported that the deeds of the field showed that Laune Rangers owned the land in question. He advised that the matter should be put in the hands of the club’s solicitor, Willie Crowley. At the club meeting on 9th Feb. the Secretary reported that the solicitor had informed him that the club owned the land in front of the wall and the local engineer, Brendan Keogh, had been informed of that. At the club meeting on 1st March, the Co. Engineer’s reply was read. He was surprised and disappointed at the club’s attitude. The Co. Council needed that land as a hard shoulder for its new road. He seemed to indicate that the club did not own the land, which was contrary to the legal advice received by the club. Some time previously, when the local engineer was requested by members of the club to tarmac that land, he had declined on the grounds that it was not Co. Council property. The club’s solicitor advised that no further action should be taken until the Co. Council actually interfered with the property.
2.    Laune Rangers Club officers declined to attend a meeting with the Mid-Kerry Board officers concerning the sale of membership cards, which allowed the holder of a card free admission for all games to the J.P. O Sullivan Park. The Secretary of the Board was advised that the club intended retaining the status quo on the matter. The Mid-Kerry Board advised the Laune Rangers club that it would not be in receipt of a grant in 1976 and that all major Mid-Kerry games would be played in Milltown.
3.    Pat O Shea was given permission, at the meeting on 26th Jan. to erect lights in the field for night-training. One light was put on the water-tower, one on the second pole on the left side of the field and one on the last pole on the left side of the field. John Joe Harmon, Callanfercy, did this job at a cost of £200.
4.    A representative of An Foras Talún examined the soil in the pitch and declared it second to none in the county. He suggested that the ground between the pitch and the road should be converted into a juvenile pitch as the sod was better than at the other end of the field.

Bord na nOg Sub-Committee (James O Riordan)
That was one of the busiest sub-committees, organising games, parish-leagues, referees, pitches and competitions. James O Riordan gave weekly updates to the club on the sub-committee’s progress.

Other matters discussed at the 35 club meetings included:
1.    Laune Rangers nominated the following as officers of Mid-Kerry Board: President – Paddy Foley, Chairman – Murt Kelly (Beaufort), Vice-Chairman – Ned O Shea (Keel), Secretary – Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine), Treasurer – Kevin Griffin (Glenbeigh), PRO – Michael O Sullivan (Keel).
2.    The club was invited by the Community Council to send delegates to a meeting of the clubs and associations of the parish to discuss the future of Puck Fair. It was made clear to those delegates, Jerome Conway and John Foley, that they were not to commit the club to any extraordinary duty since Puck Fair was at the busiest time for football. The delegates’ duty was to offer advice.
3.    At the club meeting on Mon. 15th March, the players, who had been playing soccer all along, asked for clarification of their position. Those were Johnny O Connor, Johnny Byrnes, Francis O Doherty and Pat Clifford. There was a long discussion on the matter, with members on both sides expressing their feelings. Eventually, the Chairman, James Coffey, looking to the future and forgetting past transgressions, asked the players involved for their allegiance in the case of a clash of codes in the future. Those players, however, expressed a wish to see the soccer season out to the end, regardless. Consequently, the meeting decided that they could not play in the Parish League, could not train with Laune Rangers, could not use the club’s facilities and could not be considered for selection on teams representing the club. James Coffey undertook to ask Tom Johnston for his allegiance prior to the commencement of the Parish League. At the meeting, Pat O Shea proposed that the basketball players should also be asked for their allegiance but the Chairman ruled that their position was different. Joe Crowley declared his allegiance to the GAA. At the following meeting (Mon. 22nd March), Billy Dodd asked if the treatment of the players, who had not declared their allegiance to the GAA, had been harsh. A long laborious discussion followed but the decision, taken at the previous meeting, stood. However, Johnny Byrnes had reconsidered his position during the week and had declared his allegiance. Consequently, he played for the club against Listowel in the Co. League.
4.    The Secretary pointed out to the meeting on Mon. 22nd March that the club’s method of receiving membership was not in accordance with An Treoraí Oifigiúil Riail 12. The meeting decided to abide by An Treoraí Oifigiúil. The same meeting decided to update the trustees of the field, as at the time only one trustee, Paddy Foley, was alive.
5.    The club, at one stage during the year, intended leasing the main hall in the CYMS for the year and had requested, from the committee, the earning power figures of the hall. Those were as follows: Badminton (£2 per night), Basketball (£2 per night), Bingo (£15 per night), Puck Fair (£75), Cromane Regatta (£50 for 15th Aug.), Department of Education (£70 for examinations), Pantomine (£400), Intermediate School (£60 for physical training). Total – £1,800.
6.    At the meeting on 29th March, Barry Harmon complained that he had been wrongly accused at the previous meeting of letting the club down by not substituting for Declan Falvey, who had to go to Kenmare on the previous Sunday with the girls’ basketball team (Laune Rangers had played Milltown/Castlemaine on that date). He explained that Declan Falvey had been acting on an official capacity with the Intermediate School’s girls’ basketball team and that he (Barry) had never been asked to oblige. Pat O Shea admitted that he had been misinformed on that score. Barry Harmon then asked what qualifications a person needed to accept a post in the club, as aspersions had been cast at the previous meeting about his standing for trainer of the senior team at the Annual AGM. Pat O Shea told him that he should start at the bottom by helping with the club’s affairs and then work his way upwards. At that stage, the Chairman asked both men to bury the hatchet.
7.    At the club meeting on 21st June, Joe Crowley reported that Galway would most probably play Kerry in the Jimmy Lucey Memorial Tournament on either the last Sunday in Aug. or the first Sunday in September. At the meeting on 16th Aug. it was reported that the game had been provisionally fixed for 29th Aug. but the GAC at national level had postponed the All-Ireland semi-final, Galway v Dublin, to that date. Joe Crowley reported that Galway was willing to play on Sat. 4th Sept. At the meeting on Mon. 30th Aug. it was reported that Galway, having been beaten by Dublin, had refused to travel on 4th Sept. it was further reported that Kerry had been committed to playing in a tournament in Limerick on Sun. 5th Sept. At that stage, it was accepted that all that uncertainty had been the club’s own fault as it should have followed the proper channels and should have dealt with the matter through the Kerry Co. Board.
At the 21st June meeting, it was reported that some unsavoury incidents had occurred at the dance on the previous Fri. night. Some people had been allowed in free of charge through the back door. Also, some of the club’s past players had sought free admission to the dance and, having been refused, climbed onto the flat roof of the CYMS. Thereafter, they continued to make trouble at the front door. It was decided to seek to help of the Gardaí to maintain order in the future. At the meeting on 6th Sept. Joe Crowley requested the services of eight people at the dances as some people had again gained free entry through the emergency doors on the previous Friday night.
Jerome Conway reported to the meeting on 25th Oct. that he had been to see Sergeant Concannon with a view to having a Garda on duty on dance nights. The sergeant informed him that the CYMS had a licence to run dances after midnight on twelve nights during the year. There was no limit on the number of dances that could be run before midnight. (The Laune Rangers’ dances operated from 11pm until 1am, to coincide with pub closing times). The sergeant asked to be notified in advance of the twelve nights that the CYMS would be operating dances after midnight. At the club meeting on 15th Nov. Joe Crowley reported that the club’s solicitor had acquired a dance-licence for the CYMS for dancing until 1.30am on 60 nights during the year. The sergeant must be given three days’ notice of each night’s dancing.
8.    The club had nine All-Ireland Senior Football tickets for distribution (Noel O Mahony and Ted Houlihan, as referees, had been allotted tickets by the Co. Board). The tickets were allotted as follows: Jerome Conway – 1 Hogan Stand, Eamonn Crowley and John Foley – 1 Nally Stand each, Pat Lynch – 1 uncovered Cusack Stand, Joe Crowley – 1 Cusack Stand. That left four tickets to be raffled. There were four categories and the winners were, Mike Hassett (senior and novice selectors) – 1 Cusack Stand, Frank Russell (senior players) – 1 Hogan Stand, Pat Joy (working members) – 1 Cusack Stand, Liam Shannon (members who used their cars to transport players to matches) – 1 Cusack Stand.
9.    At the meeting on 11th Oct. the Chairman, James Coffey, proposed that a) any group that wanted the use of the field, would have to apply in writing at least four weeks in advance and b) a sports meeting in the field must not, under any circumstances, prevent a member of the club or the children of a member of the club from taking part. A long discussion ensued. The first part of the proposal was covered by a rule in the club to that effect. The second part of the proposal caused difficulties for some people present and it was felt that the club was delving into matters over which it had no control and it was agreed to leave the matter rest until a precedent arose.
10.    At the club meeting on 25th Oct. it was reported that both Jerome Conway and John Foley had attended a special CYMS meeting, at which it was decided to give all the clubs and committees, using the hall, a say in the running of the hall. A delegate from the club (Jerome Conway) would attend every CYMS meeting. It was further reported that each club or committee, using the hall, would have to supply at least two helpers, in their turn, for the running of bingo.
11.    At the club meeting on Mon. 13th Dec, the following were nominated for the Co. Minor Football Selection Committee: Jackie Looney (Dr. Crokes), Joe Linnane (Ballydonoghue), Paddy Gallagher (Valentia), Michael Shanahan (Milltown/Castlemaine) and Jerome Conway (Laune Rangers).

