Laune Rangers – 1979

 Laune Rangers Senior team was relegated from Division 1 Co. League.

Laune Rangers, captained by Jack Reen, won the Mid-Kerry Novice Football Championship for the first time.

Laune Rangers lost the Co. Minor Football League Final but won the Mid-Kerry Championship for the fifteenth time.

Laune Rangers won the Mid-Kerry U-16 Football Championship for the twelfth time.

Laune Rangers won the Co. U-14 Football Championship for the fourth time and the Mid-Kerry Championship for the twelfth time.

Killorglin won the Kerry U-16 Vocational Schools’ Championship.

Kerry won the Munster Minor Football championship but lost to Dublin in the All-Ireland Final. Laune Rangers’ players on the panel were Anthony Shannon (left halfback), Pat O Brien and Joe Shannon (substitutes).

James Coffey was re-elected as Co. Board Joint-Treasurer for the seventh successive year.

Pat O Shea was re-elected onto the Co. Senior Football Selection Committee for the sixth successive year.

Jerome Conway was re-elected onto the Co. Minor Football Selection Committee for the second successive year.

Jerome Conway was re-elected as Auditor of Bord na nOg Chiarraí.

James Coffey returned as Chairman/PRO of the Mid-Kerry Board.

Pat O Shea was re-elected as Secretary of Bord na nOg Chiarraí Láir and Jerome Conway as PRO.

The score-board, of the manually digital type, was put in place in the J.P. O Sullivan Park.

Bart Moriarty was appointed as Secretary of the newly formed Co. Referees’ Committee.

*            *           *             *              *           *              *             *              *               *

The AGM of Laune Rangers Club took place in the CYMS Hall on Wed. 3rd Jan. 1979 at 8.00pm. The Chairman, James Coffey, presided. Also present were Eamonn Crowley, Maurice Harmon, John Foley, Mícheál Johnston, Tom Johnston, Bart Moriarty, Pat O Grady, Michael F. O Shea, Patrick Clifford, Declan Falvey, Joe Crowley, Gerard O Shea, Pat Sheehan, Seamus O Shea, Denis Lynch, John Galvin, Jim Galvin, Michael Foley, Dan Carey, Johnny O Connor (Cromane), Tom Evans, John Clifford, Liam Shannon, Mícheál O Callaghan, Paudie Foley, Noel O Mahony, Jimmy Doona, Billy Dodd, Barry Harmon, John Doona, Jack Reen, Joe Curran, John A. O Brien, Maureen O Mahony, Mrs. Mary O Dwyer, Michael O Shea, Jim Casey, Ted Houlihan, Pat Lynch, Paddy Crowley, Johnny O Connor, Mort Knightley, Peter Lyons, Harry Carey, James Ferris, Johnny Byrnes and Jerome Conway. The minutes of the previous AGM were read and adopted – Maurice Harmon proposed and Dan Carey seconded. (The Secretary’s report was given at the end of 1978).

The Treasurers’ Report, having been circulated, was discussed. Eamonn Crowley reported that, though the club had undertaken great improvements in the field, the finances managed to break even. For that he thanked and paid tribute to the work of Joe Crowley, as dance organiser and registrar. Declan Falvey proposed the adoption of the report and Bart Moriarty seconded.


Income and Expenditure Account:

Income                                                                                    Expenditure

Gross receipts from dancing £31,463   Teams’ expenses                559

Less expenses                                                    Players & teams’ travel    820

Bands                         21,955                             Dressing room & field

Advertising              1,275                                             maintenance            663

Rent of CYMS              1,000                           Footballs/hurleys                58

Caretaker’s fees                   276                                                                                               Trophies                                254

Performing rights               551                                                                                               Affiliation fees                        41

Phones, passes, etc   240                                                                                                ESB                                             43

25,297                    Insurance                                  50

Net income from Danci6,166                        Secretary’s expenses          150

Other income: Gates                         82           Bank interest & charges     192

Membership                                        310         Subscriptions                        100

Co. Board grant                            250        Cost of victory dinner        312

£6,808             Loss on Social                    75

Sundry                                    198


Excess of income over expenditure                        £3,193

Deposit interest received                                         134

Net income for the year                                    £3,327


The Election of Officers then took place.

President – Paddy Foley (life-President).

Chairman – nominated were James Coffey and Pat O Shea. The latter’s name was withdrawn. At that stage, Noel O Mahony asked if nominations could be taken from the floor. He complained that motions had to be into the Secretary before a specified date, but there had been no mention of that regarding nominations. The Secretary explained that that had been standard procedure in the club during his term of office and that, as far as he was concerned, nominations could not be taken from the floor. Noel O Mahony then proposed that the matter be put to a vote that nominations be accepted from the floor. Paudie Foley seconded that proposal. The Chairman ruled the proposal out of order and declared himself re-elected. ‘The club is as strong as its Secretary,’ said James Coffey, paying tribute to Jerome Conway, who did not seek re-election after eight years as Secretary of the club. ‘With a few more devoted men, Jerome Conway gave not part of his leisure time but almost all of it in promoting football for the underage teams, both in the parish and in the school. The fact that Laune Rangers won everything on offer in the county during those years, from U-12 to U-18, speaks for itself. So untiring and unselfish was his work as Secretary that he made it all too easy for the other officers in the club and it is from now on that we will realise how great his loss will be. I only hope that the man who replaces him will be even half as good.’

Vice-Chairman – nominated were Sean O Reilly, Pat O Shea, Jim Galvin, Noel O Mahony and Paudie Foley. The former two were not considered as they were not present. The next two withdrew their names and Paudie Foley was declared elected.

Secretary – nominated were Jerome Conway, Maurice Harmon, Bart Moriarry and Patrick O Grady. Since the former had declared his intention not to seek re-election, he withdrew his name despite efforts to persuade him otherwise. The next two withdrew their names and Patrick O Grady was declared elected. He accepted on condition that Maurice Harmon was accepted as Assistant Secretary.

Treasurers – Eamonn Crowley and John Foley were declared elected.

Registrar – nominated were Joe Crowley (withdrawn), Eamonn Crowley and John Foley (elected).

Delegate to Co. Board – nominated were Pat O Grady, Jerome Conway (both withdrawn) and Maurice Harmon (elected).

Delegates to Mid-Kerry Board – nominated were Eamonn Crowley, Pat O Grady (both withdrawn), Maurice Harmon and Jerome Conway (both elected).

Delegates to Co. Convention – Bart Moriarty, Joe Crowley and Pat O Grady.

Delegates to Mid-Kerry Convention – Maurice Harmon, Jerome Conway, Pat O Grady and Bart Moriarty.

Senior Selection Committee – Nominated were Pat O Shea, Noel O Mahony, Billy Dodd, Jerome Conway, Maurice Harmon, Liam Shannon, Patsy Joy, Teddy Mangan, Johnny O Connor (Ardmoniel), James Coffey and Ted Houlihan. The latter two withdrew. Maurice Harmon proposed that all those nominated should be allowed to stand, whether present or not, provided that they had been asked and signified their willingness to serve if elected. Joe Crowley seconded and that was accepted. Billy Dodd then withdrew Patsy Joy’s name, as he had not asked him to stand. There was a motion (1) ‘That the number of senior selectors be reduced to three.’ Michael O Shea proposed and Michael F. O Shea seconded. The motion needed a two thirds majority support but failed to get it. In the ensuing vote, the following senior selection committee was elected: Pat O Shea, Noel O Mahony, Billy Dodd, Maurice Harmon and Jerome Conway (Trainer).

Novice Selection Committee – nominated were Dan Carey, Jim Casey, Michael Foley, Pat Lynch and Bart Moriarty. There was a motion (2) ‘That the novice and ‘B’ teams be selected by three people and that these be the same people.’ Gerard O Shea proposed and Pat Lynch seconded. That was adopted. Both Pat Lynch and Bart Moriarty withdrew their names and Dan Carey, Jim Casey and Michael Foley were declared elected.

C.E.C Nominations – the following nominations were taken from the floor:

Billy Dodd – proposed by Noel O Mahony and seconded by Barry Harmon.

Jim Galvin – proposed by Joe Crowley and seconded by Liam Shannon.

Jimmy Doona – proposed by Paudie Foley and seconded by Johnny Byrnes.

Liam Shannon – proposed by Joe Crowley and seconded by Jim Galvin.

Barry Harmon – proposed by Jimmy Doona and seconded by Jack Reen.

Michael Foley – proposed by Joe Crowley and seconded by Liam Shannon.

Pat Lynch – proposed by Johnny O Connor and seconded by Mort Knightley.

Paddy Crowley – proposed by Declan Falvey and seconded by Michael O Shea.

Jerome Conway – proposed by John Foley and seconded by Maurice Harmon.

Jim Casey – proposed by Eamonn Crowley and seconded by Thomas Evans.

Dan Carey – proposed by Eamonn Crowley and seconded by Joe Crowley.

Joe Crowley – proposed by Pa O Grady and seconded by Maurice Harmon.

Noel O Mahony – proposed by Paudie Foley and seconded by Jimmy Doona.

Pat O Shea – proposed by Liam Shannon and seconded by Dan Carey.

Jack Reen – proposed by Tom Johnston and seconded by James Ferris.

Bart Moriarty – proposed by Dan Carey and seconded by Michael Foley.

In the ensuing vote, the following five were elected to serve on the executive of the club together with the officers of the club for 1979: Joe Crowley, Noel O Mahony, Barry Harmon, Pat O Shea and Jerome Conway. During the year, Jim Casey (Field Sub-Committee) was co-opted onto the Executive Committee.

The following were nominated as the CEC U-21 representative:

Mícheál O Callaghan – proposed by Dan Carey and seconded by Johnny O Connor.

Mícheál Johnston – proposed by Paudie Foley and seconded by Johnny Byrnes.

Peter Lyons – proposed by Mort Knightley and seconded by Dan Carey.

In the ensuing vote, Mícheál O Callaghan was elected.


The following motions were discussed, also:

3. ‘That the parish competitions be played from April onwards.’ (Jimmy Doona).

4. ‘That the parish league should commence in March or early April and run through the summer evenings.’ (Billy Dodd).

Both those motions were taken together and it was decided to begin the parish competitions as early as possible.

5. ‘That changes of fixtures in Mid-Kerry and Co. competitions be made only at weekly meetings.’ (Billy Dodd). After a discussion, it was decided not to grant a postponement except at a weekly meeting but it was left to the selectors to seek a postponement in an emergency.

6. ‘That selectors’ duties be defined as follows: They shall pick the best available team, subject only to the consideration of an individual’s ability and fitness, including attendance at training.’ (Jimmy Doona). Everybody present agreed that the selectors always picked what they considered the best team. However, the selectors’ hands could not be tied.

7. ‘That a copy of the club’s constitution and all the bye-laws be supplied to all the members of the club.’ (Declan Falvey). Passed.

8. ‘That an assistant trainer be appointed to assist the trainer in carrying out his duties.’ (Declan Falvey). Passed.

9. ‘That no player be considered, except in an emergency, for more than two grades of football in the one season.’ (Noel O Mahony) It was pointed out that although players got perhaps a surfeit of the game during the previous year, that would not occur to any great degree in 1979 and that it was undesirable to tie the selectors’ hands on the matter. The motion was withdrawn.

10. ‘That the U-21 selectors be the same as the senior selectors.’ (Noel O Mahony). Passed.

11. ‘That players’ cribs to the selection committee be expressed only through the team captain. The team captain in every team to be a player who will be present at most games .e.g. not a player who is exam bound, or unlikely to be present because of work commitments. This will ensure honour of captain, who will inspire his colleagues to greater effort.’ (Gerard O Shea). Again, it was decided not to confine the selectors but it was recommended that they consider the points made. Motion withdrawn.

12. ‘That anyone evicted from a dance be automatically barred from the CYMS hall for at least two months.’ (Michael O Shea). That motion was ruled out of order as the club did not have the power to bar people from the hall.

13. ‘That the club look into the possibility of purchasing a mini-bus for transporting teams, especially juveniles, to matches.’ (Michael O Shea). Since that would involve insurance snags and a financial commitment, it was referred to the CEC.

14. ‘That all members of the club get written notification of any important meetings that are held during the year.’ (Noel O Mahony). When it was pointed out that the weekly club meetings were open to all members who wished to attend, the motion was withdrawn.

15. ‘That all our teams get at least seven days notice of a game in the Kerry Co. Championship and in the Mid-Kerry Championship.’ (Noel O Mahony). It was pointed out that there was no problem with regard to Co. Championships but that was not so with Mid-Kerry fixtures and that there was little the club could do about it. Motion withdrawn.

16. ‘That no team should have to play a competitive game for at least seven days prior to a Co. Championship or Mid-Kerry Championship game.’ (Noel O Mahony). That motion was forwarded to the Mid-Kerry Convention.

17. ‘That any member, who is sixteen years of age and who had paid his appropriate subscription on time, be entitled to vote at the AGM.’ (Noel O Mahony). That was ruled out of order as it was contrary to An Treoraí Oifigiúil.

18. ‘That, if Kerry is in the All-Ireland Senior Football Final in 1979, they refuse to play unless they get 5,000 tickets.’ (Billy Dodd). That was forwarded to Co. Convention.

The Chairman thanked all those present for attending and the AGM concluded.

