Laune Rangers – 1973

 Laune Rangers won the Mid-Kerry Senior Football Championship for the seventh time.

Laune Rangers won the Mid-Kerry Senior Football League for the fourth time.

Laune Rangers won the O Sullivan Cup for the third time.

Laune Rangers won the Mid-Kerry U-16 Football Championship for the sixth time.

Laune Rangers won the Mid-Kerry U-14 Football Championship for the sixth time.

Laune Rangers retained the Co. U-12 Football Championship and won the Mid-Kerry U-12 Championship for the third year-in-a-row.

John Evans played at centre halfback on the Kerry team that lost the Munster Minor Football Championship Final to Cork.

Kerry won the All-Ireland U-21 Football Championship. Barry Harmon played at right fullback and Michael O Shea at right full-forward. Jerry Coffey was a substitute.

Pat O Shea was re-elected as Vice-Chairman of Bord na nOg Chiarraí for the third successive year.

James Coffey was re-elected as Chairman of the Mid-Kerry Board.

Pat O Shea was elected as Secretary of Mid-Kerry Bord na nOg.

James Coffey was elected as Joint-Treasurer of the Kerry Co. Board.

Laune Rangers organised the Carnival again in July.

Laune Rangers went on a five-day trip to London at the end of August.

*             *                 *              *                *                  *                   *                    *

The AGM of the Laune Rangers Club took place in the CYMS Hall on Mon. 1st Jan. 1973. Chairman, James Coffey, presided. Also in attendance were Rev. Father O Leary, Brendan Fullam, Frankie Russell, Jerry Coffey, Kieran Foley, Maurice Harmon, John Clifford, Pat O Shea, Billy Dodd, Timothy O Riordan, Michael O Shea, Eamonn Crowley, Jim Carolan, James O Riordan, John Foley (Dungeel), Seamus Naughton, Paul Lucey, Pat Joy (Annadale), Michael Foley, Jim Galvin, Paudie Foley, Francis McGillycuddy, Johnny O Connor, Declan Flavey, Pat Lynch, Sean O Reilly, Pat Finnegan, Seamus Curran, Sean O Riordan and Jerome Conway (Runaí). The minutes of the previous AGM were read and adopted. Timothy O Riordan proposed and Kieran Foley seconded.

The Secretary outlined the club’s achievements throughout the year both on and off the field of play. He thanked the players and members for their help when called upon, such as during the Talent Competition, the Carnival and Puck Fair dancing. He expressed wishes that the team would be even more successful in the coming year in the Co. Senior Championship. Pat O Shea proposed that the report be adopted and Eamonn Crowley seconded.

As was then becoming the custom, Sean O Reilly gave the Treasurers’ report. He said that the year had been very successful financially speaking. John Foley proposed its adoption and Pat Joy seconded.

Income and Expenditure Account

Income                                                                        Expenditure

Dances                        2,452.93        Teams’ Expenses                                    790.64

Less expenses            1,656.49       Capital expenditure on field            842.89

796.44        All-Ireland tickets                                  35.00

Carnival                        604.58         Ballybunion Pipe Band (1971)             15.00

Less expenses            550.35           Presentations                                             15.40

54.23            Gun Club (Trophy)                                    4.90

Talent Comp            598.24              Basketball Club                                      44.00

Less expenses            428.61            Stationery, postage, etc.                     30.06

169.63           Bank charges                                              12.31

Social                        262.50               Excess of income over exp.           1,067.75

Less expenses            246.36                                                                             2,857.75                                             16.14

Ciste na Banban            158.02

Less expenses              75.00


American Tour            9,978.98

Less expenses                 8,523.05


Gates                                  73.27

Membership                    37.00

Rent (Tom O Shea)       40.00

Subscription (Francie Sheahan)   25.00

Refund from Co. Board                      1.50

Sale of Hurleys                                       7.60

Sale of All-Ireland Tickets             33.00

Bank Interest                                        64.99



The following officers were elected:

President – Paddy Foley (He was life President).

Vice-Presidents – There were two further nominations – Tod Mulvihall and Rev. Father Moran. Pat O Shea proposed that they be elected and Maurice Harmon seconded. The full list then was: Mícheál Scanlon, Rev. Father O Leary, Kevin Foley, John Foley, Christy O Riordan, Rev. Father Murphy, John Scart Clifford, Stephen O Sullivan, John Kerry O Donnell, Jeremiah McKenna, Paudie Foley, Tod Mulvihall and Rev. Father Noel Moran.

Chairman – There were two nominees – Pat O Shea and James Coffey. The former withdrew and the outgoing Chairman declared himself re-elected. He thanked the members present for their continued confidence in him as Chairman. However, he gave notice that he would not be seeking re-election the following year and he advised the club to be on the lookout for a new Chairman. Continuing, he congratulated the U-12 team and Minor team on their successes during the year and he paid tribute to those in charge of them. He said that the senior team was playing too much football. The players were out Sunday after Sunday and they had no time for themselves and it was only natural that they should lose their appetite for football in the Autumn. That, plus the fact that some of the top players had been injured and the poor spirit of some of the players, had been the cause of the undoing of the team in the Co. Semi-final. He said that the club was team-building at the time. He also said that if the club was really worthy of being in the Co. Senior Championship, it should be contesting the District Board League and Championship finals. He said that if that was not so, the club would be the laughing-stock of Mid-Kerry. He made a special appeal to the players to give their utmost in the following year and to co-operate with the selectors. He asked for more support for the Carnival from the business people of the town. He paid tribute to the Secretary for his wonderful report of the year’s activities and on his dedicated work for the club. He, also, complimented the two Treasurers, Pat Lynch and Sean O Reilly, on their fine report and on their work during the year. He, also, praised Pat O Shea for his untiring work in organising the USA trip and for his general work for the club and teams. Concluding, he thanked all who helped the club in any way and looked forward to the continued support from the members and supporters in 1973.

Vice-Chairman – there were three nominees – James Coffey and Paudie Foley, both of whom withdrew and Pat O Shea was declared re-elected.

Secretary – Jerome Conway was re-elected unopposed.

Treasurers – there were six nominees – Billy Dodd, Brendan Fullam, James O Riordan, all of whom withdrew, Denis O Neill, who was not present, Pat Lynch and Sean O Reilly. Both outgoing Treasurers were re-elected.

Membership Officer – Maurice Harmon was re-elected .

Delegate to Co. Board – Pat Lynch.

Delegates to Co. Convention – Sean O Reilly, Denis Lynch, Paudie Foley and Jerome Conway.

Delegates to Mid-Kerry Convention – Sean O Reilly, Denis O Neill, Denis Lynch and Pat Lynch.

A motion that the selectors be elected at the first meeting of the club was defeated and the election of the Senior Selection Committee proceeded.

There were ten nominees – Seamus Naughton, Maurice Harmon, Jim Casey, Pat O Shea, Sean O Reilly, Sean McKenna, Mícheál Scanlon, Batty Foley, Billy Dodd (withdrew) and James Coffey (withdrew). After a secret ballot, the first five listed above were elected. However, later in the year, Seamus Naughton resigned his position and James Coffey was co-opted in his stead.

Novice Selection Committee – There were ten nominees, Pat O Shea, Maurice Harmon, Sean O Reilly, Paul Lucey, Billy Dodd (all of whom withdrew) and the following were declared elected: Batty Foley, Seamus Naughton, Jim Casey, Pat Lynch and Jerome Conway.

Minor Selection Committee – There were seven nominees Michael O Shea, Kieran Foley (both withdrew) and the following were declared elected: Pat O Shea, Liam Shannon, Barry Harmon, Jerome Conway and the Captain.

The election of the various captains did not take place as a motion opposing their election at Convention was carried. A further motion was carried that the selectors, when choosing the captains and vice-captains of the various teams, would not be confined to those nominated on the ballot papers for the AGM.

Pat O Shea and Paul Lucey were re-elected as Senior Trainers as, it was considered that they had done a good job during the previous year.

The following motions were discussed and carried:


  1. ‘That the playing area and sideline area of the pitch be widened.’ Michael O Shea.
  2. ‘That the feasibility of erecting a squash court be investigated.’ Michael O Shea.
  3. ‘That a team manager be appointed with full control of the team during a game and may, if he thinks fit, consult with his co-selectors for advice during a game.’ Pat O Shea.
  4. ‘That a committee be set up to investigate the low morale and poor performances of the senior team during 1972.’ Pat O Shea. It was agreed that that would be left to the Selection Committee.
  5. ‘That any selector, who misses two consecutive selection committee meetings, be automatically dropped from the selection committee and replaced at the following club meeting.’ Billy Dodd.
  6. ‘That the captains of the various teams be selected by the Selection Committees.’ James Coffey. However, it was felt that the Selection Committees should not be confined to those players nominated. The captains’ qualities were then stipulated. He would have to be a leader, give good example both on and off the field and be one of the players on the team.
  7. ‘That the following sub-committees be formed: (i) Finance. (ii) Activities. (iii) Field and Development. (iv) Social and Travel. (v) Juvenile. In each case, one member will be selected at Convention and he, in turn, will co-opt four others.’ Pat O Shea. The following were selected to head up the various sub-committees: (i) Finance – James Coffey. (ii) Activities – Jerome Conway. (iii) Field and Development – Pat O Shea. (iv) Social and Travel – Pat Lynch. (v) Juvenile – Michael O Shea. Each of the above selected four members to act on each sub-committee.

8 & 9. ‘That the juvenile sub-committee get a grant of £100 to cover expenses of travelling and medals for U-12, U-14, U-16 and minor teams.’ Pat O Shea.

‘That Laune Rangers Bord na nOg be given a cash grant of £200 out of the funds of the club,’ Pat Lynch.

Both of those motions were taken together and it was decided to give a grant of £160 to Bord na nOg.

10. ‘That the Co. Board should allot provisional dates, at the beginning of the year, which would be made available for the playing of District Board competitions, thereby allowing the Distric Boards to make fixtures for the year.’ That was forwarded to Co. Board as a motion for Co.             Convention.

11. ‘That the postponement of games be allowed only once and teams, seeking a second postponement or failing to fulfil a fixture, be barred from further participation in the competition and fined.’ Michael O Shea. That was forwarded to Co. Board as a motion for Co. Convention.

There was also a motion that was not carried.

12. ‘That the Senior Selection Committee be elected or nominated at the first meeting of the club and that it comprise of four members, the captain, after his selection, to become the fifth member.’ James Coffey. The second part of that motion was overruled by an existing motion and the first             part was withdrawn after a discussion.

The Chairman thanked the members for attending and the AGM concluded.


Co. Senior Football Championship


16 teams competed for the Co. Senior Football Championship, Dr. Croke’s, Desmonds, Kenmare, St. Brendan’s, Mid-Kerry, South Kerry, Na hÁghasaigh, Kerins O Rahilly’s, East Kerry, Shannon Rangers, Feale Rangers, Waterville, Austin Stack’s, John Mitchel’s, Laune Rangers and Eoghan Ruadh’s. It was played on a knock-out basis.

The Laune Rangers’ Senior Selection Committee was as follows: Maurice Harmon, Pat O Shea, Jim Casey, Sean O Reilly and Seamus Naughton. The latter resigned in February, and was replaced by James Coffey.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 29th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-11; Eoghan Ruadh’s 0-7.

It was a very warm day and the standard of football suffered accordingly. The attendance at the game was very small.

Laune Rangers: Teddy Mangan, Barry Harmon, Paul Lucey, Tom Curran, Jerry Coffey, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Timmy Doyle, John Evans, Johnny O Connor (0-7, 3 from frees), Frank Russell, Michael O Shea (0-2, 1 free), Pat Horgan, Eamonn Crowley (0-1), Francis McGillycuddy. Subs: Patsy Joy (dislocated thumb) 0-1 for F. McGillycuddy, Declan Falvey for P. Horgan, Noel O Mahony for E. Crowley. Enda Curtayne was unable to play because of a broken collarbone. The takings at the gate were £52.20. The Eoghan Ruadh team consisted of players from Listry, Rathmore, Currow, Cordal and Ballymac. Present at the game were Gerald McKenna (Chairman Kerry Co. Board), John Kerry O Donnell (President New York GAA Board), Jackie Griffin (Chairman Hartford Football Club) and Joe Keohane (Kerry Senior Selector).

Ref: Liam Sayers (St. Pat’s).


Quarter-final on Sat. 22nd Sept. at 6pm at Tralee: Feale Rangers 2-10; Laune Rangers 2-9.

Feale Rangers were through to the semi-final of the Co. Championship but what a fright they got from a very gallant Laune Rangers side! That was the best Co. Championship game so far that year and it was a pity that it had to be played on a Saturday evening as only a very small attendance was present. Laune Rangers paid the price for needless fouling as Feale Rangers’ John McCrohan kicked no less than six points from frees. Five of those came in the first half, when the Killorglin boys, despite playing into a stiff breeze, were well on top.

The first half was played at a tremendously fast pace and, with Timmy Doyle lording it at midfield, Laune Rangers launched attack after attack. However, each time they took the lead, their defence gave away fouls, when the Feale Rangers’ forwards, especially Christy O Sullivan made sudden bursts down the wings. Yet all the Killorglin followers were happy with the position just before halftime, with their team leading by 1-6 to 0-8. However, disaster struck when the Feale Rangers’ full-forward fielded a high ball just outside the Laune Rangers’ square and burst his way through for what could be regarded as a controversial goal. (Indeed the Laune Rangers felt that he charged over the line, pushing backs before him and brought the ball with him, neither of which should have been allowed).             That score was a bad blow for the Rangers but worse was to follow four minutes after the restart, when slackness in their defence allowed McCrohan through for a fisted goal that went in off an upright. The Killorglin boys were really disorganised and they were lucky that the northern boys missed several chances of easy scores in the opening ten minutes of that half. However, with Timmy Doyle again coming into his own at midfield, Laune Rangers fought back with great heart and a Declan Falvey goal levelled the scores ten minutes from time.

In the minutes following that goal the Feale Rangers defence took a tremendous pounding but they battled gamely without conceding what would have been decisive scores. When they lifted the siege, it was McCrohan that again broke the hearts of Laune Rangers, with two points, one from a free, to give his side a vital two-points’ lead. Back came the Killorglin boys to force two fifties in-a-row. From the second by Jerry Coffey, the ball was fisted just over the crossbar and the kick-out was to be the last one of the game.

Except for the opening quarter, Colm O Callaghan and Tim Kennelly were often struggling at midfield but they never gave up trying. In attack, Christy O Sullivan, John McCrohan, Stack, Johnny Mulvihill and Sugrue were always dangerous. Laune Rangers had probably the man-of-the-match in Seamus Curran at centre-halfback. He gave a grand display and stood head and shoulders over all others. He got good support from Jerry Coffey and Barry Harmon. Timmy Doyle and Michael O Shea could feel very satisfied with their display at midfield. Pat Horgan, at full-forward, was another to shine for the losers.