The following attended meetings of the Laune Rangers Club in 1976: Jerome Conway (35), James Coffey (33), Joe Crowley (32), Jim Casey (28), John Foley (27), Pat O Shea (23), Maurice Harmon (21), Eamonn Crowley (20), Billy Dodd (14), Ted Houlihan (13), Pat Lynch (12), James O Riordan (8), Pat Finnegan (7), Mike O Shea (6), Thomas Evans (4), Sean O Reilly (3), John Joy (2), Francis O Doherty (2), Mike Hassett (2), Denis O Neill (2), Patsy Joy (2), Declan Falvey (2), Danny O Callaghan (1), Johnny O Connor (1), Johnny Byrnes (1), Pat Clifford (1), Barry Harmon (1), Sean O Mangan (1), Liam Shannon (1), Denis Harris (1).

The following were Laune Rangers Club members in 1976: Joe Crowley, Eamonn Crowley, Paddy Crowley, Thomas Evans, Pat Lynch, Maurice Harmon, James Coffey, John O Connell, Paudie Foley, Davy O Shea, Pat Finnegan, John Foley, Patrick O Grady, Billy Dodd, Paudie O Connor, John Joy, Leslie West, Teddy Mangan, Dan Carey, Jim Galvin, John Clifford, Sean O Mangan, Patsy Joy, Murt Knightley, Patsy Joy, Jimmy Doona, John Doona, Batty Foley, Joe Curran, Johnny O Connor, Johnny Byrnes, Pat Clifford, Declan Falvey, Francis O Doherty, Liam Shannon, Sean O Reilly, Pat O Shea, Michael O Shea (Senior), Mike O Shea, Pat Joy (Caragh Lake), Mike Hassett, John A. O Brien, Jim Casey, Barry Harmon, Michael Foley, Ted Houlihan, Brendan O Reilly, James o Riordan, Denis Lynch, Tony McCarthy (Cahersiveen), Catherine O Connell, Patrick O Shea, John O Sullivan (The Forge), Jerome Conway, Anthony Foley, Dan Healy, Bart Moriarty.

At the AGM of the Kerry Ladies’ Football Board in Killarney, Joan Healy was elected as Secretary for 1976.

The AGM of the Killorglin Ladies’ Football Club was held in the CYMS Hall on Sat. 31st Jan.