Patrick O Grady, Mill Road.

Patrick O Grady, Mill Road.
Won Mid-Kerry Minor Football Championship 1968 & 1969
Won Mid-Kerry Senior Football Championship 1970
Secretary Laune Rangers Club 1979-1980

Co. Senior Football Championship

Seventeen teams entered for the Co. Senior Football Championship, Castleisland (District), Laune Rangers, Spa, Eoghan Ruadh (Rathmore & Gneeveguilla), Kenmare, Kerins O Rahillys, Na Fianna (Kilcummin, Listry, Fossa, Firies), St. Brendan’s, Iveragh (St. Mary’s, Renard, Foilmore, Valentia, Skellig Rangers), Killarney, Southern Gaels (Derrynane, Sneem, Waterville, Dromid, St. Michael’s), John Mitchels, Austin Stacks, Mid-Kerry, Feale Rangers, Shannon Rangers and West-Kerry.

Laune Rangers’ Selection Committee – Pat O Shea, Noel O Mahony, Billy Dodd, Maurice Harmon and Jerome Conway (trainer).


Rd. 1 on Sat. 23rd June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-4; Castleisland 3-7.

Displaying far greater enterprise and performing over the hour with more industry and urgency, Castleisland cantered to a comfortable win in that championship game. The blueprint for victory was forged in the opening half during which Castleisland carried the game continuously to their opponents. Tow opportunist goals in the fourth and twenty second minutes pointed the way to success and by halftime the winners were leading by 2-3 to 0-1.

Castleisland took the initiative from the outset and such was their dominance in the first half, that they should have been much further ahead at the break. Some very sub-standard finishing by their forwards left the home defence off the hook. In fairness to Rangers, they tried for all they were worth in that half but any time they launched an attack, they found their pathway to goal barred by a stern defence in which fullback Charlie Nelligan and goalkeeper Tom Lynch were outstanding.

After some early indecisive play, Castleisland struck with a vengeance after four minutes. Left half-forward Phillip Horan gathered the ball about 35 yards out on the wing and let fly with a dynamic right-footed drive and the ball cascaded past defenders and goalkeeper into the back of the net for a lightning goal. They came within a fraction of adding a second goal soon afterwards, when corner forwards John Hough won possession close in and unleashed a tremendous shot from almost point-blank range but Peter Lyons effected a brilliant save. Castleisland were doing most of the forcing in the opening quarter but, at the end of which, Johnny Byrnes was just wide of the target for the losers and he repeated the error a minute later. Paddy Joe Kerins was showing great form at midfield and he had supporters shouting their approval when, in the seventeenth minute, he careered through on a solo run and duly kicked a fine point. He kicked two more points in the nineteenth and twenty-first minutes to leave his side leading by 1-3 to 0-0. A minute later, Castleisland were back to claim goal number two. Again Phillip Horan centred the ball into the Killorglin parallelogram and Donie Buckley rose highest to fist the ball to the net. That certainly rocked the home side to its very foundations.

However, they did manage to notch a score in that half and it was Frank Russell, then operating at midfield, who set the movement in motion. It was continued by Anthony Shannon and Johnny Byrnes, before James Sheehan finally landed a point from out on the right. The same player had an opportunity of adding to the score-line in the thirtieth minute but his free-kick was wide and so, when Tom Keane blew for halftime, Castleisland were comfortably ahead by 2-3 to 0-1. And right then things looked anything but good for Rangers.

However, they showed far more fire and determination on the resumption and even the drizzling rain, which had begun to fall just before halftime, did not deter them as they came back strongly at their rivals. Frank Russell was certainly making a big difference at midfield for them and two opening points from frees by James Sheehan gave their supporters something to shout about for a change. In between those scores, Rangers made a bold bid for a goal but, just when it seemed that Johnny Byrnes might succeed, he was thwarted by a magnificent save by Tom Lynch in the winners’ goal. In the forty-seventh minute, Phillip Horan whipped over a point to restore the Castleisland lead of seven points (2-4 to 0-3). Then, as the game ticked into the forty-ninth minute, they struck for goal number three. The ball was again centred and Peter Lyons seemed to have the situation under control but, somehow, Donie Buckley managed acrobatically to get a touch to it and it swung away from the keeper and trickled over the goal-line and with it went any faint hopes that Rangers might have harboured of saving the day. Further points by Hough (2) and Mikey Connor stretched the lead to 3-7 to 0-3.

Frank Russell still tried manfully to rally his team-mates from the middle of the field and, in fairness to his whole-hearted efforts, he met with some response from his team-mates, for whom fullback, Patsy Joy, was then foraging for all he was worth up front. Rangers stormed up the field and in the fifty eighth minute the indefatigable Johnny Byrnes picked off a fine point. A minute later, they came through again and a centre by James Sheehan was fastened onto by Jack Reen and, from close range on the left of the goal, he booted the ball hard and low past Tom Lynch for a capital goal. It was just reward for the losers’ fighting spirit. They had their best performers in James O Shea and Patsy Joy in defence, Michael F. O Shea and, from just before halftime, Frank Russell at midfield, and Johnny Byrnes, James Sheehan and Jack Reen in attack.

Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, Teddy Clifford, Patsy Joy, James O Shea, John Clifford, Joe Crowley (capt.), Johnny O Connor, Michael F. O Shea, Mossy Joy, Anthony Shannon, Johnny Byrnes (0-1), James Sheehan (0-3, 2 frees), Tom Johnston, Frank Russell, Jack Reen (1-0). Sub: Pa Foley for T. Clifford.

Castleisland: Tom Lynch (Desmonds), John Kerins (Scartaglin), Charlie Nelligan (Desmonds), Mossy Dore (Cordal), Mike Walsh (Knocknagoshel), Jerome Leen (Ballymac), Eamonn Walsh (Knocknagoshel), Tommy Murphy (Currow), Paddy Joe Kerins (Ballymac) 0-3, Michael Kerins (Scartaglin), Mikey O Connor (Desmonds) 0-1, Phillip Horan (do) 1-1, John Hough (Brosna) 0-2, Donie Buckley (Desmonds) 2-0, Donal ‘Duke’ O Connor (do). Subs: Dan McElligott (Ballymac) for D. O Connor, Jackie Reidy (Scartaglin) for M. Walsh.

Ref: Tom Keane (St. Mary’s).


Austin Stacks, captained by Ger Power, defeated Castleisland in the Co. Final by 1-11 to 0-9.


Co. Football League (Div. 1)


Rd. 1 on Sun. 4th March at Beaufort: Beaufort 1-10; Laune Rangers 0-4

The home side was dominant in all departments. The cross-wind made accurate shooting difficult and both sides were guilty of bad marksmanship.

Ref: Richie Williams (Fossa).

Rd. 2 on Sun. 25th March at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-4; Desmonds 0-6.

Ref: Eamonn O Sullivan (Desmonds).

Rd. 3 on Sun. 8th April at Moyvane: Moyvane 1-10; Laune Rangers 2-6.

Ref: Jas. Cronin (Duagh).

Rd. 5 on Sun. 6th May at Killarney: Dr. Crokes 0-7; Laune Rangers 1-7.

Rd. 6 on Sat. 19th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-9; Dingle 0-5.

Rd. 7 on Sat. 2nd June at Killarney: Legion 0-13; Laune Rangers 0-2.

Rd. 8 on Sat. 16th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Gneeveguilla by two points.

Rd. 9 on Sun. 15th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-15; Spa 0-9.

At the club meeting on 16th July, a discussion took place on the late arrival and absence of some players for that game. Although the discussion at times was heated, it proved very fruitful as all present finally agreed that, at a weekly meeting to be held in Sept. the club would decide what action it would take in regard to players that were late or absent from games from October onwards. It was decided that no action would be taken against the players who had been late or absent from the game versus Spa.

Rd. 10 on Sun. 5th Aug. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 1-9; Laune Rangers 0-4.

Rd. 4 on Sun. 26th Aug. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-8; Rathmore 2-6.

Rd. 11 on Sun. 2nd Sept. at Tralee: Austin Stacks scr. Laune Rangers w.o.

Relegation play-off on Sun. 14th Oct at Listry: Gneeveguilla 3-6; Laune Rangers 0-5.

Despite great efforts by Jerry Coffey, Anthony Shannon, Michael F. O Shea and Frank Russell, that was a disappointing performance. The result meant that Laune Rangers were relegated to Div. 2 of the Co. League for 1980.

Ref: Tom Keane (Cahersiveen).


Co. Novice Football Championship


Rd. 1 on Sat. 28th April at Kilgarvan: Kilgarvan 1-12; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 0-3.


Co. Football League (Div. 3)


Rd. 1 on Sun. 4th March at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ 1-4; Valentia 1-4.

The home side conceded a penalty after only three minutes but fought back to lead by 1-3 to 1-1 at the interval. However, confusion reigned, with the sides level at 1-4 each, with about five minutes left for play, when the referee blew for either full-time or else abandoning of the game, which had become a very robust affair.

Rd. 2 on Sun. 25th March at Kenmare: Templenoe beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.

Rd. 3 on Sun. 8th April at Firies: Firies beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.

Rd. 4 on Sun. 15th April at Killorglin (Tech. Field): Laune Rangers ‘B’ 1-6; Milltown/Castlemaine 1-10.

Rd. 5 on Sun. 6th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers lost to Skellig Rangers.

Rd. 6 on Sat. 19th May at Renard: Renard v Laune Rangers ‘B’.

Rd. 7 on Tues. 19th June at Kilcummin: Kilcummin lost to Laune Rangers ‘B’.

Rd. 8 on Sun. 8th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ 1-6; Listry 1-7.

Rd. 9 on Sun. 15th July at Glenflesk: Glenflesk 3-8; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 1-9.

Rd. 10 on Sun. 5th Aug. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ 0-8; Sneem 6-7.

Rd. 11 on Sun. 26th Aug. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ beat St. Michael’s.

Relegation play-off: Listry v Laune Rangers ‘B’. That game was never played, as Laune Rangers agreed to play in Div. 4, instead of Div. 3 in 1980, thus allowing Listry to continue to play in Div. 3.


Mid-Kerry Senior Championship


Rd. 1 on Sun. 1st April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-4; Keel 0-7.

Many of the pre-match predictions were proved correct when those spirited championship campaigners from Keel dominated against Laune Rangers in the opening quarter, at the end of which they led by 0-5 to 0-0. They went on to lead at the interval by 0-7 to 0-2. The wind may have helped Keel in the first half, but they still held sway for long periods after the resumption and the Rangers’ net-minder, Pat Clifford, who had replaced the injured Pat O Grady, was seen in action more often than his opposite number. That was due to a fine midfield display by Keel’s Pat Foley, who scored some good points, and his partner, Brian Ladden. Yet over the course of the hour, the Killorglin forwards got enough of the ball to have won the game. However, as on so many previous occasions, the forwards fell down on the job very badly with the possible exception of two players. The Keel forwards were nothing to write home about either but at least they were not afraid to have a bash.

The Keel defence played it cool with James Long, Johnny Sheehan, Jim Foley and Paddy O Shea giving nothing away and, in the end, justice seemed to have been done. Willie O Shea was a sound Keel goalkeeper. Denis Foley, Larry McKenna and John Cahillane were most dangerous in attack. Laune Rangers, disappointing as they were, could feel that they were at least worth a draw but their defence was shaky in the opening quarter and when goalkeeper Pat O Grady had to retire with a shoulder injury, after making a courageous save, there was nobody capable of kicking out the ball. That meant extra pressure on the defence in which Patsy Joy, John Clifford, Moss Joy and Anthony Corkery were best. At midfield, Tom Johnston and John Horgan were never able to get going, while Johnny Byrnes, Mike O Shea and Anthony Shannon were the pick of the forwards.

Scorers for Keel were Pat Foley (0-4, 2 frees), Denis Foley (0-2), Denny O Shea (0-1). Scorers for Laune Rangers were James Sheehan (0-3, frees), Mike O Shea (0-1). The referee sent off Frank Russell for dissent. At the subsequent Board meeting, he was suspended for two weeks.

Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).


Losers’ rd. on Sun. 13th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-11; Glenbeigh 2-3.

The Laune Rangers team thrilled their supporters, in a sun-drenched O Sullivan Park, with a fine display of fast, open, first-time football. The performance gave them their first win for many a day over old rivals Glenbeigh. The game had everything that a championship produced and, except for two isolated cases, it was a real sporting display.

That was a game that Rangers should have won more convincingly. For instance, when leading by 0-7 to 0-1, they conceded a needless free over thirty yards from their own line, failed to cover their opponents sufficiently and before they knew what had happened, veteran Jimmy Healy had Glenbeigh, who had been playing into a fairly strong wind, back in the game with a well-taken goal on the stroke of halftime. Glenbeigh’s first score in that half had come in the twentieth minute from  a Mike Moriarty free and, at that time, Laune Rangers led by 0-5, as well as driving seven wides.

On the resumption, Glenbeigh took up the running with Jimmy Healy and Mike Moriarty points to cut the winners’ lead to one point after only two minutes, but the Rangers fought back for four points on the trot. With only five minutes to go, they led by 0-11 to 1-3. Glenbeigh then started a great movement at midfield and Derry O Sullivan moved unmarked to the verge of the small square to palm home what seemed a certain goal. But the ball came back off the crossbar to be cleared. Again Glenbeigh opened it up from midfield following a blunder by a Killorglin forward and, from a fine movement, Denis Griffin had the ball in the net to cut the Rangers’ lead to two points with four minutes to go. However, the important goal did not come, while the points were there for the taking on two occasions.