Laune Rangers: Teddy Mangan, Barry Harmon, Paul Lucey, Tom Curran, Jerry Coffey, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Timmy Doyle, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor, Patsy Joy (capt.), Enda Curtayne, Frank Russell, Pat Horgan, Edso Crowley. Subs: Declan Falvey for T. Curran (Edso going to corner-back), Owen Mangan, Dermot Enright, John Clifford, Pat Joe O Mahony.

Ref: Gerry O Riordan (Scartaglin). The takings at the gate were £29.95


Austin Stack’s, captained by Billy Curtin, beat Na hÁghasaigh in the Co. Final on Sun. 21st Oct. by 2-8 to 1-6.


Kerryman Shield


1971 Final on Sun. 7th Jan. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-8; Mid-Kerry 2-5.

A great start to the 1973 GAA season! That was the general comment from spectators after that thrilling final. Both sides put everything they had into the game, which was played on a fine sod in ideal weather conditions. Followers of the game would have been more than satisfied if the county championship had produced a few games as good as that one. Because it was a local derby, it was only natural that there was going to be an extra ‘bite’ in the exchanges but referee, Mick O Neill, without having to use too much  whistle, always had the game well under control. Both teams showed several changes from the sides that played in the Co. Championship. Mid-Kerry had to find replacements for Brendan and Paudie Lynch, Mike Breen and Teddy Bowler, while Rangers played without Seamus and Tom Curran, Noel Lucey and John Paul Cahillane.

In the first quarter, Willie Murphy and Neilie O Sullivan had things pretty much their own way at midfield for the winners, but their forwards failed to capitalise on the fine service. Laune Rangers, prompted by a fine display by halfback, Barry Harmon, began to come more into the game in the second quarter, although their forwards found the going tough against a solid defence, in which veteran Ned O Shea was the star at fullback. Just at a time when they seemed to be getting on top, however, disaster struck for Rangers, when fullback, Pat O Shea, has his clearance blocked down and Denny O Shea had no difficulty in beating goalie Pat O Grady. (Pat O Shea admitted afterwards that he was about to pass the ball out to Mike Hassett, but he was afraid that Mike might be blocked down, so he attempted the clearance himself, with disastrous consequences). Rangers fought back gallantly and continued to win a lot of the ball but it was then the turn of their forwards to give an exhibition of poor marksmanship. In the final ten minutes of that half, they wasted two great chances of goals. Mid-Kerry led at the break by 1-3 to 0-2.

On the restart, it was Mid-Kerry that did all the pressing but the Rangers’ defence stood up well to the challenge. The game livened up considerably and the Mid-Kerry defence was forced to concede frees, which Frank Russell converted into points. When Rangers equalised nine minutes from the end, things looked bad for Mid-Kerry. However, as in the first half, disaster struck again in the shape of a goal. Neilie O Sullivan took a quick Mid-Kerry free and found the unmarked Tom Prendergast, who made ground up the left-wing before parting to Mike O Grady. O Grady’s shot for a point fell short and in a tussle outside the square, George McAuliffe punched the ball past the advancing Killorglin goalie for the winning goal. Midway through the second half, Laune Rangers had lost their outstanding player, Barry Harmon, who had to retire with a leg injury. Had he been able to finish the game, the result might have been different.

Laune Rangers were well served in defence by Barry Harmon and Patsy Joy, Timmy Doyle had a good game at midfield, while Michael O Shea and Frank Russell were best in the attack.

At a subsequent club meeting, the selectors complained that players had been out drinking until the early hours of the morning of the game.

Laune Rangers: Pat O Grady, Mike Hassett, Pat O Shea, Eamonn Crowley, Jerry Coffey (0-1), Patsy Joy, Barry Harmon, Timmy Doyle, Johnny O Connor (0-1), Declan Falvey, Frank Russell (0-3), Michael O Shea (0-1), Jimmy O Shea, Paul Lucey, Tommy Woods. Subs: Francis McGillycuddy (0-1) for J. O Shea, Pat Horgan for B. Harmon (inj.), Dermot Enright (0-1) for T. Woods. Missing were Seamus and Tom Curran, Noel Lucey and John Paul Cahillane.

Mid-Kerry: Owen O Riordan (Glenbeigh), Tom Daly (Milltown/Castlemaine), Ned O Shea (Keel), Tom Evans (do.) capt., Tom Prendergast (do.), Billy Kerins (Milltown/Castlemaine), John Griffin (Glenbeigh), Neilie O Sullivan (do.), Willie Murphy (Milltown/Castlemaine), John P. O Sullivan (do.) 0-1, John Coffey (Beaufort) 0-2, Mike O Grady (Glenbeigh), Tim Kelliher (Milltown/Castlemaine), George McAuliffe (do.) 1-0, Denny O Shea (Keel) 1-2. Subs: James Mangan (Milltown/Castlemaine) for B. Kerins, Billy Kerins for T. Kelliher, William Mangan (Milltown/Castlemaine) for T. Daly.

Ref: Mick O Neill (Tralee).

After the game, Andy Molyneaux, Secretary Kerry Co. Board, presented the Kerryman Shield to Tom Evans, captain of the Mid-Kerry team. He praised both sides for playing the game so early in the year and for the fine display they had served up on a grand pitch.


Co. Senior Football League, Div. 1

There were fourteen teams in Div. 1, Austin Stacks, Desmonds, Dingle, John Mitchels, Emmets, Kerins O Rahillys, Laune Rangers, Kenmare, Waterville, Sneem, Ballylongford, Dr. Crokes, Spa, and Keel. The team with the most points at the end of the competition was declared the winner and the two teams at the bottom were relegated to Div. 2.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 11th March at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-3; Kerins O Rahilly’s 0-14.

At the subsequent club meeting, the selectors expressed great disappointment with the senior players and could see little future for the team.


Rd. 2 on Sun. 18th March at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-11; Listowel Emmetts 2-9.

Listowel, after leading at the interval by 2-5 to 1-5, stretched their lead to 2-9 to 1-5 with only ten minutes of the second half played. All those scores came as a result of foolish fouls by the Rangers. It was indeed very unwise to foul anywhere within fifty yards of their own goal as Listowel sharpshooter John McCrohan was in top form. The Rangers put in a great last quarter rally and, in the end of a most enjoyable game, were unlucky not to have at least forced a draw.

Ref: Mick O Neill.


Rd. 3 on Sun. 1st April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-10; Dr. Crokes 2-6.

Ref: Owen Flaherty (Dingle)


Rd. 4 on Sun. 15th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-8; Keel 0-5.

Ref: Liam Sayers (St. Pat’s).


Rd. 5 on Sun. 29th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-7; Dingle 2-7.

Rangers, who were down 2-6 to 0-4 at the interval, practically camped in the Dingle half of the field on the resumption but their forwards failed miserably to take their chances.

At the subsequent club meeting, the selectors protested that referees were not turning up for games, especially in Killorglin. It was decided to notify players for training and a players/selectors meeting was scheduled.


Rd. 6 on Sun. 13th May: Laune Rangers 4-7; John Mitchels 1-6.

Ref: Gerry O Riordan (Scartaglin).

The selectors, reporting to the club meeting on the following night, were satisfied with that display. However, they were not happy with the response to training. A free discussion followed between players and selectors. Training was scheduled for Tues. Wed. and Thurs. evenings.


Rd. 7 on Sun. 27th May at Ballylongford: Ballylongford 1-13; Laune Rangers 1-11.

After twenty minutes play, very few would have given the home team a chance as they trailed by 1-5 to 0-1. However, a few switches for them changed the course of the game. A point just after the resumption was followed by a goal by Brian McCarthy to give them the lead for the first time and, although the Rangers attacked very much towards the end, they could only manage two points in the entire half.

Ref: Liam Sayers (St. Pat’s).


Rd. 8 on Sat. 9th June at Killarney: Spa 2-7; Laune Rangers 2-13.

Ref: Donal O Connor (Rathmore).


Rd. 9 on Sat. 14th July at Kenmare: Kenmare 0-12; Laune Rangers 0-8.

Ref: Gerald McCarthy (Gneeveguilla).


Rd. 10 on Sun. 21st Oct. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 3-6; Castleisland Desmonds 3-12.

The selectors were disappointed and regarded the display as putrid.

Laune Rangers: Teddy Mangan, Paul Lucey, Patsy Joy, Dermot Enright, Jerry Coffey, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Tommy Woods, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor, Pat Horgan, Joseph Crowley, John Clifford, Patrick Roche, Owen Mangan. Subs: Enda Curtayne for J. Crowley, Francis O Doherty for P. Roche, Pat Joe O Mahony for J. O Connor, Joseph Crowley for T. Mangan. The following players were missing: Eamonn Crowley (sick), Barry Harmon (America), Declan Falvey (England), Timmy Doyle (unavailable) and Frank Russell.

At the subsequent club meeting, it was reported that the game cost £16 in travelling expenses. There followed a heated discussion, firstly between the players and the selectors and then between the players and the Chairman.


Rd. 11 on Sun. 28th Oct. at Sneem: Sneem 1-7; Laune Rangers 1-8.

Laune Rangers: Francis O Doherty, Barry Harmon, Paud O Sullivan, Edso Crowley, Jerry Coffey, Jerome Conway, Mike Hassett, Patsy Joy, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor, Frank Russell, Tommy Woods, Pat Lynch, Pat Horgan, John Clifford. Sub: James O Riordan for P. Lynch. The following players were missing: Paul Lucey (sick), Seamus Curran (sub. for Kerry), Timmy Doyle (unavailable), Joseph Crowley, Teddy Mangan and Enda Curtayne.


Rd. 12 on Sun. 18th Nov. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-3; Austin Stack’s 1-19.

Austin Stacks left absolutely no doubt about their worthiness as Co. Champions, when they handed a sixteen-points beating to Laune Rangers in their last game in the Co. League. That victory wrapped up the league title for Stacks, who had gone undefeated through the campaign. With the tensions of the championship behind them, the Stacks were very relaxed and, though Laune Rangers tried gamely all through, they simply had no answer to the power-play of the Tralee men.

It was the Rangers that scored first, Pat Horgan kicking a good point. After a goal by Joe Joe Barrett had been disallowed for a square infringement, Stacks equalised in the sixth minute with a great point from over fifty yards by Timmy Sheehan. They went ahead two minutes later when Mikey Sheehy pointed a free and there was no stopping them there after. At halftime, they led by 1-9 to 0-1, the goal coming from Tommy O Regan, whose shot deceived Rangers’ goalkeeper, Joe Crowley, when it was held by a pool of water and trickled over the line.

Stacks added two points to their tally in the early minutes of the second half. Then Laune Rangers struck for a goal – a splendid effort by Paul Lucey. When Johnny O Connor followed with two points, it looked as if Stacks might have a real fight on their hands. However, the Tralee men quickly re-asserted their superiority and pulled away for the most convincing of wins.

Laune Rangers were forced to line out without Jerry Coffey, whose presence was undoubtedly missed in the halfback line, and Paul Lucey, who arrived late and did not come into the game until the second half. It would be true to say that Laune Rangers put up a much better battle than the final score indicated, but they kicked a share of very bad wides. Their forwards as a whole were very disappointing. The Laune Rangers’ defence had an impossible task behind a beaten midfield. Probably their most effective player in that sector was Paud O Sullivan, who made a number of very fine clearances. The Killorglin sod was in remarkable good condition, especially considering all the rain it had endured. The selectors, in their report to the subsequent club meeting, criticised the indiscipline of some of the players.

Laune Rangers: Joseph Crowley, Jerome Conway, Paud O Sullivan, Edso Crowley, Barry Harmon, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Timmy Doyle, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor (0-2), Frank Russell, Tommy Woods, Paul Lucey (1-0), Pat Horgan (0-1), Patsy Joy. Subs: Enda Curtayne for J. Conway; Jerome Conway for F. Russell.

Austin Stacks: Teddy Brick, Gary Scollard, M. McCarthy, Aidan O Connor, Noel Kelter, Tony O Keeffe, Ger O Keeffe (0-1), John O Keeffe (0-1), Timmy Sheehan (0-2), *Mikey Sheehy (0-10), Billy Curtin (capt.) 0-2, Ger Power, Paudie McCarthy (0-1), Joe Joe Barrett (0-1), Tommy O Regan (1-1). Subs: R. McSweeney for J.J. Barrett (inj.).

Ref: Liam Sayers (Derrymore).

After the game, the trophy was presented to the winning captain, Billy Curtin, by James Coffey, Joint Treasurer of Kerry Co. Board.

*Mikey Sheehy was son of Jim Sheehy, Cloon, Killorglin, who had played with Laune Rangers in the late thirties/early forties. Mikey won five Kerry Co. Senior Football Championships with Austin Stacks (1973, 1975, 1976, 1979 and 1986) and eight All-Ireland Senior Football Championship medals with Kerry (1975, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1985 and 1986).


Co. League Div. 4 A

There were eight teams in that group, Fossa, Tuosist, Derrynane, Laune Rangers ‘B’, Desmonds ‘B’, Dr. Crokes ‘B’, Currow ‘B’ and St. Michael’s.

The Laune Rangers’ Novice Football Selection Committee consisted of Batty Foley, Jim Casey, Seamus Naughton, Pat Lynch and Jerome Conway.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 4th March at Castleisland: Desmonds ‘B’ 1-2; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 1-6.

Rd. 2 on Sat. 17th March at Currow: Currow ‘B’ 0-1; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 2-6.

Rd. 3 on Sun. 1st April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ 4-7; Kilcummin ‘B’ 2-4.

Rd. 4 on Sat. 14th April at Cahersiveen: St. Michael’s 5-10; Laune Rangers’B’ 2-8.

Rd. 5 on Sat. 28th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ 1-12; Fossa 1-15.

Ref: Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine).

Rd. 6 on Sat. 12th May at Waterville: Derrynane 2-1; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 0-8.

Ref: PJ Donovan (St. Mary’s).

Rd. 7 on Sun. 27th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers ‘B’ scr; Tuosist w/o.


Co. Novice Football Championship


Rd. 1 on Sun. 24th June at Cahersiveen: St. Michael’s 3-8; Laune Rangers ‘B’ 2-9.


Mid-Kerry Senior Football Championship


Laune Rangers got a bye to the semi-finals.

Semi-final on Sun. 9th Sept. at Killorglin: Keel failed to show for the game versus Laune Rangers.


Final on Sun. 4th Nov. at Killorglin:  Laune Rangers 0-7; Beaufort 0-6.

Only the very bravest of football supporters turned up for that game in the J. P. O Sullivan Park. Fittingly, they got plenty to cheer about, especially in a very lively second half. It was to the credit of both teams that they turned in fine displays in the worst possible conditions. There was no room for frills in that hard-fought but sporting game. Both sides gave as good as they got, and it was two very tired teams that enjoyed the comforts of hot showers after the game.