Ten Kerrymen, wearing the green and gold of the Kingdom Club, London, won the All-Ireland Seven-a-side Championship at Belfield, Dublin on Sun. 2nd May. They beat St. Vincent’s, Dublin by a big score, St John’s, Belfast, by 5-6 to 4-6, Garrymore, Mayo, by 7-10 to 4-7 (Quarter-final), Bryansford, Down, 6-6 to 1-9 (Semi-final) and Roscommon Gaels 3-11 to 1-9 (Final). The panel was Paddy O Hanlon (Tarbert), Gerry O Mahony (Renard), Tony Flavin, John Evans (Laune Rangers), John Coffey (Beaufort), Eugene O Sullivan (Ballinskelligs), John O Shea (Waterville), Eamonn ‘Bomber’ O Connor  (Emmett’s), Timmy Shanahan (Clounmacon), John O Mahony (Renard).
On Sun. 28th Nov. at New Eltham, the Kingdom Club captured their fourth successive London Senior football Championship by beating Parnell’s in the final by 2-11 to 1-8. Kingdom: Paddy O Hanlon (Tarbert), Paddy Kelly (Ballinskelligs), Liam Thompson (Knocknagoshel), Timmy Shanahan (Clounmacon), Eugene O Sullivan (Ballinskelligs), Billy O Connell (Rathea), Paul Geaney (Desmonds), John Coffey (Beaufort), Jimmy O Shea (Glenbeigh), John O Mahony (Renard), Jim O Mahony (Renard), John Evans (Laune Rangers), Billy Hegarty (Kilgarvan), John O Shea (Waterville), Tommy Joe Scanlon (Castlegregory) capt. Subs: Austin O Shea (Waterville), Tommy Moore (John Mitchels).

In 1976, Coiste na bPáirc organised a six-monthly draw at £1 per month, commencing on 6th July. Prizes of £1,000 per month (1st £500, 2nd £200, 3rd £100 and three prizes of £50 plus £50 for the winning club), were on offer. Co. Board Joint-Treasurer, James Coffey, told the Kerryman, ‘This draw is a bonanza for clubs and I would advise club secretaries to contact either Dave (Geaney) or myself straight away, as we may not have enough cards to go around, such is the keen demand for them.’ Laune Rangers contribution to the draw was £1,646, thus ensuring a commission of £1,069. In the second draw, James Harmon, Laune View, won £500. In the third draw Mrs. Looney, Iveragh Road, won £500 and Kieran Foley, Iveragh Road, won £50.

The Laune Rangers’ Church Gate collection in aid of the Kerry team’s training fund on Sun. 12th Sept. yielded £158.30.

Sean O Riordan, Ardnaknockeen, died at the age of 31, after a long illness, on 12th October. He had played with the Laune Rangers in the sixties and early seventies. Past and present players formed a guard of honour at his funeral to Dromavalla Cemetery.
The death occurred on 12th Dec. of Sheila O Neill, Upper Bridge Street. She had played camogie with UCC and with Laune Rangers in the late twenties and early thirties.

Laune Rangers’ Scór na nOg was held in the CYMS Hall on Sat. 13th Nov. and attracted large entries and provided great entertainment. The adjudicator was Mrs. S. McAuliffe, Milltown. The following qualified for the Mid-Kerry Finals in Milltown: Question-time – John Costello, James O Shea and Gerard O Shea; Solo Instrumentalist – Geraldine McMahon, Solo Singing – Kevin Melia, Group Dancing – Rosaleen Kelliher, Patricia O Riordan, Marion Joy and Ann O Shea; Novelty Act – Padraig O Shea and Donal Sheahan; Recitation – Geraldine McMahon, Group Singing – Rosaleen Kelliher, Patricia O Riordan Mary Coffey and Bernadette Ahern.
The Mid-Kerry Scór na nOg Finals were held in Milltown Community Hall on Sun. 28th Nov. The following Laune Rangers’ items qualified for the Co. Finals in the Manhattan Hotel, Tralee, on Tues. 7th Dec: Solo-Singing (Kevin Melia sang ‘Ard Tighe Cuan’), Group Singing (Rosaleen Kelliher, Patricia O Riordan, Mary Coffey and Bernadette Ahern sang ‘Come by the Hills’ and ‘Whiskey in the Jar.’) and Question-Time (Gerard O Shea, James O Shea and John Costello).

The Laune Rangers Annual Social was held in the Great Southern Hotel, Killarney, on Wed. 5th Jan. 1977. Prices had been received, for turkey and ham, from hotels as follows: Towers Hotel, Glenbeigh (£2.95), Aghadoe Heights, Killarney (£3.57), Earl of Desmond Hotel, Tralee (£2.40), Great Southern Hotel, Killarney (£2.73). Due to the long distance involved, the Earl of Desmond was discarded. The Great Southern Hotel was chosen and roast beef was the menu, with tickets costing £3. Christy O Riordan and Declan Trant supplied the music, at a cost of £40, which included amplification. The club Treasurers, Eamonn Crowley and John Foley, were in charge of the sale of tickets (150). James Coffey, Jerome Conway and Joe Crowley were given complimentary tickets. Speaking at the social, Liam Sayers, Chairman Bord na nOg Chiarraí, praised the Laune Rangers Club for the wonderful work it was doing for football in Killorglin, especially amongst the juveniles. Commenting on the draw to raise funds to send two handicapped children to Lourdes, he said that it was a wonderful achievement and, judging by the prizes on offer and the great response to the appeal for funds, the club had shown how active and popular it was. Father Maher, C.C, who presided at the draw, also praised the Laune Rangers Club for organising the draw and raising the amount needed in such a short time. He said that it was great to see that the club was not confining its activities to football affairs alone. The Chairman, James Coffey, thanked all who donated prizes for their draw, which was confined to those attending the social. £180 was raised.
The expenses for the Social included, Hotel – £408.16, Printing – £13.50, Band – £40, which totalled £461.66. The income from tickets was £444, which left a debit balance of £17.66.