Laune Rangers owed their win to a welcome change of tactics, they let the ball do the work and, instead of trying for goals, they picked off some fine long-distance points. It was a master move by the Rangers’ mentors that really won that game. Two minutes after the restart, they moved Frank Russell to midfield from the ‘forty’ where he was having a fine game. Immediately, he began to dominate the midfield sector and scored three points. Another player who picked off three fine points was Johnny Byrnes. He got good support from Mike O Shea and Moss Joy.

In defence, Laune Rangers had another hero in left fullback Anthony Shannon, whose first timing of the ball was a delight to watch. He was well-supported by Joe Crowley, James Sheehan and Patsy Joy, while Pa Foley, playing in his first important game, did all that was asked of him at corner-back, as did James O Shea at wing-back, who had made a welcome return to the side after an injury had kept him out of the game for some weeks. The referee sent off Michael F. O Shea (Laune Rangers) and Andrew O Grady (Glenbeigh) but he did not state the reason. At the subsequent Board meeting, both players were suspended for two weeks.

Ref: Tom Evans (Keel).


Semi-final on Sun. 27th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-2; Beaufort 2-10.

Three sent to the line, four bookings and at least another half dozen lucky not to get their marching orders, such was the most unsporting game ever seen in Mid-Kerry. If red and yellow cards were available and used in the proper way, they would have been well worn at the end of that game. It was a second half full of kicking, elbowing, tripping and pulling and the amazing thing about it, other than that the game finished, was that nobody was seriously injured.

The game opened at a real fast pace with Laune Rangers doing all the pressing but failing to score until the eighth minute, when Frank Russell got possession to score a fine goal. From the kick-out, he again won possession but was fouled. As he moved away, he and Beaufort man, John Coffey, had some sort of scuffle and the referee, instead of allowing the free, hopped the ball and Beaufort broke away to score the equaliser. The Rangers were shattered and before they could recover Dan Coffey raced through for another goal and the game was all over as far as Rangers were concerned and, but for the brilliance of Joe Crowley at centre halfback, they would have been swamped in Beaufort scores. However, despite giving away two soft goals and playing into a strong wind, the Rangers only trailed by 2-3 to 1-1 at the interval.

However, on the resumption some power-packed football from the flying doctor, Brendan Lynch, saw him add three points to his side’s total. Laune Rangers had their chances in the early minutes of that half but they did not have a forward of the calibre of Lynch and that was the difference. After that, Beaufort controlled all the vital sectors on the field and even when reduced to thirteen men, they found the stamina to overlap and at times it looked as if they had twenty players on their side.

The Laune Rangers revival took a tumble but that was a game that went wrong for them at a vital stage and, worse than that, it was of their own making. In defence, Joe Crowley was easily the Rangers’ man-of-the-match, especially in the first half. In attack, Moss Joy, Frank Russell and Johnny Byrnes, who survived a heavy blow early in the game, were good in patches, while Michael F. O Shea and Johnny O Connor failed badly at midfield after a promising start.

The referee sent off Frank Coffey (Beaufort) and Johnny Byrnes (Laune Rangers) for fighting. He also sent off Bernie Coffey (Beaufort) for kicking a player on the ground. The former two players were suspended for two weeks and the latter for three months, mitigated to two months upon appeal.

Laune Rangers: Peter Lyons, Liam Woods, Patsy Joy, Anthony Shannon, James Sheehan (0-2), Joe Crowley, James O Shea, Michael F. O Shea, Johnny O Connor, Johnny Byrnes, Frank Russell (1-0), Moss Joy, John O Neill (1-0), Mike O Shea and Anthony Corkery.

Beaufort: Ian Joy, Dominic Coffey, Kieran Breen, Simon O Sullivan, Patie Hartnett (0-1), Donal Courtney, Frank Coffey, Paudie Lynch, Dan Coffey (1-0), Brendan Lynch (0-4), John Coffey (0-4), Bernie Coffey, Michael O Sullivan, Donie Hartnett (1-1), James Courtney.

Ref: Tom Evans (Keel).


Mid-Kerry Football League

The top team in the league, after the preliminary rounds, went into the final and the teams placed second and third played in the semi-final. If there was a tie for first place, a toss of a coin decided which team went into the final. Laune Rangers decided at a club meeting, by 7 votes to 5, to enter one team in the Mid-Kerry League.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 11th Feb. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-7; Milltown/Castlemaine 1-0.

The new scoreboard, designed by Donie Griffin, was in operation for the first time but, for a time, it looked as if Milltown would fail to put a score alongside their name. That was mainly due to their inaccuracy from placed balls, which, if converted, would have made the issue much closer at the end of a game, which produced some fine football despite the conditions.

Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).


Rd. 2 on Sun. 18th Feb. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 1-6; Laune Rangers 2-2.

Laune Rangers conceded a last-minute goal in a tempestuous game. James Sheehan (Laune Rangers) and Denis Griffin (Glenbeigh) were sent off. At least six more players were most lucky not to have received the same treatment. The referee did not state the reason for sending the two players off, but the Chairman, James Coffey, at the subsequent Board meeting, said that he had witnessed what had happened and suspended both players for one month each. The Board Secretary was also instructed to write to Patrick Sheehan, Groyne, warning him about his conduct on the sideline at that game.

Ref: Pa Mannix (Listry).


Rd. 3 on Sun. 25th Feb. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-10; Keel ‘A’ 0-3.

Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Rd. 4 on Sun. 11th March at Beaufort: Beaufort v Laune Rangers.

Ref: Richie Williams (Fossa).

Rd. 5 on Sun. 18th March at Keel: Keel ‘B’ 0-0; Laune Rangers 3-10.

Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Play-off on Sun. 22nd April at Killorglin; Laune Rangers 0-5; Milltown/Castlemaine 1-3.

A flicked goal by Willie Murphy, following a well-directed free, gave Milltown an early lead, which they held to the end of a closely contested game. There were some exciting passages of play when Laune Rangers, inspired by a great display by Frank Russell, failed to overcome a spirited Milltown side. Both sides had some awful misses but a draw might have been a fairer result. Milltown were best served by Aeneus Daly, Connie Hayes, Pat Twiss, Mike Colgan, Johnny Maher, Billy Kerins, Willie Murphy, John P. O Sullivan, Ted Kennedy and Jim Daly. Rangers’ best were Frank Russell, Joe Crowley, Peter Lyons, Teddy Clifford, Anthony Corkery, Patsy Joy and Johnny Byrnes.

Ref: Richie Williams (Fossa).


Mid-Kerry O Sullivan Cup


Semi-final on Sun. 9th Sept. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Glenbeigh.


Final on Sun. 30th Sept. at Killorglin: Milltown/Castlemaine beat Laune Rangers.

Despite heavy rain and slippery underfoot conditions, both sides served up some entertaining football. Milltown, who led by 2-0 to 0-4 at the interval, put in a great third quarter to put the game beyond Laune Rangers’ reach. Both sides missed easy scoring chances from frees but the more direct football of the Milltown attack proved to be more decisive than the tip-tapping of the Rangers. Laune Rangers’ best were Michael F. O Shea, James O Shea, Gerard O Shea, Jack Reen, Frank Russell, Anthony Shannon, Joe Crowley, Declan Crowley and John Clifford. Best for Milltown were John P. O Sullivan, Jim Daly, Aeneus Daly, James Mangan, Willie Mangan, Billy Kerins, Johnny Maher, Connie Hayes, O Connor and Burke.

Laune Rangers Panel: Pat Clifford, Michael F. O Shea, Gerard O Shea, Teddy Clifford, Joe Crowley, Anthony Shannon, James Sheehan, John O Neill, Tommy Woods, Paudie Sheahan, Mike O Shea, John Clifford, Pa Foley, Frank Russell, Declan Crowley, Patsy Joy, James O Shea, Paudie Healy, Jerry Coffey, Jack Reen and Moss Joy.

Ref: Thomas Evans (Keel).

Laune Rangers – O Sullivan Cup Runners-up 1979

Laune Rangers – O Sullivan Cup Runners-up 1979
Front: Paudie Sheahan, Michael F. O Shea, Gerard O Shea, Teddy Clifford, Pat Clifford, Joe Crowley (capt.), Anthony Shannon, James Sheehan, John O Neill, Tommy Woods.
Back: Jerry Coffey, Michael ‘Fox’ O Shea, John Clifford, Pa Foley, Frankie Russell, Declan Crowley, Patsy Joy, James O Shea, Paudie Healy, Jack Reen, Mossy Joy.

Mid-Kerry Novice Championship

Laune Rangers’ Selection Committee – Dan Carey, Jim Casey, Michael Foley, Pat Lynch and  Bart Moriarty.

Rd. 1 on Tues. 15th May at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.

Ref: Tom Evans (Keel).


Losers’ rd. on Tues. 29th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ beat Milltown/Castlemaine.

The referee sent off Johnny O Connor (Laune Rangers) and E. O Connor (Milltown/Castlemaine) for fighting and both players were suspended for two weeks at the subsequent Board meeting.

The behaviour of certain Milltown supporters at that game was discussed at the club meeting on 11th June and it was decided to write to the Milltown/Castlemaine Club seeking an apology.


Semi-final on Sun. 10th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ drew with Beaufort.

Beaufort were missing the players who had played with Mid-Kerry in the Co. Senior Championship (Brendan and Paudie Lynch, John, Dan, Frank, Dominick and Bernie Coffey, Donal Courtney and Donal Hartnett), while Laune Rangers had to field their second team.


Semi-final replay on Thurs. 28th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ beat Beaufort.

Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).


Final on Sat. 22nd Sept at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ drew with Keel.

Laune Rangers scored a last-minute goal to equalise.

Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine).


Final replay on Sun. 28th Oct. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-6; Keel 2-3.

That was a very exciting game and a tremendous spirited performance from the local team. Joe Crowley, Jerry Coffey, Mike O Shea, Tom O Connor and Pat Joe O Mahony played well in defence. Mossy Joy was outstanding at midfield. In attack, Harry Carey, Jack Reen, John Griffin, Pa Foley and Finbarr Coffey played their hearts out.

Ref: Pat Twiss.


Final (second replay) on Sun. 4th Nov. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-2; Keel 0-5.

That game did not reach the standard of the previous encounters, but it was full of excitement, with Keel coming from behind to level with four minutes remaining.

Ref: Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine).


Final (third replay) on Sun. 11th Nov. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-5; Keel 1-2.

The novice team showed great heart with that win, which was Laune Rangers first at that level. It was the third replay between two very sporting sides and, with five minutes remaining, another draw was on the cards but a fitter Laune Rangers side picked off the vital points to ensure victory. The underfoot conditions were terrible but two vital points in the final minutes gave the home side the win, the first for the club at senior level since 1973.

The fair-sized crowd got plenty to cheer about as both sides strove hard in the second half to get game-clinching scores but, while Keel wasted and looked for goals, Laune Rangers, despite overdoing the approach work, picked off some good points. Best for Rangers were Pat Joe O Mahony, Finbarr Coffey, Paudie Sheahan and James Ferris in defence, Joe Shannon and Moss Joy at midfield and Harry Carey, Jack Reen, Joe Crowley and John Griffin in attack. After the game, Mid-Kerry Board Chairman, James Coffey, presented the Fr. Mangan Cup to Jack Reen, captain of Laune Rangers.

Laune Rangers panel: Pa O Grady, John Costello, Pat Clifford, Pa Foley, James O Riordan, Moss Joy, Tom O Connor, Declan Crowley, John O Dwyer, Anthony Corkery, Paudie Healy, Joe Crowley, Mike O Shea, Jack Reen, Seamus O Shea, Joe Shannon, Paudie Sheahan, Harry Carey, Pat Joe O Mahony, Finbarr Coffey, Jerry Coffey and James Ferris.

Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine).


Senior Football Parish League

There were four captains Joe Crowley, Patsy Joy, John Clifford and Mike O Shea. The selectors picked the four teams. The following rules pertained to the Parish League for 1979: (i) One toe to hand. (ii) No goalkeeper. (iii) No goals allowed, except from penalties. (iv) Points scored from outside the 21 yards line were worth double. (v) Points from all frees were worth double. (vi) The minimum number on a team was eleven. However, teams had to play whatever number greater than eleven that was present. (vii) Games were twenty minutes per half. (viii) Points scored from outside 40 yards, whether it was from a free or play, were worth treble.


Rd. 1 on Tues. 8th May: Joe Crowley v Patsy Joy.

John Clifford v Mike O Shea.


Rd. 2 on Thurs. 17th May: Patsy Joy v Mike O Shea

Joe Crowley v John Clifford.


Rd. 3 on Thurs. 7th June: Joe Crowley v Mike O Shea.

Patsy Joy v John Clifford.


Senior Football Challenge Games


Sun. 4th Feb. at Strand Road: Kerins O Rahillys 3-5; Laune Rangers 0-5.

Sun. 21st Oct. Tournament in Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-5; Milltown 3-5.

Laune Rangers played the Novice team as it was scheduled to play Keel in the replay of the Mid-Kerry Final on the following Sunday.