It was a pity that the game had to be played at all in those conditions, but neither side looked for a postponement. Floods prevented many from seeing the game and even some players had to abandon their cars in the same floods. The worst news came shortly before the game was due to start, when it was learned that referee Liam Sayers was unable to get through a flood on his way to the game. Paddy Clifford, Milltown/Castlemaine, was appointed to take charge of the game and great credit was due to him for agreeing to do so.

Beaufort had a good first half and led by 0-4 to 0-2 at the interval. Yet, in that half, Rangers looked by far the more dangerous side, their poor finish in front of goals costing them scores. For the second half, Rangers moved Paul Lucey to corner-forward from goal, and that proved to be a master-stroke. Not alone did Paul Lucey score his side’s first point, but he had a very upsetting effect on the hitherto very solid Beaufort fullback line. Outfield, Rangers began to move with more urgency and Timmy Doyle began to lord it at midfield. His brilliance had the desired effect on his team-mates and, even though scores were slow to come, Rangers seemed to have the game wrapped up with less than ten minutes remaining when they led by 0-7 to 0-4.  Beaufort, were far from beaten, however. In those last hectic minutes, they scored two points from frees to narrow the gap to the minimum. Unfortunately for them, the final whistle came too soon.

There could be no doubting that Rangers was the better team. They were very much on top in the second half and were robbed of certain scores by the underfoot conditions. On the other hand, Beaufort never looked like scoring from play and had to be satisfied with scores from frees. That was mainly due to Rangers midfield superiority. Even when the Beaufort forwards got possession, they were so closely marked that they were unable to make sufficient room for themselves to score.

Timmy Doyle, as already stated, inspired his team-mates from midfield, though playing on no less a man than Paudie Lynch. In defence, Mike Hassett was given the job of marking danger-man, Brendan Lynch, and he did it in fine fashion, without ever having to resort to foul tactics. Young Tommy Woods, at left half-forward, was playing in his first important senior game and was never beaten. In fact, he was one of the outstanding players on the field. Frank Russell was back to something like his best form and he revelled in the conditions. Pat Horgan, at full-forward, had yet another great game. Patsy Joy played a captain’s part in spurring on his side. Michael O Shea, as Timmy Doyle’s partner, did everything that was asked of him. New fullback, Paud O Sullivan, never put a foot wrong. His kick-outs always reached midfield, a feat in itself in the conditions that prevailed. Eamonn Crowley, Jerry Coffey and Seamus Curran were always reliable and Barry Harmon, despite suffering from flu, put in a good hour’s work. Johnny O Connor kicked vital points from frees and Paul Lucey, when he moved up, gave the attack much-needed punch. Joe Crowley, who took over from Paul Lucey in goals, was not called upon to make even one save, but he marshalled his backs well.

That was a fighting display by the Rangers. That was Laune Rangers 7th Mid-Kerry Senior Football Championship. After the game, James Coffey, Chairman of Mid-Kerry Board, presented the Kennedy Cup to the winning captain, Patsy Joy. Patsy became the first Laune Rangers’ player to captain the senior team to two Mid-Kerry Championship Final successes (1967 and 1973).

Teddy Mangan had been selected to play in goals but was unable to get through the flood at Evans’ Cross with his car. He had to abandon it and walk to the field and by the time he got there the team had been reshuffled and Paul Lucey had been selected to play in goals. Obviously, his reason for being late was not accepted by the selectors, and, when Paul Lucey was moved from goals for the second half, Joe Crowley was selected as his replacement in goals.

Laune Rangers: Paul Lucey (0-1), Barry Harmon, Paud O Sullivan, Edso Crowley, Jerry Coffey, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Timmy Doyle, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor (0-3, frees), Frank Russell, Tommy Woods, Joseph Crowley, Pat Horgan (0-3), Patsy Joy (capt.). Subs: Joe Crowley, Teddy Mangan, John Clifford, Jerome Conway, Pat Lynch, Tom O Connor.

Beaufort: Kieran Breen, John Scully, Pat Breen, Tom Kelliher, Denis Scully, Gerard Foley, Simon O Sullivan, Paudie Lynch, John Coffey, Brendan Lynch, Gerald Kelliher, Aidan Kelly, Michael O Sullivan, Jack McGrath, Ian Joy.

Ref: Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine).

At the club meeting on 12th Nov. a slight disagreement arose when Pat O Shea said that it had been passed at the previous meeting that Francis O Doherty would receive a Mid-Kerry Championship medal. The Secretary said that that was not so. Pat O Shea withdrew from the meeting when his proposal was not accepted. Maurice Harmon proposed that Francis O Doherty should get a Championship medal but he withdrew that on reconsideration.


Mid-Kerry Senior Football League


Rd. 1 on Sun. 25th Feb. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers v Keel. Ref: Ian Joy (Beaufort).

Keel failed to field a full team and conceded the points to Laune Rangers.


Rd. 2 on Sun. 25th March at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-8; Glenbeigh 1-8.

The receipts for the game (@ 15p per person) were £1.05.

Referee was George McKenna (Callanfercy).


Rd. 3 on Sun. 8th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-7; Beaufort 0-1.

Ref: Tom Evans (Keel). The gate yielded £6.


Rd. 4 on Sat. 19th May at Milltown: Laune Rangers 1-9; Milltown/Castlemaine 3-9. Ref: Tom Evans (Keel). That result meant that both Laune Rangers and Milltown/Castlemaine were on top of the league with their programme completed. Other results were awaited. At the subsequent club meeting, the selectors reported that the players had no interest in training.


Semi-final on Sun. 5th Aug. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-11; Milltown/Castlemaine 2-5.

Laune Rangers: Teddy Mangan, Barry Harmon, Paul Lucey, Tom Curran, Pat Joe O Mahony (1-0), Seamus Curran, Jerry Coffey, Timmy Doyle, John Evans, Johnny O Connor (0-5, 3 frees), Frank Russell (0-2), Michael O Shea, John Clifford (0-4), Pat Horgan, Pat Lynch. Subs: Mike Hassett (late arrival) for P. Lynch (Pat Joe O Mahony going to corner-forward), Patsy Joy for P. J. O Mahony, Jimmy O Shea, Dermot Enright. The following players were missing: Edso Crowley (injured ankle), Declan Falvey (working), Enda Curtayne (broken collarbone).


Final on Sun. 30th Sept. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-8; Glenbeigh 1-8.

A last minute goal saved Glenbeigh in that game against their old rivals. The game was closely fought throughout but it was not contested in a very sporting spirit. Timmy Doyle (45 mins.) and Patsy Joy (48 mins.) were sent to the line and Laune Rangers had to play the last quarter with only thirteen men. It was in that period that they played their best football and seemed assured of victory, when Glenbeigh caught the defence out of position to score that vital goal.

Laune Rangers were unlucky not to have won and it should be added that several other players on both sides could have considered themselves lucky to escape marching orders for incidents far worse than the ones involving the two players sent off. Glenbeigh equalised in the dying seconds with a goal.

Laune Rangers, who led y 0-5 to 0-3 at the break, played well below their best when aided by a breeze in the first half. They went into a four-points’ lead on the restart but Glenbeigh fought back and, shortly after the second Rangers’ player was sent off, came within a point of the locals. However, Rangers rose to the occasion and but for the last-minute blunder, were rampant throughout the last quarter. Best for Rangers were Eamonn Crowley, Barry Harmon, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Jerry Coffey, Michael O Shea, Timmy Doyle, Declan Falvey, Pat Horgan, Johnny O Connor, Paul Lucey and Patsy Joy, when moved to midfield. Glenbeigh were best served by Mike Breen, Michael O Sullivan, Owen O Riordan, Derry O Sullivan, Mike Griffin, Kevin Griffin and Jimmy Healy.

At a subsequent Mid-Kerry Board meeting, Patsy Joy was suspended for two weeks for dangerous play and Timmy Doyle likewise for using abusive language to the referee.

Laune Rangers: Teddy Mangan, Barry Harmon, Paul Lucey, Edso Crowley, Mike Hassett, Seamus Curran, Jerry Coffey, Timmy Doyle, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor, Pat Horgan, Declan Falvey, Enda Curtayne, Frank Russell, Patsy Joy. Subs: John Clifford for F. Russell, Joseph Crowley for J. Clifford, Tom Curran, Dermot Enright, Pat Joe O Mahony.

Ref: Pat Clifford (Callanfercy).


Replayed final on Sun. 11th Nov. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-6; Glenbeigh 1-3.

Laune Rangers completed the Mid-Kerry double when they defeated Glenbeigh in a thrilling League Final replay. It was a fine game to watch and the fair-sized attendance loved every minute of it.

Laune Rangers opened in whirlwind fashion and, with Timmy Doyle and Michael O Shea in great form at midfield, the Glenbeigh defence was under constant pressure. After twenty minutes, Rangers led by 1-3 to 0-0, but that score did not do justice to their efforts. As in the championship decider the previous week, poor finish to great movements cost them many scores. Rangers led at halftime by 1-4 to 0-1.

On the resumption, the winners again took up the running. Then, however, Glenbeigh began to come more into the game but missed some good scoring chances. An eye injury, which forced Paul Lucey to retire, seemed to have an upsetting effect on Rangers and Glenbeigh took full advantage to score a goal and two points in quick succession, thus narrowing the deficit to two points. Before Glenbeigh could strike again, however, Rangers’ captain, Patsy Joy, scored a fine point to restore confidence to his side. When the final whistle sounded, the Killorglin boys were worthy winners.

The game was played at a fast pace all through and that suited Laune Rangers, who were the fitter side. Their halfback line was seldom in trouble and Seamus Curran deserved special mention. It had been a great year for him and his display in that game stamped him as one of the best centre halfbacks in the county. Timmy Doyle gave another tremendous display at midfield, being well supported by Michael O Shea. Frank Russell continued to improve and had yet another fine hour on the forty. Tommy Woods was certainly the ‘find’ of the year for Rangers and Pat Horgan, even though he did not get as many scores as usual, played extremely well at full-forward, where he got great assistance from Patsy Joy and Paul Lucey. In defence, Seamus Curran got great help from his flankers Mike Hassett and Jerry Coffey, who was again particularly impressive with his long kicking of placed balls. The fullback line of Barry Harmon, Paud O Sullivan and Eamonn Crowley was solid at all times. Though beaten on one occasion, Joe Crowley had another quiet day between the posts.

Laune Rangers: Joseph Crowley, Barry Harmon, Paud O Sullivan, Edso Crowley, Jerry Coffey, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Timmy Doyle, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor, Frank Russell (0-3, 2 frees), Tommy Woods, Paul Lucey (0-1), Pat Horgan (0-1), Patsy Joy (capt.) 1-1. Subs: John Clifford for J. O Connor, Francis O Doherty for P. Lucey (eye injury), Johnny O Connor for J. Clifford, Jerome Conway, Pat Lynch.

Glenbeigh: Michael O Sullivan, Mícheál Griffin, Mike Breen, Jackie O Dwyer, Connie O Sullivan (1-0), Owen O Riordan, Andrew O Grady, John Griffin, Neilie O Sullivan, Pat O Riordan, Jimmy Healy, Mike O Grady (0-3), Des O Connor, Derry O Sullivan, Kevin Griffin.

Ref: Tom Evans (Keel).

At the subsequent club meeting, James Coffey proposed that only five substitute players would get League medals, since only five would receive Championship medals. He withdrew that proposal when there was no support forthcoming. It was decided that the nineteen players who togged out for the League Final replay would receive medals plus the following: John Evans, Pat Joe O Mahony, Dermot Enright, Jimmy O Shea, James O Riordan, Michael Corkery, Billy Dodd, Enda Curtayne, Declan Falvey, Teddy Mangan, Tom Curran and John A. O Brien. Laune Rangers Club received £12 from the Mid-Kerry Board to purchase the League medals.


1972 Mid-Kerry O Sullivan Cup


Semi-final on Sun. 18th Feb. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-5; Glenbeigh 1-6.


1973 Mid-Kerry O Sullivan Cup


Glenbeigh received a bye to the semi-finals. The winners of the first round games went into the semi-finals and there was a losers’ round to decide the fourth team.


Rd. 1 on Sun. 4th Nov. at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 0-7; Beaufort 0-6.

That game doubled as both the Mid-Kerry Championship Final and the 1st Rd. of the O Sullivan Cup.


Semi-final on Sun. 2nd Dec. at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 0-6; Laune Rangers 0-9.

Laune Rangers: Joseph Crowley, Patsy Joy, Paud O Sullivan, Edso Crowley, Francis O Doherty, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Johnny O Connor, Michael O Shea, Barry Harmon, Frank Russell, Tommy Woods, Paul Lucey, Pat Horgan, Jerome Conway. Subs: John Clifford for J. Conway (knee injury), Pat Lynch for John Clifford.


Final on Sun. 6th Jan. 1974 at Milltown: Laune Rangers 4-12; Beaufort 0-8.

Laune Rangers: Joseph Crowley, Patsy Joy, Paud O Sullivan, Edso Crowley, Francis O Doherty, Seamus Curran, Mike Hassett, Jerry Coffey, Michael O Shea, Johnny O Connor, Frank Russell, Tommy Woods, Paul Lucey, Pat Horgan, Barry Harmon. Sub: Noel O Mahony for P. Lucey (concussion).


Mid-Kerry Novice Championship


Laune Rangers could not play players that had played in the Co. Senior Championship in 1972 or 1973.

Laune Rangers were given a bye into the semi-finals.

Semi-final on Sun. 3rd June at Keel: Beaufort beat Laune Rangers.

Ref: George McKenna (Callanfercy).


Challenge/Tournament Games


Sun. 14th Jan. Laune Rangers Senior team played a combined Laune Rangers Junior/Novice team.

Sun. 28th Jan. Laune Rangers v Desmonds.

Sun. 4th Feb. Laune Rangers v Spa.

At a subsequent club meeting, the selectors complained that two players had played soccer on the day of the match against Spa and one player had played on the day of the game versus Desmonds. The selectors were advised to use their discretion when selecting teams in future.


In April, Laune Rangers took part in the Rathmore Tournament.

Semi-final – Laune Rangers beat Desmonds.

Final at Rathmore: Macroom 5-5; Laune Rangers 3-7.


Laune Rangers Carnival Tournament:

Semi-final on Fri. 29th June – Na hÁghasaigh beat Austin Stacks.

Semi-final on Tues. 3rd July: Laune Rangers beat Mid-Kerry.

Final on Sun. 8th July: Na hÁghasaigh 3-9; Laune Rangers 2-7.

Both teams took the game seriously and fielded near championship sides. Laune Rangers got off to a dream start with a goal in the first minute by Francis O Doherty and a point from a free a minute later by Michael O Shea. Na hÁghasaigh fought back and a mix-up in the Rangers defence left Joe O Sullivan through for a goal and seconds later a Michael Slattery free went all the way to the net to give them the lead. Three points in-a-row by Tom McDonnell and one from Liam Higgins gave them a six points lead but the Rangers staged a great comeback and were ahead at the interval by 2-6 to 2-5.