Noel O Mahony refereed the following games, amongst others, for the Kerry Co. Board in 1976:
Co. League Div. 4 Rd. 1 on Sun. 21st March at Killorglin: Asdee 1-12; Derrynane 0-5
Co. Minor League on Fri. 9th April at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh/Beaufort 6-13; Waterville 1-7.
Co. Minor League on Fri. 16th April at Milltown: Milltown/Keel 6-3; Ballymac 2-4.
Co. Minor League semi-final on Fri. 7th May at Killorglin: Austin Stacks defeated St. Mary’s.
Intermediate Championship on Sun. 9th May at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 0-6; Keel 1-5.
Co. Minor League Div. 1 Final on Sat. 22nd May at Killarney: Dr. Crokes 3-14; Austin Stacks 1-6.
Co. League Div. 2 on Sun. 23rd May at Keel: Keel v Gneeveguilla.
Co. League Div. 1 on Sat. 5th June at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 2-6; Spa 1-11.
Co. League Div. 1 on Sun. 13th June at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh v Tarbert.
Co. League Div. 4 on Sun. 4th July at Killorglin: Asdee v Kenmare.
Co. League Div. 4 Rd. 9 on Sat. 10th July at Killorglin: St. Michael’s 1-5; Brosna 0-4.
Minor Football Championship on Tues. 20th July at Killorglin: Spa 2-13; Dingle 1-3.
Co. League Div. 1 on Sat. 24th July at Killorglin: Waterville 1-4; Emmetts 0-7.
Co. League Div. 1 on Sun. 1st Aug. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 1-8; Kenmare 2-6.
Co. Junior Championship on Tues. 10th Aug. at Listry: Beaufort 1-12; Valentia 0-9.
Co. Minor Championship on Wed. 18th Aug. at Killorglin: South-Kerry 2-9; Spa 1-7.
Co. League Div. 4 Semi-final on Sun. 24th Oct. at Killorglin: St. Michael’s beat Desmonds ‘B’.
Co. League Div. 1 Semi-final on Sun. 31st Oct. at Killorglin: Austin Stacks beat Dingle.
Co. League Div. 2 Semi-final on Sun. 28th Nov. at Killorglin: Dr. Crokes beat Sneem.

Noel O Mahony refereed the following games, amongst others, for the Mid-Kerry Board in 1976:
Losers’ Round Minor Championship on Tues. 13th July at Beaufort: Glenbeigh v Beaufort
O Sullivan Cup Rd. 1 on Sun. 19th Sept. at Milltown: Keel beat Milltown/Castlemaine
O Sullivan Cup losers’ round: Glenbeigh beat Milltown/Castlemaine.
Milltown/Castlemaine lodged an objection to the awarding of the game to Glenbeigh, as they felt that they had scored a goal in the first half. The letter objected to the standard of the refereeing as a whole. The Chairman of the Board said that the referee in question was a first class referee, who had been refereeing for many years for Mid-Kerry and for the Co. Board. He threw out the objection and he told Milltown/Castlemaine that they could appeal to the Co. Board, if they so wished.

Noel O Mahony refereed the following game, amongst others, for Bord na nOg Chiarraí:
U-12 Rural 5 on 30th June at Keel: Keel Milltown.
U-14 Urban Semi-final on Wed. 14th July at Killorglin: Austin Stacks 2-10; Dr. Crokes 2-2.
U-12 Urban Semi-final on 24th July at Killorglin: Austin Stacks 1-10; Dr. Crokes 0-2.
U-12 Rural Quarter-final on Fri. 6th Aug. at Killorglin: Valentia Knocknagoshel.
U-16 Rural quarter-final on Sat. 18th Sept. at Milltown: Ballymac 1-3; Fossa 1-3.

Denis O Neill refereed the following game, amongst others, for the Kerry Co. Board:
Co. League Div. 2 Rd. 3 on Sun. 4th April at Listry: Listry 0-6; Dr. Crokes 2-5.

Denis O Neill refereed the following games, amongst others, for the Mid-Kerry Board in 1976:
Novice Semi-final on Tues. 18th May at Milltown: Glenbeigh v Keel.
Minor Semi-final on Thurs. 29th July at Keel: Keel beat Milltown/Castlemaine.

Pat O Shea refereed the following game, amongst others, for Bord na nOg Chiarraí:
U-12 Rural 5 on 23rd June at Milltown: Milltown defeated Dingle.

Ted Houlihan refereed the following games, amongst others, for Bord na nOg Chiarraí:
U-12 Rural 6 on 24th June at Fossa: Fossa Beaufort.
U-14 Rural 3 play-off on Wed. 9th June at Milltown: Milltown 3-6; Beaufort 2-5.
U-14 Rural 3 playoff at Listry: Milltown defeated Fossa.

Michael O Shea refereed the following games, amongst others, for Bord na nOg Chiarraí:
U-14 Rural playoff on Sat. 24th July at Killorglin: Spa 1-3; Sneem 1-3.
U-16 Urban Quarter-final on Sat. 18th Sept. at Killorglin: John Mitchels 3-6; Cahersiveen 2-1.

Paul Lucey won his second Senior Co. Football Championship with Austin Stacks, at left fullback, by beating Kenmare in the final at Killarney on Sun. 3rd Oct. on the score of 1-14 to 0-7.

Co. Intermediate Football Championship Final on Sun. 24th Oct. at Tralee: Ballylongford 1-9; Tarbert 0-4.
Co. Junior Football Championship Final (replay) on Sun. 31st Oct: Gaeltacht 1-10; Beaufort 0-6.
Co. Novice Football Championship on Sun. 31st Oct. at Tralee: Annascaul 5-4; Beale 1-9.
Co. Minor Football Final on Fri. 27th Aug. at Killorglin: East-Kerry 2-7; South-Kerry 1-8.
Co. League Div. 1 Final on Sun. 14th Nov. at Castleisland: Spa 4-14; Austin Stacks 3-6.