Co. U-21 Football Championship


Rd. 1 on Tues. 26th June at Gneeveguilla: Eoghan Ruadh lost to Laune Rangers.

Ref: Richie Williams (Fossa)

Rd. 2 on Sat. 28th July at Tralee: John Mitchels 1-3; Laune Rangers 2-8.

Ref: Tom Keane (St. Mary’s).


Co. Minor Football Championship

Trainers – Pat O Shea, Patsy Joy, Liam Shannon and Owen Mangan.


Rd. 1 on Tues. 3rd July at Dingle: West-Kerry lost to Laune Rangers.

Ref: Tommy Sugrue.


Quarter-final on Tues. 24th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-7; Iveragh 0-1.


Semi-final on Tues. 21st Aug. at Tralee: Laune Rangers drew with Feale Rangers.

Laune Rangers were winning by three points towards the end of the game but Feale Rangers, with practically the last kick of the ball, scored a goal to level matters.

Ref: Tom Brennan (Desmonds)


Replay on Thurs. 30th Aug. at Tralee: Feale Rangers 2-10; Laune Rangers 0-9.

Ref: Tom Brennan (Desmonds).


Co. Minor Football League


Rd. 1 on Fri. 23rd March at Killorglin: Laune Rangers drew with St. Mary’s.

Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine)

Rd. 2 on Fri. 30th March at Killarney: Dr. Crokes drew with Laune Rangers.

Ref: Tom Prendergast (Keel)

Rd. 3 on Fri. 6th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Spa.

Ref: Martin Hayes (Kilcummin)

Rd. 4 on Fri. 13th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-6; Kenmare 1-1.

‘One of the best minor games seen for years,’ was the verdict pf all who saw that thrilling game.

Rd. 5 on Fri. 20th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Legion.

Semi-final on Mon. 30th April at Tralee: Laune Rangers drew with Dingle.

Replay on Fri. 11th May at Tralee: Laune Rangers w/o; Dingle scr.


Final on Fri. 18th May at Killarney: Austin Stacks 1-6; Laune Rangers 1-4.

That game lived up to all the great battles that Laune Rangers had with Austin Stacks over the years. It was a fiercely-contested match, with no quarter asked or given. Playing against the wind in the first half, Stacks took an early lead, which they maintained until halftime.

After the break, they increased their lead to five points and were holding that advantage going into the last quarter. Then Laune Rangers staged a great rally and had the opposition backs under fierce pressure. During that period the Stacks’ goalkeeper brought off two first-class saves before Laune Rangers were awarded a penalty, which they scored. They added a further point from a free to narrow the gap to one point. However, Michael Hickey scored a point for Stacks to give them the victory. Best for the Rangers were Brian O Shea, Jim Johnston, Pierce Prendiville, John Sheehan and Patrick Freeman.

Ref: John Somers (Legion).

At the club meeting on 28th May, certain members voiced their disappointment at the behaviour of the minor team on entering the town, having lost the League Final. It was felt that those in charge of the team should convey the meeting’s feelings to the players concerned.


Mid-Kerry Minor Football Championship


Rd. 1 on Fri. 6th July at Keel: Keel lost to Laune Rangers.

Ref: Pat Twiss (Milltown/Castlemaine).


Final on Fri. 21st Sept. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Beaufort.

Laune Rangers: Ger Hurley, John Sheehan (Glencuttane), Brian O Shea, Maurice Corkery, Jim Johnston, John Hurley, Pierce Prendiville, Joe Shannon, Paudie Sheahan, Sean O Sullivan (Lonart), Paudie Healy, John Griffin, Finbarr Coffey, Seamus O Shea, Patrick Freeman. Subs: Pat Pigott, John Galvin, Michael O Reilly. Anthony Shannon and Stephen Russell were unable to play.

Ref: Michael O Sullivan (Glenbeigh).

Laune Rangers – Mid-Kerry Minor Football Champions 1979

Laune Rangers – Mid-Kerry Minor Football Champions 1979
Front: Jim Johnston, Finbarr Coffey, John Griffin, Sean O Sullivan, Ger Hurley, Anthony Shannon, Joe Shannon, Podge Freeman.
Back: Paudie Healy, John Hurley, Seamus O Shea, Pierce Prendiville, Stephen Russell, Patrick Pigott, Brian O Shea, John Galvin, Maurice Corkery, Michael O Reilly, Paudie Sheahan.

Minor Football Parish League


Rd. 1 on Sun. 11th March: Finbarr Coffey v Raymond Murphy.

Stephen Russell v Pat Pigott.


Mid-Kerry U-17 Championship


Sun. 13th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Glenbeigh.

Final on Sat. 26th May: Milltown/Castlemaine beat Laune Rangers by one point.

Mike Heffernan, with time almost up and Laune Rangers winning by two points, unleashed a thunderbolt shot from well out the field that went all the way to the net.


Co. U-16 Football Championship

Trainers – Liam Shannon and Bart Moriarty. Following a reorganisation of the Co. Bord na nOg competitions, there were six teams in Division 1, Austin Stacks, Dr. Crokes, Legion, Kerins O Rahillys, John Mitchels and Laune Rangers.


Rd. 1 on Wed. 11th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers v Austin Stacks.

Rd. 2 on Wed. 18th July at Tralee: John Mitchels beat Laune Rangers.

Rd. 3 on Wed. 25th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers v Dr. Crokes.

Rd. 4 on Wed. 8th Aug. at Tralee: Kerins O Rahillys v Laune Rangers.

The game was called off due to the atrocious weather conditions.

Rd. 5 on Wed. 15th Aug. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 3-3; Legion 3-8.

Rd. 4 on Wed. 22nd Aug. at Tralee: Kerins O Rahilly’s w/o; Laune Rangers scr.


Dr. Crokes won the title.


Mid-Kerry U-16 Championship


Final in May: Milltown/Castlemaine beat Laune Rangers by one point.


Having been beaten in the ‘A’ Championship, the team entered the ‘B’ Championship, which was played on a knockout basis.

Semi-final on Sun. 30th Sept. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Beaufort.

Final: Laune Rangers beat


U-16 Football Challenge Game


Mon. 9th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Kerins O Rahillys by 2 points.


Co. U-14 Football Championship

Trainers – Jerome Conway and Pa O Grady. There were six teams in Division 1, Austin Stacks, Kerins O Rahillys, John Mitchels, Dr. Crokes, Legion and Laune Rangers


Rd. 1 on Wed. 23rd May at Killarney: Legion 2-4; Laune Rangers 8-8. Ref: Jerome Conway.

Laune Rangers: Noel Doyle, James Clifford, Donal Hurley, Ciaran O Callaghan, Florence Leen, Michael Scannell, Fergal O Shea, Martin Clifford, Tomás Hayes, Gerard Murphy, Kevin O Grady, Terence O Shea, Joe Doyle, Christopher Foley, Dan Mangan.


Rd. 2 on Wed. 30th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers v Kerins O Rahillys.


Rd. 3 on Wed. 6th June at Killarney: Dr. Crokes 2-3; Laune Rangers 4-9.

Laune Rangers: James Clifford, Austin Stack, Donal Hurley, Ciaran O Callaghan, Florence Leen, Michael Scannell, Fergal O Shea, Tomás Hayes, Terence O Shea, Joe Doyle, Kevin O Grady, Gerard Murphy, Brian O Sullivan, Christopher Foley, Dan Mangan.

Ref: Jerome Conway.


Rd. 4 on Wed. 13th June at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat John Mitchels.

Rd. 5 on Wed. 20th June at Tralee: Austin Stacks v Laune Rangers.


Final on Wed. 4th July at Killarney: Laune Rangers 0-9; Austin Stacks 1-4.

There was great support for both sides. The only disappointing aspect was the state of the playing pitch, which was dangerous to play on.

Laune Rangers: Noel Doyle, Cornelius Naughton, Donal Hurley, Joe Mangan, Noel Foley, Michael Scannell, Florence Leen, Tomás Hayes, Martin Clifford, Gerard Murphy, Ciaran O Callaghan, Terence O Shea, Joe Doyle, Christopher Foley, Kevin O Grady. Sub: Fergal O Shea.

Ref: Weeshie Fogarty (Legion).


Mid-Kerry U-14 Football Championship

Laune Rangers entered two teams

At Keel: Laune Rangers ‘A’ 9-12; Keel 0-1. Ref: Jerome Conway.

In June: Milltown/Castlemaine beat Laune Rangers ‘B’ by 10 points.

Semi-finals at Milltown: Milltown/Castlemaine lost to Laune Rangers ‘A’.

Laune Rangers ‘B’ drew with Glenbeigh.

Ref: Jerome Conway.


Semi-final replay in July at Milltown: Glenbeigh beat Laune Rangers ‘B’.

The game should not have been played at that venue as the pitch was not marked out, the grass was much too high and flags were not available. The side-line was anybody’s guess.


Final at Milltown: Laune Rangers ‘A’ 3-4; Glenbeigh 1-4.

Laune Rangers ‘A’: Niall O Meara, James Clifford, Donal Hurley, Dan Mangan, Florence Leen, Michael Scannell, Pat McKenna (Lonart), Tomás Hayes, Martin Clifford, David Griffin, Kevin O Grady, Terence O Shea, Joe Doyle, Pa Clifford, Kieran O Keeffe.


U-14 Parish League


Sun. 28th Oct: Austin Stack v Dermot Griffin.

Gerard Murphy v Joe Mangan.


U-14 Challenge Games


Mon. 14th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘A’ beat Kerins O Rahillys ‘A’.

Laune Rangers ‘B’ beat Kerins O Rahillys ‘B’.

Mon. 21st May at Strand Rd: Kerins O Rahillys ‘A’ 3-7; Laune Rangers ‘A’ 3-5.

Kerins O Rahillys ‘B’ lost to Laune Rangers ‘B’ by one point.


Co. U-12 Football Championship

There were six teams in Div. 1, Austin Stacks, Kerins O Rahillys, John Mitchels, Dr. Crokes, Legion and Laune Rangers. The top two teams were in the final. Trainers – James Coffey and Maurice Harmon.


Rd. 1 on Mon. 9th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-4; Austin Stacks 7-12.

Rd.2 on Wed. 11th April at Tralee: John Mitchels 3-8; Laune Rangers 1-2.

The game was played in a downpour.

Rd. 3 on Wed. 18th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-2; Dr. Crokes 4-3.

Rd. 4 on Wed. 25th April at Tralee: Kerins O Rahillys beat Laune Rangers by six points.

Rd. 5 on Wed. 2nd May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers v Legion.


Austin Stacks won the title.


Mid-Kerry U-12 Championship

Laune Rangers entered two teams.


Mon. 10th June at Milltown: Milltown beat Laune Rangers ‘A’.

Sat. 29th Sept. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh defeated Laune Rangers.

Final in June at Killorglin: Milltown/Castlemaine 1-3; Glenbeigh 0-5. Ref: Jerome Conway.


Having been beaten in the U-12 ‘A’ Championship, Laune Rangers entered the U-12 ‘B’ Championship.

Final on Sun. 7th Oct. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 6-7; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 1-5.


U-12 Parish League


Thurs. 18th Oct: Robert Evans beat Shane O Sullivan.

Kieran O Keeffe beat Paul O Sullivan.

Paul Griffin beat Michael Carey.


Schools and Colleges Football


Laune Rangers’ National School League

There were three divisions and Scoil Mhuire won all three.

‘A’ Final – Joe Mangan’s team; ‘B’ Final – Noel Doyle’s team, ‘C’ Final – Florence Leen’s team.

Joe Mangan’s team: Gene Horgan, Michael Brosnan, Pat Brennan, Michael O Neill, Anthony O Sullivan, Kenneth O Sullivan, Brian Costello, Mark Freeman, Robert Evans, Paul Griffin, Sean Gamble, Sean Costello, Patrick Hannon.

Noel Doyle’s team: Patrick Clifford, James Galvin, Joe Kennedy, Dermot Clifford, Paul O Sullivan, Tony Foley, Michael Horgan, Joe Purcell, Alan Foley, Fergus O Meara, Barry Lynch, James Foley, Niall Morrison.

Florence Leane’s team: Joe O Shea, Cornelius Lucey, Shane O Sullivan, Noel Jones, Timothy Moroney, Sean O Connor, Tony Ahern, Anthony Clifford, Donal O Sullivan, William Joy, Mark O Connor, Michael Cronin, John Sheehan.


Kerry Vocational schools


U-16 final on Milltown in Dec: Killorglin V.S. 2-6; Tralee V.S. 3-3.

Tralee led by 1-3 to 0-1 at halftime. On the resumption, Killorglin attacked and Sean Costello pointed. A penalty-save by Michael O Reilly spurred them on and in the last two minutes they produced a dramatic rally, scoring a goal and a point. Responsible for the late scores was Michael O Reilly.


Kerry Colleges Football

Intermediate School won two county football titles – the Co. Cup and the Junior Colleges Championship.


 Munster/All-Ireland Minor Football Championship

 Selection Committee – Tom Prendergast (Trainer), Jerome Conway, Buddy O Grady, Eddie O Sullivan and Paddy Gallagher.