West-Kerry were in command for most of the second half, notching 1-4 to a solitary point for the Rangers, who were most unlucky on a few occasions in their efforts to score goals. Best for Na hÁghasaigh were Seamus Mac Gearailt, Mícheál Ó Sé, Riobard Casey in defence, Jim Bambury (in goals), John Long and Michael Slattery at midfield and Tom McDonnell, Joe O Sullivan, Liam Higgins and Gearóid O Connor in attack. Laune Rangers had probably the man-of-the-match in right halfback, Barry Harmon. He got good support in defence from Seamus Curran, Pat Horgan and John Clifford in goals. Michael O Shea tried hard at midfield, while Eamonn Crowley, Joe Crowley and Frank Russell were best of a poor attack. Scorers for Na hÁghasaigh were Tom McDonnell 1-6, Joe O Sullivan 1-0, Michael Slattery 1-0, Paudie O Shea 0-1, T. Brosnan 0-1, Liam Higgins 0-1. Scorers for Laune Rangers were Joe Crowley 1-1, Francis O Doherty 1-1, Michael O Shea 0-2, Frank Russell 0-1, Eamonn Crowley 0-1, Patsy Joy 0-1.

Ref: Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine).


Challenge on 18th July at Killarney: East-Kerry v Laune Rangers.


Challenge in Aug: Laune Rangers 0-7. Austin Stack’s 4-12.

Some of the selected players did not show up for that game, to the great dissatisfaction of the selectors.


7-a-side tournament in Cahersiveen in Aug: Laune Rangers won out the tournament.


Tues. 28th Aug: Laune Rangers v East-Kerry.


Senior Parish League


There were four teams, Town, Over Laune, Caragh Lake and Sunhill/Groyne. It would be played on a single round basis. At the end of the league system, the top team went into the final, the 2nd and 3rd teams played off in the semi-final and the 4th team dropped out. Games were of 25 minutes per half. Teams were of a minimum of 12 aside. However, in the semi-final and final teams would have to be 15 aside.

Rd. 1 on Sun. 23rd Dec. 1973:              Caragh Lake beat Over Laune

Sunhill/Groyne beat The Town.

Rd. 2 on Sun. 30th Dec:                         Caragh Lake beat Sunhill/Groyne

Over Laune beat The Town.

Rd. 3 on Sun. 31st March 1974:             Sunhill/Groyne walk-over from Over Laune.

Rd. 3 on Sun. 14th April 1974:             Caragh Lake beat The Town.

Ref: Willie Murphy (Milltown).

Semi-final on Sun. 8th Sept. 1974:            Sunhill/Groyne beat Over Laune.

Final on 6th Oct. 1974:                        Sunhill/Groyne 1-7; Caragh Lake 0-5. Ref: Edso Crowley.

Sunhill/Groyne: Patrick O Sullivan (Sunhill) goal, Danny O Callaghan (Laharn), Paud O Sullivan (Sunhill), Con Doherty (Shanara), Anthony O Sullivan (Sunhill), Seamus Curran (Groyne), John Joy (Annadale), Tom Curran (Groyne), Johnny O Connor (Ardmoniel), Tom O Connor (Ardmoniel), Pat Horgan (Keelcoulacht), Mossy Joy (Annadale), Harry Carey (Tullig), Pat Joy (Annadale), Sean O Riordan (Farrentoreen). Subs: John Horgan (Keelcoulacht) and Alan Diggin (Laharn).


At the club meeting of 28th May, it was decided to commence a 7 aside parish league. The following rules were composed with a view to improving the accuracy of forwards:

a)      The pitch would be 100 yards long.

b)     A point scored from outside 35 yards was worth 2 pts.

c)      A point scored from inside 35 yards was worth just 1 pt.

d)     A point scored from a free from any distance was worth 2 pts.

e)      Goals were not allowed.

In order to improve the interest in the above competition, it was decided at the club meeting on 11th June that the first team, after the league, would play the second team for £45 (£30 and £15) and the third team would play the fourth team for £15 (£10 and £5).

Sun. 7th Oct: Farrentoreen 0-16; Caragh Lake 0-6.


Co. Minor Football Championship:

The Laune Rangers’ Minor Selection Committee consisted of Pat O Shea, Jerome Conway, Liam Shannon, Barry Harmon and the Captain.

Fri. 13th April: Laune Rangers lost to Dr. Crokes.

Fri. 3rd Aug. at Castleisland: Desmonds 7-15; Laune Rangers 0-4.

Shannon Rangers won the Co. Minor Championship.


Co. Minor Football League Div.1

That was the first year of the Co. Minor Club Leagues. The travelling team supplied the referee. The Urban section was divided into two groups:

Urban 1: Kenmare/Templenoe, St. Mary’s, Laune Rangers, Dr. Crokes, Legion and Rathmore.

Urban 2: Dingle, Austin Stacks, John Mitchels, Listowel, Desmonds and Kerins O Rahillys.


Rd. 1 on Fri. 6th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-7; St. Marys 0-17.

Rd. 2 on Fri. 13th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 1-5; Dr. Crokes 1-10.

Rd. 3 on Fri. 20th April at Rathmore: Rathmore 4-11; Laune Rangers 0-8.

Rd. 4 on Mon. 23rd April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers v Legion.

Rd. 5 on Fri. 27th April at Kenmare: Kenmare w/o; Laune Rangers scr.


Co. Final on Fri. 11th May: Austin Stacks 2-11; St. Mary’s 1-4.


Mid-Kerry Minor Championship:


Fri. 27th July at Milltown: Milltown/Castlemaine v Laune Rangers.

Semi-final at the end of Aug. Laune Rangers lost to Milltown/Castlemaine.

John Evans failed to turn up for the minors. He explained that he was resting his finger for the Senior Championship. At a meeting of the club on 27th Aug. the matter was discussed. No action was taken but it was left to the senior selectors’ discretion.


Milltown/Castlemaine won the Minor Championship.


Minor Football Challenge Game


Mon. 30th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers v Mid-Kerry


Co. U-16 Football Championship

There were two groups:

Urban 1 – Listowel, Kerins O Rahillys, Austin Stacks, John Mitchels and Desmonds.

Urban 2 – Dr. Crokes, Laune Rangers, Cahersiveen and Legion.


Rd. 1 on Thurs. 5th July at Killorglin: Laune Rangers lost to Dr. Crokes.

Rd. 2 on Wed. 11th July at Killarney: Legion v Laune Rangers.

Rd. 3 on Mon. 23rd July at Cahersiveen: St. Mary’s defeated Laune Rangers.


Mid-Kerry U-16 Championship:


Sat. 23rd June: Laune Rangers beat Milltown.

Final on Thurs. 1st Nov. at Milltown: Laune Rangers 8-3; Keel 2-2.

Laune Rangers: Michael Clifford (Annadale Rd.), Patrick O Sullivan (Sunhill), Teddy Clifford (Muingaphouca), Declan Crowley (Market St.), Gerard Cahillane (Mill Road), Edward Keane (Annadale Road), Joe Curran (Dromin), Tom Johnston (Dungeel) capt., Tom O Connor (Ardmoniel), John Horgan (Keelcoulacht), Joseph Flynn (St. James’ Gardens), Mícheál Scanlon (School Road), Teddy O Mahony (Caragh Lake), Martin O Riordan (Tullig), Harry Carey (Tullig). Subs: Patrick Foley (Dungeel) for J. Horgan; Danny Healy (Tullig) for H. Carey, Gerard O Shea (Rangue), Michael F. O Shea (Rangue), James O Shea (Caragh Lake).


U-16 Parish League:

There were four selected teams of eleven-a-side. The four captains were Tom Johnston, Teddy Clifford, Teddy O Mahony and Martin O Riordan.

Rd. 1 on Sun. 4th March: Teddy Clifford beat Tom Johnston;                              Martin O Riordan beat Teddy O Mahony.

Rd. 2 on Sun. 11th March: Tom Johnston beat Teddy O Mahony;               Teddy Clifford beat Martin O Riordan.

Rd. 3 on Sun. 18th March: Teddy O Mahony beat Teddy Clifford; Martin O Riordan beat Tom Johnston.

Rd. 4 on Sun. 25th March: Teddy Clifford beat Tom Johnston; Teddy O Mahony beat Martin O Riordan.

Rd. 5 on Sat. 31st March: Teddy Clifford beat Martin O Riordan; Teddy O Mahony beat Tom Johnston.

Semi-final on Sun. 8th April: Martin O Riordan beat Teddy O Mahony.

Final on Sun. 22nd April: Teddy Clifford 0-5; Martin O Riordan 0-4.

Teddy Clifford, Mícheál Scanlon, Patrick Foley, Harry Carey, Stephen O Sullivan (Sunhill), Michael F. O Shea, John Horgan, Derek Freeman, Desmond Houlihan (Church Road), Denis Murphy (Caragh Lake), Mícheál O Callaghan.


U-16 Challenge/Tournament Games


At the end of Aug. Laune Rangers were beaten in the final of the Cahersiveen 7 aside U-16 blitz.

On Fri. 12th Oct. Challenge: Laune Rangers beat Dr. Crokes.

Sat. 19th Oct. Challenge: Laune Rangers 2-7; Seminary 1-9.


Co. U-14 Championship:

There   were two groups:

Urban 1 – Listowel, Kerins O Rahillys, Austin Stacks, John Mitchels and Desmonds.

Urban 2 – Dr. Crokes, Laune Rangers, Cahersiveen, Kenmare and Legion.


Rd. 1 on Wed. 11th April at Killarney: Laune Rangers 1-4; Dr. Crokes 2-5.

Rd. 2 on Wed. 18th April at Killorglin: Laune Rangers 2-8; Legion 1-1.

Rd. 3 on Fri. 11th May at Killorglin: Laune Rangers beat Cahersiveen.

Rd. 4 on Wed. 16th May at Killarney: Laune Rangers Kenmare/Templenoe.

Semi-final on Sun. 3rd June at Killarney: Austin Stacks 3-9; Laune Rangers 2-7.


Co. Final on Fri. 22nd June at Killorglin: Austin Stacks v Dr. Crokes.


Mid-Kerry U-14 Championship:


Rd. 1 at the beginning of April: Laune Rangers 5-6; Milltown 1-0.

Rd. 2 in mid-May: Laune Rangers 5-12; Beaufort 0-0.

Rd. 3 on Fri. 25th May at Milltown: Laune Rangers 5-4; Keel 1-1.

Rd. 4 on Fri. 8th June: Laune Rangers 9-8; Glenbeigh 1-3.


Final at the end of June: Laune Rangers 3-12; Keel 1-3.

Laune Rangers: Anthony Corkery, Ballycleave (goals), Michael O Sullivan (Reeks’ View), James O Shea, (Caragh Lake) capt., Derek Freeman (Langford St.), Anthony Shannon (Mountain View), James Sheehan (Glencuttane), Mícheál O Callaghan (Log na Glaise), John Horgan (Keelcoulacht), Michael Francis O Shea (Rangue), John O Neill (School Road), Liam Woods (The Square), Mícheál Johnston (Dungeel), John O Dwyer (Iveragh Road), Gerard O Shea (Rangue), Liam O Connor (Glencuttane). Subs: Donal Naughton (Rangue), John Doona (Dromin), John Sheehan (Glencuttane), Paudie Healy (Main Street), Joseph Shannon (Mountain View). John McEnery (Cromane) was missing. Alan Diggin (Laharn) had been injured in the Co. Semi-final and was unable to play.


U-14 Parish League

There were four selected teams. The four captains were John Horgan, Michael F. O Shea, Gerard O Shea and James Sheehan.

Sat. 17th Nov: John Horgan beat M. F. O Shea; Gerard O Shea beat James Sheehan.

Sat. 24th Nov: John Horgan beat James Sheehan; Gerard O Shea beat M. F. O Shea.

Sat. 1st Dec: John Horgan beat Gerard O Shea; M. F. O Shea beat James Sheehan.

Winners – John Horgan.


U-14 Challenge/Tournament Games


Kieran Foley brought St. Kevin’s College, Dublin, U-14 team (25 players) to Killorglin from Fri. 30th March to Sun. 1st April. They beat Laune Rangers in a challenge on Sat. 31st March.

Laune Rangers U-14 team (28 players) made the return trip to Dublin on Fri. 4th May, departing at 18.37 hrs. Michael O Shea and Paudie O Connor were the mentors. The Rangers lost their games but they attended at Croke Park to cheer on Kerry in the National League Final.


At the end of April, Laune Rangers took part in the Dr. Crokes U-14 Tournament. Laune Rangers beat Legion, John Mitchels and St. Finbarr’s, Cork but lost to Dr. Crokes in the final.


During the club’s carnival, Laune Rangers U-14 team won the blitz.


At the end of Aug. Laune Rangers won the Cahersiveen U-14 seven aside blitz.


Laune Rangers U-13 team travelled to Cork at 11.20am on Sun. 15th April to play the Cork City Champions, Na Piarsaigh. Result: Na Piarsaigh 6-0; Laune Rangers 2-3. Team mentors were Pat O Shea and Jerome Conway.


U-13 Parish League


Sat. 4th Feb: Derek Freeman beat James Sheehan

James O Shea beat Alan Diggin.

Semi-final on Sun.18th Feb: James O Shea v Liam O Connor by one point.

Final on Sun. 25th Feb: James O Shea 1-5; Derek Freeman 1-2.

After a thriller, James O Shea was presented with the Mangan Cup. Ref: Jerome Conway.


Co. U-12 Championship:

The winners of the District Boards’ U-12 competitions came forward to the Co. Championship. Those were Dr. Crokes (East-Kerry), Dingle (West-Kerry), Listowel (North-Kerry), Austin Stacks (Tralee), Desmonds (Castleisland), Laune Rangers (Mid-Kerry) and Waterville (South-Kerry).


Quarter-final on Thurs. 7th June at Killarney: Laune Rangers 1-15; Austin Stacks 1-0.

Ref: Richie Williams (Fossa).

Semi-final on Wed. 20th June at Killarney: Laune Rangers beat Dr. Crokes.

Ref: Richie Williams (Fossa).


Final on Sat. 23rd June at Strand Road: Laune Rangers 1-9; Listowel 0-4.