Munster Minor Football Championship Final on Sun. 11th July at Cork: Cork 0-10; Kerry 1-5.
Kerry: Tom Lynch (Desmonds), Dan O Connor (Valentia), Noel O Sullivan (Kerins O Rahillys), Mick O Neill (Renard), Michael Maguire (Emmett’s), John O Donoghue (Dr. Crokes), Gabriel Casey (Lispole), Tadhg O Connor (Dr. Crokes), Tom Sayers (Annascaul), Diarmuid O Donoghue (Legion), John Keane (Kerins O Rahillys), Robert Bunyan (Ballydonoghue), Con O Connor (Kerins O Rahillys), Sean O Leary (Gneeveguilla), John L. McElligott (Austin Stacks). Subs: Tom O Shea (Dr. Crokes) for J. Keane, John Cahill (Spa) for T. Sayers, John Griffin (St. Mary’s), Maurice O Connor (Dingle), Joe O Driscoll (John Mitchels), Tadhg Og Flynn (Castlegregory).

Munster Senior Championship Final (replay) at Cork on Sun. 25th July: Cork 1-19; Kerry 3-20.
All-Ireland Senior Final on Sun. 26th Sept. at Croke Park: Dublin 3-8; Kerry 0-10.
Kerry: Paudie O Mahony, Ger O Keeffe, John O Keeffe (capt.), Jimmy Deenihan, Paudie O Shea, Tim Kennelly, Ger Power, Paudie Lynch, Pat McCarthy, Ogie Moran, Mikey Sheehy, Mickey O Sullivan, Brendan Lynch, John Egan, Pat Spillane. Subs: Charlie Nelligan for P. O Mahony (inj.), Sean Walsh for P. McCarthy, Ger O Driscoll for M. O Sullivan, John Long, Tony O Keeffe, Jackie Walsh, Vincent O Connor, Barry Walsh.
Dublin: Paddy Cullen, Gay O Driscoll, Sean Doherty, Robbie Kelliher, Tommy Drumm, Kevin Moran, Pat O Neill, Brian Mullins, Bernard Brogan, Anton O Toole, Tony Hanohoe, David Hickey, Bobby Doyle, Jimmy Keaveney, John McCarthy. Subs: Fran Ryder for T. Hanohoe (inj.), Pat Gogarty for B. Doyle, Jim Brogan, Paddy Reilly, Brendan Pocock, L. Deegan.

All-Ireland U-21 Championship Final on Sun. 12th Sept. at Clonmel: Kerry 0-14; Kildare 1-3.
Kerry: Charlie Nelligan (Desmonds), Mike Colgan (Milltown/Castlemaine), Paudie O Shea (Gaeltacht), Ger Leahy (Emmett’s), Mick Spillane (Templenoe), Ogie Moran (Beale), Vincent O Connor (Dingle), Sean Walsh (Kerins O Rahillys), Jack O Shea (St. Mary’s), Neilie Donovan (Gneeveguilla), Pat Spillane (Templenoe), Ger Murphy (capt.), Barry Walsh (Ballylongford), Gerald O Sullivan, Pat Foley (Keel). Subs: Padraig Brosnan (Legion), P. McCroghan (Emmett’s), Dermot O Sullivan (Beaufort), Billy Lyons (Desmonds), Denis Moran (Waterville), Noel O Sullivan (Kerins O Rahillys), J. Tuohy.

The death occurred in May, after a long illness, of James (Jim) O Sullivan, The Square, (formerly of Brookhill). He had played football with Beaufort. He was a nephew of J.P. O Sullivan and a first cousin of Dr. Eamonn O Sullivan, Killarney. Members of the Laune Rangers Club provided a guard of honour at the funeral to Dromavalla Cemetery.

At the AGM of the Killorglin Community Games, which was held on 23rd Oct. 1975, the following officers were elected: Chairman – Peter Gill, Secretary – Helen O Connell, Treasurer – Noreen Murphy.
The following Killorglin competitors were successful at the Co. Community Games Finals in Tralee on Sun. 4th July:
Boys: 60m Hurdles U-10 – 1st Michael Brosnan, 200m U-12 – 1st Andrew Pigott, Relay U-12 – 2nd Killorglin (Andrew Pigott, John O Connell, W. Doyle and Gerard Murphy), 800m U-14 – 2nd Jimmy Hannon, High-Jump U-16 – 1st Anthony Corkery.
Girls: 800m U-14 – 2nd Maeve O Connell, Long-Jump U-14 – 1st Breda O Shea (14’-4”).
Nigel Lynch and Patrick O Connor won silver medals in the swimming and Chris Foley a bronze medal.
Michael Moroney, Glosha, and Angela Corkery, Cromane, won gold medals in Art.
In Butlins, in the All-Ireland Community Games Finals, Breda O Shea, Rangue, won the gold medal in the U-14 Long-Jump.

At the AGM of the Killorglin Cycling Club, which was held on Fri. 7th Nov. 1975, the following officers were elected: President/Chairman – Paddy O Callaghan, Vice-President – Dan Ahern, Secretary – Donal McKenna, Ass. Secretary/PRO – Denis Harris, Treasurer – Paud Teahan, Delegates to Co. Board – Denis Harris, Ollie O Brien and Pat Healy, Delegates to Munster Council – Paddy O Callaghan, Pat Healy and Denis Harris. Committee – J. Clifford, Brendan Foley, Murt Knightley, B. McKenna, Denis Mangan, Michael Moriarty, W. Mangan, Ollie O Brien and Josephine Harrington.