Trial game on Sat. 24th March at Tralee: South-Kerry/Mid-Kerry/Laune Rangers v North-Kerry:

South-Kerry/Mid-Kerry/Laune Rangers: Seamus Fitzgerald (St. Mary’s), Brian Ladden (Keel), Seamus Lynch (Valentia), Stephen Russell (Laune Rangers), Anthony Shannon (Laune Rangers), Dermot O Keeffe (Skellig Rangers), Pat Sheahan (Glenbeigh), John T. O Sullivan (Renard), Tony Curran (Valentia), Michael Donnelly (Derrynane), Michael O Sullivan (Beaufort), Raymond Murphy (Laune Rangers), Mike Carroll (Milltown), Seamus O Shea (Laune Rangers), Michael King (St. Michael’s). Subs: John Hurley (Laune Rangers), Joe Shannon (Laune Rangers), Maurice O Dwyer (Keel), Martin Foley (Keel), Edward O Neill (Renard). Tommy Hayes and Gerard Teahan (Milltown) did not travel.

North-Kerry: Ger Hurley (Laune Rangers), Gene O Sullivan (St. Senan’s), Tommy Sheehy (Ballylongford), Anthony Doyle (Ballydonoghue), John Keane (Listowel), Heamus Beaton (Moyvane), John Bambury (Ballydonoghue), Tom Dee (Ballylongford), John Favier (Ballydonoghue), Liam Lynch (Beale), Pat O Connell (St. Senan’s), Pa Foley (Tarbert), Danny Holly (Ballydonoghue), K. Lucey (Listowel), Willie O Connor (Desmonds).


Trial game at Listry (The Kerry Voc. School players were exempted):

South-Kerry/Mid-Kerry/Laune Rangers v East-Kerry/Kenmare.

South-Kerry/Mid-Kerry/Laune Rangers: Seamus Fitzgerald, Brian Ladden, Seamus Lynch, Joe Shannon, Dermot O Keeffe, Edward O Neill, Pat Sheahan, John T. O Sullivan, D. O Sullivan (St. Mary’s), Michael Donnelly, Tony Curran, Denis Coffey (Foilmore), Michael King, Raymond Murphy, Seamus O Shea. Sub: Tommy Hayes (Milltown).

East-Kerry/Kenmare: Niall Flynn (Firies), James Cahill (Spa), John Spillane (Templenoe), Sean Brosnan (Legion), Flor Cronin (Kenmare), Danny Myers (Fossa), Kerry O Sullivan (Currow), Pat O Brien (Listry), Tommy O Sullivan (Kenmare), Donal O Shea (Templenoe), Denis O Sullivan (Tuosist), John O Rourke (Cordal), Eugene McCarthy (Tuosist), Pat McCarthy (Kilcummin), Freddie Casey (Scartaglin).


Trial game at Tralee: South/Mid/East/Laune Rangers/Kenmare v North/West/Tralee.

South/Mid/East/Laune Rangers/Kenmare: Niall Cronin (Rathmore), Brian Ladden, Pat O Brien, Dermot O Keeffe, Anthony Shannon, Tommy O Sullivan, Pat Sheahan, John T. O Sullivan, John O Sullivan (Waterville), Donal O Shea, Denis O Sullivan, Tony Curran, Freddie Casey, Tommy Spillane (Templenoe), John O Rourke. Subs: Michael Donnelly, Danny Myers, Willie O Connor. Seamus Egan (Sneem) did not travel.

West/North/Tralee: Michael Daly (Kerins O Rahillys), Pa Walsh (do.), Tommy Sheehy, John Bambury, Davy Keane (K.O Rahillys), Seamus Beaton, Mikey Counihan (Austin Stacks), Tom Dee, John Favier, Tom McCarthy (Annascaul), Liam Kerins (Austin Stacks), Denis Kennelly (St. Senan’s), Danny Holly, E. O Sullivan (Churchill), Colm Bambury (Dingle). Subs: John Keane, Denis Cronin (K. O Rahillys), Tommy Carroll (Austin Stacks), Dave Charles (do.), Pa Foley.


Challenge game on Sun. 15th April at Tralee: Kerry v Wicklow.

Kerry: Niall Flynn, Pa Walshe, Tommy Sheehy, Brian Ladden, Davy Keane, Seamus Beaton, Anthony Shannon, Danny Myers, Mikey Counihan, Pa Foley, Ed O Brien (Austin Stacks), Denis Kennelly, Liam Kerins, E. O Sullivan, Colm Bambury. Subs: Pat Sheahan, John T. O Sullivan, Tom Dee, Tommy O Sullivan, Denis O Sullivan, Seamus Fitzgerald.


Trial game on Tues. 17th April at Tralee: Probables v Possibles.

Probables: Niall Flynn, Pa Walshe, Tommy Sheehy, Brian Ladden, Davy Keane, Seamus Beaton, Anthony Shannon, Danny Myers, Mikey Counihan, Pa Foley, Ed O Brien, Denis Kennelly, Liam Kerins, E. O Sullivan, Colm Bambury.

Possibles: Seamus Fitzgerald, John Spillane, Tommy O Sullivan, Mike O Halloran (K. O Rahillys), Noel Kelliher (John Mitchels), James O Sullivan (Dingle), Pat Sheahan, John T. O Sullivan, Tom Dee, Greg O Donnell (K. O Rahilly’s), Denis O Sullivan, Tony Curran, John Chute, E. O Sullivan, Willie O Connor. Subs: Michael Hickey (Austin Stacks), Pa O Donoghue (Dr. Crokes), Pat O Brien, James Cahill.


Trial game on Sun. 29th April at Tralee: Kerry v North/West/Tralee.

Kerry: Niall Flynn, John Keane, Pat O Brien, Brian Ladden, Davy Keane, John T. O Sullivan, Anthony Shannon, Tommy Spillane, Colm Bambury, Noel Kelliher, Seamus Egan, Denis Kennelly, Pa Foley, Ambrose O Donovan (Gneeveguilla), Tom Dee. Subs: Pat Sheahan, James Cahill. John Chute, who had been selected at corner-forward, went playing soccer instead.

North/West/ Tralee: Michael Daly, Seamus Beaton, Seamus Begley (Gaeltacht), James Cahill, Mikey Counihan, Tommy Sheehy, Mike O Halloran, John Favier, Joe Myers (John Mitchels), Declan Falvey (St. Senan’s), Tommy O Sullivan, Greg O Donnell, Willie O Connor, James Higgins (John Mitchels), Pa Foley. Subs: Danny Holly, T. Griffin (Beale). Tommy Curtin sent word that he was not interested. Liam Kerins was sick.


Final trial on Sun. 6th May at Killarney: ‘A’ v ‘B’.

‘A’: Niall Flynn, John Keane, Seamus Begley, Mike O Halloran, Davy Keane, Pat O Brien, Anthony Shannon, Tommy Spillane, Tom Dee, Liam Kerins, Seamus Egan, Joe Shannon, Pa Foley, Ambrose O Donovan, Willie O Connor. Subs: Seamus Beaton, Mikey Counihan, John Spillane, Seamus Fitzgerald. Tommy Sheehy was injured. Denis Kennelly inexplicably did not show.

‘B’: Niall Cronin, John O Rourke, Pat Griffin (St. Mary’s), James Cahill, Paddy Dee (Beale), John T. O Sullivan, Tommy O Sullivan, Pat Sheahan, Brian Looney, Donal O Shea, Edward O Neill, Pat McCarthy, John O Sullivan (Valentia), John Murphy (Gneeveguilla), Freddie Casey. Subs: John O Sullivan (Waterville), Michael O Connor (Kilcummin). Neither Danny Myers, Flor Cronin nor Tommy Woods (Milltown) made an appearance.


Challenge in Ennis: Kerry v Mayo.

Kerry: Niall Flynn, John Keane, Seamus Begley, Brian Ladden, Davy Keane, Pat O Brien, Anthony Shannon, John T. O Sullivan, Colm Bambury, Tom Dee, Seamus Egan, Denis Kennelly, Willie O Connor, Ambrose O Donovan, Pa Foley. Subs: Liam Kerins, Joe Shannon, Tommy Sheehy, Pat Sheahan, James O Doherty (Ballylongford), Denis O Connor (Desmonds).


Semi-final on Sun. 1st July at Milltown/Malbay: Clare 0-7; Kerry 1-11.

Kerry: Niall Flynn (Firies), John Keane (Listowel), Pat O Brien (Listry), Pat Sheahan (Glenbeigh), Davy Keane (Kerins O Rahillys), Colm Bambury (Dingle), Anthony Shannon (Laune Rangers), Tom Spillane (Templenoe) 0-1, Tom Dee (Ballylongford) 0-2, John Chute (Listowel) 0-1, Seamus Egan (Sneem) 0-1, Denis Kennelly (St. Senan’s) 0-2, Willie O Connor (Desmonds) 0-3, Ambrose O Donovan (Gneeveguilla), Pa Foley (Tarbert). Subs: John T. O Sullivan (Renard) 0-1 for Seamus Egan, Ed. O Brien (Austin Stacks) 1-0 for P. Foley, Brian Ladden (Keel), Maurice Cronin (Spa), Joe Shannon (Laune Rangers), Liam Kerins (Austin Stack’s), Mike O Halloran (Kerins O Rahillys), Tommy O Sullivan (Kenmare).

Ref: Pat Lane (Limerick).


Final on Sun. 22nd July at Killarney: Kerry 3-6; Cork 2-9.

Kerry: Niall Flynn, John Keane, Pat O Brien, Pat Sheahan, Davy Keane, Colm Bambury, Anthony Shannon, Tom Spillane, Ambrose O Donovan, John Chute (capt.), Liam Kerins, Denis Kennelly, Willie O Connor, Ed O Brien, Tom Dee. Subs: Brian Ladden for C. Bambury, Greg O Donnell (Kerins O Rahillys) for E. O Brien, Mike O Halloran, John T. O Sullivan, Joe Shannon, Maurice Cronin, Brian Looney (Dr. Crokes), Ed O Neill (Renard), Tommy O Sullivan, Pa Foley, Seamus Egan.

Ref: George Ryan (Tipperary).


Replay on Fri. 27th July at Páirc Uí Chaoimh: Kerry 1-11; Cork 1-5.

Kerry: Niall Flynn, John Keane, Brian Ladden, Colm Bambury, Davy Keane, Pat Sheahan, Anthony Shannon, Ambrose O Donovan (0-1), Ed. O Brien, John Chute (capt.) 1-0, Liam Kerins, Denis Kennelly (0-4), Tom Dee, Tom Spillane (0-2), Ed O Neill. Subs: Willie O Connor (0-2) for E. O Brien, Greg O Donnell (0-2) for E. O Neill, Pat O Brien, Mike O Halloran, Joe Shannon, Maurice Cronin, Brian Looney, John T. O Sullivan, Pa Foley, Tommy O Sullivan.


All-Ireland Semi-final on Sun. 12th Aug. at Croke Park: Kerry 1-15; Down 0-8.

Anthony Shannon was part of a sterling halfback line and he also managed to get his name on a point in the second half.

Kerry: Niall Cronin, John Keane, Brian Ladden, Colm Bambury, Davy Keane, Pat Sheahan, Anthony Shannon (0-1), Ambrose O Donovan (0-2), Tom Dee, John Chute (0-1), Liam Kerins (0-1), Denis Kennelly (0-3, 1 free), Willie O Connor (0-3, 1 free), Tom Spilllane (0-2), Greg O Donnell (1-2). Subs: Pat O Brien, Ed O Neill, Ed. O Brien, Mike O Halloran, Joe Shannon, Niall Flynn, Brian Looney, John T. O Sullivan, Pa Foley, Tommy O Sullivan.


Final on Sun. 16th Sept. at Croke Park: Dublin 0-10; Kerry 1-6.

Anthony Shannon played very astutely throughout and, in the 15th minute, he blasted a penalty to the back of the net.

Kerry: Niall Cronin, John Keane, Brian Ladden, Colm Bambury, Davy Keane, Pat Sheahan, Anthony Shannon (1-0, pen.), Ambrose O Donovan, Tom Dee, John Chute, Liam Kerins, Denis Kennelly (0-3), Willie O Connor, Tom Spillane (0-1), Greg O Donnell (0-2). Subs: Mike O Halloran, Brian Looney, Pa Foley, John T. O Sullivan, Pat O Brien, Niall Flynn, Joe Shannon, Ed O Brien, Ed O Neill, Tommy O Sullivan.

Dublin: John O Leary, J. Grace, Vincent Conroy, S. Wade, Colm Eustace, Conor Finnegan, Derek Murphy, Bernard Kavanagh, Pat Boylan, B. Jordan, M. Loftus, Ciarán Duff, Dermot Murphy, Barney Rock, K. Barry. Subs: Thomas Kelly for J. Crane, P. McCabe for Dermot Murphy.

Ref: P.J. McGrath (Mayo).

Jerome Conway – Co. Minor Football Selector 1979 in Croke Park

Jerome Conway – Co. Minor Football Selector 1979 in Croke Park

Munster U-21Football Championship

On Sat. 10th March James O Shea, Michael F. O Shea and James Sheehan were called to an U-21 trial in Tralee. James O Shea and James Sheehan were called for a trial on Sat. 17th March in Tralee.


Rd. 1 on Wed. 18th April at Páirc Uí Chaoimh: Cork beat Kerry.

Kerry was going for its fifth title in a row.