Laune Rangers: Pierce Prendiville (School Road), Paudie Sheahan (The Square), Brian O Shea (Laharn), Patrick Horgan (The Square), Gerard Flynn (St. James’ Gardens), Stephen Russell (Laune View), Patrick Freeman (Langford St.), Paudie Healy (Main Street), Anthony Shannon (Mountain View) capt., Seamus O Shea (Rangue), John Sheehan (Glencuttane), John Griffin (Gurrane), Patrick Pigott (Laune View), Joseph Shannon (Mountain View), Finbarr Coffey (The Bridge). Subs: Patrick O Doherty (St. James’ Gardens), Robert Freeman (Langford St.), Donal Clifford (Annadale Rd.), Raymond Murphy (Dunmaniheen), Donal Pigott (Laune View), Gerard O Connor (Glencuttane), James Naughton (Rangue), John Melia (School Road), John Foley (Reen), John Hurley (Gurrane). Tony Brennan (Ownagarry), though selected, refused to travel as he felt that he should have been the captain of the team.

Laune Rangers – Co. and Mid-Kerry U-12 Champions 1973

Laune Rangers – Co. and Mid-Kerry U-12 Champions 1973
Kneeling: Joe Shannon, John Griffin, Gerard Flynn, Podge Freeman, Paudie Sheahan, Anthony Shannon (capt.), Donal Clifford, Patrick Horgan, Raymond Murphy, Donal Pigott, Gerard O Connor, James Naughton.
Middle: John Sheehan, John Melia, Finbarr Coffey, Paudie Healy, Pierce Prendiville, Robert Freeman, Patrick O Doherty, Seamus O Shea, Pat Pigott, Stephen Russell, John Foley, Brian O Shea, John Hurley.
Back: Pat O Shea (Mentor), Bobby Houlihan (Bus Driver), James Coffey (Chairman), Mikey Moriarty (Bus driver), Liam Shannon, Jerome Conway (Mentors).

Mid-Kerry U-12 Championship:


Sat. 21st April at Beaufort: Laune Rangers 3-17; Beaufort 1-5.

Wed. 2nd May at Milltown: Laune Rangers beat Milltown.

Wed. 9th May: Laune Rangers beat Glenbeigh.

Final on Wed. 16th May: Laune Rangers 6-18; Beaufort 0-0.

Laune Rangers: Pierce Prendiville, Paudie Sheahan, Brian O Shea, Patrick Horgan, Gerard Flynn, Stephen Russell, Patrick Pigott, ,Tony Brennan, Paudie Healy, Seamus O Shea, Anthony Shannon, Robert Freeman, Finbarr Coffey, John Sheehan, Joe Shannon.


U-12 Challenge/Tournament Games

In April, Challenge: Laune Rangers A beat Legion A; Laune Rangers B lost to Legion B.

Sun. 24th June: Laune Rangers took part in the Listowel U-12 blitz.

Sat. 7th July: Laune Rangers took part in the Laune Rangers U-12 blitz during the Carnival.


U-12 Parish League


Semi-final on Sat. 3rd Feb: Tony Brennan beat Paudie Healy.

Final on Sun. 11th Feb: Tony Brennan beat Anthony Shannon.

After a thriller, Tony Brennan was presented with the Clifford/Curtin Trophy.


U-11 Parish League:

There were four selected teams. The four captains were Joe Shannon, John Sheehan, Seamus O Shea and John Griffin.

Rd. 1 on Sat. 13th Oct: John Sheehan beat Seamus O Shea; Joe Shannon beat John Griffin.

Rd. 2 on Sun. 28th Oct: Joe Shannon beat Seamus O Shea; John Sheehan beat John Griffin.

Rd. 2 on Sat. 3rd Nov: Joe Shannon drew with John Sheehan; Seamus O Shea beat John Griffin.

Rd. 4 on Sat. 10th Nov: John Sheehan beat Seamus O Shea; Joe Shannon beat John Griffin.


U-9 Parish League:

The parish was divided into four areas, Farrentoreen, Upper Town/Langford St, Lower Town/Over Laune, Cromane.

Rd. 1 on Sat. 13th Oct: Farrentoreen beat Upper Town/Langford St; Lr. Town/Over Laune beat Cromane.

Rd. 2 on Fri. 19th Oct: Farrentoreen beat Cromane; Upper Town/Langford St. beat Lr. Town/Over Laune.

Rd. 3 on Fri. 24th Oct: Lr Town/Over Laune beat Farrentoreen; Upper Town/Langford St. beat Cromane.

Rd. 4 on Sat. 10th Nov: Lr. Town/Over Laune beat Cromane; Farrentoreen beat Upper Town/Langford St.

Rd. 5 on Fri. 22nd March (1974): Lr. Town/O.Laune beat Upp. Town/ St; Cromane beat Farrentoreen.

Rd. 6 on Fri. 29th March: Farrentoreen beat Lr. Town/O.Laune; Upper Town/Langford St. beat Cromane.

Rd. 7 on Fri. 5th April; Over Laune/Lr. Town beat Farrentoreen; Upper town/Langford St. beat Cromane.

Semi-final on Sun. 14th April: Farrentoreen beat Upper Town/Langford St.

Final on Sun. 21st April: Farrentoreen beat Lower Town/Over Laune.


Sat. 20th Oct. U-11 Challenge: Laune Rangers A beat Legion A; Laune Rangers B beat Legion B.


Munster Minor Football Championship

Rev. Father Hegarty, St. Brendan’s College, was the trainer of the team.


Semi-final on Fri. 6th July at Clonmel: Tipperary drew with Kerry.

Kerry: Tadhg Moynihan (Rathmore), Michael Howe (Legion) capt., Pat O Connor (St. Mary’s), Tom Daly (Milltown/Castlemaine), Gerald Leahy (Listowel), Denis Ogie Moran (Beale), Stephen Carroll (Causeway), Paudie O Shea (Gaeltacht), John Evans (Laune Rangers), Pat Spillane (Templenoe), Patie O Mahony (Skellig Rangers), Billy Lyons (Desmonds), John Kerins (Scartaglin), Sean Walsh (Kerins O Rahillys), Michael Culloty (Austin Stacks). Subs: Sean McCarthy (Desmonds), Donal Brosnan (Legion), John Culloty (Austin Stacks), Barry Walsh (Ballylongford), Michael Burns (Sneem), Padraig Liston (Beale), John Murphy (Scartaglin), Charlie Nelligan (Desmonds).


Replay on Wed. 11th July at Listowel: Kerry 1-14; Tipperary 0-5.

Kerry: Michael Culloty, Donal Brosnan, Pat O Connor, Tom Daly, Gerald Leahy, John Evans, Michael Howe, Denis Ogie Moran (1-1), John Culloty, Patie Mahony (0-2), Paudie O Shea (0-3), Pat Spillane (0-1), John Kerins (0-2), Sean Walsh (0-4), Billy Lyons (0-1). Sub: Ted Foley (St. Mary’s) for J. Culloty, Tadhg Moynihan, Padraig Liston, Sean McCarthy, Fintan Lawlor (Austin Stacks), Stephen Carroll, Barry Walsh, Charlie Nelligan, Michael Burns, John Murphy.


Final on Sun. 15th July at the Athletic Grounds: Cork 1-13; Kerry 3-5.

Kerry: Michael Culloty, Donal Brosnan, Pat O Connor, Tom Daly, Gerald Leahy, John Evans, Michael Howe, Denis Ogie Moran, Paudie O Shea, Patie O Mahony, Ted Foley, Pat Spillane, John Kerins, Sean Walsh, Billy Lyons. Subs: Barry Walsh, Stephen Carroll, Michael Burns, John Culloty, Tadhg Moynihan, Padraig Liston.

Cork: G. Delaney, F. Lynch, F. O Leary, E. Desmond, M. Brown, K. Murphy, Tadhg Murphy, Derry O Hare, B. Twomey, Ger Aherne, Michael O Regan, D. McCarthy, John Allen, Richard Whitley, A. Monaghan.


Munster/All-Ireland  U-21 Football Championship


Semi-final on Mon. 16th April at Castleisland: Kerry beat Limerick

Kerry: Paudie O Mahony, Gerry Coffey, Jimmy Deenihan, Batt O Shea, Ger O Driscoll, Ger O Keeffe, Barry Harmon, John Long, Tim Kennelly, John Coffey, Mickey O Sullivan, Donal Kissane, Michael O Shea, John Egan, Ger Power. Subs: John Cahill, Eddie Joe Nagle, Mikey O Connor, James Murphy, Ger Dillon, Richie McAuliffe, Mikey Sheehy, P. Burrows.


Final on Wed. 1st Aug. at Skibbereen: Cork 1-12; Kerry 2-12.

Kerry: Paudie O Mahony, Gerry Coffey, Jimmy Deenihan, Batt O Shea, Ger O Keeffe, Ger Power, Barry Harmon, John Long, Tim Kennelly, John Coffey, Mickey O Sullivan, Laurence O Donoghue, Michael O Shea, John Egan, Mikey Sheehy. Subs: Christy O Connell, J. Murphy, C. Healy, Paudie O Shea, Kevin O Donoghue, Richie McAuliffe, Eddie Joe Nagle.

Semi-final on Sun. 26th Aug. at Tralee: Kerry 3-11; Offaly 2-6.

Barry Harmon impressed at right fullback. Michael O Shea helped to make it a very unpleasant afternoon for the Offaly backs.

Kerry: Paudie O Mahony (Spa), Barry Harmon (Laune Rangers), Jim Deenihan (Finuge), Batt O Shea (Churchill), Ger O Keeffe (Austin Stacks), Ger Power (Austin Stacks), Kevin O Donoghue (Glenflesk), John Long (Gaeltacht), Paudie O Shea (Gaeltacht), John Coffey (Beaufort), Mickey O Sullivan (Kenmare), Mikey Sheehy (Austin Stacks), Niall Brosnan (Dr. Crokes), John Egan (Sneem), Michael O Shea (Laune Rangers). Subs: Tim Kennelly (Emmets) for P. O Shea, Christy O Connell for M. Sheehy, Jerry Coffey (Laune Rangers), Johnny Cahill, Eddie Joe Nagle, Laurence O Donoghue.

Offaly: T. McNamara, Eamonn Mulhall, Mick Wright, W. O Connor, Joe Mulligan, Sean Lowry, M. Currams, Mick Brennan, Michael Fitzgerald, Charlie Quinn, Eamonn Lowry, R. Molloy, Ray O Loughlin, B. Collins, M. Devine. Subs: J. McNally for M. Currams, E. Dooley for R. Molloy, E. Connor for E. Lowry.

Ref: Jimmy Martin (Roscommon).


Final on Sun. 16th Sept. in Ennis: Kerry 2-13; Mayo 0-13.

Barry Harmon played quite soundly. Michael O Shea came up against a really fine corner-back in John O Mahony, but he tried very hard until his retiral.

Kerry: Paudie O Mahony, Barry Harmon, Jim Deenihan, Bat O Shea, Ger O Keeffe, Ger Power, Kevin O Donoghue, John Long, Paudie Lynch (Beaufort), John Coffey (0-5), Mickey O Sullivan (0-1), Paudie O Shea (0-1), Michael O Shea, John Egan (1-3), Mikey Sheehy (1-3). Subs: Martin Ferris for M. O Shea, Niall Brosnan for P. Lynch, Jerry Coffey, Tim Kennelly, Donal Kissane, Christy O Connell.

Mayo: Stephen Langan, Padraig Cunningham, Seamus O Reilly, John O Mahony, Ger Feeney, Connie Moynihan, Johnny Culkin, Ray McNicholas, Gerry Farragher, Mick Gannon, Ted Webb, Richard Bell, Eamonn Ralph, Des McGrath, M. Flannery.

Ref: Mick Spain (Offaly).

The three Laune Rangers’ players were members of the first juvenile team in the club, which had been trained by Pat O Shea.


National Football League 1972/1973


Sun. 4th Feb. at Ballinasloe: Galway 1-4; Kerry 0-6.

Kerry: Eamonn Fitzgerald, Donie O Sullivan, Paud O Donoghue, Derry Crowley, Tom Prendergast, John O Keeffe, Mícheál Ó Sé, Paudie Lynch, Neilie O Sullivan, Brendan Lynch, John Saunders, Eamonn O Donoghue, Jackie Walsh, Frank Russell, Mick O Dwyer. Sub: Pat Griffin for F. Russell, Liam Higgins, Jimmy Deenihan, Seamus Mac Gearailt, John Coffey, Mick Gleeson, Ger O Keeffe, Ger Power.


Sun. 25th Feb. at Killarney: Kerry Kildare.

Kerry: Eamonn Fitzgerald, Donie O Sullivan, Paudie O Donoghue, Derry Crowley, Tom Prendergast, John O Keeffe, Mícheál Ó Sé, Paudie Lynch, Mickey O Sullivan, Brendan Lynch, Pat Griffin, Eamonn O Donoghue, John Egan, Liam Higgins, Mick O Dwyer. Subs: Dan Kavanagh, Jimmy Deenihan, Jackie Walsh, Seamus Mac Gearailt, Ger O Keeffe, John Saunders, Dan O Keeffe, Ger Power, Frankie Russell.


National Football League 1973/1974


Sun. 14th Oct. at Aughrim: Wicklow v Kerry.

Kerry: J. Bambury, Derry Crowley, Jimmy Deenihan, Batt O Shea, Ger O Keeffe, John O Keeffe, Ger Power, Paudie Lynch, John Long, Brendan Lynch, Dan Kavanagh, Jackie Walshe, Seamus Mac Gearailt, Mick O Dwyer, Eamonn O Donoghue. Subs: Neilie O Sullivan, John Coffey, Mike Breen, Seamus Curran, Mikey Sheehy, Billy Curtin, Pat McCarthy, Paidí Ó Sé.


Sun. 28th Oct. at Roscommon Town: Roscommon v Kerry.

Seamus Curran was a substitute.


Whit Sunday Tournament


Sun. 3rd June at Killarney: Kerry 2-15; Cork 1-13.

Frank Russell played at full-forward.


Senior Inter-County Football Challenge Games


Sun. 28th Jan. in Tralee: Kerry 1-12; Tipperary 4-10.

Frank Russell played at full-forward.


Sun. 20th May at Shannon: Clare 4-6; Kerry 0-6.

Kerry: Eamonn Fitzgerald, Seamus O Donovan, Seamus Mac Gearailt, Bat O Shea, Ger Power, Pat McCarthy, Dan O Keeffe, Philip Horan, Mike O Connor, Mikey Sheehy, Mick Gleeson, Eamonn O Donoghue, M. Murphy, Frank Russell, Mick O Dwyer.


Sun. 24th June at Athy: Kildare 2-7; Kerry 2-10.

Kerry: G. O Connor, Dan O Keeffe, Paudie O Donoghue, Seamus Mac Gearailt, Tony O Keeffe, Derry Crowley, Ger Power, Jackie Walsh, John O Keeffe, John Coffey, John Saunders, Philip Horan, M. O Grady, Frank Russell, J. Coffey.




Dr. Donal Keenan, Ros Comáin, was elected Uachtarán CLG.


Munster Council Convention was held in Limerick on 3rd March. Patrick A. Weeshie Murphy, Corcaigh, was Chairman, Seán McCarthy, Ciarraí, was Secretary and Tadhg Crowley, Ciarraí, was Treasurer. James Coffey was a Kerry delegate to the Munster Convention in Limerick on 3rd March.