At the AGM of the Kerry NACA Board, which was held in Nov. 1975, the following officers were elected: President/Chairman – Pat Finnegan (Killorglin), Vice-Chairman – Noel Lucey (Glenflesk), Secretary/PRO – Lorcan Murphy (Cahersiveen), Treasurer/Registrar – Christy O Connell (Cahersiveen), Delegates to Munster Council – Pat Finnegan, J. Greaney and Lorcan Murphy.
The Kerry NACA Juvenile Championships were held in Killorglin on Sun. 30th May. Killorglin, once again showing strength in depth, retained the overall club trophy. The Killorglin competitors fared as follows:
Boys: 100m U-16 – 1st Anthony Corkery, 2nd Peter Lyons, 3rd Henry Cahillane. 1,500m U-16 – 2nd Henry Cahillane, 3rd John Costello. 3,000m U-16 – 2nd Henry Cahillane, 3rd John Costello. High-Jump U-16 – 1st Liam Woods, 2nd Anthony Corkery, 3rd John Woods. 100m U-15 – 1st Anthony Shannon. 1,500m U-15 – 2nd Sean O Sullivan. Long-Jump U-15 – 1st Anthony Shannon. 100m U-14 – 3rd Maurice Corkery. 800m U-14 – 2nd Jimmy Hannon. High-Jump U-14 – 1st Pierce Prendiville, 2nd Gerard Flynn. Long-Jump U-13 – 3rd Pierce Prendiville. 400m U-12 – 1st John O Connell, 2nd Paul O Sullivan, 3rd J. Foley. Relay U-12 – 2nd Killorglin. 100m U-11 – 1st Andrew Pigott. 200m U-11 – 1st Andrew Pigott. 100m U-10 – 1st Gerard Murphy, 2nd Noel Doyle. 200m U-10 – 2nd Gerard Murphy, 3rd Noel Doyle. 100m U-9 – 2nd Michael Brosnan. 200m U-9 – 2nd Michael Brosnan. 100m U-8 – 3rd S. Costello
Girls: 100m U-16 – 1st Martina Cronin. 1,500m U-16 – 1st Martina Cronin, 2nd J. Foley. High-Jump U-16 – 2nd Maureen Costello. 100m U-15 – 1st Ann Grealish. 100m U-14 – 3rd Eileen O Sullivan. 800m U-14 – 1st Maureen Costello, 3rd Eileen O Sullivan. 7lbs Shot U-14 – 2nd M. Brennan. 100m U-13 – 2nd Breda O Shea, 3rd Maeve O Connell. 200m U-11 – 3rd Deirdre Costello. 100m U-10 – 3rd S. O Connor. 200m U-10 – 3rd Valerie Diggin. 100m U-8 – 3rd A. O Sullivan. 80m U-8 – 3rd Helen Costello dead heat with A. O Sullivan. Boys tiny tots – 3rd Brian O Keeffe. Girls tiny tots – 2nd D. Diggin.
The Munster NACA Track and Field Championships were held in Carrigaline, Co. Cork on the week-end 19th/20th June. The Killorglin athletes were placed as follows:
Boys: 100m U-10 – 2nd Gerard Murphy. 200m U-10 – 1st Gerard Murphy. 200m U-11 – 1st Andrew Pigott. Hurdles U-11 – 1st Andrew Pigott. 100m U-11 – 2nd Andrew Pigott. Long-Jump U-12 – 1st Andrew Pigott. Long-Jump U-15 – 3rd Pat Pigott. 800m U-15 – 3rd Sean O Sullivan. 1.500m U-15 – 3rd Sean O Sullivan.
Girls: Hurdles U-11 – 3rd Deirdre Costello. 100m U-13 – 3rd Breda O Shea. Long-Jump U-14 – 1st Eileen O Sullivan, 2nd Breda O Shea. 100m, 200m and 800m U-16 – 1st Martina Cronin. 1,500m U-16 – 2nd Martina Cronin.
Killorglin NACA Open Juvenile Sports were held in the J.P. O Sullivan Park on Sun. 25th July. The Killorglin competitors fared as follows:
Boys: 80m U-10 – 1st Gerard Murphy. 200m U-10 – 1st Gerard Murphy. Relay U-10 – 2nd Killorglin. 800m U-12 – 2nd Patrick O Sullivan. 400m U-14 – 2nd Jimmy Hannon. 800m U-14 – 2nd Jimmy Hannon, 3rd Maurice Corkery. Relay U-14 – 1st Killorglin. 100m U-16 – 1st Anthony Corkery, 3rd Anthony Shannon. 400m U-16 – 2nd Anthony Corkery.1,500m U-16 – 3rd Sean O Sullivan. Long Jump U-16 – 1st Anthony Corkery, 3rd Anthony Shannon. Relay U-16 – 1st Killorglin. 100m U-18 – 1st Michael O Sullivan.
Girls: Relay U-12 – 1st Killorglin. 100m U-14 – 2nd Breda O Shea, 3rd Eileen O Sullivan. 400m U-14 – 1st Maeve O Connell. 800m U-14 – 2nd Maureen Costello. Relay U-14 – 2nd Killorglin. 100m U-16 – 2nd Ann Grealish. 400m U-16 – 2nd Kay Hannon, 3rd Maureen Costello.

The Rose Restaurant Soccer Cup Final was played on Sun. 2nd May in Tralee. The Park beat Callanfersy 6-0. Callanfersy: Willie O Shea, John Murphy, Francis O Doherty, Tom Johnston, Seamus O Sullivan, John P. O Sullivan, Joe Flynn, Johnny O Connor, Patsy Joy, Noel Prendiville, Johnny Byrnes. Res: Val Delaney and Joseph Flynn. However, on the following Sunday, although beaten in the Div. 2 final by 4-2 on penalties by Tralee Dynamos, they were promoted to Div. 1. The club moved its playing facilities from Milltown (The site of the present Secondary School) to Cormac Johnston’s farm in Dungeel.