Kerry: John Kennelly (Emmett’s), Mikey Keane (Kerins O Rahillys), Noel O Sullivan (do.), Gabriel Casey (Lispole), Ger Lynch (Valentia), Ger O Driscoll (do.), Eamonn Walsh (Knocknagoshel), Tom Sayers (Annascaul), Frank O Donoghue (Renard), Diarmuid O Donoghue (Legion), Ambrose O Donovan (Gneeveguilla), John L. McElligott (Austin Stacks), Robert Bunyan (Ballydonoghue), Seanie O Leary (Gneeveguilla), Brian O Sullivan (Austin Stacks). Subs: Paudie Landers (St. Mary’s), Tom O Shea (Dr. Crokes), N. Curran, G. Sullivan, Joe Murphy (Currow), P. O Callaghan, James Long (Keel), James O Shea (Laune Rangers), Johnny O Donoghue (Dr. Crokes), Tom Lynch (Desmonds).


Co. Senior Hurling League (Div. 2)


Rd. 1 on Sun. 25th June at Killorglin: Killorglin lost to Causeway ‘B’.

Rd. 2 on Fri. 11th May at Killarney: Kilgarvan beat Killorglin.

Rd. 3 on Fri. 18th May at Tralee: Ladies Walk 5-4; Killorglin 2-3.

Rd. 4 on Fri. 25th May at Kenmare: Kenmare 4-7; Killorglin 1-0.


Co. Intermediate Hurling Championship


Rd. 1 on Fri. 22nd June at Killorglin: Killorglin w/o; Killahan scr.

Semi-final on Sun. 11th Nov. at Killorglin: Killorglin scr; St. Brendan’s w/o.


Senior Hurling Parish League (7 a side)

There were four teams, Jim Doona, Michael McSweeney, Johnny O Shea and Kieran Delaney.

Some results:

Jim Doona 5-2; Michael McSweeney 4-2.

Johnny O Shea 2-5; Jim Doona 2-1.

Michael McSweeney 3-2; Kieran Delaney 3-2.

Johnny O Shea 6-11; Michael McSweeney 0-4.

Jim Doona beat Kieran Delaney.




Paddy McFlynn (An Dún) was elected as Uachtarán CLG.

At Annual Congress in Coláiste Mhuire, Dublin, it was decided that the All-Ireland Football final would be played on the third Sunday of Sept. Liam Mulvihill was appointed as Ard Stiúrthóir to replace Sean Ó Síocháin, who had retired after 15 years in office. James Coffey was a Kerry delegate.


Mick Frawley (Tiobrad Árainn) was Chairman of the Munster Council, Donie Nealon (Tiobrad Árainn) was secretary and Tadhg Crowley (Ciarraí) was Treasurer. James Coffey was a Kerry delegate to the Munster Council Convention in the Ryan Hotel, Limerick.


Kerry Co. Convention was held on Sun. 28th Jan. in the Pavilion, Austin Stack Park, Tralee. The following officers were elected: President – John Joe Sheehy; Chairman – Frank King 124 votes (elected), Joe Keohane 64; Vice-Chairman – Gerald White 96 (elected), Brendan Walsh 91, Liam Sayers 27, John Bambury 23; Secretary – Andy Molyneaux; Joint Treasurers – Murt Galvin and James Coffey; PRO – Tim Linehan; Youth Officer – Liam Sayers; Oifigeach na Gaeilge – Seamus Mac Gearailt; Delegates to Munster Council – Dave Geaney and Michael O Connor; Delegate to Central Council – Gerald McKenna.

Senior Selection Committee – Mick O Dwyer (118), Pat O Shea (116), Liam Higgins (111), Joe Keohane (105), Bernie O Callaghan (91) all elected, Donie Sheehan (59).

Minor Selection Committee – Tom Prendergast (94), Jerome Conway (76), Buddy O Grady (75), Eddie O Sullivan (75), Paddy Gallagher (60) all elected, Paddy Kennedy (53), P.J. McIntyre (52), Johnny Flaherty (49), Robert Barry (40), Mick Galwey (36).

Laune Rangers had 2 motions on the ‘clár’: (1) ‘That Kerry refuse to play if involved in All-Ireland 1979 unless they get at least 5,000 tickets’. (Referred to Annual Congress). (2) ‘That the responsibility for organising the minor competitions within the county and the preparation of the minor team for the Munster/All-Ireland Championships be given to Bord na nOg.’ Jerome Conway, in moving the motion, pointed out that the Secretary had stated in his report that there had not been as much interest in the minors as there should have been. If Bord na nOg had responsibility for the minors, they would be a top priority. Denis McCarthy, Kenmare, in seconding the motion, said that the people who knew of the minors on the scene were those who had been dealing with them at U-12, U-14 and U-16 levels. Control of the minors would rest more easily with Bord na nOg, he said. Gerald McKenna, making the main argument against the motion, said that under general rule it was the responsibility of the Co. Board to put out a minor team in the Munster/All-Ireland Championships and it could not abrogate that responsibility. The motion was defeated.


Bart Moriarty was appointed as Rúnaí of the Co. Referees’ Committee with Weeshie Fogarty was Chairman. Expenses to referees were paid at the rate of 10p per mile.


The AGM of Bord na nOg Chiarraí was held in the Pavilion, Austin Stack Park on Mon. 15th Jan. The following officers were elected: Chairman – Willie Griffin (Ardfert), Vice-Chairman – Donie O Sullivan (Spa), Secretary – Tom O Connor (Lixnaw), Treasurers – Bernie O Connor (Legion), Hon. Auditor – Jerome Conway (Laune Rangers), PRO – Sean Ó Dúbhda (Castlegregory).

Pat O Shea, Laune Rangers, appealed very strongly for support for the motion from his club to run all championship competitions in exactly the same manner as the Co. Senior Championship. He was supported by Junior Murphy (St. Mary’s) and Paddy Gallagher (Valentia). Joe Linnane (Ballydonoghue), Jackie Looney (Dr. Crokes), Joe O Sullivan (Dingle), Ger Kavanagh (Ardfert), Sean O Connor (Spa) and Ned Myers (Fossa) spoke against the motion and it was defeated.


At the end of March, a very useful meeting between the officers of the Kerry and Cork Bord na nOg committees was held in the Castle Heights Hotel, Killarney. Kerry was represented by Willie Griffin, Donie O Sullivan, Tom O Connor, Jerome Conway, Sean O Dubhda and Ned Myers. Cork’s representatives were Sean Cooney (Mallow), A. Kennelly (Kanturk), Willie Ryan (Aghada) and Peadar Seymour (Carrigtwohill).


The AGM of the Mid-Kerry Board was held in the CYMS Hall, Killorglin, on Mon. 22nd Jan. 1979. (The Secretary’s report was given at the end of 1978). The Treasurers’, Mossie Harmon, Report showed a credit balance of £1,433.23. The Chairman, James Coffey, in the course of his address, said that since he had first become associated as an officer with the Mid-Kerry Board in 1953, he had seen many changes and, like a lot more, lived with the ups and downs of clubs. There had been good times and lean times but they had always survived. However, of late they were being harassed by people with no loyalty. ‘In too many cases we accept them and even elect them on our club committees,’ he said. ‘Speaking from experience, I can say that I fear for the future. Our club membership and field committees must be confined to those who will give their full allegiance to the association and to nothing and nobody else. We can no longer afford to be dictated to by people who have not our Association at heart. Let us run our own affairs and ignore the unjust and unfair tactics and criticism from those jealous of us, be they from the press, radio and television or from other sporting organisations.’

He said that he was not satisfied with the standard of refereeing in the county. He felt sore that sub-standard referees were given charge of important finals, such as novice and intermediate, as well as the divisional play-offs and finals. Those were all as important as the county finals and should be treated in that way. The teams in Mid-Kerry were complaining and they had good reason to do so.

He asked the Convention to give the officers the power to set up a committee to examine all the bye-laws of the Board. A report should be drawn up with a view to streamlining the entire running of the Board. He pleaded with clubs to look after their minor players, saying that he was not satisfied with the standard. ‘I have a feeling that when players reach seventeen or eighteen years of age, they are either burnt out or have lost their appetite for the game because of too much competition at U-12 and U-14 level,’ he said. He believed that all games should be played off before the end of October. The game was unattractive as it was but it was madness to hope for good attendances during the winter months.

He paid a glowing tribute to Mid-Kerry trainer, Jack McGrath, saying that no praise could be too high for him. He had put a tremendous amount into the preparation of the senior team for the Co. Championship and it had been a great pity that his endeavours had not been crowned with success. If Mid-Kerry had won the Co. Championship, it would have been a victory for the old-fashioned game, as they were probably the only team in the championship that did not play the basketball game.

He said that the following Sunday’s County Convention would have been electing a new Chairman and it was only proper to pay tribute to Gerald McKenna, who had been a good friend to Mid-Kerry and to the clubs in the area. He wished Mr. McKenna every success in his new post as Central Council Delegate.

Concluding, he paid tribute to Pat Clifford for his untiring and unselfish work for the Board. If he had quit as Secretary, his loss would have been tremendous. He hoped that he could be persuaded to stay on.

The following officers were elected: President – Paddy Foley (Laune Rangers), Chairman – James Coffey (Laune Rangers), Vice-Chairman – Jim Foley (Keel), Secretary – Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine), Treasurer – Mossie Harmon (Milltown/Castlemaine), PRO – James Coffey, Delegate to Co. Board – Pat Clifford.

The Secretary, Pat Clifford, who had said in his report that he was not seeking re-election, said that he would stay on as Secretary until the first meeting of the Board. It was decided to set up a committee of the Board’s officers and one delegate from each club to review the bye-laws. The Convention then concluded.


The AGM of Mid-Kerry Bord na nOg was held in Killorglin at the beginning of February. The Secretary, Pat O Shea, in the course of his report, said, ‘The poor attendance at the Convention is a reflection of the interest by some of the clubs in the area.’ The outgoing officers were returned as follows: Chairman – Pat Ladden (Keel), Vice-Chairman – Michael Shanahan (Milltown/Castlemaine), Hon. Secretary – Pat O Shea (Laune Rangers), PRO – Jerome Conway (Laune Rangers).


The minutes of six Mid-Kerry Board meetings are available, mostly of a fixture-making nature. However, the following decisions were, also, made:

Feb. 6th – the following bye-laws were adopted, following a review of all existing bye-laws by a special sub-committee:

  1. League and first round Championship games may be played on week evenings if necessary.
  2. The Senior League will commence on the first available Sunday in February.
  3. The Board will play its League and Winter Cup games on all available Sundays, even if teams have to line out without their county players. Senior Championship knockout games and League Finals are excluded from that.
  4. The Board has the power to appoint a referee, where two teams disagree.
  5. The trainer of the Mid-Kerry team will act as Chairman of the selection committee. He may only vote in the event of a tie. The trainer will decide on two selectors to assist him during a game.
  6. The Minor Championship will be run on the same lines as the Senior Championship.
  7. The Senior Championship winners will not be allowed to partake in the O Sullivan Cup, which will be run on a knockout basis.
  8. It is recommended that the Senior Championship first rounds and losers’ round will be played in May and the semi-finals/final will be played in July.

The admission fee to all league games was 50p.


The minutes of 29 Laune Rangers Club meetings are available. The sub-committee system, which had served the club so well over the past years, still prevailed.

Social Sub-Committee (Joe Crowley):

It was decided that a minimum of seven stewards were needed at each dance, 2 for the office, 2 for the hall, 1 for the door, 2 for the queue outside the hall.

Fri. 5th Jan. – Gina, Dale Haze and the Champions.

Fri. 19th Jan. – Sandy Dusky and the Fairways (£400 + £20 VAT). Takings – £445. Stewards – Bart Moriarty, Jim Galvin, Dan Carey, Johnny O Connor, Jim Casey, Michael Foley, Liam Shannon and John A. O Brien.

Fri. 26th Jan. – Tony Kenny Band (£350). Takings – £445.

Fri. 2nd Feb. – D.J. and the Kerry Blues.

Fri. 9th Feb. – The Swarbriggs (£400). Stewards – Group A (Pat O Shea, Michael O Shea, Liam Shannon, Noel O Mahony, Harry Carey, Michael F. O Shea, Gerard O Shea).

Fri. 16th Feb. – Tommy Drennan. Stewards – Group D (Jerome Conway, James Coffey, Bart Moriarty, Pat Lynch, Con Griffin, Pat Clifford, John Clifford).

Fri. 23rd Feb. – The Starband (£400). Takings – £553. Stewards –Group C (Pat O Grady, Eamonn Crowley, Jim Galvin, Jim Casey, Michael Foley, Pat Foley, Thomas Evans and Declan Crowley).

Fri. 2nd March – Glenn Curtin (£450). Takings £435. Stewards – Group B (John Foley, Patsy Joy, Dan Carey, James O Riordan, Mícheal O Callaghan, Jack Reen, Peter Lyons, James O Shea, Pa Foley).

Fri. 9th March – Joe Mac and Stage Two (50/50). Stewards – Group A (Caragh Lake).

Fri. 16th March – D.J. and the Kerry Blues. Group D (Over Laune).

Fri. 23rd March – Red Hurley. Stewards – C (Lower Town).

Fri. 30th March – Margo. Stewards – Group B (Upper Town).

Fri. 6th April – The Apaches. Stewards – Group A (Caragh Lake).