The Annual Convention of the Kerry Co. Board was held in the Pavilion, Austin Stacks Park, Tralee, on Sun. 28th Jan. 1973. The following officers were elected: President – John Joe Sheehy, Chairman – Gerald McKenna, Vice-Chairman – Frank King, Secretary – Andy Molyneaux, Treasurers – Murt Galvin and James Coffey. (After the first count, the results were Murt Galvin 117 votes, Tadhg Prendiville 108 votes, James Coffey 81 votes and Tom Ashe 62 votes. After the elimination of Tom Ashe, the results were Murt Galvin 149 votes, James Coffey 104 votes, Tadhg Prendiville 97 votes), PRO – Tim Linehan (After the first count, the results were Tim Linehan 70 votes, Donie Sheehan 59 votes, Noel Stack 33 votes, Eugene Powell 16 votes. After the elimination of Noel Stack and Eugene Powell, the results were Tim Linehan 101 votes, Donie Sheehan 73 votes), Delegates to Munster Council – Michael O Connor and Dave Geaney (After the first count, the results were Michael O Connor 92 votes, Dave Geaney 90 votes, Murt Kelly 87 votes, Johnny Walshe 48 votes, Joe Keohane 43 votes. After the elimination of Joe Keohane, the results were Dave Geaney 111 votes, Michael O Connor 105 votes, Murt Kelly 87 votes, Johnny Walshe 51 votes. After the elimination of Johnny Walshe, the results were Michael O Connor 144 votes, Dave Geaney 135 votes, Murt Kelly 87 votes), Delegate to Central Council – Dr. Jim Brosnan.

Senior Selection Committee – Johnny Walshe (105), Father Denis Curtin ( 101), Joe Keohane (97), Murt Kelly (83), Tadhg Healy (79), all of whom were elected, Ned Fitzgerald (75).

Minor Selection Committee (elected at the Co. Board meeting on Tues. 6th March) – Tom Fitzgerald (Emmett’s) 66 votes, Tom Ashe (Annascaul) 52 votes, Dan Dwyer (Kilcummin) 45, Gerald Hussey (Sneem) 41, Gerard Cullinane (Dr. Crokes) 36 (all elected), Jim Wrenn (Churchill) 34, Sylvie Mason (John Mitchels) 32, T. Walsh (32), John Rice (Templenoe) 29, Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine) 29, P.J. Donovan (St. Marys) 20, Tom Brennan (Desmonds) 10.

Laune Rangers had two motions on the ‘clár’, both of which were passed: 1. ‘That postponement of games should be allowed only once and teams seeking a second postponement should be barred from further participation in the competition and fined.’ It was decided that if a team did not fulfil a fixture, it would be deprived of any home games for the remainder of the season. 2. ‘That the Co. Board allot dates at the beginning of the year for the running of county competitions, thereby allowing the District Boards to make fixtures for the year.’


At the Co. Board meeting on Tues. 6th March, James Coffey was appointed onto the GPC, Pat O Shea was Mid-Kerry’s representative on Bord na bPáirc and Denis O Neill was appointed onto the Co. Referees’ Sub-Committee.


The following officers were elected at the AGM of Bord na nOg Chiarraí, which was held in the Pavilion, Austin Stack Park on Fri. 15th Dec. 1972: Chairman – Father James Linnane, Vice-Chairman – Pat O Shea (Laune Rangers), Secretary – Liam Sayers, Treasurer – Sylvie Mason, PRO – George Rice, Registrar – Willie Griffin.

During the year, Pat O Shea attended 10 out of 11 Bord meetings and, in the absence of the Chairman, acted as Chairman at 5 meetings.

Michael O Shea and Jerome Conway attended a football coaching course organised by Bord na nOg Chiarraí in Tralee on Sat. 8th September.


The AGM of the Mid-Kerry Board was held in the CYMS Hall, Killorglin on Mon. 22nd Jan. 1973. Chairman, James Coffey, presided. (The Secretary’s Report is given at the end of 1972). The Chairman, in his address, welcomed the delegates from all the clubs. He hit out strongly at the criticism of referees in the area. He said that it was bad enough to listen to the abuse hurled at referees from spectators and from the sideline but when delegates brought their criticisms of referees into the Board meetings, it was going a little too far. He said that there was never a referee in Mid-Kerry who went out on a playing field to do a team out of a game and he would not stand for any criticism of referees at Board meetings. He stated that at the games in Mid-Kerry, there was the cleanest record in the county for sportsmanship. The games were contested in the best spirit and the referees were, in a way, largely responsible for that.

He appealed for more cooperation from club officials. He said that, in Kevin Griffin, the Board had a great Secretary but his task was being made difficult by lack of cooperation. He also asked Convention to give more power to the officers. He said that Mid-Kerry was tied up with bye-laws, which were preventing competitions from being completed. He guaranteed the delegates that, if that power was given to them, all competitions in 1973 would be completed in good time. He appealed to the Co. Players to show more interest in the preparation of the senior team for the Co. Championship games. Concluding, he thanked all who helped to make the past year a successful one for the Board.

The following officers were elected:

President – Paddy Foley (Laune Rangers), Chairman – James Coffey (Laune Rangers), Vice-Chairman – Tom Evans (Keel), Secretary – Kevin Griffin (Glenbeigh), Treasurer – Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine), Delegate to Co. Board – Pat Clifford (Milltown/Castlemaine), Kerry Minor Selector – Pat Clifford.

The following motions were passed:

  1. ‘That the Mid-Kerry Senior Championship be finished for the second Sunday in September.’ Milltown/Castlemaine.
  2. ‘That Mid-Kerry participates in the Kerryman Shield.’ Glenbeigh.
  3. ‘That the Board be given power to appoint a referee, when two teams disagree on a referee.’ Glenbeigh.

It was decided, where two games would take place at the same venue, to charge 20p and where one game would take place to charge 15p.


The following were the officers of Mid-Kerry Bord na nOg for 1973: Chairman – Brother Fergal (Milltown/Castlemaine), Vice-Chairman – Dan Prendergast (Keel), Hon. Secretary – Pat O Shea (Laune Rangers), Hon. Treasurer – Ian Joy (Beaufort), PRO – John Griffin (Glenbeigh).


The minutes of 12 Mid-Kerry Board meetings are available. They were all held in the CYMS Hall, Killorglin and were totally for fixture-making purposes.


The minutes of 36 Laune Rangers’ Club meetings are available. These meetings included regular and detailed progress reports from the various sub-committees. The sub-committee structure operated very successfully during the year.


1. Activities Sub-Committee: Members – Jerome Conway (Chairman), Pat Finnegan, Timothy O Riordan, James O Riordan, Barry Harmon. That sub-committee organised two main projects during the year – (i) Tops of the County/Primary Schools’ Talent Competition and (ii) the Annual Carnival.

(i) Adult Talent Competition – There were nine entrants, Secondary School A & B, Vocational School A & B, Badminton Club, Paul Wenzil’s, Killorglin Youth Club, Laune Mountaineering Club, Cromane Muintir na Tíre. Admission was 40p for adults and 20p for children.

Primary Schools’ Talent Competition: There were seven entrants, Scoil Mhuire A & B, Kilgobnet A & B, Cromane, Douglas and Glounaguillagh.

Tops of the County – There were five contestants, Fossa Youth Club, Badminton/Laune Mountaineering Club, Rathmore, Killorglin Youth Club, Killarney Hosiery.

  • Fri. 9th March:            Kilgobnet A v Scoil Mhuire B.

Secondary School A v Vocational School A v Paul Wenzil’s

Tops of the County – Fossa Youth Club qualified.

The gross takings at the door were £119.75. The raffle netted £15.08.

  • Fri. 16th March, Primary Schools’ Talent Competition:

Solo Dancing – U-6 1st Cromane N.S.; U-8 1st Cromane N.S; U-10 1st Douglas N.S; U-12 1st Cromane.

Group Singing – 1st Douglas N.S; Group Dancing – 1st Cromane N.S; Question time – 1st Douglas N.S.

Adult Talent Competition, Intermediate School B v Vocational School B v Youth Club:

Recitation – 1st Norma Prendiville (Youth Club);

Solo Dancing – Mary Doyle and Mary O Sullivan (Intermediate School);

Solo Instrumentalist – James Cahillane (Killorglin Gun Club) and Patrick O Shea (Lower Bridge St.);

Solo Singing – Johnny Murphy (Lonart);

Group Singing – Intermediate School;

Question Time – Youth Club.

Tops of the County: Killorglin Badminto/Mountaineering Clubs beat Rathmore.

The gross takings at the door were £130.37. The raffle netted £16.12.

  • Fri. 23rd March:             Kilgobnet B v Scoil Mhuire A v Glounaguillagh.

Killorglin Badminton v Laune Mountaineering Clubs v Cromane Muintir na Tíre.

Primary Schools’ Talent Competition:

Solo Dancing – U-8 1st Kathleen McKenna (Cromane ‘B’) and Muireann Joy (Scoil Mhuire ‘A’); U-10 1st Marian Joy (Milltown Presentation N.S.); U-12 1st Eilís Ní Fhoghlú (Kilgobnet N.S.).

Group Dancing – 1st Scoil Mhuire; Solo Singing – Anthony Shannon (Scoil Mhuire);

Question Time – 1st Scoil Mhuire.

Adult Talent Competition

Recitation – Francis Cahillane (Intermediate School ‘C’);

Solo Singing – Liam Shannon (Badminton Club) and Tony O Shea (Laune Mountaineering Club);

Group Singing – Laune Mountaineering Club and Intermediate School ‘C’;

Solo Dancing – Mary Fleming (Vocational School ‘B’); Group Dancing – L.M.C;

Solo Instrumentalist – Michael O Connor (Vocational School ‘B’); Question Time – L.M.C.

Tops of the County: Killarney Hosiery beat Killorglin Youth Club.

The gross takings at the door were £104. The raffle netted £10.12.

  • Primary Schools’ Talent Competition Final on Fri. 30th March.

Solo Dancing – U-6 1st Austin Stack (Cromane N.S.); U-8 1st Muireann Joy (Scoil Mhuire);

U-10 1st Maureen Flaherty (Cromane N.S.); U-12 1st Siobhán Ní Aodha (Cromane);

Group Dancing – 1st Cromane N.S;

Group Singing – 1st Scoil Mhuire;

Solo singing – 1st Anthony Shannon (Scoil Mhuire);

Question Time – 1st Douglas N.S.

The perpetual trophy for the best school was won by Cromane N.S. for the third year-in-a-row and the school was permitted to keep the trophy permanently.

Adult Talent Competition Final:

Recitation – 1st Norma Prendiville (Youth Club);

Solo Singing – 1st Liam Shannon (Badminton Club);

Solo Dancing – 1st Bridget O Connor (Intermediate School ‘A’);

Solo Instrumentalist – 1st Stephen O Sullivan (Intermediate School ‘A’);

Group Singing – 1st The McCann Sisters (intermediate School ‘A’);

Group Dancing – 1st L.M.C; Question Time – 1st Youth Club.

The overall perpetual trophy was won by the Intermediate School.

  • Tops of the County final on Sun. 1st April:

1st Badminton/Laune Mountaineering Clubs (‘Anna and the King’); 2nd Killarney Hosiery (‘Robin Hood and his Merry Men’); 3rd Fossa Youth Club (‘McCarthy’s Meitheall’).

(On Sat. 5th May in the Ashe Memorial Hall, Tralee, the Badminton/Laune Mountaineering Clubs won the County ‘Tops of the Towns’ competition).

The finals in Killorglin grossed £325.88. The raffles at the finals netted £30.68.

The adjudicator was Ms. Mary Godfrey, Cahersiveen. The M.C. was Jerome Conway. Question-master was Sean O Reilly. Score and time-keeper was Pat Finnegan.

The total gross takings from the Tops of the County/Primary Schools’ Talent Competition were £680, plus £72 net from the raffles. The expenses amounted to £426.23, consisting of the following: Tops of the Clubs prize money £150 (1st place £100, 2nd £30, 3rd £20), Liam Woods (Amplification) £30, Adjudicators £52, Advertisements £29.20, Liam Foley (Music for dancers) £15, Trophies £60, Johnny McCarthy (Maintenance of CYMS) £15, Hire of CYMS Hall £45, Tickets (Rapid Print) £3.16, O Leary Printing £16.87, Teas £10. This left a net profit of £263.77, plus £72 from the raffle.

(ii) The Carnival. That was the second Annual Carnival, which was organised by the club. It commenced with a regatta on the Laune on Sun. 1st July and continued until Sun. 8th July. The items included regatta, donkey derby, putting competition, swimming competition, ladies football, fishing competition, tug-o-war, U-12 football blitz, senior football tournament, sports meeting, polka set contest, inter-pub barrel race. The Puck Fair Committee gave the club the use of the lighting for the carnival. These were put up around the town by volunteers such as Seamus Curran, Paul Lucey, Pat O Shea, Pat Lynch and Jerome Conway. Liam Foley (The Grove) started the regatta and policed it using his own boat. The putting competition was held in the church grounds. John Duffy Amusements attended in the Fair Field. Bar exemptions were given through the courts for 6th to 8th July. Dances were run in the CYMS Hall and Oisín Ballroom and a carnival queen was selected. The following sponsors were acquired for the carnival:

Regatta on Sun. 1st July Carling Black Label Seven-man race (Beamish and Crawford) £50. 1st Cromane Upper (John O Connor cox) 2nd Callanfercy, 3rd Cromane Lower.

Regatta Bass Ale Five-man race (Beamish and Crawford). 1st Callanfercy (Seamus O Sullivan cox), 2nd Cromane Upper, 3rd Cromane Lower (D. McCarthy cox). Regatta (Towers Hotel, Glenbeigh) £10, Donkey Derby on Thurs. 5th July (Tom Melia Supermarket) £5 plus trophy, Putting Competition (Killorglin Auto Works) £7.60, Swimming Competition (Clifford’s Cash and Carry, Tralee) £10, Ladies Football (Killarney Hosiery) £10, Fishing Competition on Sat. 7th July (Kerry Leather Fashions) £20, Tug-o-war on Sat. 7th July (Donal Mangan) £20, U-14 Football Blitz (Danag Factors, Tralee) £11, NACA Sports Meeting on Wed. 4th July (AIB) £25, Senior Football Tournament (Bank of Ireland) £25, Polka Competition on Thurs. 5th July (Francie Sheahan), Inter-pub Barrel Race on Fri. 6th July (Fitzgerald’s, Tralee).

Dances during the Carnival:

Fri. 29th June in CYMS Hall – The Country Hillsiders. Anne Galvin, San Francisco, was chosen as Carnival Queen.

Sun. 1st July in CYMS Hall – The Pearls Showband.

Tues. 3rd July in Oisín Ballroom – The Conquerors.