At the Kerry Association AGM in the North Star Hotel, Dublin, Bart Moriarty, then living in Killorglin, was elected Vice-President. At a function in the Grand Hotel, Malahide, on Sat. 3rd July Bart received a presentation to mark the outstanding work he had done for the association since joining in 1957. He had been Treasurer of the Association since 1962. Prior to that, in 1950, he had emigrated to Australia, where he had been involved with St. Brendan’s Irish Club in Brisbane. It took seven weeks and four days to each Australia at that time but that had been reduced to four weeks by the time he decided to return to Ireland in 1956.

The AGM of the Kerry Association in London was held at St. Brendan’s, 4 Craven Park. Bertie Houlihan (Killorglin), Michael O Shea (Cromane) and John Murphy (Caragh Lake) were elected onto the committee.

The Kerry NACA senior and juvenile cross-country championships were held in Killorglin on Sun. 7th March. The Killorglin competitors finished as follows: Senior Men – 2nd Michael Mangan, Senior Ladies – 1st Martina Cronin, 2nd J. Foley, 3rd M. O Shea. Killorglin ‘A’ won the Ladies best team and Killorglin ‘B’ was second. Girls: U-10 – 1st F. Diggin, 2nd Agnes Ahern, 3rd N. O Sullivan. Team – 1st Killorglin. U-14 – 1st Maureen Costello, 2nd D. Murphy. Team – 1st Killorglin. Boys: U-10 – 1st Gerard Murphy, 2nd B. O Sullivan. Team – 1st Killorglin. U-12 – 1st P. O Sullivan, 2nd Patrick Diggin. Team – 1st Killorglin. U-14 – 1st Jimmy Hannon, 2nd J. Sugrue, 3rd Sean Corkery. Team – 1st Killorglin. U-16 – 2nd S. O Sullivan. Team – 2nd Killorglin.

The fourth Annual Rás Chill Orglan, for the Railway Hotel Trophy, was held on Sat. 27th March. The race, over three laps of a 15 miles circuit, was held in appalling weather conditions and only ten competitors finished. John Mangan was the winner and Michael Breen was second. John Ahern won the beginners (U-12) race and Donal Ahern won the U-16 (minor) race.

Fourteen years old Maureen Costello, a student at the Vocational School, Killorglin, helped the Irish schools’ team into second place in the British Schools’ Cross-Country Championships at Coatbridge, Scotland, on 3rd April.

On Sat. 24th April, the Maine Valley Co-operative Society Ltd. was officially opened at Nauntenan by the Bishop of Kerry, Dr. Eamon Casey. The turnover for 1975 had been £500,000 (10,000 pigs had been sold, as against 6,000 in the first year).

Bishop McNamara replaced Bishop Eamonn Casey as Bishop of Kerry on Sun. 7th Nov. He was a native of Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co. Clare. Bishop Casey was made Bishop of Galway.

In November the Killorglin Basketball Senior League commenced with the following teams:
‘A’ – John  McCarthy, Tim McCarthy, Anthony Foley, Gerald Houlihan, Liam Russell, Gerard Concannon, Jack Kerins and Francis O Doherty.
‘B’ – James O Riordan, Francis Mangan, Buddy Freeman, Joe Crowley, Francis McMahon, Mike O Shea, Jeremiah Kerins and Joseph Flynn.
‘C’ – Barry Harmon, Eamonn Crowley, Derry O Brien, Noel O Mahony, Joseph McCarthy, Davy O Shea, Maurice Harmon and P. Doyle.
‘D’ – Declan Falvey, Iraneus Looney, T. O Connor, Francis Whelan, Patsy Joy, Johnny O Connor, Eamonn Looney, Johnny O Shea, Gerard O Neill.
Klinge: P. O Sullivan, Brendan Foley, Jimmy O Shea, Ted Houlihan, Sean Kavanagh and J. Petit.

In Dec. Dr. Patrick Hillary was installed as Uachtarán na hÉireann, following the resignation of Cearbhaill Ó Dálaigh.

The AGM of the Mid-Kerry Board was held in Beaufort on Mon. 17th Jan. 1977. The Secretary, Pat Clifford, gave his report as follows, “The year under review was not a good one for Mid-Kerry football. Two teams from the area took part in the Senior Co. Championship, Mid-Kerry and Laune Rangers, but both were beaten in their first games. Mid-Kerry were beaten by Shannon Rangers, in, what I could term, a poor game. The interest shown by the Mid-Kerry players in training for this game was very bad. The most players I saw in the field was six or seven but, on the night that a meal was promised, there would be about seventeen or eighteen players present. If it takes £50 a night to train for a Co. Championship, then it would be best to forget about it. Laune Rangers, with a young team, put up a good show against South-Kerry. I think they will make a good team in about two years. Two teams also took part in the Minor Co. Championship. Laune Rangers were beaten in the first round and Mid-Kerry was beaten in the semi-final by East-Kerry. Mid-Kerry has reached the final of the Kerryman Shield, which will be played in the coming year.
Within the area, it was a good year. All our competitions were completed. In all, there were 92 games played. Beaufort won the Senior Championship for the first time and also won the League and Novice Championship, while Glenbeigh won the O Sullivan Cup. The winners of our competitions are as follows: Senior Championship – Beaufort, Senior League – Beaufort, 1975 O Sullivan Cup – Glenbeigh, 1976 O Sullivan Cup – Glenbeigh, Novice Championship – Beaufort, Minor Championship – Laune Rangers, U-16 – Laune Rangers, U-14A – Laune Rangers, U-14B – Milltown/Castlemaine, U-12A – Glenbeigh, U-12B – Keel.
During the year, the Board suffered a great loss with the death of Brother Fergal, who had done a lot for Mid-Kerry football in his seven years in the area. For the new year, I would like to see the present system of selecting Mid-Kerry teams scrapped. I think that there should not be more than three selectors. I would like to see clubs making a better effort at getting their teams out on the field on time for games.
In conclusion, I would like to thank the clubs for their co-operation during the year, our referees, the officers of Bord na nOg, other officers, the Kerryman for the coverage they give to our games, the trainers of our senior and minor teams and to Kevin Griffin, Board Chairman, who has once again shown what a great Chairman he is. I am not seeking re-election, as I feel it would be good for the Board to have a change of officers.”