Tues. 10th April – D.J. and the Kerry Blues, in aid of the Gary Scollard Fund. Net profit – £200 and Pat O Shea received a donation of £25 from William Kennedy.

Fri. 20th April – Sandie Jones and the Galaxy Band. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 27th April – Tony Kenny Band. Stewards – Group C (Lower Town).

Fri. 4th May – Brendan Shine. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 11th May – Reform. Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 18th May – Chips. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 25th May – Kenny Ryder Superband. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 1st June – Sandy Dusky and the Fairways. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 8th June – Sandie Jones. Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 15th June – The Johnny Logan Band. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 22nd June – D.J. and the Kerry Blues. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 29th June – The Swarbriggs. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 6th July – Paddy Cole Superstars. Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 13th July – Chips. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 20th July – The Apaches. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 27th July – Lucky Numbers. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 3rd Aug. – Magic. Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 10th Aug. – Reform. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 17th Aug. – Cahir O Doherty. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 24th Aug. – Starband. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 31st Aug. – The Nevada. Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 7th Sept. – Sandy Jones. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 14th Sept. – Red Hurley. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 21st Sept. – Brendan Shine. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 28th Sept. – D.J. and the Kerry Blues (All-Ireland Victory Dance). Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 5th Oct. – Magic. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 12th Oct. – The Mixtures. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 19th Oct. – Paddy Cole Superstars. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 26th Oct. – Samba and the Philosophers. Stewards – Caragh Lake

Fri. 2nd Nov. – The Apaches. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 9th Nov. – The Conquerors. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 16th Nov. – Sandy Jones. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 23rd Nov. – The Times. Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 30th Nov. The Champions. Stewards – Over Laune.

Fri. 7th Dec. – Red Hurley. Stewards – Lower Town.

Fri. 14th Dec. – The Nevada. Stewards – Upper Town.

Fri. 21st Dec. – Chips. Stewards – Caragh Lake.

Fri. 28th Dec. – The Apaches. Stewards – Over Laune.


Field Sub-Committee (Jim Casey)

The new scoreboard, based on a digital system but operated manually, made by Donie Griffin, was first used on Sun. 11th Feb. It was on top of the toilets at the road-end of the field. A cheque for £150, as sponsorship, was received from Beamish and Crawford towards the cost of the scoreboard.

At the meeting on 23rd July, the Chairman of the Co. Board, through the club Chairman, congratulated the Laune Rangers Club on the terrific condition of the J.P. O Sullivan Park for the Co. Senior Championship game, Austin Stacks 2-11; Mid-Kerry 1-6. He advised that an approach should be made to Kerry Co. Council with regard to parking.

8th Oct. A grant of £1,800 was received towards the development in the field (Munster Council £300, Central Council £1,500).


Bord na nOg Sub-Committee (Pat O Shea).

Finance Sub-Committee – James Coffey, John Foley, Eamonn Crowley, Pat O Grady, Pat O Shea, Paddy Crowley and Joe Crowley.


The following decisions were also made at Laune Rangers Club meetings:

C.E.C. meeting on 22nd Jan. – It was decided to support Frank King as Chairman of the Kerry Co. Board.

C.E.C. meeting on 29th Jan. – James Coffey, Pat O Shea and Paddy Crowley were nominated as trustees of the J.P. O Sullivan Park.

C.E.C. meeting on 5th March – The following were covered by the club’s insurance policies: 1. Dances, 2. Premises in J.P. O Sullivan Park, 3. Playing of games in the Vocational School Field.

Club meeting on 26th March – The Secretary was instructed to write to Kevin Moran expressing apologies for the non-appearance of Laune Rangers team at the Derrynane 7-aside.

2nd April – permission was given to the Milltown/Castlemaine Club to play its Co. League game versus Kilcummin in the J.P. O Sullivan Park.

A general meeting was held on 7th May in order to get help for the training of the various juvenile teams in the club.

10th Sept. – The distribution of All-Ireland Football final tickets. The tickets were allocated as follows: President (Paddy Foley) – Lower Cusack, Vice-Chairma (Paudie Foley) – Lower Cusack, Secretary (Pat O Grady) Lower Hogan, Treasurers (John Foley) – Upper Hogan, (Eamonn Crowley) – Lower Cusack, Dan Carey – Lower Cusack, Jim Casey – Lower Cusack, Michael Foley – Lower Cusack, James O Shea – Nally Stand, Michael Healy – Nally Stand.

8th Oct. – The meeting gave Joseph Crowley permission to spend £1,000 on lighting for the dances.

12th Nov. – Jerome Conway was congratulated on his appointment to the Inter-county Referees Panel. The date for the AGM was set for Sun. 23rd Dec. The following regulations pertained to nominations and motions:

(i)              All nomination forms had to be signed, in order to ensure that a non-member did not submit a nomination.

(ii)            All motions had to be signed, in order to ensure that a non-member did not submit a motion.

(iii)           All nominations and motions had to be submitted to the Secretary on or before 4th Dec.

(iv)           Anyone nominated for a position as officers or selector would be written to by the Secretary, in order to confirm his/her willingness to stand for the position for which he/she was nominated.


The following attended club meetings during 1979: Bart Moriarty (29), Dan Carey (29), Pa O Grady (27), James Coffey (23), Jerome Conway (22), Michael Foley (22), Pat O Shea (21), Joe Crowley (21), Jim Casey 919), Eamonn Crowley (18), John Foley (17), Paudie Foley (15), Noel O Mahony (15), Jim Galvin (14), Thomas Evans (12), Maurice Harmon (11), Paddy Crowley (11), Billy Dodd (11), Liam Shannon (10), Mícheál O Callaghan (5), Barry Harmon (2), Jerry Coffey (2), Pat Finnegan (1), Patsy Joy (1), Pa Foley (1), Johnny Byrnes(1), Mike O Shea (1), Owen Mangan (1), Pat Clifford (1), Con Griffin (1).


The AGM of Killorglin Hurling Club took place at the end of Jan. and there was a fine attendance. The following officers were elected: President – James Coffey, Chairman – Pat Lynch, Vice-Chairman – John Fitzpatrick, Hon. Secretary – Michael O Sullivan (Knockavota), Hon. Treasurer – Stephen O Mullane. Senior Selection Committee – Ben Murphy (Trainer), Christy Kennedy. Juvenile officers – Pat Lynch, John Fitzpatrick and Christy Kennedy.

At a well-attended meeting in the CYMS Hall at the end of March, it was decided to withdraw from the 1979 North-Kerry Hurling League in the hope that a South-Kerry League would commence.


The finals of Mid-Kerry Senior Scór were held in the CYMS Hall, Killorglin on Tues. 23rd January. The winners were as follows:

Solo Singing – Anthony Shannon,

Instrumental Music – Liam and Fergus Foley,

Recitation – William O Shea (Keel),

Ballad Group – Laune Rangers (Eamonn Crowley, Liam Shannon, Jerome Conway and Anthony Shannon),

Set Dancing – Keel,

Question-time – Laune Rangers (Eamonn Crowley, Pat Lynch and Sean O Reilly). The winners went forward to the Co. Semi-finals in the Ringside Rest, Cahersiveen. The Ballad Group qualified for the Co. Finals, which were held in the Town Hall, Killarney on Thurs. 7th Feb. (1980).


Noel O Mahony refereed the following games, amongst others, for the Kerry Co. Board:

MFL on Fri. 6th April at Milltown: Keel/Milltown beat Valentia.

MFL on Fri. 13th April at Beaufort: Beaufort/Glenbeigh beat Keel/Milltown.

IFC on Sat. 28th April at Kenmare: Kenmare lost to Glenbeigh.

SFL Div. 2 on Sun. 29th April at Keel: Keel lost to St. Mary’s.


Bart Moriarty refereed the following games, amongst others, for the Kerry Co. Board:

SFL Div. 3A on Sun. 4th March at Listry: Listry 1-9; Firies 1-4.

IFC on Sat. 28th April at Keel: Keel 0-3; Beaufort 0-15.

Kerryman Shield on Sun. 13th May at Cahersiveen: Iveragh beat Killarney.

SFL Div. 1 on Sat. 26th May at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh beat Rathmore.

SFC on Sun. 24th June at Waterville: Southern Gaels 1-8; John Mitchels 1-8.

U-21 Championship on Tues. 26th June at Dingle: West-Kerry beat Kenmare.

SFC (replay) on Sat. 30th June at Tralee: John Mitchels 2-7; Southern Gaels 4-8.

U-21 Semi-final on Tues. 31st July at Listry: West-Kerry drew with Austin Stacks.

Club Championship on Fri. 3rd Aug. at Cahersiveen: St. Mary’s 3-13; Kilcummin 1-5.

SFL Div. 2 on Sun. 6th Aug. at Cahersiveen: St. Mary’s 1-10; Ballylongford 1-10.

SFL Div. 2 Semi-final on Sun. 18th Nov. at Cahersiveen: St. Mary’s beat Beale.

SFL Div. 2 Final on Sun. 2nd Dec. at Tralee: St. Mary’s 1-10; Lispole 1-4.


Bart Moriarty refereed the following, amongst others, for the Mid-Kerry Board:

Senior League on Sun. 11th Feb. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh v Keel A.

Senior League on Sun. 18th Feb. at Keel: Keel A v Keel B.

SFL on Sun. 25th Feb. at Milltown: Milltown/Castlemaine v Keel B.

Senior League at Milltown: Milltown/Castlemaine 0-5; Glenbeigh 2-9.

Minor Championship on Fri. 6th July at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh v Beaufort.


Jerome Conway refereed the following, amongst others, for the Kerry Co. Board:

NFC on Sat. 28th April at Killorglin: Mill/Castlemaine beat Derrynane.

MFL Div. E Final on Fri. 4th May at Killorglin: Keel/Milltown beat Beaufort/Glenbeigh.

Kerryman Shield Semi-final on Mon. 4th June at Cahersiveen: Iveragh beat Kenmare.

IFC Quarter-final on Sat. 7th July at Dingle: Dingle 1-8; Gneeveguilla 0-9.

U-21 Championship on Tues. 10th July at Killorglin: Mid-Kerry 5-13; St. Brendan’s 1-1.

SFL Div. 1 on Sat. 21st July at Beaufort: Beaufort beat Austin Stacks.

SFC on Sun. 29th July at Cahersiveen: Iveragh 0-6; Castleisland 5-13.

Club Championship Semi-final on Sun. 19th Aug. at Killorglin: Valentia 1-12; Gneeveguilla 2-5.

IFC Quarter-final on Sat. 18th Aug. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 2-10; Dr. Crokes 1-6.

SFC Semi-final on Sun. 26th Aug. at Tralee: Castleisland 2-5; Shannon Rangers 0-10.

SFC Final on Sun. 23rd Sept. at Tralee: Austin Stacks 1-11; Castleisland 0-9.

Jerome Conway – Co. Senior Football Final Referee 1979

Jerome Conway – Co. Senior Football Final Referee 1979

Jerome Conway refereed the following, amongst others, for the Mid-Kerry Board:

Senior League at Keel: Keel A v Beaufort.

SFC on Sun. 1st April at Killorglin: Milltown/Castlemaine beat Glenbeigh.

NFC on Tues. 15th May at Beaufort: Beaufort beat Milltown/Castlemaine.

Senior Championship Semi-final on Sun. Sun. 27th May at Killorglin: Keel 1-7; Milltown/Castlemaine 1-5.

Senior League Semi-final on Sun. 10th June at Killorglin: Glenbeigh 2-9; Milltown/Castlemaine 0-6.

SFC Final on Sun. 17th June at Killorglin: Beaufort 1-13; Keel 1-4.

Senior League Final at Killorglin: Beaufort drew with Glenbeigh.

Senior League Final replay on Sun. 4th Nov. at Killorglin: Glenbeigh 1-8; Beaufort 0-4.


Co. U-12 Football Final at Killorglin: Austin Stacks 3-5; Dr. Crokes 1-3. Ref: Jerome Conway.

Co. U-16 Football Final Sat. 8th Sept. at Killorglin: Dr. Crokes 2-12; John Mitchels 2-5.

Co. 14 Div. 2 Final at Killorglin: Kenmare beat Dingle. Ref: Jerome Conway.


Co. SFC Final on Sun. 23rd Sept. at Tralee: Austin Stacks 1-11; Castleisland 0-9.

Co. MFC Final on Sun. 23rd Sept. at Tralee: Feale Rangers 3-8; Kerins O Rahillys 2-6.

Co. U-21 Football Championship Final on Sun. 7th Oct. at Tralee: Killarney 4-4; West-Kerry 1-3.

Co. Club Championship Final on Fri. 31st Aug. at Killorglin: Austin Stacks 4-14; Valentia 0-9.

Co. IFC Final Sat. 13th Oct. at Killarney: Desmonds 2-7; Glenbeigh 2-5.

Co. JFC Final on Sun. 23rd Sept. at Tralee: Annascaul 1-10; St. Mary’s 0-10.

Co. NFC Final on Sun. 7th Oct. at Tralee: Milltown/Castlemaine 4-9; Knocknagoshel 1-8.

Co. League Div. 1 Final on Sun. 2nd Dec. at Killarney: Austin Stacks 1-7; Beaufort 0-8.