Fri. 6th July in CYMS Hall – Kevin Flynn and The Tipperary Express. Dancing 10pm to 2am.

Sat. 7th July in Oisín Ballroom – Denis Bowler and The Sunvalley Boys. Dancing 10pm to 2am.

Sun. 8th July in Oisín Ballroom – Vegas Country Sound. Dancing 10pm to 2am.

The Senior Football Tournament resulted as follows:

Semi-finals – Na hÁghasaigh beat Austin Stacks; Laune Rangers beat Mid-Kerry.

Final – Na hÁghasaigh 3-10; Laune Rangers 2-6.

The income from the carnival was £1,445, which included Gates and Dance Doors £1,180, Entry Fees for Blitz £8, Medals (St. Kevin’s) £15, Co. Bord na nOg Grant £15, Sponsorship £193.60, Commission on Advertisements £20, Angling £1.50, Minerals in shop in the field £12.

Expenditure amounted to £1,126.43, which included Bands £380, Hire of Halls £170, Johnny McCarthy £9, Regatta £80, Donkey Derby £15, Tug-o-war £12, Senior Football £25, Lights £34.63, O Leary’s Printing (Posters and Stickers) £18.33, Kerryman (Advertisements) £63.15, Liam Woods (Amplification) £50, Cork Examiner £2.63, Pat Finnegan (trophies) £218.69, Queen of the Carnival £10, Canberra £16, Balls £2, VAT £20. The profit from the carnival was £318.57.


2. Social and Travel Sub-Committee. Members – Pat Lynch (Chairman), Edso Crowley and Johnny O Connor. The remit of this sub-committee was to (i) run regular dances and (ii) organise the club trip to London.

(i) Sun. Jan. 28th Biddy Ball dance in the CYMS. Dancing to The Big Four. There was only one Biddy Group and the Caragh Lake group, led by Pat Joy, took the prize. Gross takings £133.80.

Sat. 17th March in CYMS Hall. ‘The Pearls’ band. Polka competition. Adjudicator – John Houlihan. Gross takings £154.

Thurs. 31st May in CYMS Hall. ‘The Pearls.’ Gross takings £91.10.

Thurs. 21st June in CYMS Hall. ‘The Arrivals’.

Aug. 10th, 11th and 12th Puck Fair dancing. 40 players were asked to act as stewards in their turn and 39 responded positively.

Thurs. 1st Nov. in CYMS Hall. ‘Country Hillsiders.’ Gross takings £220.05.

Sat. Dec. 8th in CYMS Hall. ‘The Swinging Jarveys.’ Gross takings £182.50.

(ii) The Laune Rangers trip to London took place from Thurs. 30th Aug. until 4th Sept. The air-fare was £24. It was not a charter flight, rather an ordinary group flight. Three games were played, as follows: Laune Rangers 1-12; Kingdom 1-6; Laune Rangers 1-17; Dr. Crokes 2-5; Laune Rangers drew with Dr. Crokes. Paddy Forde organised a VIP reception and dance in the Cavendish Rooms.


3. Field and Development Sub-Committee. Members – Pat O Shea (Chairman), Paul Lucey, Sean O Reilly, John Foley and John A. O Brien.  Pat Horgan did a lot of repairs to the dressing rooms.

(i) Billy Dodd suggested that there should be a survey of the parish to discover the extent of demand for a Community Centre in the J. P. O Sullivan Park. A survey form was composed and distributed to all the households in the parish through the primary schools. There was a good response to the survey. A discussion was held at the club meeting of 26th Nov. on the financial viability of a Community centre. An elaborate complex, including a swimming pool, would require an estimated repayment of a loan @ £3,500 over seven years. It was suggested that a Ball Alley cum Squash Court and a tarmacadam tennis court and licensed premises would be more viable. Based on that, Paul Lucey was appointed to draw up plans.

(ii) Earth from the excavation for the new Primary School was acquired from Boyle Bros (200 tractor loads). John McGillycuddy commenced embanking the western side of the field. Unfortunately, the weight of the earth against the boundary wall caused the wall to crack and to lean outwards. Apparently, there had been no provision made for the embankment against the wall – stones should have been put in as reinforcement and drainpipes should have been provided to allow the excess water to drain away through the wall. The embankment earth had to be taken away from the wall. The embankment was then graded and the stones had been picked. The embankment of earth against the wall in the stand was retained.

(iii) Both goalmouths were sodded, as were bare patches in the field.

(iv) Francis Buckley was employed to bore two wicket gateways through the mass-concrete wall at both ends of the pavilion.

(v) A plan was outlined for the extension of the juvenile pitch at the end of the field. It would require the purchase of a very small bit of land in order to straighten out the boundary fence. The price asked by the owner, Danny Kissane, was regarded as astronomical.

(vi) A grant of £200 was received from Central Council for the erection of the stand.


  1. Bord na nOg Sub-Committee. Members – Michael O Shea (Chairman), Liam Shannon, James O Riordan, Pat O Shea, Paudie O Connor, Jerome Conway and Johnny O Connor.

Most of the work of that sub-committee included training of teams, organisation of transport to games and organisation of parish leagues and challenge games.

A grant of £160 was given to the sub-committee by the Senior Club. Michael O Shea also requested, and was given, the proceeds of the raffle during the Talent Competition. The number of games played at juvenile level, excluding parish leagues, in 1973 was as follows:

U-12A – 19 games (won 16, lost 3).

U-12B – 5 games (drew 1, lost 4).

U-13A&B – won 1 game each.

U-14 – 27 games (won 20, lost 7).

U-14B – 2 games (lost 2).

U-16 – 13 games (won 9, lost 3, drew 1).

The cost of transporting the teams from Michael O Grady was:

U-12 – £20.80, U-14 – £21.10, U-16 – £17.50, Minor – £10.90. That figure was kept to a minimum because mentors carried players to games in their own cars.


  1. Finance Sub-Committee. Members – James Coffey (Chairman), Brendan Fullam, Pat Lynch and Sean O Reilly. The remit of that sub-committee was threefold – looking after invoices, costing expenditure and collecting gates.


Other matters that arose at the 36 club meetings during the year were as follows:

Mon. Feb. 5th – Seamus Naughton’s request for £10 travelling expenses during 1972 was denied. He immediately resigned as senior selector. At the meeting of 19th March, James Coffey was co-opted in his place.

Mon. 12th March – It was decided to make a presentation of a TV set to Father O Leary upon his departure to Waterville. The visitors from Boston were entertained by the club during the weekend March 10th/11th.

Mon. 9th April – The Secretary was instructed to protest to the Director General of RTE re the coverage of GAA sports on television, with particular reference to the Kerry v Dublin match.

Mon. 27th Aug. – The following resolution was passed to be sent to the National Newspapers and Seán Ó Síocháin, Director General GAA: ‘That unless the Laune Rangers Club receives its due quota of tickets for both the hurling and football All-Ireland finals, it will withdraw its investment in the GAA Development Scheme. Kerry Co. Board has notified us that we are not getting tickets for either All-Ireland final because we have not registered our members through this Board to the Central Council. We wish to point out that, at the beginning of 1973, we registered 72 members with the Kerry Co. Board, in triplicate. In doing this, we also paid affiliation fees, insurance and other fees required by the Co. Board. We, therefore, fail to understand why we are not registered as members of the Association. If the 72 members, already mentioned, are not members of the Association, how is it possible for one of them to be elected as Co-Treasurer of the Kerry Co. Board. We believe that the same applies to officers on Provincial Councils and members of central Council Committees. Since we are led to believe that 60% to 70% of the clubs in the country are in the same position as ourselves, we would like to know how S. Ó Síocháin proposes to distribute the surplus tickets.’

Mon. 10th Sept. – Brendan Fullam raised the question of ownership of the field – Laune Rangers’ Club or J. P. O Sullivan Park Committee. He suggested that the Field Committee should be organised into the J. P. O Sullivan Park Committee. James Coffey favoured a more legal transfer.

Mon. 26th Nov. – The committee expressed its displeasure at the dropping of Seamus Curran from the panel of Kerry substitutes for the NFL game versus Cork. It was felt that the player should have been given a chance to prove himself before being dropped.

Mon. 17th Dec. – Pat O Shea was nominated by the club for the position of Munster Council Delegate and Senior Football Selector. James Coffey was nominated as Joint-Treasurer of the Kerry Co. Board.


The following members attended club meetings during the year: Jerome Conway (36), Pat O Shea (35), James Coffey (34), Pat Lynch (31), Maurice Harmon (25), Sean O Reilly (20), Pat Finnegan (18), Brendan Fullam (17), Jim Casey (17), Michael O Shea (14), Paul Lucey (11), Billy Dodd (9), Seamus Curran (9), Joe Crowley (8), Edso Crowley (6), Johnny O Connor (4), James O Riordan (4), Michael Corkery (3), Seamus Naughton (2), Pat Joe O Mahony (2), Liam Shannon, (2), Paudie O Connor (2), John Evans (2), Francis O Doherty (2), Tom Curran (2), Pa O Grady (1), Patsy Joy (1), Kieran Foley (1), Ted Houlihan (1), Timothy O Riordan 91), Patrick Foley (1), Barry Harmon (1), Denis O Neill (1), Teddy Mangan (1), John Clifford (1), James Harmon (1), Pat Horgan (1), Brendan Condon (1).


As well as the above, the following were also members of the Laune Rangers Club in 1973: Bertie Harmon, Liam Russell, Derry O Brien, Frank Russell, Jerry Coffey, John Richard Wharton, Brendan O Sullivan, Enda Curtayne, Timmy Doyle, John Reilly (Steelroe), John Foley (Dungeel), Jimmy O Shea, John Joy, Pat Joy, John Mangan, Patrick Roche, Davie O Shea, Paud O Sullivan, Austin O Reilly, Michael O Shea Snr. (Rangue), Tommy Woods, James Cahillane, Mike Hassett, John A. O Brien, Pat O Mahony, John Foley (Iveragh Rd.), Donal Mangan, Denis Lynch, Jim Galvin, Con Doherty, Noel O Mahony, Dermot Enright, Owen Mangan, Tony Lyons, Eva Mangan, Jimmy Doona, Gene Ahern, Sylvester Cronin, Mícheál Scanlon, Donal Prendiville.


At the Co. Board meeting on Wed. 7th Feb. the transfer of Noel Lucey from Laune Rangers to Glenflesk was sanctioned.


Denis O Neill refereed the following games for Kerry Co. Board:

Sun. 18th March. SFL Div. 1 at Keel: Keel 1-10; Dr. Crokes 2-4.

Sun. 15th April, SFL Div. 2 at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 2-11; Moyvane 1-4.

Sun. 29th April at Spa, SFL Div. 2: Glenflesk 1-10; Mill/Castlemaine 1-9.

Fri. 4th May, MFL at Milltown: Currow 0-8; Castlegregory 0-5.

Fri. 11th May, MFL Div. 1 Final at Killorglin: Austin Stacks 2-11; St. Mary’s 1-4.

Sun. 13th May at Spa, SFL Div. 1: Spa 2-9; Listowel 1-5.

Sun. 27th May, SFL Div. 2 at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 3-10; Rathmore 3-7.

Sun. 10th June, SFL Div. 1 at Sneem: Sneem 1-6; Austin Stacks 1-15.

Sat. 23rd June at Waterville, SFL Div. 1: Waterville 1-9; Austin Stacks 0-13.

Sun. 22nd July, SFC at Tralee: Kerins O Rahillys 0-4; Na hÁghasaigh 2-7.

Sat. 28th July at Tralee, SFC: Austin Stacks 1-13; John Mitchels 0-8.

Sun. 29th July at Killorglin, IFC: Sneem 2-8; Keel 1-10.

Fri. 3rd Aug. at Milltown, MFC: Kenmare v Na hÁghasaigh.

Fri. 10th Aug, MFC at Killorglin: East-Kerry beat Waterville.

Sun. 15th Sept, 1972 IFC at Tralee: Ballylongford beat Desmonds.

Sun. 14th Oct, NFC at Milltown: Templenoe 1-12; Annascaul 1-7.

Sun. 18th Nov. SFL Div. 1 at Kenmare: Kenmare lost to Desmonds.


Denis O Neill refereed the following games, amongst others, for Co. Bord na nOg:

U-14 Urban Final on Fri. 22nd June at Killorglin: Austin Stacks Dr. Crokes.

U-16 Urban on Wed. 4th July at Killorglin (Tech Field): Cahersiveen defeated Legion.

U-16 Rural on Thurs. 5th July at Killorglin (Tech Field): Beaufort defeated Milltown.


Denis O Neill (Laune Rangers) refereed the following Mid-Kerry games during 1973:

Sun. 11th Feb. at Killorglin, O Sullivan Cup (1972) Semi-final: Milltown/Castlemaine v Keel.

Sun. 8th April at Killorglin, O Sullivan Cup (1972) Final: Milltown/Castlemaine 1-8; Glenbeigh 2-3.

Sun. 11th March at Milltown, SFL: Milltown/Castlemaine v Keel.

Wed. 9th May at Glenbeigh, NFC: Glenbeigh v Keel.

Sun. 24th June at Killorglin, SFC: Glenbeigh defeated Beaufort.

Fri. 27th July at Killorglin, MFC: Glenbeigh lost to Beaufort.

Sun. 9th Sept. at Killorglin, SFC losers Rd: Beaufort 4-13; Milltown/Castlemaine 0-5.

Sun. 7th Oct. at Killorglin, SFC semi-final: Glenbeigh v Beaufort.

Sat. 15th Sept. MFC final: Milltown/Castlemaine v Beaufort.


Sean O Reilly refereed the following games for the Kerry Co. Board:

Sun. 15th April, SFL Div. 3 at Killorglin: Beaufort 2-10; Listry 2-3.

Fri. 4th May, MFL at Killorglin: St. Mary’s 4-11; John Mitchels 1-7.

Sun. 13th May, SFL Div. 3 at Killorglin: Kilcummin 1-7; Beaufort 0-7.

Sun. 10th June, SFL Div. 2 at Killarney: Glenflesk 2-7; St. Mary’s 1-3.

Sun. 10th June, SFL Div. 1 at Killarney: Dr. Crokes 3-18; Waterville 1-4.

Sun. 24th June at Milltown, SFL Div. 2: Milltown 1-7; Gneeveguilla 0-8.

Fri. 3rd Aug. at Killorglin, MFC: St. Brendan’s drew with South-Kerry.

Fri. 10th Aug, MFC at Cahersiveen: South-Kerry beat St. Brendan’s.


Sean O Reilly (Laune Rangers) refereed the following Mid-Kerry games in 1973:

Wed. 9th May at Milltown, NFC: Milltown/Castlemaine v Beaufort.

Wed. 6th June at Killorglin, NFC: Milltown/Castlemaine v Keel.

Sat. 16th June at Killorglin, SFL play-off: Glenbeigh 1-15; Beaufort 0-6.