The AGM of the Laune Rangers Club took place on Sun. 2nd Jan. 1977. The Secretary, Jerome Conway, gave the following report, “A Chathaoirligh and a dhaoine uaisle, you are very welcome to this convention where it is my job to give a resumé of the happenings of 1976. I will deal with them under two headings, 1. The club’s activities and 2. The teams’ activities.
1. The activities of the year really began with the Annual Tops of the Parish. This competition is becoming increasingly more difficult to organise and it is high time that it got a rest for a few years. Joe Crowley put in a lot of hard work, trying to organise it and get it off the ground. Eventually, after much chopping and changing and further chopping, it materialised and was quite successful. Both itself and the National Schools’ talent Competition yielded £119 or so.
We then faced the year with £119 or so in our accounts, with which to run the club and with no further opportunities of making money – no Puck, no Carnival, no income. A look at our expenses will show you how far we would have got. Things did look glum. We badly needed an injection of fresh thinking into the club and lo, it arrived in the person of Joe Crowley. He it was who found the manna in the desert! When he suggested that we gamble £1,000 of the field’s funds on big bands for dancing in the CYMS, most of the old brigade, myself included, shook our heads and said, ‘We’ve seen it all before, it won’t work.’ However, since there was no other alternative, we succumbed reluctantly and were we proved wrong! Dancing since has been our bread and butter and sugar and milk and……. It just shows how important fresh thinking is, in the club. We all get stale betimes. Great credit is due to Joe and his merry band of helpers for the work they are doing but, more than admire them, we should lend a hand before they get a surfeit of the work. Around the county, we are regarded as a very active club – a good club. Well, let’s face it, we are not. Six or seven people keep this club going. It’s the same old faces doing everything. We all know that this can’t last. You are all part of the club by your mere presence. But, when you think about it, there is not much satisfaction in saying, ‘I’m a Laune Ranger. I hold a membership card. I go to their Convention.’ How much more satisfaction would there not be if you could say, ‘I’m a member of the Laune Rangers Club. I’m on the committee that looks after the field, or I give a hand at the dances or I’m in charge of the U-12 team.’ At least then, you are active. For the coming year, we will have three sub-committees – Social, Field and Bord na nOg. I would ask each and every one of you here to offer your assistance to either of these committees. Don’t wait to be asked. Offer your help. Get involved. You might say, ‘But what can I do?’ Even if you can give a little help, it will be welcome. For example, you might be able to stand at the door of the CYMS on a dance-night, or you might give a half-hour in the field re-sodding or cleaning or you might take your car to a juvenile match. Anything at all will do. As the ad says, ‘Give a little, it will help a lot.’
2. On the football field, a total of 189 games were played (101 excluding Parish Leagues). The minors won the Mid-Kerry Championship for the second year-in-a-row. The U-16 team won both the County and Mid-Kerry Championships. The U-14 team did likewise. Congratulations to the ladies, who won the Co. League. Shortly, there should be some people from the club wearing the county colours. For the senior team, it was a year of mixed fortunes. The year began on a sour note. Some players chose to abandon the club. Luckily, these players were in the minority and we are most proud and grateful to the players who stood by the club. We all err betimes, and I’m hopeful that the prodigal sons will return to the fold. The team took a long time to recover from those early uncertain times and we dropped many easy points in the Co. League. This left us struggling at the end and we were fortunate to survive in Div. 1. It was rather hectic, to say the least. Our performances in Mid-Kerry were, also, topsy-turvy. We recovered to contest three finals, but, unfortunately, lost them all. Nevertheless, we seem to have weathered the worst of the storm. For the coming year, we seem to have a good blend of youth and experience. We will all have to start training early, so as to win our early games in the Co. League. There is really no excuse this year, as we have a completely home-based team. By all training together we should be able to build up teamwork and make it easier for the selectors to settle the team earlier. We have a good panel, with good healthy competition for places. This is the main ingredient for success. The other is unselfish devotion by the players to training. Put them together and success will follow.
My thanks to all my fellow officers. James Coffey has been an integral part of the club for so long and must continue to be, as his calm and solid leadership is most important for a few more years at least. Eamonn Crowley and John Foley look after the ‘dough’. Their willingness to do things and the light-hearted way both accept responsibilities make it a pleasure to work with them. Indeed, quite often we seem to take them for granted. Pat Lynch, the Registrar, had his duties curbed prematurely this year. But, he tells me, that he is making a comeback in 1977, now that he has come to terms with his golf. Maurice Harmon has the unenviable task of attending Co. Board and Mid-Kerry Board meetings. We often seem to be abusing him, but we all know deep down that he is doing a very good job. My thanks to the sub-committees. Joe Crowley I have mentioned already. Pat O Shea, as always, has the field fit and trim. It is a tribute to his work that, during the year, the inspector from Foras Talúntais gave a glowing report on the field and said that the sod is second to none in Munster. John O Connell, I think, was unsure of his role in Bord na nOg this year, but we will assure him in 1977. Pat O Shea, of course, has done untold work for the juveniles in 1976, as he did in 1975 and 1974 and 1973 and………. Liam Shannon was also available when called upon and gave a helping hand as did all those who put their cars at the disposal of the club, for both senior and juvenile matches. All these people make my job really a simple one. Go raibh míle maith agaibh and rath Dé oraibh.”