Kerry beat Clare in Milltown Malbay in the Munster Senior Semi-final. In the Munster Final, Kerry beat Cork in Killarney by 2-14 to 2-4.

Kerry: Charlie Nelligan, Jimmy Deenihan, John O Keeffe, Mick Spillane, Paudie O Shea, Tim Kennelly (capt.), Paudie Lynch, Jack O Shea, Vincent O Connor, Ger Power, Tommy Doyle, Pat Spillane, Mikey Sheehy, Owen Liston, John Egan. Subs: Ogie Moran for T. Doyle, Sean Walsh for O. Moran.

Cork: Billy Morgan, Tom Creedon, Kevin Kehilly, Brian Murphy, John Crowley, Christy Ryan, John Coleman, Vincent Coakley, J. Courtney, P. Kavanagh, Declan Barron, Dave McCarthy, Jimmy Barry-Murphy, Denis Allan, Christy Kearney. Subs: Sean Murphy for V. Coakley, S. O Sullivan for J. Courtney, Tadhgie O Reilly for P. Kavanagh.

In the All-Ireland Semi-final on Sun. 12th Aug. at Croke Park, Kerry beat Monaghan by 5-14 to 0-7.

In the All-Ireland Final on Sun. 16th Sept. at Croke Park Kerry beat Dublin by 3-13 to 1-8 to gain its 25th title.

Kerry: Charlie Nelligan, Jimmy Deenihan, John O Keeffe, Mick Spillane, Paudie O Shea, Tim Kennelly (capt.), Paudie Lynch, Jack O Shea, Sean Walsh, Tommy Doyle, Ogie Moran, Pat Spillane, Mikey Sheehy, Owen Liston, John Egan. Subs: Vincent O Connor, Ger O Keeffe, Barry Walsh, Sean McElligott, Paudie O Mahony, Ger Power.


Pat Sheahan, Glenbeigh, who played at corner-back and centre halfback on the Kerry Minor Football team was a nephew of Paddy ‘Donal’ Clifford, who helped Laune Rangers win their first Mid-Kerry Senior Championship in 1958. Paddy had played with the Kerry Minor and Junior teams in the 50’s, winning two All-Ireland Junior medals.


The proceeds of the Church Gate Collection on Sun. 9th Sept. in aid of the Kerry Team Training Fund were £288.40 (Killorglin £252.22, Cromane £36.18). The Club decided to give £400 in total to the fund.


In September Bart Moriarty was appointed Secretary to the newly founded Referees’ Committee in Kerry. Weeshie Fogarty was Chairman. All the referees for the various Co. Finals were presented with an outfit to wear, compliments of Jimmy O Brien, Killarney.

Just before Christmas, the Munster Council called a meeting of referees in Limerick. Kerry was represented by Bart Moriarty and Jerome Conway.


Lombard and Ulster Banking Ireland Ltd. hosted the Co. Football Final man-of-the-match award luncheon in The Earl of Desmond Hotel, Tralee on Mon. 24th Sept. at 1.00pm. Jerome Conway, as referee, was a guest. Paul Geaney, Castleisland, was chosen as the man-of-the-match.


The Laune Rangers Annual Social was held in the Ross Inn, Rossbeigh on Thurs. 27th Dec. 1979. Tickets cost £4.50 each. Twenty one years previously, Laune Rangers had won their first Mid-Kerry Senior Championship and the team was feted at the Social. Thirteen members of the team and almost all the substitutes were present at a most enjoyable function. Only John ‘Scart’ Clifford and Denny O Reilly were unable to be present to hear their captain, Batty Foley, speak on that great victory and on the pride each and everyone of them had in the blue and white jersey and the spirit the players showed. He appealed to the then present squad and the seniors of tomorrow to show a greater spirit and pride and to do everything to get back on top in Mid-Kerry. Very Rev. Canon Keane P.P. also spoke and he praised the Laune Rangers club for the wonderful work it was doing for the youth of the parish. The GAA, he said, was easily the best geared to look after youth and he urged parents to support it.

Was the 1958 team the best? That was the question asked by many of the players who had played in later championship-winning teams, but not even the joint-holders of six medals, Pat O Shea, who had played in 1958, and Patsy Joy, who had been a member of the six that were won after that, could answer that one.


Tadhgie O Reilly, who came on for Cork in the National League Final on Sun. 13th May was son of Bobby O Reilly, Farrentoreen, and nephew of Sean, Paddy and Denny O Reilly who had played with Laune Rangers in the 1958 Mid-Kerry Championship Final.


Timmy Doyle, former Laune Ranger, won a Dublin Intermediate Football Championship medal with Clontarf.


It appears that Killorglin Ladies Football Club did not exist in 1979 and some of the local ladies played with the newly formed Beaufort Ladies Football Club. Catherine Doyle played at fullback and Jacqueline McGillycuddy at centre halfback on the Kerry Senior team that defeated Cork at Kiskeam in the Munster Championship. However, Kerry was defeated by Tipperary in the Munster Final at Kildorrery on Sun. 19th Aug. Jacqueline McGillycuddy came on as a substitute. In the National League on Sun. 11th Nov. Kerry beat Galway by 1-9 to 0-1. Jacqueline McGillycuddy played at left halfback.


On Fri. 28th Sept. the victorious Kerry players were guests of Laune Rangers Club in the Bianconi Inn. At 11.00pm there was a parade from the bridge to the CYMS Hall where there was a fund-raising dance in aid of Kerry’s trip to the USA.


On Sat. 13th Oct. at the J.P. O Sullivan Park, Killorglin, a very entertaining game was played between Our Lady’s, Cork and St. Finan’s, Killarney. The latter won convincingly. The trophy for the competition was presented in memory of Brendan Doyle, Rangue, who had been killed tragically two years previously and it was sponsored by Our Lady’s, where he had been an employee. John Doyle, brother of the deceased, presented the trophy to Diarmuid O Donoghue, St. Finan’s captain. It was hoped that the tournament would develop into an annual affair.


The Co. Semi-finals of Scór na nOg were held in Banna Beach Hotel on Thurs. 6th Dec. Laune Rangers Club was represented in the following, having qualified from the Mid-Kerry Finals:

Solo Singing – Kevin Melia sang ‘Cailín na Gruaige Donna.’ (1st place)

Group Singing – Kevin Melia, Ann Melia, Miriam Murphy and Muireann Joy sang ‘Táimse im Chodhladh’ and ‘Seán Ó Duibhir a’ Ghleanna’. (2nd place).

Set Dancing – Triona Jones, Margaret O Riordan, Jennifer O Leary, Jacqueline Sweeney, Martin Joy, Gerard Murphy, Fergal O Shea and  Joseph Kennedy. (1st place)

Novelty Act – Francis Foley, Andrew Pigott, Michael O Shea, James Houlihan, Donal O Sullivan and Kieran O Callaghan presented ‘This is your Life’. (2ndplace).

Figure Dancing (3rd place) and Question-Time (3rd place).

The Solo Singing, Group Singing, Set Dancing and Novelty Act qualified for the Co. Finals which were held in the Town Hall, Killarney on Fri. 14th Dec.


Jerome Conway adjudicated at the Scór na nOg finals of Glenbeigh Club in Glencar.


The Annual Pantomime in Killorglin was ‘Pied Piper’, produced by Declan Mangan.


Killorglin Rugby Club won the Galway-Foley Cup after a lapse of 43 years. On Sun. 4th Feb. they travelled to Castleisland and defeated the local side by 3 points to nil in the final. Joe Crowley scored the all-important penalty kick.


On Sun. 25th Feb. Killorglin CYMS Basketball Club won its long sought victory in the Old Forge Intermediate Tournament. Killorglin: Iraneus Looney (capt.), Barry Harmon, Declan Falvey, Gary McKenna, John McCarthy, James O Riordan, Pa Foley, B. Falvey, Frank Mangan, Tim O Riordan. The coach was Paul McMahon.


The AGM of Killorglin Cycling Club was held in the Railway Hotel at the beginning of March. The following officers were elected: President – Father Billy Crean, Chairman – Paddy O Callaghan, Vice-Chairman – John Breen, Hon. Secretary – Sean O Callaghan, Ass. Hon. Secretary – Denis Harris, Hon. Treasurer – Denis Mangan, PRO – Denis Harris, Registrar – Geraldine Healy, Committee – Dan Ahern, Donal Clifford, Tom McGillycuddy, Mícheál O Callaghan, John McKenna, Jerome O Connor and Valerie Healy. Delegates to Kerry NACAI Board – Sean O Callaghan and Denis Harris, Delegates to Munster Cycling Council – Denis Harris (Council Vice-President), Sean O Callaghan and Geraldine Healy.

The nine day ‘Health Race (Rás Tailteann) started in Dublin on Sat. 23rd June. Kerry had two teams. Pat Healy and Michael Breen were on the Kerry ‘B’ team, which was managed by Paddy O Callaghan.

At the 34th Annual Convention of the Munster Cycling Council on Sun. 7th Sept. at Mitchelstown, Sean O Callaghan was elected Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. Denis Harris was re-elected as Vice-President and elected as Hon. Assistant Secretary and PRO.

At the 41st Annual Congress of the National Cycling association, which was held in Lurgan, Co. Arrmagh, Gene Mangan was elected to the position of Honorary President, Paddy O Callaghan was re-elected to the position of inter-national Hon. Secretary and Denis Harris as a member of the six-man National Executive Council Committee.

Pat Healy was selected to represent cycling in the Kerry Sports Stars awards for 1979.


The Local elections were held on Fri. 14th June. In the Killorglin electoral area, the electorate was 16,620. The valid pole was 12,019. There were six seats and 11 candidates. The following were elected: Mary O Donoghue, Cahersiveen (FF), Michael Scarteen O Connor, Kenmare (FG), Tommy Cahill, Glenbeigh (FF), Danny Kissane, Beaufort (FG), Mick O Connell, Valentia (Ind.), Teddy O Connor, Killorglin (FF). The unsuccessful candidates were Dan Barry, Cahersiveen (FG), John Joe O Brien (FF), Tim Garvey (SF), Sean Moriarty, Killorglin (Lab.) and Theresa Murphy (FG).

Tom Fitzgerald, Dingle (FF) was elected Chairman of Kerry Co. Council.


In Sept. Pope John Paul II visited Ireland, saying public masses in Galway, Limerick and the Phoenix Park, Dublin. He also visited Knock, Co. Mayo and Drogheda.


The AGM of the Mid-Kerry Board was held on Mon. 21st Jan. 1980 at Milltown. The Secretary, Pat Clifford, said in his report, ‘I think it is nothing short of madness that Mid-Kerry fields two teams for the Co. Senior Championship, because it would be better to have one good team than two bad ones. The effort made by the two teams in the past year, I must say, was a bad one. The teams also took part in the U-21 and Minor Co. Championships but did not take home any trophies to Mid-Kerry.

Within the area, there were 86 games played. All competitions were completed. The only bad news was that fines had to be imposed on Milltown, Glenbeigh, Beaufort and Keel for not fielding a minor team for all their games and, I must say, it was a sad thing to have to do. The following are the winners of all our competitions played during the year: Senior Championship – Beaufort, Senior League – Glenbeigh, O Sullivan Cup – Milltown/Castlemaine, Novice Championship – Laune Rangers, Minor – Laune Rangers, 1978 League – Beaufort, U-16A – Milltown/Castlemaine, U-16B – Laune Rangers, U-14A – Laune Rangers, U-14B – Milltown/Castlemaine, U-12A – Milltown/Castlemaine, U-12B – Glenbeigh.

I would ask all clubs to send to Convention and Board meetings their best delegates, because it is at Conventions and Board meetings that changes can be made and not after games or in public houses. I think that changes will have to be made if the GAA is to survive in Mid-Kerry. I also ask clubs, in God’s name, to think seriously about winning a Co. Senior Championship. I beg you now to change the system of selecting Mid-Kerry teams, because it is only the enemies of Mid-Kerry that say the present system is the correct one.

I would ask all clubs to be very careful with the people that they elect as officials to their clubs, District Boards and sub-committees. They must give their full loyalty to the GAA and not to any other sporting body, because if this is allowed to happen any longer, then you can say goodbye to the GAA and the Mid-Kerry Board.

I wish to congratulate Milltown Club on winning its first Co. Championship and all other clubs that won or did well in Co. Board competitions. Congratulations to our only county player, Paudie Lynch, and selector, Pat O Shea, for taking home the All-Ireland Cup for the 25th time.

In conclusion, I would like to thank everybody that helped the association during the year, our great referees, the officers of Bord na nOg, other Board officers that did the work that they were elected to do, Jack McGrath the trainer of our senior and U-21 teams, the Kerryman for the great coverage they gave to our games during the year, our great supporters and, finally, the Board Chairman, James Coffey, who never appears to get tired of GAA work.’


The AGM of the Laune Rangers Club was held in the J.P. O Sullivan Park, Killorglin, on Sun. 23rd Dec. 1979. The Secretary, Pat O Grady, in his report, stated that in adult competitions, 52 games were played and the minors played 33 games. He congratulated the Novice team on winning for the club its first Mid-Kerry Novice Championship. He also congratulated the minor team on retaining their Mid-Kerry title.

He condemned the senior panel for lack of commitment and hoped for a greater improvement in 1980. He thanked the officers and sub-committees for their help and, also, the Kerryman for the publicity accorded to club affairs.