Seamus Naughton refereed the following games for the Kerry Co. Board:

Sun. 1st April, SFL Div. 2 at Glenbeigh: Glenbeigh 2-8; Milltown/Castlemaine 2-8.

Sun. 29th April at Milltown, SFL Div. 3: Firies 2-7; Scartaglin 2-3.

Sun. 24th June at Listry, SFL Div. 3: Listry 3-8; Templenoe 1-3.


Seamus Naughton refereed the following game for the Mid-Kerry Board:

Sat. 19th May at Glenbeigh, SFL: Glenbeigh v Beaufort.


Jerome Conway refereed the following games, amongst others, for Co. Bord na nOg:

U-14 Urban on Wed. 25th April at Killorglin: Dr. Crokes defeated Cahersiveen.

U-16 Urban on Wd. 11th July at Killorglin: Cahersiveen defeated Dr. Crokes.

U-16 Rural on Thurs. 12th July at Killorglin (Tech Field): Milltown Glenbeigh.


Pat O Shea refereed the following games, amongst others, for Co. Bord na nOg:

U-14 Rural B Group 6 on Thurs. 11th April at Killorglin: Milltown drew with Beaufort.

U-14 Rural semi-final on Wed. 6th June at Killorglin: Rathmore 3-12; Waterville 3-3.

U-16 Rural on Wed. July 18th at Killorglin: Beaufort defeated Glenbeigh.

U-16 Rural on Mon. 27th Sept. at Killorglin: Ballydonoghue defeated Valentia.


Bord na nOg Chiarraí organised a Football Coaching Course on Sat. 17th Nov. Jerome Conway and Michael O Shea represented Laune Rangers.


National Football League Final on Sun. 6th May at Croke Park: Kerry 2-12; Offaly 0-14.

That was Kerry’s 11th National Football League title.

Kerry: Eamonn Fitzgerald, Donie O Sullivan, Paudie O Donoghue, Jimmy Deenihan, Ger O Keeffe, Derry Crowley, Mícheál Ó Sé, Dan Kavanagh, John O Keeffe, Brendan Lynch (capt.), Liam Higgins, Eamonn O Donoghue, John Egan, Mick O Dwyer, Jackie Walsh. Subs: Mickey O Sullivan for L. Higgins, Ger Power for M. Ó Sé. Trainer – Johnny Culloty.


Munster Senior Football Semi-final on Sun. 17th June at Tralee: Kerry 3-11; Tipperary 0-5.

Munster Senior Final on Sun. 15th July at the Athletic Grounds: Cork 5-12; Kerry 1-15.

Kerry: Eamonn Fitzgerald, Donie O Sullivan, Paudie O Donoghue (capt.), Jimmy Deenihan, Tom Prendergast, Derry Crowley, Ger O Keeffe, Donal Kavanagh, John O Keeffe, Brendan Lynch, Mickey O Sullivan, Eamonn O Donoghue, John Egan, Mick O Dwyer, Jackie Walsh. Subs: Liam Higgins for M. O Sullivan, Mícheál Ó Sé for T. Prendergast, Mick Gleeson for E. O Donoghue.

Ref: John Moloney (Tipperary).


Bart Moriarty was elected Hon. Treasurer of the Kerrymen’s Association in Dublin.


The gross amount returned to Laune Rangers’ Club from Ciste na Banban in 1973 was £376.70.


The Laune Rangers’ Church-Gate Collection in aid of the Kerry Team Training Fund yielded £45.19.


The extension of the boundary wall down by the road at the western side of the J. P. O Sullivan Park, the erection of the covered accommodation and the embanking of the western side of the pitch cost £3,100.


At the AGM of the Kingdom Club, London on Sat. 3rd Feb. in the Crown Hotel, Cricklewood, Christy Kissane was elected as Hon. Treasurer.


At the AGM of the Kingdom Club, Birmingham, Paddy O Sullivan, formerly of Steelroe, was elected as Hon. Secretary.


Pat O Mahony transferred back to his home club of Templenoe in February.


On Sat. 3rd Nov. a function was held in the Canberra Restaurant, Upper Bridge Street, during which 140 medals were presented to the Laune Rangers U-12, U-14 and U-16 teams. During the year they had won all the Mid-Kerry Championships, as well as 7-a-side tournaments in Cahersiveen and Killorglin. The U-12 team had, also, won the Co. U-12 Championship for the second year-in-a-row.


The Annual Club Social was held in the Towers Hotel, Glenbeigh on Wed. 2nd Jan. 1974. Tickets cost £2.25 each.


Co. Senior Football Final on Sun. 21st Oct. at Tralee: Austin Stacks 2-8; Na hÁghasaigh 1-6.

Co. Minor Football Final on Sun. 9th Sept. at Killarney: Shannon Rangers 0-16; Desmonds 1-2.

Co. Intermediate Final on Sun. 20th Jan. 1973 at Tralee: Ballylongford v Emmets.

Co. Junior Football Final on Sun. 21st Oct. at Connolly Park: Kilcummin 2-6; Churchill 1-7.

Co. Novice Football Final on Sun. 2nd Dec. at Tralee: Templenoe 3-13; Rathmore ‘B’ 0-4.

Co. Football League Div.1 winners – Austin Stacks.


The Annual Pantomime in the CYMS, Killorglin, was Robinson Crusoe.


The General Election was held on Wed. 28th Feb. The following were elected to represent the South-Kerry Constituency: (Valid Poll 27,340) John O Leary (FF), Timothy Chub O Connor (FF) and Michael Begley (FG). Paddy O Callaghan contested the election on behalf of Sinn Fein and received 1,014 first preference votes.


William Dennehy was Chairman of Kerry Co. Council.


In the Presidential Election on Wed. 30th May, Erskine Childers defeated Tom O Higgins.


The Rás Tailteann, Ireland’s ten-day cycling spectacular, commenced in Dublin on Fri. 29th June. Kerry had its smallest team ever, consisting of three cyclists, all from Killorglin, John Mangan (6th Rás), Denis Mangan (2nd Rás) and Donal Clifford (1st Rás). The manager of the team was Pat Healy. Also with the team were Denis Harris, Killorglin Club Chairman, Paudie Teahan and Brendan Foley. The team finished second in the overall classification.

The officers and committee of the Killorglin Cycling Club for 1973 were, Chairman – Denis Harris, Vice-Chairman – Ollie O Brien, Secretary – Michael Moriarty, Joint Treasurers – Brendan Foley and Denis Mangan, PRO – Denis Harris, Committee – Paddy O Callaghan, J. Clifford, Barry Harmon, Paudie Teahan, B. O Sullivan, T. O Connor, Maurice Harmon, J. McKenna, Donal Clifford, R. Sheehy, Pat Healy, Michael  Mangan, Michael Breen.


The AGM of the Mid-Kerry Board was held in the CYMS Hall, Killorglin on 21st Jan. 1974. The Secretary, Kevin Griffin, in his report, stated, “The year under review can be considered a successful one for the Board, from the point of view that all competitions, under the Board’s jurisdiction, were completed for the first time in a number of years. For far too long, the Board has been handicapped or prevented from playing off its competitions by clubs, who would not cooperate in getting the fixtures played off. The involvement of players with the county teams was one of the main reasons for the hold-up. One must have the greatest admiration for the Board’s present Chairman in awarding the delayed 1972 Championship Final to Milltown/Castlemaine, when Beaufort refused to play on Easter Sunday because some of their club players were playing on the following day with the Combined Universities. A stand had to be taken sooner or later, even if it meant a loss of revenue to the Board.

The big disappointment of the year was the failure of the Keel club to field a team in the O Sullivan Cup and of its poor showing during the year. Reluctantly, I must, also, report that the same club failed to attend eight successive Board meetings. This is a sad state of affairs as it is at these meetings a club finds out what is happening within the Board. I am appealing to the officers in charge of the club to get the game going again in the parish as it has been in the past.

Two teams from the area contested the Senior Co. Championship, Mid-Kerry and Laune Rangers, with the latter proving the more successful by reaching the semi-final for the second successive year, being beaten by Feale Rangers. Mid-Kerry had a narrow first-round victory over South-Kerry at Cahersiveen and were surprisingly defeated by Kenmare in the quarter-final. Lack of spirit amongst the players contributed to Mid-Kerry’s downfall. Very often in the past, the blame for the team’s defeats lay on the selectors and Board officers. This year the Board did everything possible to organise training for the team. Never were there more than four or five present at the training sessions and, very often, only one or two players deemed the exercise worthwhile.

The Mid-Kerry minor team, also, failed in the Co. Championship against a strong Shannon Rangers team, after defeating Feale Rangers in the first round at Listowel. The players in this grade, also, appear disinterested and it seems it is no longer an honour to wear a Mid-Kerry jersey.

During the year, the Board played a total of 46 games – 32 Senior, 8 Novice and 6 Minor. Bord na nOg played a total of 33 games in the U-12, U-14 and U-16 grades. The highlight of the year was, undoubtedly, Laune Rangers grand slam in winning the three Senior Competitions. In the 1973 Championship decider, Laune Rangers were lucky to overcome a very gallant Beaufort team, who were contesting their second successive final. In the League, Laune Rangers were also stretched to the limit in defeating Glenbeigh after a replay. The club completed the treble when beating Beaufort rather easily in the O Sullivan Cup Final. I congratulate Laune Rangers on its deserving success, which is the result of the great dedication of players and officials alike. Let’s hope other clubs take example from the Laune Rangers club. In the Minor Championship, Milltown/Castlemaine proved too strong for a young Beaufort team. Beaufort received some consolation for its Championship, O Sullivan Cup and Minor final defeats when winning the Novice Championship. Milltown/Castlemaine won the delayed O Sullivan Cup at the expense of Glenbeigh. As earlier mentioned, Milltown/Castlemaine were awarded the 1972 Senior Championship. All clubs within the Board took part in the various competitions run by the Co. Board, with Glenbeigh proving most successful in winning outright Div. 2 of the Co. League.

All games in the area were contested in a fine sporting manner and the standard of football reached a very high level. I would like to thank our referees, who did a great job for the game. I would like to compliment clubs that carried out improvements on their grounds and also to Glenbeigh, which is in the process of developing a pitch. I would also like to congratulate the same club, which, together with Laune Rangers, had successful trips to London during the past year.

I was disappointed to learn that the present Chairman is not seeking re-election. For a great number of years, he has devoted his time unselfishly for the sake of football in the area. He will be a tremendous loss to the Board and I am hoping he may yet consider becoming involved with the Board in some other capacity. It is, also, with regret that I make it known that I will not be seeking re-election at Convention, as I am anxious to devote more time to the interests of my own club.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the Kerryman for the wonderful coverage it gave our games. I would, also, like to thank club officers, Board officers, selectors and trainer who helped to make my job an easier one. I will specifically mention Board Chairman, James Coffey, whose work for football is, unfortunately, not fully appreciated.”



The AGM of Laune Rangers Club took place on Thurs. 27th Dec. 1973. The Secretary, Jerome Conway, in his report said, “A Chathaoirligh agus a chairde uilig, ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur romhaibh annseo anocht. Beidh mé chomh ghairid agus is féidir. I will endeavour to give a quick resume of the achievements of the club both on and off the field during 1973.

The year began with the setting up of the various sub-committees, Field, Activities, Social, Bord na nOg and Finance. Whereas these committees took enormous weight off my shoulders and possibly led to more achievements in the club, it served only to transfer the work on to the shoulders of the already overworked officers. This failed to achieve what I had envisaged i.e. the involvement of more people in the running of the affairs of the club. Probably the most successful committees in this respect were the Field and Bord na nOg committees. This is not to say that the other committees failed in their duties – indeed quite the contrary. But, perhaps, we can designate the responsibilities better next year.

Finance: This committee did not function properly, mainly because its duties were not stipulated.

Field and Development: This committee achieved a great deal in twelve months. The embankment was completed. The sodding of the goal-mouths has given the field new life. Repairs and improvements have been carried out in the pavilion. Greater compliment could not be given to Pat O Shea and his committee than to hear visiting teams say that the field is second to none in the county.

Social and Travel: Here the loyalty and devotion of Pat Lynch to the box-office is evident. A glance at the Statement of Accounts will show how important his committee’s contribution has been to the economy of the club. The unfortunate part is that for too many nights his committee has been a one-man show. Probably the highlight of the club’s social year was the trip to London. This was a most enjoyable few days. I would like again to take this opportunity to thank those who made it, for us, so enjoyable – Teddy Clifford, Patsy Hurley, Christy Kissane, and Paddy Forde, to mention but a few.

Activities: The Talent Competitions were very successful again this year. The competition, Tops of the County, exceeded all expectations and the future looks bright for this competition. The Carnival was a pretty exacting 10 days and, whereas it benefited the town no end, its returns to the club did not, in my opinion, merit its running. However, I must compliment our members, who helped in the various ways in running the carnival. Thanks also must go to the sponsors of the various items. Another example of the co-operation of the players in the affairs of the club is the Puck Fair Dancing. Whether the return from this justifies the work may be questionable, also. Nevertheless, thanks to those 39 players who did their part.

Bord na nOg: This committee has taken part in 122 games at various age levels with tremendous success. The results of the invaluable work of this committee will be seen in the next few years. Minor – played 6 games; U-16 – played 13 games (won the Mid-Kerry Championship), U-14 – Played 29 games (won Mid-Kerry Championship and 2 blitzes), U-13 – played 13 games, U-12 – Played 24 games (won the County and Mid-Kerry Championships), U-10 – played 14 games, U-17 – played 8 games.

Senior Team: Our selectors must receive the highest praise for sticking to their guns during the year. They came under heavy fire at times but took it manfully. The achievements of their care must have given them great satisfaction. They played 64 games, including Parish League. The Novice team played 8 games. The Seniors won the Mid-Kerry Championship, Mid-Kerry League, Mid-Kerry O Sullivan Cup and Cahersiveen 7-a-side. They also reached the Quarter-finals of the Co. Championship and perhaps, with a little luck, might have gone further.

It has been a long time since Laune Rangers have been so rampant in Mid-Kerry – we won everything except the Minor and Novice Championships. This is what our Chairman asked of us at the beginning of the year and, if what he says is true, and I believe it is, we can now face 1974 with greater confidence for our first Co. Senior Championship since 1911.”

Michael O Shea, Chairman Bord na nOg, gave his report. He apologised for not being able to fulfil to the full his duty as Chairman of Bord na nOg. Nevertheless, the juveniles achieved the following:

U-9 –played 8 games.

U-10 – played 14 games.

U-11 – played 10 games.

U-12 – played 24 games, won Co. and Mid-Kerry Championships.

U-13 – played 8 parish league games.

U-14 – played 29 games, won Mid-Kerry Championship.

U-16 – played 13 games, won the Mid-Kerry Championship.

Minors – played 6 games, were beaten in Mid-Kerry final.